
Our Guest John McTernan

Sid:  My guest John McTernan is a prophet, he wrote a book called “As America has done to Israel.” He’s just recently updated it, it is such an urgent book. He proves that the major economic disasters of modern day America can be pinpointed within 24 hours in most instances of going against Israel.  And we were talking about Hurricane Ike and we we’re talking about the various financial institutions that have been shaken to their core and that happened within 24 hours of the United States making public they were trying to divide Jerusalem.  Now John you have spoken on our radio broadcast for years and you use a terminology that you’ve recently changed, the terminology that you used to use was warning judgments.  You’re calling it more serious now, explain the difference.

John:  Yeah Sid I believe that what I had documented in the past was God’s warning to the nation that we’re on a collision course with Him.  And Sid some of those warning judgments were some of the most powerful hurricanes that ever hit America.  The North Ridge Earthquake for example, stock market, big stock market down turns, massive flooding that was occurring on the same time that we were pressuring Israel.  Gigantic forest fires, especially out west, and we’ve always recovered Sid.  Fortunately there was never really a great loss of life.  So I use the terminology warning, judgments or judgments unto repentance.  When I went around and spoke through the country or was on your show I would state that, “This is God trying to get our attention” because it’s usually on the front pages of the papers Sid. You’ll see Arafat would come here to meet with well it was President Clinton at the time and every time Sid, Arafat came to divide the land there was a disaster that hit, big stock market down turns, hurricanes hitting, massive floods.  And I’ve documented all that in my book, but now Sid I believe that these judgments unto repentance, the warning judgments God gave us about twenty years Sid the nation as a whole did not listen.  For whatever reasons pastors were too busy to lead their churches in repentance and crying out to the Lord; where cause that the church did not respond and now Sid I believe that we crossed that threshold, we crossed the red line; and were into the destructive judgment Sid for which there is no remedy.

Sid:  You explain to me that often times at 3:00 AM in the morning God will wake you up and speak to you, but on yesterday’s broadcast He said something that shook you to the core.  Would you repeat that?

John:  Yes Sid, He said that I heard it clear as a bell, I have broken the back of America and that has to do with the economy Sid.

Sid:  Now many of prophetic friends tell me that if there’s proper prayer and repentance as late as the hour is things can turn around.  What do you feel?

John:  Well Sid, it would have to be an emergency, it would have to be the church literally overnight rising up to do that because Sid each day that this goes on it’s sort of like hemorrhaging. It’s sort of like a person hemorrhaging, and you’ve got to stop the hemorrhaging because the blood loss you’ll die and our economy is the same way Sid.  And without the church rising up and crying out to the Lord in repentance Sid I believe that we’re on the way down to becoming—the power will be taken away from America Sid and we’ll become, this is a hard thing to say, but economically were going to become like a third world nation.  Our money will be worth nothing Sid, we’ll be saddled with an enormous debt and the whole country will be locked into this, there will be no liquidities Sid.

Sid:  In your book you pin point exactly when the U.S. walked away from the blessings in reference to Israel.

John:  Yes Sid.

Sid:  Explain that.

John:  Sid it starts with the Madrid Peace Process on October 30, 1991.  President Bush Senior took it upon himself to initiate a comprehensive peace plan for the Middle East, which meant Sid, for Israel to give up Covenant land for peace.  From that day on Sid these tremendous disasters that have been hitting America almost all of them are associated with us dividing the land of Israel.  That’s what I document in the book. and Sid I couldn’t put all of them in the book because there was too many so I limited it to about forty.

Sid:  If I were to push you to come up with a number of how many things you document from the newspapers and from history, modern history and judgments within 24 hours or so after, how many would they be would you say?

John:  Sid, I would say a fair number is seventy-five and they’re happening so fast now that it’s virtually every day adding to it.  But Sid when we’re talking about this, we’re not talking about weekend thunderstorms, were not talking about the stock market losing you know 120 points on a day, we’re talking about massive hurricanes like Andrew and Ike which just hit and Katrina.  And we’re talking about Sid just to bring this to your attention, your listener’s attention.  I’ve pin pointed the very day that the NASDAQ peaked, and it was in 2000, Sid March 10th 2000.  And on that very day that it peaked and you remember it peaked at 5,048 points and on that day Ehud Barak had been in the United States talking with President Clinton about dividing up Israel and ended up the Camp David Accords in July of that year.  But on the very day Sid that the NASDAQ peaked and then it contract Sid to the point now that it’s at 2,000, but NASDAQ was 3 trillion dollars Sid. The very day that it peaked was the day that Barak was here in the United States meeting with President Clinton to divide Jerusalem and the NASDAQ went into convulsions after that and we ended up losing 3 trillion dollars.

Sid:  What is God telling you?  What are you feeling to very core of your being as to what will trigger the next judgment in America, and what might it be?

John:  Sid there’s several things going on; one is the economy which is so prevalent right now.  President Bush is determined, is determined Sid that he wants a comprehensive peace plan for Israel and the Palestinians before he leaves office which is in January next year.  And Sid if he continues this and Condalisa Rice, Secretary Rice, going over there pressuring the Israelis to divide the land and to divide Jerusalem, Sid based on what’s happened with the Lord up to this point I see Him continuing to grind our economy into dust Sid.  That’s what I said, “We will be turned into a third world country.”  But Sid at the same time as this Russia is back as a world power.

Sid:  That really, I mean I’m amazed the way that they’re flexing their muscles and virtually ignoring the United States warnings.

John:  Yes Sid, Russia wants a confrontation with the United States. Sid I’m saying this because you asked me like a feeling, I’m not saying that I heard this from the Lord, but it’s very possible that the Lord is raising up Russia in a military sense to judge us Sid.  And that’s very hard as an American to say, the Russians have been you know obviously been so evil in everything they’ve done.  But Sid when Israel went wayward from the Lord and Israel was worshipping Baal, killing their children and they had homosexual temples there on the top next the Lord’s temple.  God raised up Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians to come in and judge Israel. Sid I got this sinking feeling inside of me that we don’t realize how far, what we’ve done to the Lord to anger Him Sid.  We don’t realize what His word says about Jerusalem and dividing the land, we kind of like gloss over that and say we’ll were Americans.  Sid it doesn’t say in the Bible that I will judge all nations except Americans Sid.  That’s the reality of God’s Word and we’ve been cavalier with it here Sid, the pastors have not taken it serious, I know you have but so many do not take this serious and they’re blinded by a false doctrine, or they are blinded by worldliness.  Sid so many of many are afraid to speak out, they’re afraid of being ridiculed.  These pastors and church leaders are afraid of being ridiculed and the integrity of our country is at stake Sid.

Sid:  Pretty sobering thoughts; you know people say to me “What should I invest in, what should I be devoting my life to, there is only one thing, “He who wins souls is wise.

John:  Yes.

Sid:  No matter how smart your investment advisors are “He who wins souls is wise, the only thing that you’re going to take with you are souls.” And what concerns me is some that have picked up on God blessing those that bless the Jewish people and they’re going for economic blessings, verses spiritual blessings.  The spiritual blessings are the ones that last forever.  So what if you get more white paper with green ink and it isn’t worth anything; “He who wins souls is wise.”

Sid Roth welcomes Mark Virkler

Sid:  My guest, Mark Virkler challenges you, you’ll spend a third of your life sleeping, how would you like that third of your life redeemed by the Lord where he will literally speak to you; give you warnings of perhaps destruction or disaster that’s coming your way; telling you what to invest in give you solutions to problems; redirect your life.  Doesn’t that sound a whole lot better, well I gave you a challenge yesterday, I told you to put a little piece of paper and a pencil next to the lamp stand by your bed and write down your dreams.  Now assuming that someone did it or they will do that tonight; Mark Virkler now they have they’re dream.  The key is for the Holy Spirit of explain to them that dream.  For starters how are they going to hear the Spirit of God to give them this revelation?

Mark:  All right so what does God’s voice sound like?  I’m going to suggest that God’s voice sounds like spontaneous thoughts that light up on your mind while your eyes are fixed on Jesus, while your heart is fixed on His Son Jesus.  So I’ve written down this summary of the dreams, I’ve got these images here and then I start asking some key questions and I tune to flowing thoughts and flowing pictures, believing that they’re going to bubble up from the River of God within me and they will.  And I jot down what’s coming to me and I jot down the summary of it; I like to work together.  One can put a thousand to flight, two can put ten thousand, I hate learning stuff alone, I like to get my spouse in with it, my kids in with it, my home group with it, just learn together and we share what we found and people offer other pieces in and we get a bigger picture; a more complete picture and my heart bares witness and finally leaps and says, “Bingo, that’s it.”  And no one should ever except an interpretation to their heart does not leap to and say yes, yes, yes!

Sid:  And that’s what happened to me off the air when I shared the dream that I had and you told me, what it meant and I said, “That’s what I believed it meant!”  You were just confirming what the Holy Spirit had shown me, but I didn’t have enough confidence to believe it.

Mark:   Yeah, and that’s the value of a couple people sharing together because they help spur ideas, but the final analysis is when your heart leaps and says yes.  And if your heart doesn’t leap you should not accept any interpretation to your dream that your heart does not leap to and say yes, yes, yes!

Sid:  Mark, I want you to give me some of your real life experiences; I want you to tell me certain dreams that you recall and the process that occurred for you to understand your own dream.

