Sid Roth

Our Guest Joel Richardson

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here with Joel Richardson. If you do not understand Islam, you will not understand the Antichrist. You will not understand End Times because when you understand Islam and you understand the scriptures, it is the clearest picture. And I can’t wait to find out from Joel Richardson because of his knowledge of the scriptures and because of his knowledge of Islam, what the Mark of the Beast really is. What is it, Joel?

Joel: Well what we need to understand first, Sid, is there’s been a lot of popular discussion in the church, past a hundred years, what is the Mark of the Beast. And we’ve heard people talk about things like a tattoo or a microchip. And it’s almost as if, you know, someone could just pin you down and give you this microchip, and if you get it, you’re going to Hell, because the Bible says, “Whoever receives the Mark of the Beast will be cast into the lake of fire.” But what we need to understand is that the Mark of the Beast in the Book of Revelation is intended to be the opposite of the mark of God, which is spoke of in the Book of Ezekiel, the prophet Ezekiel. And so the mark of God is that sign which marks the true believers. The Mark of the Beast is a creedal, it is a doctrinal, it is a statement of faith. It will entail a statement of faith. It will deny the Father, deny the Son. Now when we look at Islam we see that under Islamic theology, under a Caliphate, an Islamic government, there’s something called the Bay’ah. The Bay’ah is the pledge of allegiance or submission. Every Muslim is obligated, he is commanded. If there is a Caliph in place that’s in Islamic government, they need to make the pledge to the Caliph, and if they don’t do that, according to Islamic theology they are to be beheaded. Now Shariah Law…

Sid: A Christian or a Jew would never make an oath like that if they’re a real Christian, if they’re a real Jew.

Joel: Right. In other words, according to the Bible, people are cast into the lake of fire based on their acceptance or rejection of the Messiah, of Yeshua, of Jesus. And so the Mark of the Beast is not just, you know, some microchip or something like this. It entails a denial or a rejection of Jesus, the Jesus of the Bible. And so under Islamic law, obviously you have Shariah. And so you know, under Shariah Law if you reject the authority of the Caliphate you wouldn’t be able to buy or sell. When you look at Islam, it has all of the traits of the biblical system of the Antichrist. Now beyond this, you and I, we’ve talked about the anti-parallels between biblical and Islamic eschatology. With regard to the Mark of the Beast, what Islam teaches is that at the end of the age they have this character. They call him [Arabic]. That is the Beast from the Earth.

Sid: Revelations talk about him, too.

Joel: The Beast from the Earth in Revelation is the Antichrist and his empire. Now it’s symbolic. It’s not a real beast. It’s an empire. In Islamic theology, it is a real beast that comes up out of the earth. And according to their traditions it says that, “He will have with him the staff of Moses, that he will mark the faces of all true Muslim believers and their faces will glow,” and that will be an identifier that they are true believers. So according to Islamic theology, Muslims would desire to receive the Mark of the Beast from the earth. Again, that which the Bible says is bad and demonic, Islamic tradition has twisted and said, no, this is good. This is something to be yearned for.

Sid: At the same time, there is such a move of God among Muslims turning to Jesus. For instance, Joel, what’s going on in Iran?

Joel: Iran right now over the past 10 years has seen the most significant revival in the Islamic world in history. You have roughly 70 million citizens in Iran and reports coming out, and they’re varied, anywhere from one to as many as several million Iranians have converted to Christianity. They have become followers of Jesus because they’ve become so disenchanted with the radical regime, the radical Ayatollahs that have been reigning over them and crushing the life right out of them, that they have turned the scriptures.

Sid: Why do you believe that this is happening right now? Why are there so many Muslims turning to Jesus?

Joel: Sid, biblically throughout history, whenever the Lord uses a people to chastise or judge the earth, or His people, Israel, that’s exactly what He’s going to do with the Islamic. He is using his Islamic world as his rod of chastisement against an unrepentant world. But whenever the Lord uses a rod of chastisement, when He’s done, He breaks that rod over His knee. And He will judge the Islamic world after He has used them. But before He judges a people, He calls out a remnant. Sid, right now the Lord is calling a remnant of sincere, passionate believers out of the Islamic world. He’s calling them to Himself and He’s making them willing martyrs for Jesus.

Sid: And they’re going to be real believers. I mean, do the stuff the Bible says, for instance, I found out there’s an entire city in the Middle East of Muslims that have turned to Jesus. Tell me about them, Joel.

Joel: Yeah. There’s so many fantastic stories coming out from out of the missionary community. There’s one story, it’s a village and there was a missionary that was going to show the Jesus film in the village. When they showed the Jesus film, when they got to the point where he was being crucified, the village began to weep and wail, and then they said, “This man had been in our village for the past couple of weeks preaching to us.” They said, “That’s the guy that was here.” It was Jesus that had appeared to them, preaching to them. They saw the Jesus film. The whole village converted.

Sid: Did you hear that? The whole village became believers in Jesus. We really are in the end of the End Days. As a matter of fact, Jesus told us to look for certain signs, and Joel they’re happening. What’s going on in the realm of, say, earthquakes and tornadoes?

Joel: Jesus told us to watch all of these natural events as if they were birth pains. Birth pains increase in frequency and intensity. So I mean, we were just having record tornadoes here in the United States. We’ve had earthquakes destroying Japan, you know, all across the world. Some statistics. Let me just throw these out because these are what we are to watch for. In 2000 to 2008, there were 127 major earthquakes, 7.0 or higher. That’s one major earthquake every 28 days. Then in 2009, there were 17 major earthquakes, 7.0 or higher. That’s one every 26 days. A small increase. In 2010, there were 20. That’s one every 18 days. And then thus far, at the time of this recording, 2011, we’ve had what would amount to one every 13 days. That’s a double in the amount of massive earthquakes since the beginning of this millennium. They’re increasing. The Lord commanded us to watch these events as signs of His soon coming.


Sid: Do you believe that the things we’re talking about on this show, the emergence of Turkey, the emergence of the Mark of the Beast, the emergence of the Antichrist, the invasion of Jerusalem is going to happen in our lifetime?

Joel: Absolutely, absolutely. These things are happening. They’re happening quick. Believers are to watch for them. Much of the church today, Sid, has turned off the subject of the End Times. They’ve said this is irrelevant. Now is the time that the church needs to wake up, needs to start paying attention to things. The prophetic church, as you said at the beginning of the show, needs to understand the foundation, capital “P” prophecy throughout the scriptures as they try to and desire to speak with relevance and prophecy into the world. They need to understand the foundation. These things need to go hand in hand. It’s time for the church to return to biblical prophecy.

Sid: You do not know. You know we’re coming to the wrap-up. But you don’t know when your end is going to come. You don’t know when you’ll breathe your last breath. If there’s ever been a time to get right with God, if there’s ever been a time to know God, if there’s ever been a time to have your sins cleaned and be able to be a new creation by Jesus being your Lord and living inside of you, it’s now. Now.

Sid Roth welcomes Chuck Missler

Sid: My guest is red hot for the Messiah, if you were just wondering if we’re in the last of the last days, if we’re a few seconds before midnight, you won’t wonder anymore when you get a hold of these two CDs by my guest Chuck Missler called “Return of the Nephilim.  Because this is information, it’s kind of like missing information that very few Christians have ever seen that helps you put the end times together in a much more significant fashion than I’ve ever been able to do before; it’s the subject that the world thinks is fringe or hoaxes, UFOs.  But my guest was handpicked by God because he has such a credible background; he’s a recognized Bible scholar, been affiliated for many years with Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa, California.  He’s a Naval Academy graduate, Branch Chief of the Department of Guided Missiles, a CEO of six public corporations.  Chuck there’s an area I said that we would get into today that again most people say you got to be a fringe person to even believe in it and it’s got to do with the abductions of aliens.

Chuck: Yeah, that’s probably the spookiest, but first of all the whole area of UFO’s is so full of nonsense and hoaxes and government cover-ups, it’s a very difficult thing to steer…

Sid: And I might add even with your scientific data and your investigative reporting the thing that makes it so exciting to me is that you tie this entire thing into Bible prophecy that’s been hidden from the church, it was available to the first church, but they haven’t heard about this until now.

