
Our Guest Aliss Cresswell

See if that’s spiritual. Okay? Just always do that. And then you have to ask the Holy Spirit so what are you telling me? What was—think laterally. It’s not always obvious. You got to keep digging. Keep asking the Holy Spirit. He’ll show you the next thing cause He wants you to know. Cause He wants to, you know He wants to extend His kingdom, doesn’t He? The Lord wants to extend His kingdom but He’s going to do it through you. We’re waiting for God to come and to start revival but He’s waiting for you to start revival everywhere that you go. Cause you carry revival on the inside of you. The kingdom of heaven is within you so you’ve just got to let it out! So anyhow, yeah, these 2 woodpeckers come in the tree.

So when I get to the meeting that night I said is there— I told the woodpecker story like I just told you— and I said is there anybody here who has similar symptoms to the ones I had when this evil spirit came, you know it was like headaches, dizziness, deafness, disorientation. And I said I think it might be two people cause I’d seen two woodpeckers. So those are words of knowledge. Okay? And it usually happens— kind of you got to just keep thinking what is that? Is God trying to show me something? Because if you ask the Holy Spirit to tell you something He usually will tell you straight away. It’s usually the first thought in your head or the first feeling you have is usually the Holy Spirit. So two women came out and they’d had those symptoms for a long time. But when I said well it’s just an evil spirit they let go! Well that’s all right then!

So we just tell the evil spirit to leave. What I’d like to do is when somebody’s got an issue it’s like a demonic thing or it’s caused by an evil spirit I normally— I will get them to say Father God, please will you forgive me for allowing this thing a place in my life, for coming into agreement with it. Because you know when that happened with me I could have thought well I’ve got this illness now. I could have gone to the doctor and got medication for it. And sort of come under it and lived under it for a very long time. I wondered why when I pray I’m not getting better. All it was was an evil spirit. So we’ve got to see in the spirit realm just like Jesus did. He only did what He saw the Father doing in heaven. He spoke what He heard being spoken in heaven. So anyhow these people got completely set free. We prayed for them. The evil spirits come out and they get completely healed by Jesus. That’s good isn’t it?

AUDIENCE: (CLAPPING) ALISS: Something similar happened. You know it’s I just like to teach people and help them to understand the evil spirits are nothing to be scared of. They are scared of you. When you realize who you are, who lives within you, the enemy is so, so scared of you. He’s trying to stop you coming into all that God has for you. And I tell you what. It’s time. Oh yeah! C’mon. You’d better believe it. NOW is the time. You know God’s been getting you ready all these years for such a time as this! The things that you’ve been going through, it’s like the Lord showed me recently that after years and years and years and years of being in the wilderness, going round and round and coming under stuff and being attacked by the enemy and all this stuff. That now after all these years we have now come into the Promised Land. But you know what? The Promised Land is very different from the wilderness. Very different. We need strategy. We need tactics. And that’s why we need God to show us what we need to do. We’ve got to do everything that the Holy Spirit tells us to do. We must be so obedient to the Holy Spirit. But this one time I was in the cafe and there’s a lady she’d been healed of deafness. Like she was completely deaf in one ear. We prayed. We had to pep her up. You see we had a photographer in there all week because he witnessed a miracle and he asked could he come back for a whole week and take photographs. So he did. And so he’s taking photographs and she’s got completely healed in her left ear.

Our Guest Jerame Nelson

JERAME:  And I’m telling you I was in Jacksonville Florida about two months ago sharing the same thing. And it was amazing because as I shared it there was a fragrance that came right through the right side of the room and I mean it filled the whole place like ten minutes after I started sharing. And I’m telling you I took one look at the pastor, he took one look at me and we all hit the floor. And you know what happened that night? There was at least, 4 different testimonies of people in a small church that had face to face encounters with Jesus. See sometimes when these senses open up there is a reality or an invitation from God that opens up for you to experience more. See anytime God does something supernatural it’s an invitation. Who wants to have an invitation from the Father?


JERAME:  Who wants to know more? Because He wants us to know more. And He wants to heighten our spiritual senses so, so that we can begin to recognize His voice when He speaks. And, you know I’ve been in meetings, we do a lot of healing ministry, I’ve been in meetings where if there’s a fragrance to the God side of things there’s a fragrance to the not-God side of things. And I’ve been in meetings where I walked to the right side of the room and I smelt a fragrance, that it, it just smells like you know, something that’s rotting and every time I’d walk over there I’d go What is that? And the Lord said somebody needs a miracle from cancer on that side. Just call a word of knowledge out. And I, I don’t necessarily say Hay, I smell the fragrance of something rotting.