Mark:  Alright Sid, let me just share a couple dreams; dreams come out of the day that you just lived in.  Alright that’s a Biblical principal and Paul had that, he was wondering where to go on his missionary journey and the Spirit forbid him to go to Bithynia and Asia and then he had a dream at night, that night of a Macedonia man saying, “Come on over.”  And so he woke up in the morning, acted on his dream and said, “God told me to go to Macedonia.”  So I’m going to assume that my dream is answering the question I went to sleep with.  So this night I went to sleep having just began a brand new endeavor in my life, I had learned how to hear God’s voice for the first time, I had learned the four keys: Quiet yourself down, fix your eyes on Jesus, tuned to spontaneity and to write.  And I journaled for five hours and wrote out five hours of God talking to me which was a life changing experience.  Now that night I put a piece of paper next to my bed and even though I had not recalled a dream for nine months, I recalled three dreams that first night; and the first time, it is simple again, you just ask for a dream and you expect it and you put paper there.  The first dream I have a new job, I’m a care taker of a house, I’m going up the stairs into the bathroom getting cleaning supplies; getting back down the stairs and I’m riding a horse.  And that’s pretty awkward and so I journaled about it, I said, “Lord, what is this?” Well, you know the questions you want to ask are, “What are the key symbols?”  Well the first symbol is I have a new job.  Well okay what might that symbolize in light of the day I just lived,?” Well, hey I did get a new job yesterday, I got a job of hearing God’s voice, learned to use four keys.  Quiet myself down, fix my eyes on Jesus, tune to flow and write.  And so my dream said, “Okay you did something new yesterday,” I said, “Yep, how comfortable does this dream indicate I feel about this new job?”  “I feel like a horse on the stairway, I feel like a bull in the china closet.” I said, “God, I’m a theologian, I’m not into visions and dreams and flow and I feel really awkward.”  But the next symbol of the dream said “Yeah, but if you stay with this even if you feel awkward, it’s going to take you up a flight of stairs.”  Well, a flight of stairs a higher plain, yeah, so it’s going to take me to higher place in God, and when we get there we are going to go into the bathroom, get some cleaning supplies out and were going to clean some things up and you know that’s true too.  If I hear God’s voice, He’s going to clean up some areas of my life, He’s going to say, “Mark, love your wife; don’t be so judgmental.”  Trust me those are things He said, over and over, fifty times a piece during that first year of journaling.  And those are cleaning supplies, so this dream is a message from God, saying, “Mark I know you feel awkward about what you’ve began today, stick with it, it’s going to take you to a great place in me and clean up the marriage of your life.”  And the second dream I had that night, I pulled my car into a parking lot, turned it off and it won’t turn off and it won’t turn off.  So hear is another kind of question you can ask, you can ask, “In what way am I experiencing that symbol in my life right now?”  So if I paraphrase that question I say, “Fine, so what is in my life yesterday that I tried to turn off that it wouldn’t turn off?”  And I tuned to flow and it pops into my mind just like that, and I said, “I know what it was, I tried to turn off my left brain logic and reason and say “Look, I’m going to go with heart flow here for a little bit and picture in my left brain reason said, “Your not shuting me off.  Ha-ha, you can try to turn me off but I’m not turning off because I rule in your life.  I’m the god you worship.  And I had to dethrone it and say, “No, rationalism is not the God I worship.”  Christianity is heart to heart, not head to head.”  And so those dreams were examples of me having to battle through and show the issues in my heart when I went to sleep and learned how to process and properly so I can move forward a step in God.  So here’s what Proverbs chapter 20 verse 5 says, “Counsel in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.”  And of course when God says, “When I give you a dream, I’m the Wonderful Counselor giving you counsel in your heart.”  So the Bible says okay great, how do you get it out?  So you have counsel in your heart, how do you get it?  Do you yank it out, do you demand it to come, He says, “No, I’m a man of understanding will draw it out.”  You ask the right question, you tune to flow and you let the Holy Spirit, draw out the understanding of that which your heart was communicating to you.  So that’s the process we use in Christian Dream Interpretation.

Sid:  Mark, as you do in your course, give me some examples of dreams that changed destinies of people, even destinies of country.

Mark:  All right, well you know we all remember Joseph’s dreams, alright and “Sun, moon and stars bowing down, it was showing him his future; that there was going to come a time in his future where he was going to rule and even his parents and brothers and sisters would bow down to him.  He believed it; he ended up living that out.  Pharaoh was given dreams of seven fat cows and seven skinny cows.  The next fourteen years saying look, you’re going to have seven years of plenty, stock up because there is going to be seven years of famine after that and if you’re not stocked up your going to be hurting.  So he stocked up.  Nebuchadnezzar, he has a dream, you know he goes to bed saying, “I’m the greatest King whose ever lived you know and my kingdom will go on as an everlasting kingdom.  And he has a dream that night of a tree being chopped off at the roots.  Well knowing what was on his heart that night, that he was full of pride that dream says, “You’re an arrogant fool and if you don’t repent you’re going to be cut down.  And he took his dream to Daniel.  Daniel interpreteted it and Daniel said to him, “You know what?  The dream is saying that if you do not recognize that the most high is Ruler over all mankind and you do not repent, God’s going to cut you down; you’re going to be like a wild beast in the field.  And then Daniel pled with him, he said, “Please, please repent so that this calamity does not befall you.  And the next verse says, twelve months later he didn’t repent for twelve months, twelve months later, the king does lose his mind and he goes out for seven years and eats grass.”  God is pleading with us to repent; he’s showing us things in our dreams.

Sid:  So, that kind of brings the next question that I have, and that is, let’s suppose someone has a dream that they are going to die of cancer, what would you do?  Or what should they do if they had such a dream, is it totally fatalistic, is it going to happen?

Mark:   No, dreams are not fatalistic there just warnings, just like Herman Riffle had a dream you know, if you stay on this path it’ll take you down, but the dream the Bible says, is very clear, that the dream is a warning encouraging us to get off that path.  Job 33:14 and following says God speaks once or twice in a dream and a vision of the night and He says, the purpose of this is to keep his life from perishing.  So God isn’t saying this is fatalism, he says look, I’m warning you, all right.  And if you can heed this warning, you don’t have to perish.  So I would never accept the dream as fatalism, I would say hey, here’s a warning, it’s a mid course correction, change your step so that you do not fall into this calamity and instead you walk into the blessing that the Lord has for your life.

Sid:  I’m thinking, what would happen if the President of the United States was to have a dream from God of which God would redirect his thinking from political thinking to God thinking?  That would change the destiny of America.

Mark:  Let’s pray for that to happen, we’re to pray for our…

Sid:  I agree in Yeshua’s Name right now, that President Obama will have and you agree with me…

Mark:  Yes.

Sid:  Will have a dream from Heaven about Israel, about the United States, about the economy, about the morality of this nation and would become radical in his steps for You.

Sid Roth welcomes John Kilpatrick

Sid:  And after listening to this broadcast this week and if you haven’t heard it, go out to our web page and listen to the entire interview.  It’s Pastor John Kilpatrick, Senior Pastor of Church of His Presence in Daphne, Alabama and God has given John prophetic insight as to what will happen in the next few years in America.  And I have to say John although it’s some of the things that God showed you are horrible, I have never seen so much encouragement for believers during these horrible times as God has outlined to you…  Angels will become so real to people, most people don’t know this but you’ve only seen angels once in your life, but they are as real today in your life and when people hear your teaching they will become so real to them.  But we can’t let the week finish with you talking about the economic storm that you saw.  You had a dream in April of ’08 about an earthquake, tell me about that.

John:  I was sound asleep in the wee hours of the morning and I don’t know exactly what time it was but probably around four something in the morning.  And it looked like I was over a river and I saw a river flowing normally and the river seemed like it was right near my house and immediately that river went from a river to like an ocean, there was a deluge of water that hit that river and it was just out of sight, I couldn’t even see the banks on either side.  And then the scene changed and I was in an old school house, like an old dilapidated school house and me and a friend of mine was going through this school house and all of a sudden it began to rock violently, just buck and it was throwing us around like ragdolls and I knew in my heart that it was an earthquake.  And the scene changed again and I saw an old map, it looked like an old Spanish map of antiquities and I saw up above on that map Indianola and then I saw it scroll down and go to a city called Europpa.  And when I woke up I have to be honest with you, I don’t think I’ve ever been that afraid in all my life; when I woke up my heart was pounding so hard I called for my wife and I’ve never done this, ever before and I asked her to hold me, I was trembling and shaking that hard.  And when I told her what happened we immediately went upstairs to the computer about 5:00 in the morning and we pulled up Indianola and there was several of them in the nation but I remember seeing in my mind how that thing scrolled down.  And when I saw Indianola in Illinois and it scrolled down to Missouri, later we found out that if you put the new Madrid fault over that area that I saw from Indianola, Illinois to Europpa, Missouri; it’s exactly the New Madrid fault.  And the Holy Spirit was showing me that there’s going to be a tremendous earthquake hit in the middle part of the country and I don’t know exactly when that’s going to happen but whenever I saw it I knew that God was giving me a warning and it really troubled me.  I never really had a dream that real, as a matter of fact I walked by my television for the next few days and in my mind I couldn’t understand why that wasn’t on CNN or Fox New, that’s how real it was to me.  Well a few days later, about four days later, on Saturday morning I was coming out of sleep again I heard the voice of the Lord and the Lord speaks to me many times as I’m coming out of sleep and He said, “A storm is coming, and immediately even though we live in hurricane country we live right here on the coast, I knew that it wasn’t a hurricane, I knew that it was an economic storm and I told my wife, I said, “The Holy Spirit is showing me that there’s an economic storm that’s coming.