Chuck: Yeah, pretty much so because even today the expositors that take it seriously, you know the early church you know Philo Alexandria, Justin Martyr, Hernandez all those guys, but when you get to modern times you still find G.H. Pemard, M.R. DeHahn, Gableline,  Arthur W. Pink, Donald Barnhouse,  Henry Morris, Muriel Unger, Donald Frundenbaum, Hal Lindsey, Chuck Smith, they will speak of these things but it is a tough area. But when you setting that aside when you get into the probably the freakiest part of this area, are these cases where people apparently report that they have been abducted in these vehicles.  Now what’s so strange about this area is that this that is much more prevalent than most people have any idea, unless you are a professional in the consulting field because what happens is when people have these apparent experiences they generally want to hide them.  They don’t want to admit it because they immediately it destroys their life, they become marked as fringe and so forth.  This problem is so severe that they had a conference at MIT called “Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind,” and it was chaired by John Mack who is the head of physiatry for the Harvard Hospital   and so he wrote a book on called “Abductions.”  He is an MD prominent, well published doctor; he had apparently dealt with a 176 of these cases personally and they sponsored this conference which was primarily attended by physiologists and physiatrists who in their field of practice encounter people that have these stories are too bizarre to accept on the one hand and yet they have commonality and detail that’s disturbing.  In fact John Max challenged to the conference was, “If what these people are saying is happening to them isn’t happening, what is?”  And his point is these people have in common their above average in intelligence, they’ve had no prior physiatric history, they clearly have been subjected to some kind of trauma and the details of their story much of which is not published is in common.  And so it’s a very very strange area and it’s an area that I’ve had only a couple of incidents with.  Right now today, there are people on the search for people who express this having had this experience in which there are physical lesions.  See in each one of these so called abduction episodes, what apparently happens is all kinds of intrusive medical experiments are performed.  And it’s an area that; and the other thing it’s my tentative conjecture that everyone that has had this kind of involvement also had a prior occultic experience of some kind.  And because I made on one of my radio broadcasts made the statement that “I didn’t believe that a Christian can be abducted,” if they are as demonic as I think they are, I think that a Christian has protection over that.  Well, I got a call from a producer, so I can speak freely I won’t mention his name, but a Hollywood producer called me on the phone and I was quite startled because I don’t normally get those kinds of calls.  And he says, “Chuck I heard you on the radio and I happen to know a lot about this area and your were tracking a 100% with me until you said that a Christian can’t be abducted and you need to investigate the Betty, I think the Franteson affair.”  And I was so startled by the call I well start, but I did some homework.  Well the affair he makes reference to is well documented; but it is a case where the person involved, even though they were a twenty year old, twenty year Spirit Filled Christian hadn’t had an abduction experience.  But if you read her affidavit carefully she was invited and accepted the invitation.  Technically not abduction, and the point that I make in most of my materials is if someone is a Christian, they should avoid these things; number one, not accept any invitations to participate in these kinds of things; they are demonic no matter how enticing they may seem and so I know that sounds pretty spooky, but this is for most of us fortunately this is fringe stuff we don’t encounter this every day.  But for people that have had these encounters they are very traumatic, there very serious and they are very damaging, and we need to understand that.  And one of the reasons this is so relevant, if we understand Christ’s remark in the Olivet discourse; “As the days of Noah were so shall the days of the coming of Son of man be.”  That just underscores our need to recognize these things because they will be a sign of the end times.  They’ll have eschatological implications; so if we’re correct we can expect them, UFO sightings will increase, that these experiences of abduction are going to multiply in our society and there are so many forces at work, this is not people that have these encounters try to protect their privacy and I don’t blame them, because if journalist find out it they just get mobbed.  And I had a very very interesting encounter with a couple with a physiatrist that came to me after one of our talks and the net of it was that it was a very well documented situation.  But I advised her, your husband’s here, your pastor’s here, I suggest you take this documentation, put it in a safe deposit box, protect it in that sense, but I would keep it a secret; no one else, because if the journalists find out about this, they’ll destroy your life; and wanting to publish books and all that sort of stuff and that was my counsel to them.

Sid: But do you know what I find so fascinating about all this because of the way my mind operates now that you’ve given me this missing link in you will, I’m fitting so many things together in end time Bible prophecy;  But it appears as though that it was God’s intent to wipe out this breed of fallen angels that cohabited with women, that this new species if you will; that God really, now that my eyes are open, I see where God was trying to destroy them.  And I often wondered why God wanted to wipe out all the members of certain tribes; there was reasons beyond the reasons.

Chuck: Exactly right, and to make a distinction between the high breds’ that result is which what God wanted to wipe out, with the fallen angels that caused it because the fallen angels were incarcerated and both Peter and Jude make reference to that and maybe Revelation also alludes to it.  The point is that the angels that indulged in those things apparently have been incarcerated, but the hi-breds that resulted from their mischief was what was the target of the flood of Noah was; verse 9 of Genesis 6 points out that the ones that, Noah and his family were distinctive in that they, their genealogies were not contaminated by these goings on.  Well, Joshua was instructed when they enter the land to wipe out certain, four specific tribes and all men, women and children.  That as a New Testament reader you’re shocked because you don’t recognize what’s behind the scenes here is a gene pool problem that God is dealing with.  All of these things were in effect Satan’s attack on the advent of the Messiah and these maneuvers if you will, were designed to nullify Satan’s attempt to contaminate the human geno.  And so it’s a strange area the on the face of it sounds pretty fringy, but it turns out much as it surprised me to realize that unless you really understand Genesis 6 carefully a lot of the Old Testament won’t make sense and it certainly several of the key passages of the…

Sid: Now if Joshua would had wiped them out, we wouldn’t have had this problem today!

Chuck: Well not only that, there were certain places where he failed to do that, and one is a place called Bishan, which today is known as the Golan Heights.  The other one is the region that we call what the worldly press calls the West Bank and the other place is the place called Gaza.  And what’s fascinating is the very places that today are still in dispute are the same place; if you do a study of the book of Judges and do it with a map, you’ll discover those places where they failed to do what God told them to do are places even to this day are the pockets of the contest in Israel today.  It’s a very very strange panorama.

Sid: I’m just curious, I hear you speaking in great detail and this teaching here is invaluable to put together end times “The Return of the Nephilim.” ….why aren’t more people teaching on this?

Chuck: Well, because first of all there is a, I’ve discovered in my own exposition that people who really take the Bible seriously are in the minority.  The tragedy of today’s pulpits is most pastors really haven’t learned their Bible.  They have learned a lot of things…

Sid: You do such line upon line study of the Bible and this particular series…

Sid Roth welcomes Chuck Missler

Sid: My guest by way of telephone is Chuck Missler.  Chuck is a Naval Academy graduate, Branch Chief of Department of Guided Missiles, CEO of six public companies, has been known as a tremendous Bible teacher affiliated and taught the Bible at Calvary Chapel at Costa Mesa, California.  And when I heard he was getting involved in the subject of UFO’s I’ve always thought Chuck, that this is a hoax, but you have two CDs called “Returned of the Nephilim” in which you have done investigative reporting.  Excellent I might add investigative reporting, that where is there is a lot of hoaxes involved in the UFO industry there’s a lot of evidence that causes us to believe something is going on.  But then you teach on the Bible areas I’ve never heard taught before and I believe that you have vital information that has been missing; it’s almost been covered up.  Give us some evidence that you have found to cause those that feel that it’s just fringe people and a fringe area with this UFO’s that it’s real.

Chuck: Well, that kind of skepticism is very well placed because there is probably no other area that I know of that is more crowded with nonsense, with deliberate hoaxes, contrived photographs, stories that don’t check out by the thousands, by the way.  So any one that tries to jump into this area to do some research has a very daunting task to cut through all of this.  But the thing is as you do if you take the effort to get into it, you suddenly discover that despite the abundance of nonsense that also pervades the area and strange publications and I won’t go down all of those things.  In all of that though, what emerges are legitimate examples; first of all thirteen of our astronauts have publically confirmed sightings on their missions and so forth and you know clouding their own credibility it would seem they risk that as astronauts collaborating this kind of stuff.  And the reason one of things that makes it so difficult is the phenomenology that one encounters even in the legitimate you know, collaborate a stories are bizarre because on the one hand they leave physical evidence; radioactivity on the ground or burnt ground or other indications of actually having been there and they also show up on multiple radars simultaneously.  Now radars don’t have you know hallucinations so that’s on the one hand demonstrates that they actually are physical phenomena on the one hand.  On the other hand, they behave in ways that are physically impossible.  They go faster than the speed of sound without sonic booms; they make right angle turns at enormous speeds that don’t make sense from any kind of inertia.

Sid: Now we know this from our radar tracking?