I just say is there someone with cancer over here and they raise their hand and then they get healed. And so sometimes, you know, it’s, it’s like God is heightening us and He’s, He’s trying to get us to be aware of things so that we can pray about ‘them. Right? How many of you know we should always be praying? Right? We should be quick to listen, slow to speak. Right? And, and always be praying about the things of God. And, and what God wants to do is, is God wants to train us up into walking in the things of the spirit. Now let’s talk about taste. That’s an interesting one. But the Bible’s full of stories. I mean you have Ezekiel in chapter, you know in Ezekiel 3, 1 through 3 you have a commissioning that Ezekiel goes through. Now I want you to understand something.

Does God always do things that totally make sense to the mind? Not really. But what we got to look for is fruit. If there’s no fruit in someone’s life I don’t care what kind of encounter they had, if it hasn’t transformed their life then it’s not God. But if there’s a fruit and an evidence of His nature and His purity, His power, His, His goodness, His glory that’s reflected through the encounter into that person’s life or through that person how many of you know that’s of God. And so you’ve got Ezekiel. You know he’s probably hanging out and praying and an angel shows up and feeds him a scroll. I don’t know about you but that’s kind of strange. I mean if who’s ever been like Lord I love you and then, you know a scroll goes down your throat. Ha! I mean that’s kind of strange but you know what? I don’t mind strange as long as there’s the fruit. You want to know what the fruit was? He was a prophet of God from that moment on.

Every word that he spoke forth we’re still seeing them come to pass today. And there was, there was, an activation of a gift and of an anointing that came in his life as a result of that encounter. I’m telling you today that can happen to you. You know we’ve, we’ve done activation times, in every time that we’ve taught this and we’ll do it corporately, we’ll get people to lay their hands on their eyes, and their tongue, and their nose, and their ears, and their hearts and it’s been amazing because we’ve had several people that have actually gone into open visions, of scrolls that open up with a life scripture on them. And they’ve testified to God giving them that scripture and then weeks after that they see it manifest. How many of you know that’s amazing, right? See if we’re really hungry to see and to hear and to feel then, then all we have to do is say God, please, I want to see, I want to hear, I want to feel, I want to know more. And, and it’s amazing because some of us are having encounters that are the same as others but we just don’t know it.

Our Guest Jerame Nelson

JERAME:  Jesus! And the direction that Jesus wants to go. Right? And so I love that because sometimes God will open these realms up for us so that we can be led of His spirit. And I remember that night, you know, I said all right I ditched the fire message and I preached on the joy of the Lord and you know what happened? More miracles than I had ever seen before! I’m telling you deliverances happened. People got saved. People, people were like set free from years of bondage! I mean what would have happened if I wouldn’t have followed the leading of the Lord, right? See that’s the key. Following the leading of the Lord.

And I remember, you know, I remember THE first time that I ever smelt a supernatural fragrance. it’s actually hilarious because I, I was,  – I met this man by the name of Bob Jones, and you know he’s a prophetic guy. And anyway people warned me that he’s like a country prophet and that he could, he could say stuff at any time that was crazy. And so I met him and I was in this room and he starts praying for people. And he gets, he prays for this whole line of people and I thought I’m going to get at the end of the line because God responds for hunger, you know? And so he prays and he’s praying for these guys. And he gets to me and right when I’m thinking All right! Here it is! I’m going to get prayer for impartation. He goes, Sit down boy, the anointing’s gone. Thinking what? So I sit down and I’m like thinking Man, what did I do wrong? You know? And He goes and grabs some chicken and he’s eating chicken in this green room. And, and then I, I feel stupid so I’m like I’m leaving and I get up to like leave and when I go to grab the door he goes, Come here boy, the anointing’s back!


JERAME:  So I’m thinking What? And so I go and I, I’m like all right. So I stand over there. And he puts his chicken down and wipes his, his leg and he, and he looks at me and he goes You smell that? And I said Smell what? You know and he goes Do you smell that? And I’m thinking Chicken? And he goes No, sniff! And so I go [Jerame sniffs]. And he goes You smell that? And I go No. And he goes C’mon you’re dull. So you smell again. So I, I said to God, like Lord please let me smell something!