Sid:  Well, you know the obvious thing that you’re saying right now, especially on the earthquake that you saw, could it be that if we divide the land of Israel the land of the United States will be divided?

John:  I am so glad you said that, because that’s exactly what I believe.  I believe that if we are privy to dividing Jerusalem, if we have a hand in that, our Secretary of State goes over and puts pressure on Israel to give up Jerusalem, I believe if we cause them to divide that land then I believe our land will be divided.  I believe that with all of my heart.

Sid:  Okay let’s go back to that audible voice of the Lord.

John:  And the Lord said that a storm is coming and I told my wife that it’s an economic storm and I went and told my church the next Sunday I said, “I want you to understand that I’ve heard from the Lord and I said that the Lord has shown me that a storm is coming and it’s all I heard.  But in my spirit I understand it to be an economic storm.  Now this was in April, this was before anything happened, this was April of last year and the bottom started going out of the economy I think around September if I’m not mistaken.  But they gave our people plenty of time to move their money and many people took their money out of the stock market and moved it elsewhere and many people in our church saved tens of thousands of dollars.  Some saved even more than that.  So the Lord gave me warning and I told the people and as a matter of fact I pushed the tapes, whoever could get a hold of the tapes that they could save some money because a storm was coming.  And I’ve never in my life ever encouraged my congregations even during Y2K to stock pile food for a reasonable amount of time, but I did that.  I encouraged them to develop a storehouse that God could kiss and bless.  They could have extra water, have some extra cash put up and things like that because I really believe that the Holy Spirit is showing me and by the way, one of the things, the last thing the Holy Spirit said to me was, during that period of time, the latter part after all of this begun to happen in the Fall the Holy Spirit said to me, “Tell the people to prepare against the summer.”  Not prepare for the summer, but He said, prepare against the summer.”  And summer you well know starts June the 21st.  So I don’t know what’s coming, I don’t know what it holds, I don’t know what the summer holds but the Lord said, “Prepare against the summer.”  But I do know that God loves us enough to give us warning, that’s why there’s prophets on the earth; that’s why God gives prophetic words to His prophets, but I saw that earthquake and then the Lord said, “A storm is coming,” but as I said I have such a sense of alarm in my spirit that I have preached, I have literally preached to the point that people need to have a reserve cash on hand if at all possible and they need to have food and water put up and they need to start making provisions to protect their families because God is going to help His people and God is going to bless His people.  But yet Joseph when He showed him what was going to happen there in Joseph’s time, Joseph helped a nation prepare for seven years of plenty for the seven years of famine.

Sid:  You know what I believe John?   Your three CDs series that we’re making avail this week called “Angels Enforce Blessings” and then your prophetic insight for the future on that one CD called “Resurrection” is going to prepare Christians for the future.  Especially in fact, I was amazed at some of the numbers that you gave, how many angels is it estimated that are on earth and how many angels are per person that’s a believer?

John:  You know what when I preached that message to our church on Resurrection there was a powerful, powerful anointing as that was preached that morning.  It was unlike teaching it but it was preached and it had a real bite to it and a real sense of urgency… I really believe it will be a source of encouragement but it will also change their lives, because I believe that.

Sid:  Out of curiosity, it’s one thing where the rubber hits the road, have you done what you’ve advised your congregation to do?

John:  I surely have, I surely have, I have a basement where I live in my house in Alabama and I have stored beans and I’ve stored rice, can goods, water other toiletries and things like that.  I’ve tried to store up enough for my family and some friends to take care of those that are going to be in need.  I even bought some fuel tanks and put on my property, diesel fuel tanks and gas fuel tanks to have extra fuel on hand and I’ve made other arrangements that I won’t go into.  But that’s how much I believe in it because when I heard the Word of the Lord say “Storm is coming.”  What you do is you prepare for a storm, in hurricane weather when they put a sign up that a storm is coming, everybody along the gulf coast goes out and they make preparations.  They get batteries, they get water, and they get all these kind of things; so when the Holy Spirit said that a storm is coming it would be so foolish of a church to hear that word and not to make preparation.

Sid:  John, we have approximately one minute left; your last thought.

John:  One of the things that I would say, that the Lord gave me on this message of Resurrection, he gave me the word, see.  And that has to do with candle sticks and the Lord said to me plainly in this message, He said, “I’m going to be removing some candlesticks in the next several years of major ministries so I don’t want the Body of Christ to be too troubled about that when they see it happen, but at the same time the Lord said, “I’m going to remove some candlesticks, I’m going to set up some brand new candlesticks so people that love me and have a heart for me and I have a heart for the ministry.  So He said, “I’ll be removing some candlesticks.

Sid:  So it’s like the Joshua and Caleb generation coming quickly.

John:  Exactly.  And the other thing was the last thing that I would like to say your listener is the Lord said, “On s res resurrection, He said, “Signs in the Heavens,” He said, “Warn my church that there is going to be increasing signs in the Heavens that’s going to bring terror to many unless they’re warned.”  He said, “But if they’re warned when they see these signs begin to take place in the heavens it will encourage them and not discourage them, it will not bring terror to their hearts, but it will let them know that my coming is very, very near.”

Our Guest Kathie Walters

Sid:  My guest, Kathie Walters has been walking in the supernatural for many years, what is unusual for most Christians is normal for Kathie.  She says, “Everyone should become normal.”  Tell me about the angels that look like Israeli soldiers that you saw in Israel.

Kathie:  Okay, can I say something first because I’m feeling something on today’s broadcast, I can feel like heaviness on the mind.  And I feel like people listening today have been under, a lot of people have been under some real heavy religious mindsets and a lot of condemnation.  And so when you feel that people tend not to feel worthy of seeing angels, or not to feel worthy of seeing the supernatural, but the supernatural realm is for every single Christian, it’s supposed to be a normal part of our life.  You just have to decide to believe this is for me this supernatural realm, my inheritance.  Jesus died that we would all walk in it, not just a few special people, so I just wanted to say that because I feel there’s heaviness on the mind; it’s good to be light headed.  You know, you have your mind full of the Holy Spirit and you can be light headed and then it’s much easier for God to speak to you and then you begin to see the things of the Spirit much more clearly and easily.  But when I was in Israel and I saw this friend and she wanted to ask a rabbi some questions about a festival that was happening but we couldn’t get near the rabbi because there was a crowd around him.  So she said, “Oh I just wanted to ask these questions and suddenly in front of us appeared an angel, but he was dressed like an Israeli soldier.  And we were in the middle of a courtyard, there was nowhere for him to come from, but he just stood in front of us and he began to answer my friends questions in perfect English.  Now she hadn’t asked him the questions, but he just came and stood over us in front and answered the questions.

Sid:  We’re going to have more and more reports of experiences with angels with this brand new outpouring of God’s spirit, I believe that Kathy.

Kathie:  It’s happening, it’s happening.

Sid:  And you know something else that is pretty interesting, you talk about there are angels for ministries, angels for churches, and sometimes when someone is ministering that has their own angel, the angel of the church sort of sits down and lets the angel with the guest minister demonstrate the power of God.  Give me some examples. 

Kathie:  Okay, can I just finish that other little story, because what was interesting about that angel in Israel was, he answered the questions then totally disappeared.  Then my friend said, “Oh I forgot to ask, and he immediately was back again.”  But when he left the anointing on us was so strong, that people that came near us after that literally were not able to stand up.  So those angels are all over Israel.  Anyway, you were asking me about a meeting and I saw something very interesting in a meeting one time and there’s a principal.  I was in a meeting of end time handmaidens with Gwen Shaw and I saw an angel standing in the balcony watching over the meeting; he had his arms folded just watching.  And I said to the Lord, “Who is that?”  And the Lord said, “That’s the angel that’s over this ministry and he is under and Arc Angel Michael who is over Jerusalem.”  Well, I thought that is interesting; the next day he was there again but he suddenly moved over to the other side of the balcony and another angel came and stood in that place where he had been.  But the other angel was like a glory cloud with a figure of a man in it and I thought, “What is going on?”  And the next thing Gwen Shaw introduced Ruth Heflin’s going to speak.   So Ruth Heflin came and I realized the angel that I saw, the glory angel had come with Ruth.  Ruth ministered to the people and then she left, and when she left that angel went with her and the first angel came and stood back in his place.  So I saw that when, like if you are invited somewhere to minister at a church or conference of whatever, the angel over that church stands aside so that your angel can take control of the meeting.  And when you leave the first angel comes back again, that’s why you shouldn’t do things without being invited.

Sid:  Oh, well you end up being there by yourself.  There’s another interesting story that I think is fascinating about being translated in a mosque and knowing things about people.

Kathie:  Yeah, I actually was in a prayer meeting in Florida just praying with these ladies, I didn’t really know them very much and the Holy Spirit said to me, “You need to go and stand in the next room, the living room.”  I said, “I can’t walk around someone’s house that I don’t know.”  And so He said, “Just do it.”  And so I went into the next room and this light came down; it was kind of like being beamed up or something; this light came down and hit me.  I actually fell on the floor, but the nest minute I was walking in the streets in Jerusalem with Jesus and we were walking around.  He started to tell me about different people that we saw. The next minute I was standing in back of the mosques, well I’ve always been very careful to avoid the mosque, but I was standing in the back and Jesus was there and He said, “Just wait there.”  And there were a lot of men kneeling on mats on the floor and He went and touched three or four of them on the shoulder and He came back to me and He said, “These men are going to be saved and I’m sending someone here to minister to them.”  Then we walked out of the mosque and walked down the Via Delarosa, we walked in the old city.  And then He suddenly, I don’t know how long I was there, but He suddenly turned to me and said to me, “You have to leave now.”  So I said, “Oh no, I’ll stay you know this is interesting future move by different people.”  He said, “No, you have to go because I’m going to visit the prayer meeting in the convent.  That’s where Mother Barbara was who had that very famous Russian prophecy in 1904.

