
Our Guest Larry Sparks

SID: Well, I’ll tell you that we under-value praying in tongues. I know that everything we have today, two networks, our own television show on other networks, our own production facilities, making shows that are going all over the world happened because I got together with other believers and prayed in tongues. I know the value. Look, it’s just the simple. You’re praying perfect prayers from the spirit of God. Prayers with a 100% faith. Why? Your peanut brain doesn’t get into the way of the impossible God wants to do in your life. You’re building up your spirit man. So I would say that is one of the most important, important gifts that someone could have.

SID: But there’s another thing that has kept me straight all these years. I live in what I call instant or rapid repentance. And they say, “Well, you’d be repenting your whole life.” No, I only repent when the Holy Spirit convicts me, and it’s very easy. And I find if I’ll repent of the little fox, it’ll never grow up to be a big fox. I live in rapid repentance. I pray in tongues. There’s many other things, but those are two good ones.

LARRY: But you know, one of the things that you often talk about, Sid, is with Abraham and Moses, they went into new places. They went into new territory, they were pioneers. They were pioneers. Sid, so many of us look at you. We recognize you as a pioneer. And what I love, it was not your ingenuity. It was not your ability. It was really your simple—

SID: I don’t have to practice humility. I know it’s not me. It’s not a facade. Everything you’re seeing is God.

LARRY: God is simply looking for people who are available and say, “Lord, I have a heart to follow you wherever you are going. I believe God is going to encounter you in a powerful way.” When Sid prays for the transferable glory to be released, expect the new. Like Abraham and Moses and Sid, God is not a respecter of persons. We have so much to cover with Sid. So we’re preparing a special fourth segment with him right after this show. Don’t miss it. We’ll be right back.

LARRY: Sid, thousands of non-believing Israelis and Jews across the world have attended your lectures in the supernatural. I’ve actually seen this when I was with you in Israel, the glory will come upon them. They get healed and then they make public professions of faith. Can you talk about this? This is amazing.

SID: Well, I have to tell you, I am overwhelmed. Jewish people that know nothing about the Messiah come to my lectures. Then all I do is wait on God and the glory sweeps through the auditorium. Anywhere from 40% to 70% will raise their hand. “I’ve just been healed.” These are non-believing Israelis. Once someone is touched by the presence of God, then they want to know this God.

SID: And then I give a lecture on the supernatural, which is basically why Jesus, or his Hebrew name Yeshua, is the Messiah. My own sister and brother in law came to one of my lectures. And my sister said something only a sister can say, Larry. She said, “Sid, you weren’t that good. But why did almost every Israeli stand up and come to know the Messiah?” And I said, “You’re right. I take no credit. I am one grateful Jewish secretary. I just follow dictation really well.”

Our Guest Jodie Hughes

SID ROTH: I have Jodie Hughes here, and she’s been a guest before with her husband. They were involved in Australia in something called the Pineapple Revival because it had a big pineapple out front of the building. They were in … they saw thousands, I mean, thousands of people healed and saved and speaking in tongues. They saw everything. In the midst of this, no one knew it except perhaps Jodie’s family, but she battled horrific sickness for 30 years.

JODIE: Yeah. Yeah, a long time.

SID ROTH: And in the midst of that sickness, you learned about the king’s decree.


SID ROTH: Tell me about this. What is the king’s decree, by the way?

JODIE: The king’s decree is releasing the word of the Lord from your own mouth, but it’s more than that. I believe that we are the king’s decree, that we carry the authority on the earth to release the word of God and that God has called us, anointed us, and appointed us to be the literal king’s decree on the earth. So it’s our mouth that God is asking us to open and decree and release what he’s saying from heaven.

SID ROTH: You know, with our mentality, it’s hard to believe that. We can believe that if someone’s on television, but are you saying that everyone watching us right now has been given the trust from God almighty to be a living king’s decree on this Earth?

JODIE: Absolutely. Matthew 18:18 says what you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and what you release on earth shall be released in heaven. That’s not saying you with the microphone, you with the television show, you who is your favorite mentor. It’s saying, you. Every single one of us who believes in Jesus, our voice must bind on the earth and must release on the earth because we are his representatives, his ambassadors on Earth.