JERAME:  I mean I already got rejected once. And so I go [Jerame deeply sniffs]. And when I said God, PLEASE let me smell something it activated. How many of you know we got to ask? And when it, when it activated the most beautiful fragrance came. And it was like overwhelming. I mean I just got hit! And, and I said Wow, I do smell that! And Bob goes, Yup! You’re a sweet smelling stench in your Daddy’s nostril. He said that’s your intimacy coming before the Father. Your prayers and, and your intimacy are like a fragrance to Him in, in the throne. And, and then he said a prophecy over me. He said 2nd Corinthians 2: 14, he said: Now thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph through Christ and through us diffuses the fragrance of Christ. And I’m telling you that was my first encounter with the fragrance of God but I learned something that day. There’s a fragrance to Christ. So if a fragrance shows up in our house or in church or wherever how many of you know our attitude should not be Oh, yeah, we’ve smelt that before. Cause if there’s a fragrance to Jesus and He shows up, what if it’s Jesus testing our hearts to see if we really want Him and if we’re discerning enough to realize He’s in the room. See this puts a whole different understanding together when it comes to the supernatural. God does the supernatural with a purpose! So if a fragrance were to show up here right now what, what should the response be? That response should be on our faces before God because the King just walked in.


Our Guest Rodney Hogue

SID: And in that glory, what happened?

RODNEY: And in that glory she got set free.

SID: You told me something else that’s very important. As this gift developed in you to set people free, you began to … Well, I had a thousand people that got set free, you began to look at them as individuals, not a corporate or just a job to do, put a bandaid, goodbye. Tell me that difference.

RODNEY: When I first started ministering in this area, I had a job to do and I didn’t see the person as a person. I had a job, I’m going to cast the demon out. And so that was my agenda, and I would have even sacrificed you on the altar of my agenda to get that thing out. Then the Lord began to show me people as he sees them.

RODNEY: So there’s a heart of compassion that began to rise up within me that I shifted from just having an agenda to see the person is the priority. The person is what’s important. So their freedom needs to be a love encounter with Jesus and so I had to shift how I did it, and the Lord did it by letting me see the person as he would see them. Every person has value. Everyone has significance.

SID: Well I’ll tell you what, many believers have, and it’s through ignorance, opened doors to the demonic. Rodney will expose the open doors when we return.

SID: You know, Rodney, are you afraid of demons? You’ve prayed for thousands to be set free. Are you afraid of demons?

RODNEY: The demonic uses the same strategy; it’s fear, it’s intimidation and it’s deception. They want you to fear them. They actually do things so that you will be afraid. For example, if somebody manifests, that thing is simply manifesting so you’ll back off, so you will be afraid. And so people come into an agreement with that. Oftentimes that fear that that person is feeling is not their own fear. It’s a fear that’s being projected on them by that spirit. So they’re feeling this sense, I got to get out of here, I got to run, this is scaring me, because they don’t recognize they’re not experiencing God’s authority. They’re actually experiencing that.

RODNEY: One of the things I think that’s important is that when we’re ministering in this area here, that we need to pull out the authority that’s inside that believer. In the book of Acts, and in the gospels, there’s a process in which a deliverance happens where I have the authority of Jesus and I’m bringing the kingdom of God into a place. So therefore the way that … This modality is me with the authority of Jesus, advancing the kingdom, bringing his kingdom to a place, demons manifest, and we’re casting them out.

SID: So what do you do when you feel fearful?

RODNEY: Well, basically that, to me that’s a sign that you’re history, because you just showed me that, you just played your cards. You’re there and now I know you’re there.

SID: Many Christians through ignorance have opened doors. Tell me about these open doors.

RODNEY: Well, Ephesians chapter four verse 27 says, “Do not give the devil an opportunity,” and he’s talking to believers there. That word opportunity sometime is translated as a foothold or a place, “Do not open the door to the enemy.” So what happens is that the enemy is looking for legal loopholes, for legal rights, for legal inroads into a person’s life. So he will simply just, he just can’t jump on you anytime he wants to, he’s got to have a legal right, and he will stretch it if he can. Even though it’s not quite a legal right, he will simply go for that.

Our Guest Kynan Bridges

SID: When you said that, did you believe God was going to do it?