Sid:  Quickly, I’m not familiar with that prophecy from 1904.

Kathie:  It was given to a Russian Monk in 1904 and Mother Barbara brought it with her to Jerusalem, she went to Jerusalem and it was a prophecy about the nations.  But it said, “That the rivers of blood will flow in Russia, it said Germany would be divided in two, Great Britain would lose her empire and I don’t want to try to remember off hand but it’s very famous prophecy.  Anyway, He said, “I have to go and the next minute I was back on the floor in Florida but I don’t know when you have those experiences you actually do kind of leave your body. Sometimes in revival we say, “Talk about going away, they went away” and that’s happened to me several times I’ve been away somewhere, but when you come back the presence of God is so strong that you can’t move.”  I don’t know if you’ve had that experience but you can’t even move your eyelids; the people think that you’ve kind of died or something.  When I came back all these people were praying over me you know and it takes a little while to kind of come back again.  But yeah I went to different places that way and I perceive that that’s increasing too; but like I say, “It’s for everyone, everybody, everybody, everybody not just a few special people.  I wish people would start believing that and start believing that it’s for me.  You start declaring this is my inheritance, this realm of the spirit.

Sid:  Kathy, something very special is going to happen on tomorrows broadcast.  How do I know that?  Because there is, I don’t know if an angel came into this studio but something significant happened in the Spirit just about oh, five minutes ago into our conversation that wasn’t present before.  But even as you were talking about getting a little woozy I was getting a little woozy as you were saying that.

Kathie:  Well, there’s the angels that came around you with the blue lights you remember?

Sid: …Kathy we are going to talk on tomorrows broadcast about the Honey Angel, but give me just a little bit a preview of the Honey Angel.

Kathie:  Well, it finally represents the Spirit of revelation and so the Lord, I have known Him to release that Honey Angel, He’s been given honey to everybody that wants it and that’s the spirit of revelation and I’ll explain that.  And I’ll explain what happened when he came and how he’s been released everywhere now to bring the honey.

Sid:  Well, start just a little bit.

Kathie:  Well, the honey, you see people have had lots and lots of head knowledge even though it’s been kind of like charismatic head knowledge or something but the real revelation of the Spirit comes to take you into the spirit realm.  Not just to catch little glimpses, not just to have a vision now and again, but to actually be caught up and taken up into the spiritual realm which is the Spirit revelation and God is pouring that out.

Sid:  And one of the things when I think about you Kathy, I think about you in the Spirit you go on chariot rides.

Kathie:  Yes!

Sid Roth:  I mean you literally did that one time when we were having dinner together.  It’s, I don’t want to confess this, but I haven’t had that yet and you provoke me to jealousy.

Sid Roth welcomes Melanie Hemry & Gina Lynnes

Sid:  My guest has to be red hot for the Messiah because she had a disease that is a death sentence and she is one of the testimonies in the book that we are featuring this week called “Anointing for Healing.”  And the thing that I love about this book is that all of these testimonies are so well documented and researched.  All of these miracles and it’s the type of book that if you need a faith injection, I mean I’m amazed that how these authors got such unusual testimonies, I mean a child with autism was totally healed.  A pianist with Multiple Sclerosis totally healed, a young man with one of rarest and the deadliest forms of Leukemia, actually it is so rare it comes from Africa totally healed.  And my guest right now is Wendy Moore, I’m speaking to her at home in Flint, Michigan.  And Wendy, “You were a paramedic so that means you had to be a pretty active person, why did you feel that you had to go to a neurologist?”

Wendy:  Well Sid, I started experiencing some weakness in my legs that for a twenty-seven year old young active woman, wife & mother that I was was just not normal.  And I could sense that something wasn’t right with me, I was having trouble lifting patients; I was tripping, falling a lot and so after a battery of tests from a neurologist locally here in Flint they sent me down to the University of Michigan a hospital in Anne Arbor.  And the University of Michigan is one of the only fourteen ALS centers in the country so they specialize in this disease and after they ruled out several other neurological diseases they did an EMT on me and it actually had showed nerve death within fourteen days that the tests were performed.  So that is how they make the diagnosis of ALS.

Sid:  So when you found out what you had wrong, Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS what did the doctor prepare you for?

Wendy:  Well, I was with my husband and my Mom and Dad and they came into the room and I wasn’t expecting to be told that I had any kind of disease.  You know I thought be something that they could go in and fix, maybe I had something wrong with my back you know, I wasn’t sure.  But they come in and she “Wendy, the disease that you have is ALS or you may better know it as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Then, I just broke down crying because they were telling me I had a disease and I asked them, I said, “Can you tell me, you know am I going to die?”  And she said, “Do you really, you know do you really want to know?”  I said “Yes, I do.” I had a baby that was four weeks old; I had my son four weeks earlier.  My son was born March 15th of 2001 and I was diagnosed April 17th of 2001 and a two year old.  And she said, “Well 50% of people live two to five years” and the whole family just broke down bawling and you’re just in disbelief; total shock, just overwhelmed with just sadness, a burden, heaviness I just can’t describe it to you unless you’ve actually been through something like that.

Sid:  Beyond it being a death sentence, it’s a horrible death sentence, what happens to someone with Lou Gehrig’s disease?

Wendy:  When somebody has Lou Gehrig’s disease you know typically they start falling, and your muscle, which I started to do, I obviously had nerve damage happening throughout my body but in my legs in particular and my muscles were not operating the way they were supposed to.  Lou Gehrig’s is a debilitating disease where the muscles actually waste away and a person becomes paralyzed.  You just get weaker and weaker and weaker until you’re in a wheelchair and eventually bed ridden.  And then death usually incurs when the diaphragm, you know you no longer can breathe, so basically you suffocate to death.

Sid:  Now, you were a Christian, but you didn’t understand anything about healing so I imagine you had literally no shred of hope and you started getting a lot of understandably so dark thoughts.

Wendy:  Absolutely your mind, you know you are totally controlled by what your mind thinks and my mind was just, I had nothing positive in my mind at all.  But I had an Aunt, my Aunt Jan that came along and told me “Windy, this is, this is not going to happen, you are going to get into God’s Word and were going to see and we’re going to agree together as a family for your healing and stand on God’s healing promises.  And she said, “You need to get into this Bible College that I went to and go see what God’s word has to say about healing.  So my family, my Mom and my Dad and Husband and my Brothers, we all went together and went to Bible school and learned what God’s promises were about healing.  And eventually when you start putting that into your heart and into your soul and you start mediating on God’s word, you know the Bible says that that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.  And eventually your faith starts to rise up as that goes on.

Sid:  Well, you began to do things like posting scriptures all over your house.

Wendy:  Absolutely, we took scriptures and because, I had negative thoughts Sid, you know the devil comes to rob, kill and destroy you know and he came as often as he could.  And I would call my Mom and Dad crying and cried on my Husband and whenever I would trip and fall and I was having a bad day and not feeling well, and we would cast my thoughts down and replace it with the Word of God.  And I would put, we had scriptures posted in my bathroom, it was on the refrigerator, in the bedroom, anywhere you could go, so I couldn’t get a spare second without mediating on God’s Word.

Sid:  But then you were taught that you had to mediate, but sort of a faith without a corresponding action is really dead faith; so you wanted your faith to be alive so what did you do?

Wendy:  Well, I decided that faith without works is dead, exactly like the scriptures says and if  I was going to believe that God healed me and that He took care of it on the cross back when he died for our sins and our healing.  It wasn’t just for sins you know He died for our physical healing as well, and I think that’s where Christians you know the Bible says “That My people perish daily for lack of knowledge.” So that was a… you know, because I always use to wonder this other person was a Christian and they died of something.  You know my people, I think that there are a lot of good Christian people out there that just believe that God died on the cross for our salvation and there are tons of things in the Bible that talk about physical healing that Jesus still heals today.  And when you stand on those healing promises and your faith rises up manifestations of that physically start to happen.  So I decided that if I was going to act on my faith, I went back to work fulltime, I’m a dispatch supervisor at the 911.

Sid:  But how could you do that, you don’t even have your balance, how would they even take you back?

Wendy:  Yeah, my boss told be you come back however you can come back you come back to work; we want you here we support, they had faith with me and we support whatever your decision is.  And I went back to work full time and you know what I had my days Sid; I had my days, but eventually as I kept just flooding myself with the Word of God and there’s power in agreement and I had every member of my family and friends agreeing for my total healing with me you know there’s power in agreement.  And I wouldn’t listen to any… I wouldn’t read any negative articles, I wouldn’t watch any negative programs as far as death and dying and all that type of thing; I only put in my mind positive, life filled, healing scriptures.  Eventually the manifestations of what I was doing started coming to pass.

Sid:  When was the first time you saw something little happen that was positive in your body?