SID ROTH: You learned about the king’s decree and you learned a lot about healing in 30 years of battling. Tell me about how bad it got.

JODIE: Yeah, it was really bad.

SID ROTH: 30 years is a long time.

JODIE: It’s a long time.

SID ROTH: Why didn’t you just say, “I give up,” or, “I guess I’m going to be like this the rest of my life.

JODIE: There was a knowing in my heart, what God was saying. That God was decreeing healing, that God is the God of resurrection and life. There were hard moments indeed, but there was a faith in my heart that God has spoken a different word. There were moments when I would literally get up in my hospital room and I would get up and I’d have tubes coming out of me everywhere. It’d be quite funny to watch, but I would go into the—

SID ROTH: I don’t know, I think I would have cried.

JODIE: I was crying many times, but I’d go into the bathroom and I’d march around and I’d hold on to my promises and the word of God. And when I say march, I mean shuffle. And I would have tears, but I’d be speaking out and I’d be saying, “God, you are the God of resurrection and life. You’re the God of healing.” Psalm 44:4 says, “My God and my king decrees victories for Israel, for God’s people,” for Jacob’s, some of the translations say, and I’d say, “Well, Jacob limped. I’m limping. There’s been a cost, God, but I am decreeing that you’re the God who decrees victories,” and I’d march around and around.

Our Guest Jon Hamill

SID: And Netanyahu was not supposed to win that race.

JON: He was not supposed to win that race.

SID: But history tells me different. What happened?

JON: It was absolutely extraordinary. Against all odds, Prime Minister Netanyahu won. We had dear friends we were having dinner with and they were weeping. And she said, “I just want you to know the results are in and against all odds, your Daniel 7:22 turnaround verdict has come through.

SID: And because God was so pleased that you prayed for this turnaround, he said a promise to you about the United States.

JON: He sure did Sid, it was extraordinary. There’s no passage of scripture that talks about the watchmen anointing as much as Isaiah 62, “I have set watchmen on your walls, oh Jerusalem, who will not hold their peace day or night.” And we were on the walls of Jerusalem facing the Western wall, when the Holy Spirit spoke to me something extraordinary. He said, “As you stood with me for my elections in my covenant land so I am standing with you for a turnaround in your 2016 presidential elections.”

SID: You wrote a book. It is not an accident this new book just came out, White House Watchmen. Why at this time in history is the message in this book so strategic?

JON: Sid, I think it’s because unlike any other moment in American history, we are at a dramatic crossroads where we can go either one way or the other. We can either spiral down again into the challenges of what can only be described as global governance tied to idolatry that brings subjugation not only to our nation, but to the nations.

SID: And the communists-socialists will get their way.

JON: The communists-socialists all amalgamated together in a Hitleresque expression. God has set us apart as a nation unto him. Our covenantal foundations, 400 years ago, my forefathers came over on the Mayflower inspired by the Jewish people. They dreamed of consecrating a land that would be covenanted to God generationally. And I saw by the Spirit how literally America has a choice to make that is going to be detrimental or very instrumental in securing his blessing for generations to come. The decisions we make at this time, the prayers we pray and the actions we take, they’re essential to securing God’s dream for the United States of America. We’re going to go one way or the other.

SID: And you headed this turnaround tour on a train and you called the train, I love the name, the glory train, because the purpose of the train was to turn around the nation. And you went to all 50 States to pray for a turnaround on the nation. But then, I thought Donald Trump is done as a candidate, when the news of his locker room talk and what he was doing, et cetera with his sexual immorality. I thought he was finished.