KYNAN: Absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt. He has to perform His word. You see, we have to say what He has already said. He said that He is the healer. He said that His word will not return void. When we come into agreement with God, watch this, we qualify for what Matthew 18 says, “Where two or more shall agree, they’ll have what they say.” When you agree with God, that’s two or more people right there. When you and God agree, that’s the majority. What happened was this young man, when we said God can fix it, to everybody’s surprise, it was totally reversed in two weeks. It’s totally gone. We have the pictures, we have everything. It was totally gone. Now, one of the reasons-

SID: Now, just out of curiosity, if she’d gone to a doctor, would she have had some medicine to cure that?

KYNAN: No, absolutely not.

SID: No?


SID: Well, that’s a real miracle.

KYNAN: Yeah. You see, a miracle is when God interrupts the natural course of human operation. It’s when God invades our natural course of events.

SID: You have an explosion of miracles in Australia, creative miracles. Tell me about one.

KYNAN: Yeah, I’m preaching in this meeting in Australia. It was very powerful. Preaching in this meeting, and as I’m preaching, I just of stopped, but I had a word of knowledge. I said, “Somebody’s eyes opening right now,” but what I didn’t know is that one of the guys in the tech booth had a very severe accident where his eyeball was actually detached from his brain. There was no tissue connecting the eye and it was total blindness. For six years, he suffered from this condition.

SID: Was that medically treatable?

KYNAN: No, that’s not medically. They can’t go and just reattach that. He was totally blind. There was no fixing it and all of a-

SID: It was either God or be blind.

KYNAN: It was God or be blind. And so in that moment, literally, like a snap, this is the way he described it. There was a snap and something popped, and his eyeball reattached to the brain supernaturally. And watch this, he starts shouting and he starts screaming, and he starts jumping up and down. He says, “My eye, my eye, my eye,” and his wife thought he was going crazy or something because he’s like, “My eyes,” just pointing. He’s like, “Look, look, look, my eye.” And he has sustained that miracle till today.

SID: When Kynan prays, and this is, it’s not just him, it’s for all of us. When Kynan prays, there is the glory of God and he speaks God’s word. Anyone can speak God’s word, but in that glory, miracles erupt. When we return, I want Kynan to pray for miracles to erupt in the glory of God. Be right back.

Our Guest Brenda Kunneman

BRENDA: I say in Jesus’ name that your body begins to receive life afresh. It begins to receive new zeal, new life, new soul in life from the spirit of God. I prophesy wholeness now. I prophesied healing now. I say that you begin to experience the quality of life. No more lying in bed, no more aches, no more pains. We speak against aches, pains, ailments, every manner of condition in the body that would try to take away from your joy, that would keep you from living life afresh.

BRENDA: In fact, I say renewed energy comes upon you now in the authority of the name of Jesus that you’ll begin to run again. Dance again. Do things, come on, that you couldn’t do. You’ll begin to step out in a new way and even exercise again, for there’s a new life and an energy coming upon you now in Jesus’ name. And there are people that you are… I just see somebody. Your marriage is in trouble. You feel like your whole relationship. Everything you’ve tried to do, you’ve been to counseling, you’ve been to… out there to get help and your marriage is in trouble.

BRENDA: I speak right now over that spirit that is tried to come into your home, that striving spirit of contention. We speak against misunderstanding. We break the power of every demon spirit to come in that would be a divider and that would be a severer, that would bring a confusion and a lack of peace. We bind that warring, demonic spirit that has come in to divide one against the other and create great chaos. We say in your household, “Peace, you return. Peace, you return.”

BRENDA: We prophesy that the unity of God begins to descend in a supernatural way. So much so, in fact, I feel the Lord say even now, “You watch what takes place over your marriage relationship,” that you will see in the months to come ahead of you as this is being spoken that you will say, “I don’t even know what we were so upset about. Why were we fighting? What was all of this issue?” Because the spirit of God is about to bring a whole new piece into your home, “And it’ll shock you,” says the Lord, “And you will love one another greater than you ever have before.”

BRENDA: Now, I want to speak another thing that I feel by the spirit of God. Those of you with prodigal children that are away from the Lord, we speak over them and we say that every seducing spirit, every lying spirit, every child that is suffering from a rebellious, stiff neck resistance, we speak over your prodigal sons and daughters, and we say right now, “Satan, you take your hands off of them.”

BRENDA: We break up that hardheartedness and we say it’s replaced with a soft heart, an open heart, a heart that sees truth and sees life and sees blessing. We say that they come back into right fellowship with you and fellowship with God in the name of Jesus, and we say, “Demo, get off of them.” And we loose the spirit of God upon your prodigal children, and we say they are coming home now.