Wendy:  We had a baptismal service for my son and one of the woman in the church got a Word of Knowledge and she came up in front of the church and she said…basically when I was up there with my son she said, the Spirit was moving her to come up and tell me that everything was going to be okay and that this disease was going to be eradicated.  And she didn’t do it; she said “Lord if it’s meant to be that I tell Wendy this, let me see her face again.”  Well, a few weeks later I went up to the front of the church for everybody to lay hands on me, and she saw my face again and she came up and gave me a Word of Knowledge.  And she said, “Dolores told me that this disease will be eradicated within your body within thirty days.”  I don’t understand what the thirty days was because it was about two years later that I was told and it was confirmed by doctors that I didn’t have this anymore, but I think that God requires us to stand…

Sid:  How did the doctors respond to you being healed if you’re not supposed to be healed of Lou Gehrig’s!

Wendy:  No, I went down to the doctor I started out going every three months and you know I would see a team of doctors, a respiratory therapist, a social worker and I was doing so well and we told them how I believe.  We told them how we were going to cooperate with them and that we wanted them to treat me or you know to keep track of my strength or whatever, but that we told them we believe that God is going to heal me; that’s how we’re believing and they’d never looked at us funny they never; they supported us 100%.  But really why wouldn’t you when this is a death sentence and there was nothing they could do to help me.

Sid Roth:  Well, listen there are people listening to us right now and they’ve been given death sentences or they know people that have or they want to be able to pray for the sick…

Sid Roth welcomes Mark Blitz

Sid:  This week we’ve been pointing out the Biblical Feast that God says to observe forever, in fact I have a question for you. “If we know as a fact and we know this from the New Testament that that the First Church observed all these biblical Feasts; we know in the Millennium we’ll be observing the Biblical Feasts, why did we stop?”  Pastor Mark Biltz, that’s a good question for you, “Why did we stop observing the Feasts?

Mark:  Well, I think we stopped observing the Feasts Sid, because we wanted to cut off our relationship with God’s people, with Israel.  And it’s amazing there’s a verse in Jeremiah that says that the Gentiles are going to come and say “Our Fathers, we have inherited lies.”  And I think part of what’s happened is tradition among us that we need to get away from man’s tradition and get back into the Biblical Tradition Sid.  I really think that the devil doesn’t want us to keep the appointed times because He doesn’t want us to be aware of what God is trying to do.

Sid:  Well, we’ve been talking all this week on showing to the exact day, the exact hour if you will the first coming of Jesus, the dress rehearsals were in the early Feasts, the spring Feasts, but then the fall Feasts predict the exact return of Messiah if we have eyes to see.  Give us some clues on His return.

Mark:  I believe people believe in Devine appointments and like you said, the spring Feasts are the dress rehearsals for his first coming; the fall Feasts are the dress rehearsals for His second coming.  Why wouldn’t we want to learn about the fall Feasts, because they all speak of His Second Coming?  Now, we don’t set dates by any means, but the Feast of Trumpets, do we hear the word trumpets in the Book of Revelation?  Of course we do, and so the Feasts of Trumpets is very key to understanding, when you understand the dress rehearsal, when you do these things all of a sudden the scriptures begins to come to light.  And I don’t set dates, but I believe some year on the Feast of Trumpets is when the Tribulation will begin, and then on Yom Kippur I believe scripturally some year on Yom Kippur that’s known as face to face I think that’s when Messiah will remove the blinders off the nation of Israel and they’ll come to realize that He is the Messiah; they will look upon Him whom they have pierced one.

And then the Feast of Tabernacles speaks of His coming back and tabernacling among men for a thousand years, the thousand year sabbatical rest.  So all three of these Feasts speak of His Coming and so that’s why I think that it’s so important that we begin to realize that and understand they’re dress rehearsals.

Sid:  Now you’ve recently uncovered some strange signs that tie in with the Feasts.

Mark:  I definitely did and these are definitely supernatural signs.  In Genesis 1 God said, “He put the sun and the moon and stars in the heavens for signs;” that’s the number one reason.  He has four reasons; He says for first and foremost they were for signs and the Hebrew word is Ote and it means a signal, for an appearing.  So that’s why even the Magi and they were looking at the stars and so He wanted to signal us.  Then He says not only for signs, they’re for seasons; well we think winter, spring, summer, fall, but the Hebrew word is Moahd the same word translated as Feasts.  So the sun and the moon were signals for on His Feasts days, when they should be kept.  Well, what’s amazing to me is I went to NASA’s web site, the National Aeronautics Space Administration, this is our government, NASA’s web site, because they list all the solar eclipses for the last several thousand years and the next several thousand years.  And I noticed in Joel and the Gospels, God talked about how there would be signs in the sun and the moon and so I looked and low and behold in 2014 and 2015 there are four total lunar eclipses back to back with no partial eclipses between.  And as I’m looking at that I’m looking at April, you know March, September, October and all of a sudden, it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I need to look at when these fall on the Biblical calendar because that’s what God uses to communicate.  So I looked and low and behold, the total lunar eclipses in 2014 fall on the first Passover and the first day of Tabernacle.  And then on 2015 it was the same thing, they fell on the first day of Passover, the first day of Tabernacle.  And so I thought oh my, this must be a sign God’s trying to tell us something.  Well, the next thing was “How often does this happen?”  and so I looked and in the 1600’s  there are no four blood moons back to back, NASA calls them Tetrads, in the 1700’s there were none, in the 1800’s there were none.  And so then I looked to the 1900’s, this last century, low and behold it happened twice; so I was interested to see when they fell.   Well, they fell in 1967 and 1968 and in 1967 is when they recaptured Jerusalem and then I went back more and they fell in 1949 and 1950 which is right after Israel became a nation in 1948.  And so I thought, “Oh, my goodness these supernatural signs of the sky falling on these Feasts days that are tied to the nation of Israel.  And so when I went back and I saw that there were none in the 1800’s, 1700’s, 1600s; I went to the 1500’s and there were like six or seven tetrads but none of them fell on the Feasts days.  I went to the 1400’s and low and behold in 1492 is when all the Jews were kicked out of Spain on the 9thof Av, well what do you find?  There is another four blood moons on Passover and Succot in 1493 and 1494.  So then I thought, oh my goodness and so then I went fast forward to see if it happens again in this century no more again for the next hundred years do you have four blood moons happen on Passover, Succot in this century.  So I felt 2014 and 2015 is very significant; well then I thought He also talked about the sun.  So then I went and I went to NASA’s web site, low and behold in 2015 there is a total solar eclipse that begins the biblical year on Adar 30 Nissan One.  And so I thought the total solar eclipse beginning the biblical calendar and then on the Feast of Trumpets there’s another solar eclipse and it’s a partial solar eclipse.  So I saw 2014, 2015 as very interesting coming up because in 2015 you have a total solar eclipse beginning the calendar year, the Biblical calendar, two weeks later on Passover a total lunar eclipse followed by another solar eclipse on the Feast of Trumpets, followed by another total lunar eclipse on the Feast of Tabernacles.  Now I don’t set dates I’m not…

Sid:  Now I know you don’t because the Bible says we can’t do that, but I can get your sanctified speculation, what do you think these signs could be?

Mark:  Well, the fact that these signs are all falling on the festivals and God said, “He’s given the sun, and the moon for signs on His feast days, I think we very well could see the Return of the Lord somewhere right around there.

Sid:  But speaking about the return of the Lord, tell me a bit about Rashanah, the Feast of Trumpets.

Mark:  The Feast of Trumpets is all about warning, the days that lead up to it are known as the days of Tishuvav or the Days of Repentance.  And so I believe that God wants all of us to begin to repent, to begin to return to Him.  In Judaism it’s also known as the day of the Awakening Blast, which I thought was quite interesting.  And again I don’t set dates for the Resurrection of the Dead but according to Judaism they believe it would fall some year on the Feast of Trumpets.  It’s also known as the ha-Kiddishim which is the wedding of the Messiah.  And so within Judaism they believe that some year on the Feast of Trumpets, that is when the wedding of the Messiah will take place, also Ha-Melech, or the Coronation of the Messiah.  It’s known as yom hadin the judgment and the opening of the books.  And so there’s so much within when we study our Hebrew roots that the Jews have seen for thousands of years that I think would be very good for us to pay attention to.

Sid Roth: …You know, I think that’s its God’s time right now, as a matter of fact would you care to speculate as to why Christians for the first time in almost 2000 years are getting interested in their Jewish roots?

Mark:  I love that question, I think it’s the Spirit of God, I think that it’s a supernatural sign from God, He’s putting us back within our hearts those that love Yeshua realize that He was Jewish.  And we’re beginning to return back to our roots and I believe this is the sign that we are living in these last days that people are living in these last days that people are all of a sudden getting a heart for Israel, a heart for the Jews and a heart for getting back to our original roots.

Sid Roth:  Why would you speculate that the anti-Christ system doesn’t want us to understand the appointed times of the Feasts.

Mark:  Well, I think that it’s because he doesn’t want us to be ready and I think God wants us to be ready so He’s trying to warn us.  And the Anti-Christ wants to change the times and the seasons so that we’re not aware.  And I think that he’s trying to thwart the return of Messiah.   He failed when he tried to destroy Israel in the Holocaust because he knew God was going to have them become a nation again.  And I believe the whole thing now with the whole problem in Israel, the devil doesn’t want the Jews to return to the land because he knows that it’s a land issue and God’s to reign from there and he’s trying to stop it.  And so if we want to be on the right side of history and the right side of the Bible we really need to begin to understand this from the Hebraic perspective.