JON: Yeah. There’s no doubt. President Trump has made mistakes as have we all. And it’s been interesting how God has even used that, as we’ve pointed a finger at the President, President Trump, we’ve seen the Lord point the finger back us, judge not lest you be judged. And we’ve seen in both sides of the aisle, tremendous redemptive exposure and holy conviction restored. But it was very interesting. This really shows Sid, the power of the prophetic, the power of a word of knowledge that even continues within the administration today. The openness to prayer and the prophetic ministry. On the tour, we ministered at a little church in Virginia to a lady who was wearing a hoodie and just prophesied over. And to my surprise, I saw the doors of the White House open, and I saw her walk into the White House. And then we stayed in touch. I got a call from her, right as the news was breaking. You remember that the news media released these quote, locker room tapes, unquote right before the election to strategically sabotage President Trump and make it virtually impossible for him to win over Hillary Clinton.

Our Guest Jonathan Can

SID: Boy, that sure triggers a whole lot of stuff. But what did this ancient mystery reveal would happen after 9/11?

JONATHAN: Yeah. Well, the mystery says that the nation, first that’s falling away from God, it’s warned by God. He allows this strike on the land. This is classic biblical sign of judgment. It happened with ancient Israel, it happened with ancient Judah, it happened with America on 9/11.

JONATHAN: But, then what happened? What happened to ancient Israel is they didn’t come back. They went farther away from God. They defied him. That’s what the warning is. And the thing is, America has been following the steps of ancient Israel from that day. It’s been falling away, farther and farther, brazenly going away from God. And that, Sid, puts us at a much [more] dangerous moment now. And that means that there are more harbingers and more signs that have manifested since the harbinger, and since we first spoke about it.

SID: Are there harbingers of judgment that continued after you wrote the book, Harbinger?

JONATHAN: Yes. Yes, Sid. In Isaiah 9:10, the scripture that speaks of the enemy attacking the land. It says, “The sycamore will be struck down.” Isaiah 9:10, “The sycamore has fallen. But we will plant the cedar or the erez tree in its place.” Well, that happened in New York City. They actually planted this biblical tree as defiance. It’s the erez tree. They called it the tree of hope. Like America, we’re coming back stronger and stronger and stronger.

JONATHAN: Sid, do you know what happened to that harbinger? Do you know what happened to that tree? It started withering away at ground zero. The biblical sign of judgment that a nation that is going away from God is literally withering away. A sign that America spiritually, morally, is withering away.

JONATHAN: And then the next sign of judgment is God says, “I will break off the branch. I will break the branch.” Sign of judgment. They started breaking off the branches of the tree of hope, the erez tree. So now it didn’t have branches, basically.

JONATHAN: And then the final sign in the Bible is called the fall of the erez tree or the fall of the cedar. Well, the tree of hope, the erez tree at ground zero, fell. It was destroyed. It represented America, fell, the sign of the fall of a nation. And when it fell, it was on a Hebrew holy day. It fell on Passover, and in the heavens the moon was darkened that night and turned blood red. You had three signs of national judgment all at ground zero.

JONATHAN: But that wasn’t the only thing, Sid. One of the signs of Israel’s last days is that images of gods appear. The prophet, Ezekiel, is taken into the Holy place and he says, “I saw the image of the God, and God says, now judgment’s coming.” Well, Sid, do you know, another harbinger, an image of a false god, appears in New York City, so big, it has to be the biggest false God in the history of the world. The head alone is like 300 feet. It’s the god of death and destruction and darkness. It appears over the buildings, over the Empire State Building, a sign of what is yet to come.

JONATHAN: And I’ll tell you another thing, because there’s so much, I’ll just give you a little taste. President Obama was actually part of at least two of the harbingers. And in one sense, I won’t get into the detail, but he actually inscribed words of one of the harbingers, and they were words that were from ancient times, that sealed judgment on a nation.

Our Guest Jonathan Can

SID: Hello. My guest is Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, and I can just picture Jonathan, we’re both Jewish believers. His Jewish mother, you know, normally a Jewish mother says, “I want my son to be a doctor, or a lawyer.” But you outdid it all. Your mother can say, “My son is an author of five New York Times best sellers.” You did it, Jonathan.

JONATHAN: Yeah. My mother is very big in the Jewish mother world. You know, so it’s a dream for her. But it’s about the Lord. It’s about Messiah.

SID: When did you first know you were to write Harbinger II?