BRENDA: In fact, I feel by the spirit of God. I hear the Lord say, “Begin rejoicing mother and father. Begin dancing. Begin running again. Get the feast ready for the prodigal child is about to come home in Jesus’ name.” Hallelujah. Just receive that right now.

SID: If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, out loud, and believe in your heart that he rose from the dead, you shall be saved.

Our Guests Tracy Cooke and Emma Stark

TRACY: Sid, I just got back from being in Honduras with Pastor Maldonado and in [unintelligible]. At the time we’re doing a crusade there. God gave me a dream and He set me in a dream in China. Now, I’m aware of… I must say not everything, but in this dream God sent me to a laboratory room, a lab room and I saw the virus being created. I saw how it’s coming from—

SID: I’ve heard rumors about this but you actually saw it being created.

TRACY: I saw it being created. Now, we also got… remember now the shaking is coming because chapter three’s verses, God’s in the shaking. The enemy took that as a leverage to produce the spirit of fear and torment of the entirety of the world. God is raising the prophetic voices to give us a strategy, a plan, how to go one step ahead of the enemy. Amos 3:7 says, “He’ll do nothing unless he first reveal it to the prophets.” God would be unjust, if He didn’t give it to the prophets, He’ll be violating His covenant to the nation Israel and to the Gentile world, if He didn’t show what was going on in America and the world today.

TRACY: He took me into the nation of China and I was taken to this lab room with scientists and everything. I saw behind closed doors, it was Nancy Pelosi, she’s in the Democratic party. They said, “We could not impeach Trump.” I shared some of this in January then when I was here.

SID: But some haven’t heard that.

TRACY: Some have not heard it. God gave me a dream that they would try to impeach him but the impeachment would fall. Then they would try to… they needed leverage. Then into my dream in China, so God deals with me more like he did with Daniel in dreams. He shows me prophetic stages to what’s happening in the world. I’m in Honduras and I had this dream for two hours and I’m taken to this laboratory room. I see these scientists creating the virus and the threats of this virus would come through on the garments and the machine shooting in the air and their needles like vaccines.

TRACY: I’m not saying you shouldn’t take vaccines but that’s an antidote that’s coming, that hasn’t been presented yet. This timeframe of shaking and the introduction of fear from the enemy, it’s to deal with the landscape of the American churches and the corruption. China and… I’m very careful to say this, but God is tired of what China has done to God’s people. How it has tried to stop the church from moving forward as God’s people.

SID: They’ve been persecuting Christians.

TRACY: They have been persecuting, burning down mega churches, trying to martyr the saints. God spoke to me in a dream in Honduras. He said, “Enough is enough.” When God gets enough is enough, He’s going to start showing the prophets was coming. January, the 15th, actually the end… the first two parts… the first part was end of December 2019. The second part, January the 15th. He told me within the four months, we just got to see Him. That’ll make it April to 15th through 16. What is that to the nation of Israel, is the Passover time. We’re going to start seeing this virus and then I had a dream. The second part of—

SID: What is going to happen on Passover?

TRACY: We’re going to start seeing this virus—

SID: Diminish.

TRACY: … diminish.

SID: Okay.

Our Guest Candice Smithyman

SID: Is that why so many are grabbing hold of the revelation now of proclaiming and declaring God’s promises and confessing them out loud? Is that what goes on? Your waiter is no longer unemployed?

CANDICE: I would say yes. But you know what? I think we’ve been taught for years by just amazing pastors and leaders, speak the Word of God, change will happen, and that is 100% truth. But, we don’t have a lot of teaching on the fact that angels hearken to the voice of the Lord and the voice of the Lord his Word. And so, it’s two fold. We’re called to speak the Word to transform our souls and transform our environment, but also the angels are waiting to join us in the Word. So, it’s another understanding right there. It’s been in there from day one that God has sent us the angels and they hearken to the voice of Jesus. They responded to him. We are eternal just like he is. Plus, he bought for us our salvation so, so much more shall we have them come alongside us because he’s seated with the Father and the Lord wants us to have that kind of protection, encouragement and love from heaven.

SID: Now, Candice visited heaven and it so radically changed her life. When she tells this experience, and prays for you, I tell you, it’s going to radically change your life too. Want to hear?

We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.




We now return to It’s Supernatural.

SID: When I heard this story, I said to Dr. Candice, “I want you to explain it. What going to heaven was like, what it did for you.” Would you do that now?