Chuck: Yes, oh yes from collaborated accounts and so and they also seem to have the ability to materialize and dematerialize.  Now the two most respected researchers in history was J. Allen Heineck of the American and Jacque Volley the Frenchman.  These two guys that were very proliferate writers and really researched this all the way through you know the late forties fifties and so forth.  They both past away since by the way, but they did a lot of serious research, they both of them independently came to the conclusion that:  a. these things are not intergalactic as some people like to image them for some good reasons.  They believe that they were hyper-dimensional, comeback to that issue in a minute. The second thing is that they also felt that these things are deliberately deceptive and so to someone that is really trying to research those things are very critical…

Sid: So you believe that there is a miss information campaign so that most people will think that these are hoaxes.

Chuck: Exactly right, and that is the other thing that comes about on top of the hoaxes there’s also government interference in a number of cases, many, many cases where the government will step in and either and cloud the issue with misinformation in an attempt to cloud.  The most famous example of that in the US is the Roswell incident in England they have their Rendlesham Forest incident; another place where the government gets in and goes at a great lengths to hide what really happened and generates stories that are preposterous to discredit the people that are trying to find out what’s going on.  So the government interference is repetitive and in many ways; there’s an area now this gets into a little sophication there; but there’s an area in intelligence called disinformation.  One of the ways that you can hide something is to create information about it that is fundamentally spurious when that information is discredited it tends to discredit; it’s another way of hiding the reality and that disinformation techniques are widely used within the intelligence world and that’s exactly part of which is going on in the UFO area.  So the only reason I got into this because I discovered much to my amazement is that some of these issues are very fundamental in understanding certain passages in the Bible.  And so that’s when we started me and my associates, Mark Eastman and others and we really rolled up our sleeves, due to get into this area.  But our primary goal was to try to understand what the Bible perspectives were about this area and the disinformation and the difficulties was in researching this area is very tough with because of not just the hoaxes, but the fact that there’s deliberate efforts with people with substantial resources trying to hide the area.

Sid: I think that it’s absolutely amazing the documentation that you’ve put into these two CD’s were making available “The Return of the Nephilim.”  But do you believe that these are aliens from other planets or do you believe conclusively that these are demons?

Chuck: I personally, the conclusive is probably pretty strong one, but I personally conclude, let’s put it that way, that first of all that they are not aliens from other planets.  Now there’s a number of reasons why most serious researcher in this area tend to disregard that for some other physics reasons.  But the main point is I do think that they are demonic.  I think that they have an agenda and I think that when you look at these things through Biblically oriented glasses so to speak they have an agenda and its one of deceit and confusion.

Sid: But well, if I can take that one step further, could you give me some sanctified speculation as to what their agenda really is?

Chuck: Well, that’s probably a little hard, but I can tell you this, Jesus seemed to indicate that this kind of activity will increase prior to His second coming.  He when He gave a confidential briefing to four of His disciples He indicated that “As the days of Noah were, so shall the coming of the Son of man be.”  So to understand His remarks one has to really dig in and understand what really happened to bring about the flood of Noah?  And whatever that was apparently is going to be a major factor as we get closer and closer to His second coming.  And that was one of the reasons we put the effort into wanting to understand that is from the Biblical point of view is because it is in effect not just an important historical foundation to the Old Testament, which it turns out to be by the way, but also it’s a clue into what to expect.  And I think that these are going to be part of a major deception that will come upon the mankind.

Sid: You know my mind is just going a million miles an hour as I start seeing your Bible Study and seeing your Documentary evidence, it’s almost as if it’s a high bred race walking around.  You know parable of the tares and the wheat and you can’t tell the difference until the judgment.  Could there be a descendents of this high bred race among us?

Chuck: Well, Daniel seems to speak about that; in Daniel Chapter 2, He talks about, I remember the different metals the gold, the silver, the bronze, and the iron mixed with clay?

Sid: Right.

Chuck: He goes on to explain the clay, “He says as for the miry clay, they turns to a personal pronoun; they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men,” as in Verse 43 of Daniel 2.  Well for the grammar requires that they in order to mingle with the seed of men, but they must be something other than the seed of men or you cannot mingle.  You see in other words it implies two separate things the things that are being comingled.  Well, the they there is the suggestion that whatever the they are, they are not the seed of men, and so there’s a hint, just a hint but it’s almost required by the grammar that there is some kind of creatures that are being introduced that are going to contaminate or mingle or make less pure.  It seems to be an echo of this high bred thing that Genesis six talks about.  And that’s one of the reasons that I think this area from a Bible point of view needs to be understood, because it turns out the more you get into this, it’s an essential foundational understanding to really understand what else is going on in the Old Testament.

Sid: It really helps you put it altogether; it’s just hard for me to believe that I have never heard anyone talk on this before the way you present it in your two CDs.

Chuck: Well, I think that that’s one of the tragedies of our seminary system, because in the seminaries you would think that they would have an obligation to present the alternative views of some of these controversial issues and then justify the one that they favor.  But they don’t do that though, they present just the one side and you generally, only rarely do you run into what’s called the Angel View of Genesis 6.  They sell a thing called the Sethite View of Genesis 6, which is a way to try to cover this all up.  And we’ve gotten a lot of correspondence from people that are seminary graduates that are presently executives in the publishing world or whatever, that they express they’re upset with their own back ground because when they went through their graduate schools and so forth they weren’t ever taught the Angels View.  And yet if you do the homework; if you dig into the literature you’ll discover that is the traditional view.  That was the view of the early church, the Angel View that is; it is also the view of a substantial number of modern commentators too.  This not a fringe thing within the Biblical Fundamental Community; it is a controversial view.  Different people have different views, but at the same time the Angel View carries the implementer of some of the most conservative of the, you know the expositional scholars in the publishing world.

Sid: You know you have some of the most amazing statistics of about these abductions and UFOs of what; I want to get into that on tomorrow’s broadcast.

Sid Roth welcomes Denny Cramer

Sid: This is the time we need to see that glory, and that’s why I’m spot lighting some amazing gifts of the Spirit through human vessels and I have on the telephone Denny Cramer who functions and as New Covenant Prophet.  He’s prophesied over thousands and thousands of people for over thirty-three years and he’s learned a lot, but he’s still learning.  And at the start of the year, the Holy Spirit came on him and he was given ten words for the year.  Denny quickly you shared two of them.  Share the other eight and briefly what each one means.

Denny: The third word for the year was filters.  And the Lord said to me, “As each believer walks in obedience, which was the first word, that all negative hearing filters, that is blockages, hindrances, and restrictions that affect our hearing the voice of God were going to be removed.  He said, to me…

Sid: I’ll take that; I’ll grab it right now!  Ha-ha.

Denny: You’re doing what we got to do, we got to grab this.  He said, perfect prophetic perception or hearing, PPP.  Perfect prophetic, perception is going to be restored to the Church.  A spirit of deafness is going to come off the Bride and I heard the Church declare, I can hear again.  So that was the third word.  The fourth word was honor.  The Lord said that it was the year to give honor.  This means that Churches need to increase the honor that they are showing their leaders.  The Bible says, “Honor to whom it is do and the Lord said that has been acute shortage being bestowed in the Church.  In fact in our culture we’re not real good at understanding this, but in the Bible culture, honor was a big deal.  So for 2010 the Lord said, “Tell everybody, to pay their debt of Honor, pay up says the Lord, He said that we need to begin to honor those who over the years have left us in ministry.  Not to get something from them, even if you got to go back thirty-years and bless someone that blessed you thirty years ago, honor to who honor is do.  The next word is wisdom.  And this verse is so exciting to me; I want to preach it at every church service.  He said, “The wisdom of God is going to be heard and seen in and through the Church as never before; the verse is Ephesians 3:10.

Sid: So that’s going to cause the world go come after us.

Denny: Absolutely.

Sid: Because they’re going to have the opposite.