JONATHAN: Well, when I wrote The Harbinger, I knew that the mystery wasn’t finished. First, there was so much to be revealed that I could not put in The Harbinger. In fact, more than I put in The Harbinger was what I couldn’t put in. Secondly, the mystery continued. America has been continuing moving to judgment. Third, it wasn’t the time, and I prayed to Lord, when is the time? I knew it was not the time. And just before this year began, I got the go ahead, this is the time. The shakings will begin again, and the harbinger is going to continue. You must write the book.

SID: You sent me two pictures this morning from New York City that were so prophetic. Tell us about them.

JONATHAN: Well, one of the things you see in The Harbinger is that tower at ground zero. It’s one of the harbingers. At the end of the new book, The Harbinger II, it ends at the Statue of Liberty, and it’s facing the tower. And there’s a very prophetic event we’ll probably get to, that I’ll tell you about, that happened.

JONATHAN: But what just happened right now, after we talked yesterday, Sid, is that a lightning bolt struck the World Trade Center and struck the Statue of Liberty. And amazingly dramatic, the two things that this centers on.

SID: What you prophesied in The Harbinger, it’s reading like today’s newspaper. Tell us about these things.

JONATHAN: Yeah. The harbinger is warning that America is replaying the ancient mystery of judgment. What happened in the last days of Israel is happening in America now. And America has been continuing on the course of ancient Israel, away from God. And so what it says is, there’s going to be a window of time, but then the shakings will resume. There’s actually a chapter in The Harbinger called Things to Come, and it speaks of the shakings that are going to come that are happening now. It even, Sid, it even pinpoints the year when it would happen, which is right now. And I know we’ll get into it, but all these things are coming to pass.

SID: Well, tell me some of the prophetic signs about 9/11 that were not revealed until now.

JONATHAN: Yeah. Well, one of the things is the mystery of the day, itself. And, why was it 9/11? There’s a mystery that goes back to the foundation of America. 9/11, and it’s a biblical principle, Sid, that the foundations are exposed when judgment begins. 9/11, the destruction returned to New York City.

JONATHAN: When was New York city begotten? When was it founded? New York City was born on September 11th, 9/11. God says, “I will go back to the foundation.” 9/11 went to the Pentagon. That’s America’s military power. When was the Pentagon begotten, Sid? It was begotten on September 11. Long before 9/11 was a day of calamity, it was the day of the foundation of America’s rise to world power. And the warning in the Bible is that if America does not turn back, God will remove the power of America.

Our Guest Todd Smith

SID: Hello. I’m here with Pastor Todd Smith, from the North Georgia Revival. It’s unbelievable, a little sleepy southern town in Georgia. Sometimes he’ll have more people on a Sunday night for the water baptism service than are in the entire town. It’s a matter of fact, why? Because they have found it’s like a point of contact, when they go in the waters of mikvah, of baptism, and come out, many are healed. Tell me your favorite miracle that’s happened recently.

TODD: It was a gentleman that had 280 cancerous tumors in his bones.

SID: 280?

TODD: 280 cancerous tumors in his bones. He was so sick, he could not even make it to the revival. His wife came to be baptized as a point of contact for her husband.

SID: He didn’t even come.

TODD: He did not even come. Hospice was at his house. He had two to three weeks to live and his wife got baptized and we sent her home with the towel, anointed it, and said, “When you get home, as a point of contact, lay it on his body.” And after just a few minutes, after she laid that towel on his body, began to pray for him, the pain lifted off of his body. Goes the next day—

SID: He must have been in excruciating pain.

TODD: Excruciating pain. I’m telling you, Sid, to hear the testimony. Goes the next day to get a PET scan. They wanted to see what the cancer was doing in his body. I heard with my very own ears, the doctor’s phone call to the couple. She says, “I’m looking at the old PET scan and the new PET scan. I’m looking at the old PET scan and the new PET scan.” And she said, “We cannot find any bone tumors, cancerous bone tumors in his body.” Completely healed and walking in full strength today.

SID: And again, how long did he have to live at the hospice?

TODD: Two to three weeks, they said at most.

SID: And what did letter say from the hospice?