CANDICE: Yes. It was a radical visual that God gave me of the royal table. And when he took me into that place, and I was literally—

SID: What is the royal table?

CANDICE: Yes, the royal table. Isaiah Chapter 25, verse 6, says that we will be seated at a banquet table full of wines and it will be a great feast that we will have in the end times. And so, but that table, okay, is in existence today. He sits at that table. And yes, there’s the great cloud of witnesses there and there’s angels at this great banquet table. So, the feast is going on. There’ll be another great one when we are all with him together. But nonetheless, there is a seat in the here and now that you have that has your name on it. The gold plate with your name on it. Gold silverware right before you, golden chalices, fruit, there’s bread in front of you that is the revelation bread, the bread of life, the bread of heaven, right in front of you. There is just oil, there’s oil in the lampstands, all of these lampstands but there’s oil on the table that you can actually dip the bread in or dip your fingers in.

CANDICE: The angels come and they bring what we need, but the most beautiful part is not the food and not the gold, it’s that he sits there with us and he communes with us. And when he laughs, the glory just comes forth and you’re just overwhelmed, and we have no consciousness of ourself. We only have consciousness of him. So, as humans we have so much consciousness of our humanity, and sin in humanity, always concerned about our weaknesses or what do we look like, all of these things. None of that. It is all him. And he comes and he sits down, he pulls up chairs and sits down next to people and just begins to talk with them. It’s so much love and total peace. It’s truly amazing. And I have that image burned in my mind so I can go there whenever I want to in any moment.SID: And what about the vats?

Our Guest Linda Markowitz

SID: And I have to ask you this, could you have survived this trauma, this ordeal you went through, without being so built up in your spirit from praying and supernatural languages in tongues? Could you have?

LINDA: No, I don’t think so. I believe I had been prepared, my heart was prepared, my spirit was prepared, it was built up, it was enabled, and it was empowered at that moment that I needed it. And then because I had that power and because I had that grace, I was able to move on.

SID: It says, we pray mysteries in the spirit.


SID: You prayed all of this into being for such a divine purpose. After 24 years in prison, Linda and her husband picked Ray up when he was released. Ray will be with us when we return.

We’ll be right back to It’s Supernatural.




We now return to It’s Supernatural.

SID: Now when this program ends, we have a special extended segment that I know you’re going to want to see. So at the end of the program, just log on to the website to watch because this extended segment, it will be life-changing for you.

SID: Now I’m here with Linda Markowitz and with Ray Ciaramaglia. And Ray was in prison, it was a drug-related crime for murdering your daughter. The grace of God came on you to become his mother.

SID: I have to ask you, even before you went to prison, after this drug-related crime occurred, you wanted to commit suicide. What did you do?

RAY: I put a loaded .45 in my mouth. Not once, but three times. It wouldn’t fire. I tried to fire it. I pulled it out and it fired. I put in my mouth, it wouldn’t fire.

SID: Excuse me, when you fired it in your mouth, it wouldn’t fire. And then you’d take that same gun and put it toward the ground and pulled the trigger and it fires?

RAY: It fired.

SID: Three times?

Ray Ciaramaglia: Three times. Three times it fired. I thought, “This is impossible.” How can I… I kept hearing, “No, no, no.” I said, “Yes, it’s going to happen. If I don’t do it myself, I’ll commit suicide by a cop. I’ll pull a gun on a cop and let him shoot me to death.” God said, “No.”

Ray Ciaramaglia: I said, “Yeah, it’s going to happen.” But it didn’t happen because towards the end, when the cops were coming and the officer pulled in in his cruiser, I took the gun and stuck it underneath my shirt, but there was no bullets in the gun. I already threw those in the creek. I already got rid of anything—

SID: So you were really going to commit suicide another way?

RAY:  Yes.

LINDA: One way or the other.

RAY:  Yes. One way or the other, I was going to be dead.

LINDA: Right.

RAY: I deserved it.

LINDA: Right.

RAY: But God said, “No. I have a different plan for you. I have a plan that you can’t even imagine. You’ll touch many lives. I’ll touch many lives through you if you’re willing to be the instrument of my love.” And that’s what it was. Pure, straight love.

SID: Now this happened on Mother’s Day, remember? And Linda, do you remember? Was going home and pulled into a little convenience store. Didn’t have a need to. She just pulled in and prayed in tongues.

LINDA: Right.