Denny: Listen to this, He said, “The Church is going to be the place to be in 2010.  The Church is going to be the happening place; the verse the Bible says “It is God’s intention that right now His wisdom is going to be made known in and through the church to all heavenly and even demonic principalities and powers.  So the Lord said to me “You don’t want to get – join Mensa, you don’t want to become a Fortune 500 Corporate Executive, you don’t want to become a Joint Chief of Staff.  What you want to do is get into the Church because it’s going to be through the Church that the wisdom of God is going to be made known and there is going to be a little expression this year, you heard it here first, where?  In the Church.  The next word is creative.  God showed me that Apostles and Prophets were going to unleash borage of prophetic creative declarations over Churches.  These won’t be sermons or teachings, but they will be literal creative declarations from Heaven literal awakening word that will have a life giving dimension to them so that when apostles and prophets do their job and leave the church and go on to the next church, they will literally have changed the atmosphere of the church.  And the Lord even kind of scared me He said, “Apostles and prophets for 2010 will operate and express more revelation in their ministry than over the last ten years combined.  So it’s going to be a year of great creativity for apostles and prophets.  Number 7 was media and I’m just going to read it the way the Lord gave it to me; for 2010 we are take the media back from the world.  Any Christian ministry that has an opportunity to get on the radio or TV needs to do it now says the Lord.  Number 8 was fear; the Lord said “The Church needs to repent of the sin of fear, it’s an epidemic in the Church and the Lord wants us to go from fearful to fearless because the devil has used fear as his number 1 strategy to paralyze the Church and its working.  Number 9 -holiness.  It is time for the church to clean up her act.  He verse that God gave me was, “There is a filthiness of the flesh and a filthiness of the spirit and this must be eradicated from the Church.  Now number 10 was dream; and He said, “For 2010 it will be a year where all believers’s will begin to see a dramatic increase of spiritual dreams that they will experience.  Seventy-five percent will be warnings.  So the Holy Spirit says take heed to your dreams.

Sid: Now with me personally, I have had dreams that are literal but most of my dreams are symbolic and to be candid with you I’m not sure of what they mean and so I usually just ignore them because I don’t really interpret them to my satisfaction.  Do you believe that there will be more literal dreams?

Denny: I do, yeah, I think about the four dreams surrounded the birth of Jesus Christ.  These were literal warnings that they heeded that protected the Son of God upon His birth, Yes I believe that many times dreams can be literal especially the one that are warning.

Sid: Now when you have prophetic words, I imagine that there’s a lot of times that you don’t understand what you’re saying, but the person receiving them know exactly what you’re saying.  For instance you had a word once for someone, “Don’t give your ticket away.  I bet you had difficulty giving that word.

Denny: Not only did I have difficulty giving it, but when I was done I said, that’s the stupidest prophecy I have ever heard and I’m the one that gave it.

Sid: Well, what did it mean to the person that got it?

Denny: Well, I stood this just little cute as a button little twenty-five year old blond up in my meeting looking like my daughter and I said, to her publically Sid, “The Lord would say, because I had a vision, and I saw a train, and I saws a conductor and I saw a train station.  And I saw this train pulling up.  And in a vision I saw this, so I said, I’m going to describe what I see.  The right train is coming, until the right train comes don’t give your ticket away.  So the Lord would say that when the right train does come along that’s when you give your ticket away.  Don’t do it, don’t do it, don’t do it till the right train get here says the Lord.  Do not give your ticket away.  Sid I had absolutely no idea, what it meant I was begging the Holy Spirit for an interpretation when I done giving it the church didn’t know what it meant, I didn’t know what it meant, I’m sure the little girl didn’t know what it meant.  After the meeting she walks up I’m suppose to tell you what my Dad told me to tell you.  I said, “Well, who are you? I’m the lady that you just said, “Don’t give your ticket away.”  I went, “Oh, yeah.  Does that mean anything to you?”  Absolutely, three nights ago I was at my boyfriend house, Nathan’s a believer, I’m a believer.  We were sitting on the couch watching TV.  Here’s the phone call that my Dad and I had, he calls me around 11:15.  I pick up the phone, “Oh hi Dad.”  “Hi, sweetheart, how are you doing sweetheart?”  “Doing good Dad,”  “Well, sweetheart, do you still have your ticket?”  “Yeah, I do Dad, I have it right here in my purse.”  “Okay, honey we agreed that you wouldn’t give your ticket away right.”  “Yes, Dad I still have it don’t worry.”  “Okay honey, just remember don’t give your ticket away.”   And I said, “Young lady what are you telling me?” She said, “You prophesied the secret code language that my Father and I devised that I would remain sexually pure until I got married.”  My Dad couldn’t call me on the phone and say honey, are you being sexually pure tonight?  He couldn’t call me on the phone and say honey, and say “Honey are you still a virgin?”  So we devised a secret code which was, “Don’t give your ticket away,” which was a symbolic code language meaning are you behaving yourself with your boyfriend Nathan?  So she said, you prophesied the secret code language just between my Dad and me.

Sid: Now, out of curiosity, do you ever prophesy healing for people and they get healed?

Denny: Hundreds of times, in fact I’ve had a history of doing just that; I’ll have a word or knowledge that will reveal the need for the healing and then the healing gift kicks in.  Yes I have.

Sid: And have you ever had prophetic words of what’s blocking the healing?

Denny: Precisely.  If it’s a spirit I know the spirit of infirmity that’s causing it and I often will see over people these spirit in action and I will address the spirit and then prophecy healing and then they get healed.

Sid: How about something of people that want to have children and can’t have children.

Denny: As a matter my greatest healing gift is in the area of barrenness.  I have literally hundreds of testimonies around the world from barren couples who could not conceive where it was revealed to me that a spirit of barrenness.

Sid Roth welcomes Shira Sorko-Ram

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here with Shira Sorko-Ram. She’s reporting to us from Jerusalem, Israel. Shira, what is the feeling like of the average Israeli with the threat of Iran, all the missiles, everything? What is like to live in Israel being pressed from almost every side?

Shira: Well obviously the two greatest pressures against the Israelis is, number one, Iran, which is, as I said before, acting just like Hitler did with his mouth, and secondly, the United Nations.

Sid: Why is the United Nations so against Israel?

Shira: It is so simple to tell you. There’s around 50 Arab nations in the Arab League. That’s not exactly the number, but around 50, and so that’s out of close to around 200 member nations. And then you have another 70 or 80 nations that are either partly or wholly Islamic. And so the United Nations is simply dominated by Islam. And so whatever the oil countries, whatever they direct, these other nations move with them.

Sid: Speaking of the United Nations passing a resolution, what do you think about the reports that this September, the United Nations might declare a Palestinian state without Israel’s consent or working out any peace arrangements?

Shira: Israel has asked the Palestinian authorities and said, look, just recognize our nation that we have a right to exist as Jewish nation, just like you have a right to exist all these other nations around that are Arab nations, Islamic nations. Let us have one nation and recognize us, and secondly, agree to stop your terrorism against us. That’s what Israel is asking. Now the Palestinians say, no, we’re not gonna do that. We’re not gonna recognize and we want all of our Palestinian, several million refugees, so called, and that’s a whole other tale. We want them to come back to Israel, which means, of course, that it wouldn’t be a Jewish state any more. And so Israel has been going, ever since I’ve been in this country, this is what has been the conflict. And so now the Palestinians are saying, hey, we’re not gonna agree to that. And so we just decided we’re going declare our own state, period. And if the United Nations agrees and all the other nations agree then we have our own state. That is what is coming up in September.

Sid: Briefly, what could you foresee happening to the United States if they do not veto this and go along with the resolution to declare a Palestinian state?

Shira: Yeah. Well that means that they’re dividing up the nation and that’s what Joel, the prophet Joel said that God was going to come against these nations because they are dividing up the land. You can’t do it because God gave this tiny little wisp of a nation to the Jewish people. Now God loves the Arab people. He’s given them, I think it’s, how much is it, 562 times more land than He gave to Israel. But the Arabs want that next little piece of land. But it’s not going to happen. Israel is going to be here. God’s going to keep His promise, and the nations that come against Israel will see tragedy coming to them.

Sid: Last question, Shira. Will there be a revival among Jewish people before the Rapture? Many Christians say, let’s not share with the Jewish people because after the Rapture they’ll get saved. What do you think?

Shira: That is horrible, horrible way to think, because even if that were true, which I don’t see it that way, every Jewish person that dies without having salvation, he’s lost, just like anybody else. Look, the Bible says, Yeshua said, look, to the Pharisees, to these unbelieving Pharisees, “You’ll not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'” That means somebody who’s accepting the Messiah. In the Book of Acts, Peter is talking to the people there and he says, “Believe on the Lord, Yeshua, and when you do, all of these things are going to be fulfilled and then the Lord will send the Messiah back.”

Sid: I see a great Jewish revival that’s about ready to happen in Joel, too. What do you see there?

Shira: I believe it. I believe that there’s going to be a revival and they’re going to be here. And when Yeshua comes back to this earth, they’re going to say, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Yes, there’s going to be many, many Jewish saved people who are waiting for Yeshua to come back.