Our Guest Eddie Rogers

Sid:  We are about ready to see an invasion of the Kingdom of heaven like no one has ever seen before and that’s why I’m so excited to be featuring this week Eddie Roger’s book “Supernatural” subtitled “Living under an Open Heaven.”  Because we’re coming into the days that the prophets just dreamt about.  But we’re coming into the days in which the average Christian will be walking in extraordinary signs and wonders, walking under what is referred to as an open heaven.  Sort of like oh, Jacob might have done when he wrestled with the angel and he saw the ladder and he saw angels coming up and down.  And my guest Eddie Rogers, because he was obedient he made a move and when he made a move there was such an outpouring of angelic activity you were telling me on yesterday’s broadcast that your children report, your family report seeing angels all over your property.  You even take photographs and you can see the lights which you call orbs.  Do you have any photographs that have a lot of these lights or are they just a few?

Eddie:  We have many that will show maybe twenty twenty-five, thirty even at one time as well as individual photographs that they will be in it as well.  Orbs’, just meaning a circle of light is what it was.  But you’ll recall that William Branham said in one of the books, that was written about him, “That often he would see the angel that would minister to him come to him as a ball of light,” and that sounds like an orb to me.

Sid:  You know Eddie there is such an increase in the presence of God I feel like it’s like it’s almost accelerating by the second as we’re speaking.  Has God shown you anything that He’d like to do right now?

Eddie:  Absolutely, He sure is as we were coming on the Holy Spirit began speaking, I began writing it down.  There is a man by the name of John Tanner that you have a neck problem, you had a problem, this in the cervical spine of your neck and accident.  I don’t know if they have done surgery on it, but if you will put your hand on the back of your neck right now you’ll feel the warmth of the power of the Lord go into that neck and begin to melt that stiffness.  You’ve not been able to turn it, you’ve been in pain when you turn to one side, “In the Name of Jesus I thank You Lord right now, You heal that,” and as you move your neck you are going to find freedom in it.  And also there is a lady by the name of Mary that you had digestion problems and the doctors have told you that there is a whole in lining of your stomach.  And right now Mary the Holy Spirit, you are going to feel a warmth come into your stomach and that hole is closing up and you’re going to able to eat without the aid of digestive enzymes and other things irritating your stomach.  Thank You Lord.

Sid:  Now I tried to understand sometimes spiritual things you can’t understand, but is this your angel whispering to you these secrets or how do you know these things?

Eddie:  You know that’s what I believe, you know it all is directed by the great Holy Spirit, He is our partner and we’re in ministry with Him, but He gives the directives to this angel.  You know Sid, it’s just like God can do all this without us but He gives us the great privilege of participating in His Kingdom and so do these angels and I believe that even while we were coming on the air was when He began speaking and I heard name and I heard the problems and ailments that He was healing.

Sid:  Tell me about that wonderful New Years Eve Service you had.

Eddie:  Oh, this was awesome.  At New Years Eve in a little town called Tallapoosa, GA which is literally right on the Georgia, Alabama border.  It was a great meeting that night Sid, we probably had a total of eighteen people there and, but God showed up and it was so wonderful there.  The Pastor of that church had his son of eleven years old had been born with a congenital birth defect; both of his feet were turned out to the side where he literally waddled like a duck.  And they had carried him to doctors and the plan was when he reached about the age of sixteen or seventeen after his bones had matured that they were going to go in and cut his tib fib bones and turn his feet straight and put screws in it.  Now the problem with it he couldn’t run or could he jump but he would just waddle like that.  He had preached his first sermon that night, the boy is called to the ministry and I believe that this is one reason God is doing this to such a young generation is that He’s calling these kids on fire now, not only are they going to be preaching, they are going to be carrying signs and wonders.  At the close of the service, they had been many people many, I say several because we only had about eighteen but that particular night there were backs healed, necks healed, shoulders healed and the Lord was just giving very detailed word of knowledge and calling the people out and telling them what their problem was.  When I said, “Okay, is there anybody else that needs prayer before we go,” as it was getting close to midnight.  The Pastor’s son who sat right in front of me on the front row the entire night, he stood up and I looked at him, looked down and said, “Son, what do you need?”  And he just dropped his head and looked to his feet and then that was when I noticed that his feet were turning toward the opposite walls.  And I well, sit down son, and not knowing what I was going to do or knowing what I was going to pray.  When he sat down, I knelt down at in front of him and said, “Just put your feet up here in my hands.”  And the moment that he put his feet in my hands Sid there was no time to pray, I didn’t have time to pray, “Lord come,” I didn’t have time to pray a sanctified prayer, I didn’t have time to say, “In the Name of Jesus.”  But as soon as his feet hit my hand his feet and ankles began shaking and trembling and they started turning upward toward the ceiling and I looked at him.  And I said, “Son, are you turning your feet?” And he looked at me with these eyes that were as big as saucers, and he said, “No, are you?”  Ha, I said, “No son I’m not turning them either.  And right there in front of his mother, father and everyone else God instantly healed him.  He jumped down, he jumped to his feet, feet pointing straight ahead as they normally should.  He said, “Can I run?”  I said, “Go for it!”  And he ran around the church twice just high speed and you know of course the mother, the father were both weeping and crying.  But the father he has since made “Supernatural Living under an Open Heaven” he made it required reading for every one of his church members.

Sid:  Well, I don’t blame him, I should make it required reading for everyone listening to us right now, but if you don’t have that desire then I can’t make you.   But tell me about that eighty-eight year old woman, Kathryn.

Eddie:  Miss Kathryn Dougroe that you are acquainted with as well as I she had been in a car accident with her granddaughter and she had broke several ribs.  And my wife and I along with another friend of ours had gone to her house to pray for her.  She had been released from the hospital.  They had told her that at her age her was nothing that they could do, they kind of wrapped her up, but they couldn’t set them, they couldn’t do anything for her.  So she was in a lot of pain, she couldn’t even move without just crying out, oh!  And we sat down at her table and we asked her if we could pray for her,  but this is when we have to be really sensitive to the Holy Spirit and do what He says do when He says do it, it is not just a matter of praying.

Sid:  Timing is everything.

Eddie:  Absolutely and we talk about that in the book that we got to do it when God says do it.  You know Jesus only did what He saw the Father do and He only did it when He said, “Do it.”  And we had to wait for the right timing in the room when the room was cleared of unbelief, and when the unbelief had left, I said, “Okay, let’s pray for her right now.”  And my wife reached over and she put her hand on her cracked ribs, her literally broken ribs and we said, “In in the Name of Jesus I command those ribs to go back.”  And Miss Kathryn let out a holler, about the same time my wife did as well, Miss Kathryn was holler for glory, my wife was hollering because she felt the bones move under her hand and they instantly went back into place and she was healed, all of the pain left.   It was just an awesome miracle of God, reversing the accident that had taken place.

Sid:  Tell me about Willie.

Eddie:  Free Willie, that’s what we called him, Free Willie.  Willie was a guy that had that was involved in some witchcraft and some other demonic stuff.  He was 6’5” and he probably weighed 400 pounds.  This was coming in a little place called Statesboro, Georgia.  I had just returned from a week in Brazil where we had been confronted often throughout that week with witchcraft and other things and it’s not that you go looking for it, you don’t go looking for it, but when it manifests it’s kind of the Kingdom of God you deal with it.  I was going back to the Pastors office when I had heard somebody call my name and I went into a room and there were three elders in the room with this guy named Willie.  When I walked into the room I noticed that one elder was on one arm with another elder on another arm and the third elder had him from behind by his belt loops.  When I walked into the room Willie looked at me and he said, “I’m going to kill you.” And you know just being tried and exasperated from the long trip to Brazil I guess it was a sarcastic answer, but I said, “Not today, you’re not.”  Ha.  And he came at me full force dragging the three elders who were trying to hold him back.  It was again it was one of those times when you just can’t pray, there is not time to pray, it’s like Peter sinking in the water.  I put up my hand and closed my eyes and I just said, “Jesus.”  And His chest hit my hand, but I felt before he came to me I felt the wind come around me from both sides, from my left and to my right and I knew that it were my angels.  It was a literal breeze and when I opened my eyes his chest had touched my hand and he was knocked back about ten feet along with those three elders, it looked like somebody had hit him with a 2×4 square in his head all the way against the wall and slid down the wall.  That was the power of God, the angels taking care of him.  And then we just jumped right in the middle of his big stomach and said, “I’m tired of this devil, come out of him.”  And he was delivered, but he was one of those people that when he would look at you there were little red beady eyes looking back at you.  But he got delivered, Free Willie wasn’t free but Free Willie got free.

Sid Roth:  And what is going on in your life, do you believe that it should be going on in every Christian’s life?

Eddie:  This is the normal Christian life, the abnormal Christian life is being satisfied with one service a week and going and listening and being a spectator.  God wants us to be participators; He wants us to live under an open heaven.  He wants us right in the throes of what He is doing, you know the secret things belong to God but He has revealed to us…

Sid Roth welcomes Steve Solomon

Sid:  My guest, Steve Solomon, another Jewish man that is red hot for the Jesus.  When he came to the Lord, he didn’t come in an abnormal fashion, he came in a normal fashion.  And you know Steve; everyone thought “I was God’s gift to the Church on the Old Testament because of my Jewish background.”  I didn’t know as much as the average Christian that’s been to Sunday School; I knew the Hebrew prayers, but I didn’t know the Bible.  But just because they knew that I was Jewish they felt I knew every…I hadn’t even read the whole New Testament and they made me a teacher, speaking in front of large groups.  And I understand that they did the same to you, and you decided to teach on Hal Lindsey’s book “Late Great Planet Earth.”  Tell me about that endeavor.