TODD: The letter the hospice sent said that this isn’t curative. And they gave him a window of six months because they said, “We may be there six months, but we’re looking at a two to three week window until he dies.”

SID: You get that? The power of God is so awesome. God did that. Now, as a Southern Baptist, you are as strong against speaking in tongues as you are strong for, “God is a miracle-working God today.” How bad was it? If I had walked up to him and said, “I want you to start speaking in a language you’ve never been taught. Here look [foreign language].” What would you have done to me?

TODD: I would have said, “Sid, you’ve lost your mind.” I would’ve said you’re crazy. In fact, I mocked people that spoke in tongues. I scorned them. I literally told our congregation, “Don’t do it. It’s of the devil.” That’s what I spoke as a leading Southern Baptist pastor that was pastoring one of the fastest growing churches in the state of Georgia. But Sid, in the midst of it all, I got hungry for God. I got thirsty for the Lord. And when I began to read my scriptures without my denominational glasses on, it became real to me that the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues was valid for today.

SID: Tell me briefly how you got filled with the spirit.

TODD: Well, after a year and a half of research, I’m talking about—

SID: You are really a cerebral guy.

TODD: I’m thinking, “I want the real and I want the authentic.” So I had this copious research and I came to the conclusion that it was real. And I went to a Pentecostal prayer meeting. I did. And that’s the last place…

SID: I won’t tell anybody.

TODD: Yes. Listen, that’s the last place that a Southern Baptist pastor ought to be. And there were four Pentecostal pastors there and they ended up laying hands on me. And one gentleman weighed 140 pounds soaking wet, put his index finger on my forehead. And he said, be filled with the Holy Spirit. Instantly at that moment, the Holy Ghost came upon me. I’m falling out in the spirit and I began to speak in tongues. And my life, since that moment Sid, has never been the same. It was the greatest thing that ever happened to me outside of my salvation experience.

Our Guest Joan Gieson

JOAN: My hair never moves!

Audience: [laughing]

JOAN: It’s like concrete!

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: The lady that’s been doing my hair has done it for 40 years! [laughs]

Audience: Oh wow. Oooh.

JOAN: She said, “I can do this hair in my sleep!” [laughs]

Audience: [laughs]

JOAN: But God is still doing the same thing in my life as He did when I was a little girl! Do you know how many people we had at our Christmas dinner this past Christmas? Guess! Just take a guess!

Audience: [responds]

JOAN: How many?

Audience: [responds]

JOAN: A thousand?

Audience: Oooh!

JOAN: How many? Five thousand? All right. Go on.

Audience: [responds] 10,000!

JOAN: How many? 10,000? How about 32,000!

Audience: Wow! Whooo! [clapping]

JOAN: And I don’t have a bank account! Oh, I’ve got a bank account but there’s nothing in there!

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: And I pray in every year the food for 32,000 people! When you get 32,000 pounds of anything that you’re going to feed 32,000 people.  who’s going to cook it? Where are they going to cook it? God always makes a way! And I’m telling you the truth! I’m not exaggerating that! I’m not telling you something that isn’t possible with all of you! I’m telling you there is nothing impossible with God and when you keep your hand in His hand and don’t let go because you want to do your own thing for a minute. Don’t let go because you think you’ve got it taken care of. Never take your hand out of His hand! Never stop following His voice! Never! Never! Never! Linda just called. She was in love with my husband or maybe she wasn’t in love cause she didn’t keep him long. 

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: I was the mediator and I wound up with him! I’m going to take her number and keep it on my phone in case I want to give him back!

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: [laughs] Frank, I love you! Even though there were times I wish I had somebody to give him to give him to! [laughs]

Audience: [laughs]

JOAN: Oh, he is so cute! Do you know who Frank is? Now he’s my husband, of course, but none of you have ever seen him? Oh, he’s got the most beautiful blue eyes! They’re like pools. Just fresh, beautiful. And he’s got the cutest smile. And you know what? He loves everything I cook for him!

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: Everything I cook! Did you girls and guys ever eat a tomato sandwich?

Audience: Yes.