SID: That was the same time he could not commit suicide.

LINDA: Exactly. And we’ve talked about this. Apparently, it is the exact same convenience store where he turned himself into the police. Yeah. Yeah. He turned himself into the police there.

SID: I’ll tell you, I could just sit in the presence of God coming out of both of you right now. Can you guys feel what I feel?

LINDA: Absolutely. Absolutely.

SID: Now, Linda’s letter that went to you initially and Linda’s contact with you over those 24 years, what difference did it make in reference to your salvation?

RAY: It was like Jesus was talking through her. Like Jesus wrote that letter to me and I cried the whole way through the letter. I cried every time I read it. I’m sorry I gave it to my attorney because she never gave it back.

RAY: I would carry that letter in my pocket for the rest of my life if I had it. But I have it in my heart because I know what Mom said. She’s every bit my mom as if she gave birth to me and I’m so grateful.

RAY: But that letter changed my life because I wouldn’t have accepted Christ. I wouldn’t have. It wouldn’t have happened, but he was showing me, “I’m right here”. It was like he had his hands around me. He was holding me. He said, “I have you. You’re safe. I love you. Come to me. Come to me.” And I did. And it was the best thing I ever did. And he has done nothing but widen and lengthen and heighten my life in ways I still can’t… I’m thrilled and I’m grateful. I’m truly grateful.

Our Guest Tom Horn

TOM: So I believe it in all my heart I will look you in the eye and give you a new prediction like I did when I told you the Pope was going to resign and everybody said it would never happen. In April of 2029, and Apophis is going to strike the earth.

SID: Oh, I’ll tell you what, Tom has good reasons to believe that this asteroid is a cosmic cover-up of end time magnitude. Be right back.

SID: You know what you believed from the vision. You know what you believed from the Bible, Revelation 8, but what if an expert in astronomy were to look at Revelation 8. You talked to one. Tell me what they said.

TOM: Yeah, actually I had two different astronomers telling me that I wasn’t even reading Revelation 8 correctly, that the first four trumpets are the four stages of a singular event. Trumpet number one sounds and fire falls down from heaven and sets the fields and trees on fire. That’s the first debris that’s being pushed out ahead of an incoming asteroid. Trumpet number two sounds and a giant stone burning like a lamp falls into the sea and wipes out the ships, and this is a breaking up of a binary asteroid or a giant asteroid, like Apophis. Trumpet number three sounds, and this is the one that’s actually named Wormwood that contaminates a third of the Earth’s waters and many people die as a result of it. And then trumpet number four sounds and a third part of the stars and the sun and the moon are darkened, which is the result of all, and again, exactly what I saw when I didn’t even understand what I was looking at. All this debris rising up into the jet stream, getting spread around the earth and blocking out a huge portion of the sunlight.

TOM: It’s all a singular event as a result of an incoming massive stone, which is what Apophis is.

SID: Yeah. Speaking of a massive stone, give me some of the facts about how large it’ll be and some of the facts about Apophis.

TOM: Yeah, it was discovered at the Kitt Peak National Observatory, 2004 that’s when NASA named it Apophis. It is 370 meters wide or 1200 foot wide or four NFL football fields wide. It weighs an estimated 20 million metric tons. It is traveling—

SID: 20 million?

TOM: 20 million. It’s traveling at 28,000 miles per hour, and I’m telling you it’s going to hit the earth. Here’s what scientists say. If it does, and this is NASA’s experts, if it does hit the earth, mapping, by the way technology tells him, it’ll probably come down somewhere around the border of Mexico and California. So a highly densely populated area. Another NASA scientists said, think of it this way, take every nuclear warhead that is on earth today. China, America, Russia, everybody put them in one place and let them go off all at one time. And that’s what’s going to happen when Apophis strikes the earth.

SID: My goodness. Well, why do you say it’s a massive cover up?

TOM: Yeah. Well, so my friend at NASA, he was the one that put me on the trail. They don’t want this information getting out any sooner than it’s going to. By 2025 people will be able to look up in space and see this with their home telescopes, fairly sophisticated telescopes. Two years after that, they’ll be able to look up in space and see it with the naked eye. By that time, there’s going to be mass chaos and panic. So right now they’re doing mitigation efforts in the background, which we can talk about this as part of Trump’s space force, trying to figure out a way that they can stop this from impacting the earth.

SID: Now since this vision, since you’ve had astronauts and scientists describe what you saw, [how] you look at scripture is very different.