Sid: What’s the climate among Jewish people right now, young Jewish people in Israel?

Shira: I think they’re looking. They’re looking and as we get stronger and have more opportunities to get the Good News out by ways that we don’t have at our disposal: television, Internet, media, they’ll have a chance to hear, and I believe they’re going to really receive. I know when I talk to individuals they’re very open to me.

Sid: Shira, thank you for so much for being my guest on It’s Supernatural.

Shira: Thank you, Sid.

Sid: And thank you for listening to us. You don’t realize how prophetic this show has been. You know in Obadiah 1:15, it says, “If you have done unto Israel, it will be done unto you.” And in Joel, Chapter 3, it’s been pointed out, “There will judgment on the nations for one specific sin, dividing up my plan.” Well all this is going on. You see how End Times are speeding up. I wish more people would understand God’s law of evangelism. When God wanted to reach the world, He went to who? The Jew, Abraham. When Jesus wanted to reach the whole world, who did he go to? He said, “I got only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” When Paul wanted to reach the whole world, who did he go to? He said, in Romans 1:16, “I go to the Jew first.” That is God’s strategy. By going to the Jew first, it opens up a supernatural door of evangelism for gentiles beyond anything the world has ever seen. This is God’s method. Amos, Chapter 9, it says, “When the Tabernacle of David is restored,” and the word “Tabernacle” in Hebrew means “house”. When our family, when the family of David is restored the Jewish people will be the greatest gentile revival in history. Get it right, folks. It’s going on, I hope, right now.

Our Guest Shira Sorko Ram

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here with Shira Sorko Ram reporting to us from Jerusalem. And Shira, I have to find out from you, what is your spin on what’s going on in Egypt? What’s going with the young people in their protests throughout the entire Middle East? I don’t think there’s ever been a time in the history of the world that there’s been so many protests going on in the Middle East like this.

Shira: Absolutely. You know, I would love to think that the Arab people were going to go into a democratic style government. But because Islam is so strong in these nations, I just read polls today about Egypt. Way over a majority of Egyptians want their government to break the agreement, the peace treaty with Israel. The people don’t want Israel here. And so in a democracy what’s going to happen is the Islamics, which are in the majority in Egypt, are going to take over. And it is a tragedy because Islam is a spirit that hates the Arab people as much as anybody else, you know. It’s a spirit of death. And wherever Islam is there’s death of their own people, first of all and then of course their desire to destroy Israel and the western nations.

Sid: Shira, politically, a group called the Muslim Brotherhood is getting a lot of good press in the United States. But who is the Muslim Brotherhood and why is it bad for the world that they’re literally, it looks like they’re going to be taking over a lot of these countries?

Shira: Well let me explain it this way. The difference between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda is that Al Qaeda kind of comes out with its guns smoking and they want to take over by violence. The Brotherhood says, look, we can have the same goals, but we’ll do it through elections. And but their goal is just Al Qaeda, to have a worldwide Caliphate.

Sid: There is an increasing anti-Semitism worldwide, even some compare it to what it was during Hitler. We’ve never seen such ferocious anti-Semitism worldwide. Why is this going on at this time?

Shira: Well I think that, again, Islam, wherever it goes is carrying on the theology of Hitler. And so because you have so many Islamics now in Europe and they’re pushing this agenda of anti-Semitism, that it is spreading. It is definitely spreading. And Ahmadinejad in Iran is saying exactly the same things a Hitler did. Back in Hitler’s day, people didn’t believe him. Today, they do not believe the Iranian president.

Sid: At the same time, Shira, and it’s so amazing to me, Israel is prospering like almost no country I know. The shekel, compared to the U.S. dollar is so much better. What’s going on in your real estate, your pricing me out of being able to buy a home, in the high tech industry. How could this all be going on with the whole world doing so many horrible things to Israel?

Shira: It’s crazy. It is absolutely crazy. But you’re right. You know, this little start-up nation is creating and creating, and creating. It’s obviously the blessing of God.

Sid: Question. Who owns the Land of Israel?

Shira: The Bible says it is His land, with a capital “H”. And so God is going to keep His promises. He’s always kept His promises, and there is no nation that is going to destroy this nation. However, the nations that come against Israel will ultimately be destroyed. I know that sounds terrible. I know it’s hard to believe and I don’t even like saying it. But that’s what the Bible says. When I see what’s happening, the wars and rumors of wars and the killings all over the earth, yeah, it’s gonna happen. And more and more nations that come against Israel are going to, themselves, have disaster happen to them.

Sid: Shira, what about the pawns, if you will, of this situation, the Palestinians? What can be done with them?

Shira: You know, Sid, there is no political solution, absolutely no political solution. The only solution is Yeshua, the Messiah. When the Arab people find God and receive the Messiah, believe the Bible, they love the Jewish people. We have friends among the Arabs who are so strong in favor of Israel. They say, one preacher says, “I’m a Ruth congregation. I have become a part of the inheritance of Israel.” That’s the only solution. So even the Israeli government realizes that. And they encourage missionary work among the Arabs. I can tell you right now that in the Palestinian areas there are groups of Muslims who have come to believe in the Messiah. Of course, if it were known they would be killed themselves.

Sid: Shira, we’re going to have to take a break right now. But when we come back, we’re going to discuss what is going to happen in the United States of America this September. You must hear this. Please do not go away. Be right back.

Sid Roth welcomes Shira Sorko Ram

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I am so concerned about what might happen to the United States of America in September, and that’s why I’m going to take you shortly to Jerusalem, Israel. I’m going to be interviewing a friend of mine, Shira Sorko Ram. Shira immigrated to Israel in 1967. What a historic date, Jerusalem in Jewish hands for the first time in thousands of years. And she was there to see what was happening. And Shira has been, had a Molotov cocktail tossed into her apartment because she’s an outspoken Messianic Jew. But she is the most insightful, prophetic reporter I know in the Middle East. Shira, Shalom.

Shira: Shalom, Sid. Glad to be with you.

Sid: Shira, what a time to be in Israel, 1967, Jerusalem in Jewish possession for the first time in thousands of years. Tell me what it was like living in Israel in ’67.

Shira: Well it truly was one of the highest, greatest moments of all of Israel’s history. Yitzhak Rabin, who later became the Prime Minister, here’s how he felt, and it’s how the whole nation felt. He said, “I felt truly shaken and stood there murmuring a prayer for peace.” This is when he first saw the Western Wall. And he said, “Multi guerillas of paratroopers were struggling to reach the wall and to touch it. We stood among a tangle of rugged battle-weary men who were unable to believe their eyes or restrain their emotions. Their eyes were moist with tears, their speech incoherent. The overwhelming desire was to cling to the Wall, to hold on to that great moment as long as possible.” When I got here, that’s what people were talking about. They were saying the days of Messiah are here. The Israelis just couldn’t stay out of the old city. They swarmed through every little store and place, and the Arabs were stunned at the victory that Israel had, and Israel had immediately cleared out that whole area around the Western Wall. And so there were just thousands and thousands of people, 24 hours a day, down at the Western Wall. The country was in euphoria. People were saying there will never be another war again. The Arabs have finally learned the lesson and it is the days of Messiah.

Sid: And you were telling me that moment when so many Israelis at the Western Wall sang a song that’s very popular in Israel, “Jerusalem of Gold”. What was that like?

Shira: Well we were heading towards the old city on Yom Ha’atzmaut, which was the Independence Day, which was the first independence day of a united Jerusalem. And actually, the crowd was so great that I only got as far as Jaffa Gate, which is the main western gate. And there in front of me were thousands, perhaps a couple a hundred thousand people, and they all began singing just out of the blue, “Jerusalem of Gold.” It was the most amazing moment of my life. I knew that something was connecting me with Israel that I had not dreamed of before. And again, the people were saying, this is the time of the Bible. These are Bible days again. And these were, many of these people didn’t even believe in God, and they certainly didn’t know about the true Messiah. But they saw that we were entering the last days.

Sid: Shira, many members of our audience do not know the history of Israel. The history of Israel is miracle after miracle, after miracle. Could you give us a very brief snapshot of the history of modern day Israel.

Shira: Well you know, the sad thing is that the British Empire had the opportunity to create Israel and they messed up. In 1917, they delivered a declaration that the Holy Land, that Palestine was going to be a homeland for the Jews. But over the next few years, they would back on that. They gave 76 percent to the Hashemite Jordanian government. And then what was left, they decided to divide that up again, and finally they just raised their hands, left a lot of their weapons to the Arabs and took off, and left it to the U.N. So Britain really missed the greatest opportunity that was ever given to them. And you know, when Britain went into World War II, it was said that the sun never sets on their empire. And when Britain came out of World War II, after turning its back on Israel, there was nothing left of it except a few islands, like the Falkland Islands.