JOAN: Isn’t that the best on toast with butter that thick and a tomato that kinda jumps in that butter? I just fixed him a tomato sandwich. It was the best thing we had all day!

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: God is with you! [singing] “He’s here right now! He’s here right now!” So if you’ve come with a bad leg or a bum arm or a blind eye or deaf ear. If your back is in excruciating pain right now. Or if your husband’s just taken a hike with the girl down the street. It makes no difference! God almighty, the creation of all heaven and earth. His Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is here! He’s there! He’s here! He’s here! They’re here! They’re here! Oh my gosh! Sid, They’re here in your studio! My! My! Right now there’s one with a hip and you’ve had a lot of pain in that hip. You can feel that hip changing right now! And I’ll get back to Linda and I’ll call you the next time Sid invites me and I’ll tell you how it ended. Okay?

Audience: [laughter]

JOAN: We’ve got to renew that 60-year friendship! We’ve got to renew that! I said to her, “I’m just now walking into a studio and the man’s name is Sid Roth. Do you know who that is? Thinking she’d say, “Oh yeah, I watch him!” She said, “Oh no. I never heard of that.” Well honey, where have you been? Where have you been? You’ve never heard of Sid Roth?  He’s a man of God. He’s a man that shouldn’t have but did and look where he is!

Audience: Amen!

JOAN: He’s a Jewish man! Look at it! Look at this! Look at this studio! Look at the cameramen. Look at the world that he’s touched beyond any place we could ever get to!  

Our Guest Keith Miller

KEITH: Well, it started with the Lord asked me a question, because I was hungry, and it was a different kind of hunger. It wasn’t desperation. It was supernatural hunger that the Lord initiated. And He actually said to me, “Do you want to know the Holy Spirit like I know Him?” Of course, that caused me to say, “Well, how do you know Him?” I dived into scripture and started going into the scripture and studying everything there was. And so, I’m in a revival meeting, and during worship, I’m caught up in this encounter and I see this busting, big, huge angel in the vision. Now, I’m not used to these types of visions. I’m going, “What is going on?” And all of a sudden, He says, “Open your mouth,” and He threw this book-like scroll thing, to me, and I ate that scroll book. And I sat down, and even my staff and my wife said, “What just happened to you?” I said, “I ate a book or something,” and so that was the first encounter.

Of course, immediately, I went into the scripture to see what is this? What is taking place? And then, the next encounter was I get up early in the morning and felt to go to the office. I walk into the front door, into the foyer of our office, and we have a long hallway, and the office is filled with the tangible, fiery, electrical presence of the Lord. I kicked off my shoes—

SID: And by the way, as you’re speaking, I can feel it’s almost like you relive it when you say it, but you relive it experientially. But go ahead.

KEITH: That’s right. And as I’m walking, I look down the hallway, and there the big angel was. Not in a vision. I wasn’t having a vision. He was there. Now, you think I’d say, “Cool.” No. I was undone. I mean, I was shaking. I dove into my office and—

SID: I’m sorry. I have to ask you something. What did he look like? Did he look like a real person? Could you see through the angel?

KEITH: No, I couldn’t see through him. He looked like a person, but he was extremely huge. He was probably at least seven to eight foot tall, really strong in his physique, but—

SID: That’s a little intimidating.

KEITH: Well, not only that. He exerted authority. It wasn’t just his size. He didn’t have a look like, “Hi, how you doing?” He had his arms crossed just like that, looked at me like that. It was undoing. I mean, it wasn’t like, “Oh wow, an angel.” No, I dove into my office and immediately went into a series of visions from the Holy Spirit about the counsel of God. And then, after the Holy Spirit…

SID: Excuse me, what’s the counsel of God?

KEITH: Well, I had been praying, “Lord, when I go into cities and regions, I don’t want to just preach a message. I want to preach that builds the kingdom in that area, in that group of people, so I need your counsel.” And so, I had been really asking for that. And when I was in my office, it was amazing, it was like the Lord pulled down these screens in heaven and I could see it. And He said, “From this point on, you’ll have my counsel.” That’s what He told me. And I asked the Holy Spirit, I felt the Holy Spirit lifted from me, and I said, “What about the guy in the hallway?” And He said, “Well, you need to see because he has names written on each shoulder and his legs.” And so, I’m sure all of heaven’s laughing at me. It wasn’t like, “Let me just check it out.” I peeked around the door to see if he’s there. Sure enough, he’s still there.