Steve:  Well, yes I went to this church and they decided for me, since I was a Jew and Israel is a sign of the last days; “Israel shall be trodden by the Gentiles” as Jesus prophesied “Until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in.”  And it was trodden down for 2,000 years and God supernaturally raised Israel as a nation back up, the homeland for our family, the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  And since I was a Jew naturally I should know everything.  Well, I was only saved about six or seven months Sid, so they gave me the book, “The Late Great Planet Earth” and they said teach this on Sunday mornings.  Well the first class was over 200 people in the Sunday school class if you could believe it; because this Jew was going to teach.  Well I started teaching it; I started reading…

Sid:  And I might add back then there weren’t as many Jewish believers in Jesus and the church made such a big deal out of us back then, but go ahead.  You and I are two of the few that survived that big deal.

Steve:  Yeah I know, Amen.  Ha-ha.  Well I had to be crushed, the Lord had to crush me to powder to get me through it, but that is another story.  So we did that and the problem was I started reading the Bible along with the book and I found out that God does not have a Gentile Bride that’s going to be taken out of the earth and leaving a Jewish Bride to suffer tribulation and wrath.

Sid:  That’s the deal, we believer’s get taken out and the Jews are left with the consequences.

Steve:  Yeah, and then I found the scripture Revelation 20 verse 6, “Blessed and holy is he who have part in the first resurrection on such the second death has no power but they shall be preached of God and of Christ and shall reign with Him a thousand years.”  So I thought, wait a minute.  If you don’t go in the first resurrection then you’re going to be in the second resurrection and that’s the second death.  So could it be that God was going to wait until every person Jew and Gentile and the Body of Christ has always been made up of not just Gentiles but Jews and Gentiles.  There has never been a Gentile Bride; it’s been the Israel of God Bride.  It’s made up of both, any way so I started thinking about this.  And well I started really praying and seeking the Lord and I started really teaching, and at the same time teaching that “You know tribulation is not a big deal because we all have to go through tribulation.  And we’re not appointed to the wrath of God; the wrath of God is on the world who denies the Messiah and not on the believers.  And the children of Israel were in the land of Egypt when the plagues came down, but in the land of Goshen not even a dog was touched.  Sid, I went to prayer one time about this and I fell asleep, do you want to hear about the supernatural experience?

Sid:  I can’t wait.

Steve:  Okay, I went to sleep.  Have you ever gone to sleep when you were trying to pray?  Lord have mercy, ha-ha.

Sid:    Ha-ha.

Steve:  A lot of times I would come out of my prayer closet and it was typical my wife knew I was sleeping, and “So you’ve been praying again.”

Sid:  Ha-ha.

Steve:  This time I went to sleep and went into a trance and this may sound weird to some people, but I went into a trance and I was talking to a man I knew was the Apostle Paul.  Now I know that some people will call me a hieratic, but I can only tell you what happened.  And so Paul was in this room and I was sitting next to him, he was kind of laying down reclining.  And here’s what I said, I said, “Paul, it looks like to me according to the scriptures that the coming of the Lord happens near the end of the tribulation period, not at the beginning.”  And I’ll never forget this and he turned and looked at me face to face, eye to eye and he said these words, I can remember just like it was today and he said, “Almost certain.”  And I woke up and I knew that it was a totally scriptural answer because no man knows the time or the hour except the Father.  Even the Messiah said, “No man, it’s in the Father’s hand.”  If Paul had given me a date it’s going to happen in 1988; it’s going to happen in 2008; it’s going to do whatever then it would have been a totally deceiving diluting spirit.  But he gave me a totally scriptural answer it looks like according to the scripture Sid.  Near the end, “Almost certain.”

Sid:  Well, you know what bothers me the most?  Is so many Gentile Christians, this doesn’t bother me, this blesses me, love the Jewish people, love the nations Israel, but don’t love the Jew enough to share Jesus because it would disrupt their fellowship.  And they figure after the rapture the Jews will get saved, so we might as well just enjoy our good fellowship right now.

Steve:  Sid, there’s only one way to be saved Sid; there won’t be anything different; it’s only by Jesus Christ as Lord!  He the Messiah, believe in your heart, confess Him with your mouth.  Only by the blood of Jesus, the blood of bulls and goats and no other temple being built in any other time is going to save anybody.  It’s the gospel, period!

Sid:  You know a lot of people say, “Show me a miracle.”  As far as I’m concerned a dead nation and Israel was dead; the Jews were scattered to four corners of the earth.  The only acceptable way to be correct under Rabbinic Judaism is to have a temple according to the Torah, “Without the shedding of blood there’s no anointment for sin.”  So without a temple, without out a homeland, persecuted in country throughout the world, God said through His prophet Isaiah “Could a nation be formed in one day?”  And in one day the nation Israel was formed, but that’s not the miracle, that’s a miracle, but the miracle is here we are sixty years later and Israel is still a nation.  Still surrounded by countries that want to totally destroy Israel; want to kill all the Jewish people; outnumbered so many times that we need a calculator to figure this out, but yet Israel survives as a nation.  You have the Riverwalk DNA which we’re featuring this week it’s a CD of music that, when this occurs in your church the supernatural breaks out, but a great deal of supernatural joy breaks out.  There’s a song that we’re going to play an excerpt of “All I Need is You” tell me about this song.

Steve:  This song is about that, you know God is bringing us all to the place, stripping everything away, every earthly crutch so that either He is going to be my sufficiency.   God is glorified, not with all the great things that I do for Him Sid, but God’s only glorified in my total and utter dependence upon Him.

Sid:  And isn’t that what’s going to happen in Israel when they, when Israel when it dawns on Israel that we can no longer depend on our big brother, the United States supporting us; we can only depend on God?

Steve:  As much as I would love us to always be for Israel, the Bible clearly states that all nations shall come against her.  But God says in Jeremiah 16 “If you can remove the sun and the moon and the stars from before you than I’ll remove Israel.”  God will never be removed from what He has promised in His word.  And Israel is coming to the place where all of us as believers have to come, that all we need, all Israel needs is God.  And it’s amazing Sid the sixth birthday, the Lord lately the passed few months has been having me speak on the calling of Israel, and all of these things that have been taken place and it’s amazing.

Sid:  “He that watches Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep,” and He that watches you shall neither slumber nor sleep.   And all you need is Him.

“All I Need is You” worship excerpt

Sid: …You’re in Steve’s church and what goes on in Steve’s church in addition to the oil flowing like a river.  Although I understand it stopped, why did it stop Steve?

Steve:  You know there are times, you know in the supernatural Sid there are times and seasons for God’s outpouring.  And I think that one of the big problems that we miss as Christians…You know when God sent the manna every day, it was only on the Sabbath was we were to collect twice as much, but God gives sufficient for the day and we have to understand the seasons that we’re in.  And it’s always important no matter what supernatural sign shows up that our eyes stay focused on God Himself and not the sign.  The sign draws us to Him and sure get’s our attention, but the Word of God is forever settled in heaven.

Sid Roth:  The purpose of the sign is to get out attention so that we recognize and come to our senses that all we need is Yeshua, all we need is Jesus.  But some of the thing that are going on in your church is outrages…

Sid Roth welcomes Don Dickerman

Sid:  And you know I don’t understand a backslider when you know what’s back there you’d never want to backslide.  But my guest knows what’s back there his name is Don Dickerman I’m speaking to him at his home at Bedford, Texas.  And Don has been in prison ministry for many years, he’s been in hundreds of prisons, thousands receive salvation.  But as a good Baptist pastor which he was ordained as a Baptist Pastor, he did not understand the supernatural and it was like revolving doors, someone would get saved, would leave prison and then the next thing you know they’d be back in prison.  And he said, “There’s got to be something more,” and he prayed out one night, and he said, “Lord,” he didn’t even know what he was praying but he said, “Lord make me a deliverer” and then he had a prophesy.  And the prophesy was that, “Oil would splash off his body and people would get healed and delivered,” and as he started speaking people were getting healed.  In fact Don you started getting words of knowledge; tell me about the one where you saw a rat eating the inside of someone’s colon.

Don:  You know that was my first experience with something like that and I have to say Sid, I guess it was my background, but I was always very cautious about speaking something that wasn’t from God and you know and saying it was.  But I was sitting in a prison chapel down in Huntsville and I went to that particular prison once a month and we had probably three or four hundred guys in the chapel and their little praise band was singing and I was sitting on the platform waiting for time to speak.  And I had just a mental image in my mind, but it was so clear I could see like an ugly rat with jagged teeth inside of someone’s colon just gnawing away at it; it was a very strange, obviously a strange vision.  But I did know what it was and I didn’t know what to do with it but I felt the Holy Spirit was telling me somebody’s experiencing that pain right now and I’m going to heal it.  So I cautiously when I got up I spoke that and I said, “Somebody here is going to be healed tonight of that problem.  Well a man jumped up and he just ran down the aisle he said, “That’s me, that’s me.”  Well, I prayed for him and he went back to his seat and said “He was healed and the pain had left.”  But after the service was over and the inmates were filing out back to their cell blocks an inmate came up to me and put a note in my pocket and he kind of hung around and I was shaking hands, guys were leaving.  He came back up to me and he said, “Sir, would you read that note now?”  And I opened it up and it said, “I’m the one, I’m the one with the colon problem” and he told me that he was embarrassed to come up front earlier, but that he’d just got back from the prison hospital and horrible pain And with a lump that I actually had seen that lump in the vision that was kind of hanging over his belt, a big knot.  But they told me I need surgery but since I was going to be released in a few months it could wait.  So I just put my hand on his stomach and prayed for him and commanded that to leave.  He doubled up in a knot and began to throw-up blood and bile and you know it was not the kind of thing that you want to talk about a lot, but some other inmates came with, got a towel and they cleaned up everything.  And I walked him to the back of the chapel and I didn’t know who he was, but you know he kept saying “The pain is gone, the pain is gone.”  So I left and he went back to his cell, but I didn’t know really what had happened and I didn’t know how to verify it, you can’t just call the prison.  So when I went back the next month, this man met me at the chapel door and he pulled up his shirt and he said, “It’s gone brother, its gone; I haven’t had a pain since then.”  And it was such a overwhelming thing to me, and such a confirmation of the Holy Spirit revealing something to me.  That would happen a few times after that and I learned that when that would come, when I would get some time of vision like that that would always happen, not just you know maybe, it always happened.