Sid: What do you personally account for that happening? What is the cause that Britain went from being like the United States of America to almost third world?

Shira: The Bible says, “I will bless those who bless you,” meaning the seed of Abraham, “and I will curse those who curse you.” In 1939, when Hitler was gathering up his troops to exterminate the Jewish and it succeeded in six million, the British put out what’s called the “White Paper” and said only 75,000 Jews a year can come to the Holy Land, and after 1944, whatever the Arabs say can come. And so the millions of Jews who could have come back to the Land of Israel were instead destroyed in Hitler’s ovens. And I do believe that there is no greater sign of a curse than for an empire like England to lose almost everything she had.

Sid: Now I want to correct one thing that I said. They didn’t go third world, but they lost most of the nations that they had. They went from one of the more powerful nations in the world history to being, and also ran, so to speak. Now I’m setting the stage for you right now to find out what is about to happen if America makes the wrong decision in September. Don’t go away. Be right back after this word.

Sid Roth welcomes Brenda Kunneman

Sid:  Now my guest Brenda Kunneman cannot speak enough about what most Christians are missing because they’ve either never spoken in unknown tongues or they’ve spoken it and they’ve stopped because “Christian society has stopped.”  But Brenda prays forously in tongues and other times quietly in tongues; people get healed when she does that as we found out on yesterday’s broadcast.  She even gets names of people; tell me about someone whose name you got Brenda.

Brenda:  Well, I was preaching in a meeting in another country and it was actually in a women’s conference and I had just been asking God for supernatural manifestations so I called out this name and it was the name Angel.  I said, “Your name is Angel.”  Now you know I always try to encourage people, I said your name is Angel or your, it sounds to me in the Spirit like you have a Father that called you by that name.  So if either your real name is Angel or maybe that was a nickname, come up here.  Well the funniest thing happened, now this is a woman’s conference 3 or 4,000 people there and a man comes up!  I’m like, a man, I said, “How did you even get in here, this is a meeting?”  He said, “Well I was doing some work in the back with the equipment and he said, I heard you say Angel.”  He said, “My name is Angel and so I began to prophecy some things about his destiny and then I stopped and I said, “The Lord tells me and I ministered to him; and then I said now, how many times you call out in a woman’s conference and a man comes, I mean that was supernatural by itself.  But I said, “Somebody else in here and I hear the Lord said you almost didn’t come to this meeting, you traveled a distance and you came here desperate for the manifestation of healing for your child.  You almost did not come, in fact God says, “You were feeling guilty about leaving your child;  your child in another city somewhere else, you felt guilty about leaving, God says and your name is “Angel” God says, don’t feel guilty, your child is about to receive a miracle.”   This woman is standing there next to this man named Angel; are you with me?  Standing there next to this man and she’s crying and crying and crying and she says, “My Father always nicknamed me Angel and I came here I just gave birth to a little baby and the baby is premature and the baby is back home.” in fact we weren’t in the United States, we were in Latin America.  And she said, “The baby’s back in the US; I almost didn’t come to this meeting, but something in me and I was suppose to come here;” and she said, “I came here anyway in fact my family and people criticized me; they said, “How can you leave your child on the incubator in this hospital and she said, I don’t know, just something drew me and I came.”  And I spoke to her and I pointed at her by the Spirit of God and I said, “Woman go home, you’re child’s healed from this hour.”  I got testimony later and I found this out, I was visiting in another church here in the US and a lady came up to me and she said, “You know I’m this woman’s pastor.”  I just want you to know she was at that meeting and she mentioned this lady; this was probably six months later.  She said, “You called her out, which you didn’t know that this child was home sick, the doctor’s had given a bad report, she is premature and when she got home, just as you spoke her child was off the tubes, her child was breathing, and the doctors said, you’re baby is going to make it.”  Now, this all happened in a matter of a few hours from the time that God called her out.  See, these are the levels of supernatural power God wants to manifest through His people.  This is the kind of supernatural occurrences that we’re living in this hour and that’s why I mean there’s a desperate world that needs this level of manifestation.  And so from the time I spoke that, which we did the timing, from the time I spoke God said, “Your child’s healed from this hour,” that baby within hours was completely made well.  And that’s the kind of manifestation of the power of God that I see God wanting to bring the church into.  It will look like the shores of Galilee; it’ll look like the early church like the Gate Beautiful when Peter and John walked up to the man at the Gate Beautiful and said “Such as, arise and walk!”  That’s where God wants to bring the church and listen we’re seeing it Sid all over the world; fingers growing out, people getting healed.

Sid:  Finger’s growing out?

Brenda:  Fingers, I’m getting reports, I haven’t seen this personally, but I’m getting reports of people that are having fingers growing out.  I had a woman here in my own experience; I had a woman who we prayed for, in fact she didn’t believe in the supernatural.  Get this, she did not even believe in the supernatural; we laid hands on her, I prayed for her, she came up and you know I felt like man, man she looked like man she looked like she was going to bite me, I could tell she only went up because her friend told her, she said, “She had kidney stones.” Her friend said, “Get up there and get prayer and forced her to go to the front;” she didn’t even believe in healing, she didn’t believe in this Holy Spirit, she didn’t even believe there be any Holy Ghost and she went up to the front and I went and prayed for her and I remember this, this is so funny I remember this, she looked mad, you know, I thought oh, I prayed for her and she looked at me with that face and I thought my gosh. I went on and prayed for other people; and all of a sudden somebody came up from the back, this was in this meeting, came up from the back and said, “That lady you prayed for, she was my friend I brought her, she went in the back, she had terrible kidney stones, she went in the back in the bathroom and said she passed them and she’s totally not in any pain.  She didn’t even believe in the power of God, now she believes, the woman was saved, it is a total transformation of a life because of the supernatural anointing; this is why we need power in the church.

Sid:  Brenda, the whole week the presence of God has been sky high on our interview.  I would be remise before God if I didn’t ask you to pray prophetically for healing for people right now.

Brenda:  Yes, yes, if you are listening I want you to get ready to receive because I feel the presence of God right now!  You prepare yourself, some of you I hear by the Spirit of the Lord, you’re about to receive a complete turnaround in your body, in fact some of you I hear a heart problem, there’s somebody out there you have a heart problem that the doctors are saying bypass, bypass, bypass.  The Lord says, “I am going to bypass, I’m going to bypass what their speaking” in fact the Lord says “You won’t need the bypass, I’m going to bypass and they’re going to look at your heart and say “It looks like you had a heart transplant,” that’s what I hear God say, “It looks like you had a transplant we can’t even recognize the heart that we took pictures of weeks ago, it’s not the heart that you have now.”  I hear God say that, so I want to pray for people if need a creative miracles, if you need healing in your body, you just get ready to receive the presence of the Lord is here, it’s ready to heal right now.  So I stretch my hands Father to every person that’s listening over the airwaves right now, in the Name of Jesus and I decree the healing the healing power of God, I say tumors melt in the name of Jesus, tumors melt, I say body parts be whole, ligaments line up, I say fungus’s dry up right now in the Name of the Lord Jesus, I say eyes be open, cataracts be dissolved, I say to glaucoma you have no power I curse you at the root in the Name of Jesus; I say hair loss you cease and you stop in the Name of Jesus, in the Name of Jesus, I speak to the ligaments of osteoporosis, I speak to degenerative bone diseases and I say right now, right now I interrupt you by the power of the Living Lord Jesus the Messiah your power disease your disease is broken over person listening to the sound of my voice and right wow, I say miracle power go in fact,  in fact, in fact I hear this the Lord says, “That is you’ll believe it you’ll feel the physical manifestation moving through your body like fire in the Name of Jesus.  Healing, healing, and miracles be upon you now in Jesus Name, Amen, Amen.  Sid I believe that we are going to get reports.

Sid:  I know that and I had a vision of someone’s fingers not necessarily growing, but pain of any kind in the fingers or any problem in the fingers or even growing.  God is doing something with fingers right now in Jesus name.  And Brenda, if you were to put it in a couple of sentences, why should people read your new book?  “The Supernatural You.”