And so, I jumped out there and I looked at that angel, and sure enough, he had strength, stature, kingdom dominion. And as soon as I saw the names, he was gone. But I knew that was an invitation to the Lord for me to begin to study what is the strength and stature. And what the Lord showed me what was coming, we could not, and I could not, facilitate this out of my own strength, out of my stature, to see kingdom dominion. So, that, begin to study the scripture and ask to be… tremendous impact on the strength of God in my life and how to live out of that strength, and then, of course, to grow into stature of Christ in me.

Our Guest James Levesque

JAMES: Wow. No one in my family has ever been saved. I was never raised in church. And my mom was in… Still nobody. I mean, it’s unbelievable. I got invited to a service. I was actually on drugs one night with my friend, and I was passing out on his couch. And his mom looked over to me and said, “Do you know who Jesus is?” And I had no clue. I needed a ride to Six Flags. She invited me to church if I wanted a ride. I went to church that night. I heard a testimony of a gang member that got completely set free. And she kept telling me that Jesus did this. I came home that night, the woman hands me a Bible. I never opened it up. I walked in my mom’s house. She was drunk, passed out in front of me. I turned to the left in the kitchen. I had the Bible in front of me, and I just started thinking, is he real?

Did he really set that gang member free? And if he’s real, I want to know. And so without any understanding of the gospel, never reading the Bible in my life, I put my hand on the Bible. I looked up to heaven and I said, “Jesus, if you’re real, reveal yourself to me.” And right at that moment, I saw a lightning bolt come out of heaven, and it just hit me right here. And I fell on the floor, and I was screaming in the power. And I just felt so empty. I felt like—

SID: Why were you screaming?

JAMES: Because I could feel the surge in my body. It was like a feeling I’ve never felt. I was powerless. I was on the floor yelling as I felt this fire inside of my heart. And I started crying. I started saying, “Jesus, you’re real. Jesus, you’re real.” And I just knew that he was real. And he was telling me, because my whole thing I said to him was, “If you’re real, then I’m going to give the rest of my life to tell people who you are. Show me if you’re real. I don’t want to live on this Earth if you’re not.”

SID: You teach and demonstrate the fire of God. You’ve been baptized in water and fire, in the spirit in fire. What is the fire of God? And what are the benefits of it?

JAMES: Absolutely. So when I got saved, I started reading that Bible I had. And I immediately saw in Matthew 3, there was a spirit, water, and fire. And I began to cry out for what the fire was. I was baptized in water. I was saved, but I wanted that fire in my life. And so as I began to read, I realized that we weren’t meant to live without it as Christians. Every day of our life, the Holy Spirit needs to be with us and empower us to be parents, to be children, to work at our jobs everywhere we go, that that fire would burn in us. And an appetite got created in my life. And I was convinced I wasn’t going to live anymore without the fire of God in my life. I wanted it all. You mentioned Kathryn Kuhlman. She said, “Why settle for a cup full, if the whole ocean is ours?” Man, I want the whole ocean. I want it all.

SID: What do people miss if they don’t operate in the fire of God? What are they missing?

JAMES: Yeah. I think we’re living underneath the privileges. I think a lot of the attacks that we go through, it’s interesting. We just had a famous basketball player, unfortunately, die in a helicopter crash. They said the pilot had something called spatial disorientation. That means you actually can get to a point, the fluid’s out of your ear, you don’t know which way is up, right, left, down. In faith, if we’re not plugged into the source with the presence, with faith, then we’re going to go through things in life and be confused. We’re going to be spiritually disoriented, and we’re not then able to know which way is up. Discernment, I believe, is the greatest thing we need.