Sid: Listen.  I am so excited about the people that are going to get free from your brand new book, “When Pigs Move In.”  I’ve got a picture, It’s almost, not almost it is a before and after picture of an Irish prisoner by the name of Eddie Ferncomb.  Tell me about this particular Irish prisoner; tell me about this particular Irish prisoner, what did he do to end up in prison?

Don:  Well Eddie was he grew up in the streets of Dublin, he was a gang leader, but he was also a heroin addict at an early age and pretty violent; he had stabbed I think about fifteen people before he was fifteen years old.  He wound up in Ireland’s worse prison, in Portleigh, Ireland.  But I heard about him through a man that I know you, know, David Berkowitz.

Sid:  I’ve interviewed David who was also known as “Son of Sam” and that’s another amazing, amazing story.  I understand that you wrote a letter to David Berkowitz before he got saved and he wrote you a letter back and he said, “If I ever get out of here I’m going to murder you.”

Don:  Awe yeah, he said, “I’ll kill you.”  Yeah, I wrote David because I had seen you know God’s grace applied in so many lives and I didn’t know who he was and did know what he looked like but I had read about his crimes and I knew that he was in Adica, New York so I wrote him a letter.  And basically said, “God still loves you and he will save you.”  Well, he did write me write back and he said, “Don’t send me anymore stuff like this and he said “If I get out of here I’ll kill you.”  Well, I kind of joke about that now, it stopped our correspondence, but I ran into David, I was in his prison preaching Sid, in 1987 at eleven or twelve years after I’d written him that letter.  And I didn’t know that he was even in that prison, but he came up to me after the service and introduced himself, put his arm around me and said, “I want you to know I appreciate you and I appreciated the message tonight and I thank you for being faithful and you know,” and so on and David and I became friends and he calls me fairly often.

Sid:  So he was concerned about this Irish inmate.

Don:  He had read about Eddie in newspapers as being Ireland’s toughest prisoner and so on and he related to it.  But New York inmates are not allowed to write to write to any other inmates.  So he asked me, he said, “Would you write this man and witness to him like you did to me.”  Well, you know I was glad to that, well, Eddie answered my letter and we began to communicate through the mail and eventually Eddie accepted Christ by mail and I told him that about my family and our ministry.  And he asked me if I had any tapes I could send him, and I did from prisons services here in Texas.  And so I sent him a handful of prison service tapes and now this guy, Sid he’s in the deepest part of the prison, they had four to eight officers escort him wherever he went.  He was in the dungeon, but he did have a tape player so I sent him sever service tapes and he wrote me one day and said, “I have demons that I, and he listened to one of our services that included a mass deliverance at the end, a congregational deliverance.  And he said, “While you were talking and addressing these demons” he said, “Heat came all over me,” he said “I got so hot in the middle of the winter I was splashing my face with water.”  Any way he said, “I know I have demons, he said, “I told my chaplain about and he laughed at me.”  But in the letter he said, “Would you come to Ireland and help me be free?”  Well, it’s one of those things I guess the Holy Spirit just quickened in me as soon as I read it I knew I had to go, but I didn’t know how, I didn’t know anybody in Ireland and he put me in touch with a lady that had ministered to him some.  And she made arrangements, but I wound up going to that prison and sitting down in a private visiting room with Eddie, him shackled and officers all around and Eddie, Ferncomb received deliverance and it was a classic battle in the sense that his stronghold was unforgiveness, he couldn’t forgive.  And I told Eddie, “You know Eddie, if you can’t forgive, I can’t help you and I’ve come all this way, and I can’t do anything until you’re willing to forgive.”  So I actually left the prison that day and told him I would come back the next day, but he had to release that.  Well, when I went back the next day, it is kind of interesting the officer that walked me back to this dungeon area said, “Are you like David Wilkerson?” And I knew what he meant and I said, “Yeah, yeah I am, and he said, “Well, you’re welcome here lad.  And so Eddie came in that day, he had a smile on his face and he said, “I did it, he said, “I did it I forgave.”  Well, it’s a long story in itself but I took Eddie through deliverance.

Sid:  Listen, I have the picture of the before and the after, it’s unbelievable the glow of the glory of God on Eddie’s face.

Don:  It is.

Sid Roth:  And I’ll tell you what, you’re book has such an anointing on it.

Our Guest Jonathan Bernis

SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Rabbi Jonathan Bernis. And what I want to understand is, according to the Jewish historian, Neander, there were approximately a million Jewish believers in Jesus at the turn of the first century. But somehow something happened and these Jewish people weren’t identified as Jewish believers any more, and it resulted in the church losing its ability to walk in large numbers of people in the miraculous. Jonathan, tell me that scenario.

JONATHAN: Well again as you said, the church, the first church, were all Jews. They never converted to Christianity. They lived as Jews. But of course in Acts, Chapter 10, the Gospel goes to Cornelius, Paul becomes the apostle to the gentles and the Gospel quickly spread in the gentile world. And sadly, by 135, you have writings like Justin Martyr writing against the Jewish believers and saying, “He who claims to be Jewish and Christian is neither Jew nor Christian.” And sadly, the church begins—and there are reasons for this we don’t have to go into, and I think it’s important that Christians do study to understand this—begins to move away from their Jewish roots. And the second century all the way up to the culmination with the Nicene Council in 325 A.D., you have the church severing what’s now the dominantly Gentile church, severing themselves from their Jewish roots. And when that happens, Sid, the power drains out of the church. This is turning your back on your father, I believe. I think that until this is restored we’re not going to see the fullness of power coming into the church. And let me say it the other way. When the Jewish roots of the faith are restored, or the Hebraic roots, we’re going to see an outpouring of the Spirit we haven’t seen since the first century. It’s coming.

SID: I believe that, and that’s what I call the One New Man, when the middle wall comes down between Jew and gentile, to form one new humanity, which will result in the full dwelling place of God by His spirit. Now Jonathan has told me about a heresy that I understand, too, that so few understand. It’s the difference between you being in the blessings of God or the curses of God. Tell me about this heresy.

JONATHAN: I’d have to set it up by saying this. Genesis 12, “I will bless those that bless the children of Abraham and curse the one that curses the children of Abraham,” I believe is just as true and powerful, and real today as when it was written. And that’s the danger here, because we can be under the blessing of God, based on how we treat the Jewish people, or the curse of God. And the heresy is called replacement theology, or Cessationism. And very simply again, in the beginning of the second century this erroneous teaching that the church has replaced Israel. In other words, the Jews killed Jesus. They were responsible for his death. They committed deicide, and now God is through with them, He’s given up with them, they’re under His curse. And so now the new people of God, the new Israel is the church. Now the truth is that Christians become spiritual sons and daughters of Abraham and receive all the blessings given to the Jewish people, or given to the children of Abraham. But they join; they’re grafted into the natural olive tree, which is Israel. Replacement theology, most Christians don’t even know the name, still has vestiges and there’s residue that affects every Christian, and it cuts out the blessing of God.

SID: In Romans 11, that deals so clearly with it. Give me a couple of verses.

JONATHAN: Very simply, “Boast not against the natural branches,” because if God cut them off, how much easier to cut you off. And if he can graft a wild olive branch, which is the Gentile believer, how much easier to re-graft back in the Jewish person and bring them to faith. So it’s very clear. Paul says three times in Romans 11, God has not rejected Israel. It’s so clear, Sid. And we have to come against this heresy if we want to see supernatural outpouring of God’s spirit return to the church.

SID: Well I believe that it’s time for the greatest favor of God to hit Bible believers. It’s time to move from the curse to the blessing. And we have a mezuzah that we’ve designed for the people that we mentor. It’s got millions of Jewish names that do not know the Messiah in this mezuzah. We’re instructed in Scripture to put it on our door. And Jewish people kiss it when they enter their door or when they leave their door, and they pray for God’s blessing over them when they’re in their house and when they leave their house. How much greater blessing when we pray for the salvation of millions of Jewish people. Jonathan, I want you to agree in prayer with me, as we pray over this mezuzah, and I want you to agree in prayer with me as we pray that these millions of Jewish people come to know their Messiah, and you will walk under the blessings of Genesis 12:3, the favor of God. We agree in Yeshua’s name that the spiritual scales will come off the eyes of Jewish people. We agree in Yeshua’s name the spiritual scales will come off the eyes of Christians to be able to share the Good News with Jewish people. We agree in the name of Yeshua’s name that there are modern day Paul the Apostles in these names that will lead the world in righteousness, and yea, once again, the Word of the Lord will go out from Zion. And I am so excited when these Jewish people become one with Gentile Christians and the middle wall of separation is finally coming down.

SID ROTH: Next week on It’s Supernatural. Is it possible that there is an ancient mystery that holds the key to America’s future? Could this same mystery be behind current events from 9/11 to our economic meltdown, to even the war in Iraq?