Brenda:  Because I want them to learn they are anointed.  What we just prayed they can do, they can do, they don’t need necessarily someone else.  That is a dimension of God, but they are anointed, they have the same power that when Jesus walked the earth, the early apostles.  And I teach you step by step in the book how to release your own anointing, that’s the key, your own anointing.  How to pray the kind of prayers that produce miracles, that’s what we want, that’s what we’re hungry for the kind of prayer that produce miracles.  How to literally experience the supernatural for yourself, everywhere you go, every place you walk, every place you drive in your car when you go to work.

Our Guest Brenda Kunneman

Sid:  Brenda Kunneman has just written a brand new book called “The Supernatural You” which is literally a handbook to convince you and then teach you that the power that is in the top evangelist the world has ever known, that same power that is in Jesus, is in you and it’s time, I mean your name is being called to come to the front and center stage; are you going to say yes or no?  Brenda I love the analogy of comparing the source of God’s power to a river.  Tell me a bit about that.

Brenda:  Well, of course you know that Jesus is really the one that gave us this concept, He said in John 7:37–39 “If any man thirsts, let him come to Me and take a drink.”  That means anybody, I don’t care if you think you’re the pinky toe of the body of Christ, you know it’s a common analogy I use, if you think that you are the most insignificant part.  If you’re thirsty, you come take a drink, it’s available for you and He said, “He that believes on Me as the scriptures said, out his own belly,” that means your spirit.  So if you’re listening today, I want to encourage you that out of your spirit the Holy Spirit, if you’re filled with Him, will make that river source available for you to do signs, wonders, and miracles.  Now I know, I hear by the Spirit there is somebody out there; you need a desperate miracles in your finances today.  I mean that there are so many people that are hungry for miracles, but I know that there are somebody listening that you are like if you don’t have a miracle tomorrow that you’re like you don’t know what else you’re going to do.  In fact, I hear that you are in foreclosure in the house and the Lord is saying that there is miracle right now in your mouth.  Speak it, release the miracle, that river is waiting to flow; you just release the miracle, say and this is the way that I hear God say it, God is saying, “What do you want me to do?”  Just decree the thing and it shall be established; let Me show you my power; let me show you My miracle.  So I want to encourage somebody with that that’s listening.  You have a river that is available to flow through you to do the most unusual signs and wonders, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Let me encourage people that are listening that the same God; now I hear this so closely, the same God that said, “Light, come into existence,” is the same God that is working in you.  The same God that parted the Red Sea, the same God that parted the waters of the Red Sea, the same God that did all the signs and wonders in Egypt, the same God, that healed people on the shore of Galilee, He is in your own spirit.  What are you waiting for?  You are anointed and so I want to encourage you as you’re listening you can release the anointing.  Now if I could just give you a few pointers that will help you because I’ve done these things in my own life and I’ve seen some of the most incredible supernatural occurrences when I’ve put certain principals to practices.  Number 1: Pray in the Spirit, and I believe in a few moments we are going to be able to pray for some people to get filled with the Holy Spirit and in fact you don’t even have to make it hard.  I didn’t make it hard; I got filled with the Holy Spirit in the bathroom.  I walked in, and said, “Holy Spirit, fill me,” and I spoke in tongues.  Well, people say well I don’t know if I could do that.  Well, yeah you can, just open your mouth and in fact if you are listening and your just thinking, man I would love to try that, just do it.  Let me encourage you, just do it.

Sid:  But, they don’t know what to say, some of them are saying.

Brenda:  Just move your mouth, move your tongue.

Sid:  And that’s the deal, you won’t know what to say, you won’t hear it until you say it.

Brenda:  That’s right and…

Sid:  You won’t walk on water till you move your own legs, you won’t talk even in English until you move your own tongue and you start making sounds.  So do something by faith just start speaking.

Brenda:  I walked in the bathroom and I said, “Holy Spirit, fill me and I said, well I might as well start and I moved my mouth and went ba, ba, ba,” and now I started praying in tongues.  And so it started out what sounded like it was just me, but there is that.  If you’ll step out on the waters, if you find the greatest miracles of scriptures when people stepped out and did the miracles.  It wasn’t because they waited for God to wallop them on side of the head and then they went out and did a miracle.  They stepped out in the supernatural because it is a walk of faith.  You half to believe it before you see it, and so I’ve seen by taking these steps of the supernatural I’ve have seen some of the most incredible occurrences in my own life, I couldn’t even list.  And could I just say this if this is okay for the listeners?  It is so much better to live that way to know that you have a resource from God to do and to work and to bring about miraculous occurrences every time.  It’s so much better than feeling like you are on your own.  I mean I can pull on that river anointing for whatever I need at any moment, I can call on it.  But I want to kind of give some of the believer’s a few principals that I think would help them.  If you’re filled with the Holy Spirit to tap into that power:  No. 1. Believe that you are anointed.  Jesus, the first thing that He said in 1 John 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me.”  He had to stand up and decree, it was the first way that he started his ministry, went into the wilderness, came out of the wilderness, the Bible says that He went into the wilderness in Luke 4 to be tempted of the devil, when he left the wilderness the Bible said He came back in the Spirit of Power and the first thing He said was, “I’m anointed.”  So if you want to be used in the anointing you decree a thing, say: “I’m anointed.”

Sid:  I’m anointed.

Brenda:  I have the power of God upon me.

Sid:  I have the power of God upon me.

Brenda:  God wants you to go and minister, to pray for the sick I always say I’m anointed.  These hands are anointed.

Sid:  These hands are anointed.

Brenda:  My body is anointed.

Sid:  My body is anointed.

Brenda:  When I do that, it ignites the faith that I have for that river to begin to flow; that’s the first one, you have to believe it.  And the best way to believe something, and of course Sid we know this principal; you speak it to where your own ears can hear it.  And I’ve done this with people in conferences where thousands of people are there and people, people literally, you don’t have to lay hand son them, literally you know, tumors fall off.  People, I had a story of a lady I said, “Everybody, how many of you know that you are anointed?”  They began to scream and shout, this one lady brought a testimony the next night, she had been at that meeting, the next night she was healed, brought a doctor’s report, she had had a blood test, she was healed of HIV.  I mean I’m telling you, when people know what’s in them, they can receive self deliverance; they can step into the power of God.  They can see cancers healed, they can see they’re sick…they can see prodigals come back.  To call them back, believe that you are anointed.  Second is:  Pray in the Spirit.  Make a practice.

Sid:  How much do you pray in the Spirit?

Brenda:  I pray in the Spirit regularly, so that means sometimes, let me say it this way, sometimes I’ll set aside maybe an hour.  But you know I want to make people feel like wow, you know I’ve got to go pray and hour and you know especially you know that housewife and she’s just trying to get the kids on a schedule and you can, I’ve had my greatest times of praying in tongues while I’m cooking dinner in the evening, I just walk around, I pray in the Spirit, I pray in tongues while I’m getting ready.

Sid:  Well, I go out to the gym and I sit on an exercise bike and I guess a lot of people think I’m crazy, or a Hebrew word, Mischugah, but I redeem the time, I pray in tongues.  That gym is so anointed.

Brenda:  Yes, that is the way and praying in tongues is a doorway to those rivers of the Spirit, cause Jesus said it, He said the rivers, this He was speaking of the Spirit, John 7:38, “This He was speaking of the Spirit that should come after that was the sign that filled the believers on Pentecost.  They began to pray in tongues, as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance, so I find the more I pray in tongues, the more manifestations of the supernatural I have and so I would encourage people listening if you really want to see miracles, pray in the Spirit.  You have to believe it, same “I’m anointed,” and then you begin to pray in tongues.  Make a habit of it, just in throughout your daily life, include it, you can ride in the car, I think there is different dimensions of praying in the Spirit and I teach in the book about stepping into different dimensions of tongues, and so I would encourage the listeners to listen to that.  Or to read that because if you step into different dimensions of praying in tongues, see more occurrences.

Sid:  Well give me a few of the dimensions of praying in tongues.