Our Guest Katie Souza

KATIE: Amen, in Jesus, right now. You know, actually, do you know a blood song, honey? Let’s do a blood song to wrap up this part. Do you have a blood song, like ‘O the blood of Jesus?’ or something like that? C’mon let’s sing this before we go to Step Two, amen? Let’s honor the blood, hallelujah. [singing begins] As you sing it picture it going into your soul.


O the blood of Jesus. O the blood of Jesus. O the blood of Jesus. It washes white as snow. O the blood of Jesus. O the blood of Jesus. O the blood of Jesus. It washes white as snow. O the blood of Jesus. O the blood of Jesus. O the blood of Jesus. It washes white as snow. O the blood of Jesus. O the blood of Jesus. O the blood of Jesus. It washes white as snow. It washes white as snow. It washes white as snow.

KATIE: Yes, praise him for His blood. C’mon. Praise Him for His blood. Yes. We thank you for Your blood, O Jesus. Washing away our sins of offence, Lord. We praise You, we praise You. We praise You. We praise You. We honor You and we glorify You, God. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Ohho! Yes, Yes, Lord, Yes, Lord, yes! I hear words of knowledge coming. People are going to start losing weight. You’re going to see some pounds coming off you. God’s going to do it for you in the name of Jesus. I hear headaches are already lifting. Somebody who had a gastrointestinal issue is being healed of that right now in the name of Jesus. Somebody’s right knee is being healed, there was a crackling or a prickling as you would bend the knee and Lord says that that pain is leaving- AH!! SHA!! Jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah! Lord, we praise You for Your miracle power. You are a mighty God. You are awesome, Creator, Redeemer, Salvation! You are everything, Lord. We give you the honor and the praise and the glory. Hallelujah, Savior! Hallelujah! Hallelujah Jesus! Hayay, Hayay, Hayay, Jesus! Thank you Jesus. Thank You Jesus. Thank you God. Okay, now we’re going to do Step Two because you know what, honestly, this is the Step we haven’t been doing and that’s why we’re still sick.

Bottom line is, you know and Sid said this to me years ago you know, he said it really should be all about just being able to say ‘in the name of Jesus.’ But it doesn’t seem like it works that way does it? Like we’ll say ‘in the name of Jesus’ and it doesn’t happen. I think that’s because we didn’t understand everything about Jesus that we needed to have. And when we have all of that Jesus is and all that He did for us, then when we say ‘in the name of Jesus’ it will actually happen. Somebody’s getting healed of a wound in their soul that came from gambling, the sin of gambling and you didn’t realize that it was hindering your prosperity. And God is healing you of that right now in Jesus name. There’s a woman in a blue shirt with pearls around her neck and there’s a deep heartache that has been in your family line for a long time you’re being healed of that. A spirit of witchcraft is leaving now in Jesus name. SHAAAS!! Thank you, God. Thank you, God. Check that ankle, it’s not swollen anymore. Somebody’s backbone is straightened up, I think Sid had that word of knowledge.

SID: I did. Someone’s knee, you’re getting a new knee or the pain is leaving your knee right now. And I was telling Katie once the healing of God is manifest in a room you don’t even need a word of knowledge. All you need is knowledge Himself. Yeshua, Jesus. He is made unto you wisdom. He is your knowledge. I’ve heard this again. Arthritis in the fingers, it’s gone, in Jesus name. KATIE: Jesus. The healing power is here. So if you haven’t heard a word of knowledge for your particular affliction right now, I want you right now, we’re going to have Toni play one more song, if that’s okay with Sid, and I want you to just come before the Lord and say, ‘Lord, go inside me, inspect my soul, go in the midst of my heart, which is your soul and find the wounds that are connected to this affliction that I can’t get the breakthrough for.’ And that should be your focus. Just say, ‘Lord, go right at those wounds right now that are connected with this thing that I can’t seem to shake and fill them with your blood and your “dunamis” power.’ I just want everybody now, this is how you’re going to go home and get healing in for yourself, for your family members and everything else, you’re going to go right at that, right at those wounds that are causing that problem, with the blood and the “dunamis.” Amen? So while Toni sings again, let’s really do that, let’s really go after that. And you know and before we do that, I want to do one last thing here, as far as my part. I want to give you the anointing of “dunamis.”