Brenda:  Well, human beings kind of tend to be we don’t always to expressive, especially when you get over into Christendom, churches kind of trained us a little bit to, well you know this is how you have church and this is how you pray; and you sit down in your chair, or you kneel by your bed, and that’s all good, but I think there’s different kinds of praying in the Spirit.  Let me just kind of give you an example, I’ve had times where I’ve laid on the bed and just prayed in tongues, just above a whisper you know, just a little bit.  But then I’ve had other times where it comes out like a lion, like you know there are different kinds of water and I teach in the book, in the book of Genesis Chapter 1, there were four rivers that came out of Eden now represent different things; the river that went hedical that went toward Assyria was a raging river.  Hedical means raging, it means it was rapid water.  Then there was the river Euphrates, which means fruitful.  And so on some dimensions of tongues are like like warfare, there warring tongues and I’ve had times where I’ve had one occurrence where I was praying in the wildest tongues.  I mean just the unusual praying in tongue for a family that was in our church, their child was really sick and the doctors were giving a bad report and something just, I yielded myself, prayed in the Spirit.  I mean tongues that almost sounded unusual to your own ears and as I was praying, it just boom just came out of me, I think I was there twenty – thirty minutes and just intense praying in tongues and they called and said, “The doctor said the baby’s healed.”  That was one dimension of tongues.

Sid:  Brenda, we don’t have time we’ll pick up here on tomorrow’s broadcast.

Sid Roth welcomes Dennis Walker

Sid:  Now, you were red hot, but not for the Messiah Dennis Walker when you broke your toe.  Ouch, that must have really hurt.

Dennis:  Ha-ha, I was dancing.

Sid:   I’m sure.  Tell us what happened.

Dennis:  You know how it is in the early morning when it is dark, you get up and you are walking and not totally awake, well I hit my toe against a real heavy piece of furniture. 

Sid:  Yes, I have done that and ouch is right.

Dennis:  Yeah, it was and so you dance awhile and in the dark I continue to get dressed but about the middle of the day this thing just started throbbing; every beat of my heart it was just intense pain.  And so I finally took off my shoe and saw that it had swelled up really big and turned black and blue all across the front of the foot.  And so I laid on my bed waiting for this thing to kind of subside but it just got worse and worse.  And I kind a figured at that point I had broken bones before; I kind a figured I had broken my toe, two days before I have to travel to another country.  And my wife came in and she looked at my toe and she said, oh you poor thing, and I said listen; I don’t want pity I want an initiative from Heaven!  And so she called a couple of our friends, Dennis needs healing, let’s get quiet, hear what God says to do right now.

Sid:  And by the way, that’s what he means by initiative from Heaven, not your formula, not what you’ve seen happen on TV.  Not even the person that thinks well maybe I need to put the tent in my living room like Dennis did.  No, an initiative from Heaven is unique at that moment by God just for that person.  What did God have unique from Heaven just for you?

Dennis:  Well, my friend John was there and he said I just saw to do something, but it really looked stupid and my wife said, good that’s the kind that really work.  And so he said, what I saw was simply to pour water on his toe.  So we took a bottle and opened the top and poured some water on my toe and it did look, very stupid.  It looked very powerless, but it was an initiative of Heaven directed from Heaven to bring healing on my toe.  Almost instantly, in fact instantly the pain started subsiding within a few minutes all the pain was gone.  I actually went out to watch the news on TV, turned on the TV and propped up my feet, and I looked down about ten minutes later, fifteen minutes later and all the black and blue , all the swelling everything was gone.  My toe and my foot was 100% healed and I actually got up and started walking around testing it.  There was absolutely no pain. 

Sid:  Now, there is something called the power of the testimony, I believe as Dennis shared this if you have a broken bone or if you have pain of any kind, I believe Dennis could pray for you right now and it would disappear.  Some it won’t be until tomorrow, but most it will be instant, would you pray for people right now Dennis?

Dennis:  I will, in fact I am already getting something, that there are people listening to this radio broadcast who you have had serious problems going on with your liver to the point where your life is at risk and I believe God wants you to know right now how much He loves you.  See that’s the big message, through all of these things, is God is pouring out His love on people and He wants you to know that he cares for you and He loves you.  And I proclaim over those people with problems in the liver whether it be sucrose of liver or whether it be damage through some disease or some virus, I command healing on that liver.  I command every duct of the liver to open up and begin to flow and for the liver to function, come back to 100% functionality.  And I believe right now that even inflammation and swelling throughout your body, water retention and other things is absolutely being turned around because of this liver functioning the way it’s caused your spoken by God to function.  Somebody right now, you have been having a problem with one of the valves of your heart and I see almost like it functions but not to its capacity, it’s almost like a lazy valve or some sort or a valve that isn’t closing all the way and I command right now for a recreation of the way that valve functions, the muscles and the way they control and valve and I proclaim right now absolute healing.  Anyone with congestive heart failure, I  proclaim right now that the congestive nature of that heart is being turned around and for the fluids that have been building up to go in Jesus name.  I proclaim the veins in all the different parts around the heart are absolutely refurbished, he-he restored by the hand of God in Jesus name.

Sid: You know plaque can’t stand against the blood of Jesus, that’s what he just prayed, if you have clogged arteries he just prayed that for you that those arteries are going to flow like a river, just like the river of God that is flowing the this studio right now.  Just like the river of God that is flowing throughout your body right now, it’s opening up those clogged arties, right now in Jesus name.  And as a matter of fact, the spirit of pain, you’ve been had, when Dennis shared his testimony about his broken toe, you don’t need water on you, the word of God is enough.  And the word of God says that pain must bow under the name of Jesus.  So in the name of Jesus I command pain to bow and to leave right now and backs are being healed, I mean this is so amazing.  Any pain that you have in your body, whether it be in your back, whether it be in your neck, whether it be in your shoulder do something that you couldn’t do before and watch what God has just done.

Dennis:  Oh, and God’s love is evident to you, this is His love reaching you, He wants to give you the clear message I know you and I know about you I know your pain and I know your situations.  Someone has been having difficulty in relationships with children.  These are grown children, I have seen grown children that have absolutely come to not forgive and be at odds with the parents.  God says I know your condition, that this has made you miserable and I proclaim that I am about to bring transformation into the family.  You are going to have the family healed and touched by the power of the Messiah.

Sid:  And isn’t that what God really wants, God wants Christian homes to be the head and not the tail and doesn’t want these long chronic misunderstandings to just fester and have poison come.  I mean did you hear that, he has just set your house free?  God just set your house free, so you can have a real Mishpochah, a real family, set in God’s order, the Heaven order.

Dennis:  Yeah, the Messiah has come to this home today; I’m just hearing the words of Zaccheus being echoed throughout history.

Sid:  You know what?  You’ve got to share that lady in Peru where you had a picture of someone with a hand and with a scar below the fingers.

Dennis:  This was amazing amazing encounter, I was in a meeting in a church in Oc Alta, Peru one of the bigger jungle cities and at the end of the meeting I got quiet.  Lord what do you want to do right now.  And it so clearly in my mind, I saw a hand with kind at the palm, the heel of the hand and the small finger was not functional any longer.  And so I held up my hand is there someone here that has a scar in this part of the hand and this finger doesn’t function and there was a lady who was standing in the back door of the church and she raised her hand, that’s me.  And I said come and let me see it; it was exactly what I had seen in my mind.  This was it, so I got quiet again, Lord what do you want me to do right now?  And the Lord gave another word of knowledge and that was this woman has just had a fight with someone she loves.  So, and so I asked her, did you just have a fight with someone you love and she just began to weep and cry and she said, I just had a fight with the man that live with and he threw me out of the house.  I was walking down the street, I saw people standing in this doorway, I put my head in to see what was going on and you asked if there was someone with this on their hand?  This woman wasn’t even part of the church; she was just walking down, contemplating what to do with her life after having this explosion.  So the Lord said, she needs to receive salvation, so I just simply asked her, “Would you like to receive the Lord Jesus Christ, His Spirit to come live in your heart so that you can have His help, the help from Heaven for every need you have and she said yes.  So I prayed with her and she asked Jesus to come and live inside her, she is still weeping and then I got quiet again.  Lord, what do you want to do next, and the Lord said, simply place your hand on her head and bless her.  So I asked her if I could do that, she said, yes, I laid my hand on her head and I wasn’t able to pronounce even three words before she started jumping up and down and speaking in tongues and after about five minutes of that she got quiet she  looked at me and said, what was that?  I told her that you need to sit with the pastor over here on the front row; he is going to tell you everything that just happened.  So he went through scriptures and showed her what had just happened and the following day she came back for the next nights’ meetings with twenty some people that she had been talking to about all that had happened and all of them gave their heart to the Lord.

Sid:  Do you realize what he’s saying right now?  That if you are a pastor if you have a house congregation;  if you start operating under the initiatives of Heaven you won’t have a building large enough to contain all of the people that are going to flock there.  But what is going to be even better than you operating that way, how about every member of your churches operate that way.  We won’t have coliseums big enough to hold all of the people… because when you hear from God and do it you never miss.  I like it that way…