Sid Roth

Our Guest David Brennan


Sid: My guest is red hot for the Messiah, why because God has given him revelation on end times that I have never heard anyone discuss before; it comes from the book of Zechariah.  And it talks about a Quartet of four entities that will be raised up in the last days that will have amazing unity to come against Israel.  This Quartet had its first meeting. Tell me what’s the consequence Dave Brennan?

David: They did on April 30th 2003 the Quartet met for the first time. It was the brain child of George W. Bush he got together the United Nations, the European Union and Russia with the United States and they met for the first time in 2003.  It was a long awaited meeting and when they met on the very day they met, what is described by weather experts at that time as the worst weather in US history began.  It included some 562 tornadoes over the course of just about three weeks which is just incredible. Also over 1500 hailstorms were sighted during that time.  After that struck the United States, the European Union, or I should say Europe because I would say the European Union was involved with the Quartet. Europe began experiencing the worst heat wave in over 250 years and it was a devastating event.  It involved some, excuse me, about 5200 lives were lost which is just incredible and tragic.  And you know we had something occur in 2010 to Europe as well, in Great Britain on April 14 an organization referred to as the Advertising Standards Authority came together and said “Israel could not run advertisement, tourism advertisement in Great Britain depicting the Western Wall which is located in Eastern Jerusalem as part of Israel saying that “No it’s really Palestinian essentially.”  Well, that’s an assault on Israeli sovereignty of the land promised to them by God.  As coincidence would have it a volcano on Iceland the name of which I will not try to pronounce looks like a monkey hit a typewriter and stayed on it for a while it blew it’s top; something it hadn’t done in almost 100 years.  And the results was the tourism traffic was shut down for Great Britain because of the all the ash and smoke over the Island as well as elements of Europe as a whole.

Sid: You know over and over these events are occurring, but the thing that disturbs me the most is the anti-Israel sentiment of the current administration. For instance, when Obama first took office and he made his first trip to the Middle East you point out that he didn’t go to Israel.  When he made his second trip to the Middle East as you pointed out he didn’t go to Israel, and then when Netanyahu came to visit him he made him come in the back door, why was that?

David: You know there is a strong bias against Israel within the administration. I’m not sure of the reasons that President Obama has for being that way but I’ll tell you this, one thing that I look at is how there is almost a case, a case can actually be made that the Obama administration has derailed negotiations instead of being an honest broker between the parties, and this is why I say that. If you look at one of the first things that he did when he came in office was not what an honest broker would do where they would try to bridge the gap between the parties, the president’s administration actually injected a new condition for negotiations to begin between the Israeli’s and the Palestinians.  That condition was a construction freeze in East Jerusalem it was not the Palestinians asking for that it was the US Administration under Obama. Now at the time his supporters said “Well, he’s not sure what he’s doing that was a silly mistake.”  But it’s not the only time he’s done something like that. He actually jumped in and gave a speech on May 19th of 2011 the one that we had talked about in a previous session where Netanyahu was coming to town to make a big offer for peace in the Middle East. The President instead of waiting to hear what Netanyahu had to say came out with draconian terms for peace settlement, draconian against Israel on May 19th the day before Netanyahu was to give his speech.  And at the time this big supporter Alan Dershowitz who is a Harvard Law Professor said “The President’s done it again.” In other words, referring back to the first conditions that they came up with the freeze in East Jerusalem.  I thought that first one was just incompetency.

Sid: What was the second one?                                               

David: The second one was coming out with a proposal for peace in his May 19th speech that was so strongly anti-Israel that it killed any chance Sid what-so-ever for negotiations, and negotiations never took place.  It’s a negotiator or honest broker bringing a negotiating item that is going to kill negotiations. That’s essentially what took place.

Sid: So we see that the administration is really sabotaging the peace efforts, being anti-Israel I don’t even get it. What’s your spin on this, why?

David: I think what is happen is this, and I point this out in some real detail in three chapters in the “Israel Omen Two.” Is that you know you can reasonably conclude that the administration has done everything it can to spike negotiations to prevent negotiations from taking place.  What that did is, it effectively forced the issue into the United Nations, the United Nations just increased the status of the Palestinian cause within that body.  I believe that is the goal, I believe the goal is to continue to kill any chance for negotiations very subtly but effectively and force it to the United Nations where he can say “Well, I didn’t do it, it’s the United Nations” that’s what my gut tells me there will be granted a Palestinian State through the UN at some point. But I do see a clear effort to actually prevent negotiations. I’m not the only one, his supporters I take Alan Dershowitz as one that indicated that because he said “It’s the second time the President did it after his May 19th speech” so it’s not just critics of him but his supporters see it.

Sid: You know we were discussing before we went on the air Dave of the supernatural things that had to occur for President Obama to win the election, tell me a few.

David: Yes, well Sid he is the most amazingly lucky politician if that’s what it is ever.

Sid: No it’s not luck it’s supernatural.  Tell me what happened.                          

David: Okay, you have a storm that interferes the the Republican convention it shortens it by 25%, it pushes the keynote speaker Marco Rubio the Hispanic from prime-time. Romney really needed the Hispanic vote to win, it was a disaster for the Republicans.  People were focused on the storm, it caused disarray it really impacted the Republican effort that’s number one.  Number two, I intensely followed the polls leading up to this election and Romney had at least a two to three point lead going in to Hurricane Sandy.  Sandy strikes an unusual storm actually similar to the Perfect Storm that hit 1991 that we were talking about.  They compared it to that storm, it was so odd.  It strikes days before the election and you can watch the polls shift a minimum of 2%. That’s the second good fortune, the third or supernatural.  Project Orca, Governor Romney’s effort to get the vote out has a super computer they pump 40 million dollars into it and the result was on election day it broke down. They reported having over 30,000 campaign workers ready to make phone calls that could not swing into action.  There’s articles out in various publications that I don’t have those right in front of me at the moment but if you look up project Orca you’ll get the jest of what I’m talking about.

Sid: So these diabolical supernatural events catapulted President Obama because from what you’re telling me if that supercomputer program hadn’t broken down then he would not have won most likely.

David: I believe that the supercomputer had project Orca not broken down and there hadn’t been a Hurricane Sandy strike at that time you know once in a 100 year a Perfect Storm type crazy storm I think Romney would have won. I think it took both of those and my own opinion of studying it.  But that’s only resent good fortune or supernatural intervention that has helped this particular President. You go back to his senate race he was a US states senator running for the US Senate that had no shot, he was running in a Democratic primary against a guy who was going to wipe him clean who was very well funded and well established and that guy resigned, he pulled out from some scandal.  The Republican was equally powerful, he pulled out from some scandal. It was then just Obama essentially waltzing into that position.  Then if you look at that history of the individuals who have been keynote speakers at democratic conventions no one as a state senator since the early 80’s has been picked to be a keynote speaker but they picked Barack Obama when he was a candidate for the US senate that speech propels him to win the primary…

Sid: How about defeating Hillary and all of her machinery, that should have never happened.  This is the most amazing supernatural things that have catapulted him.  Let’s talk on tomorrow’s broadcast about what you see happening in the future just like you do in your books.

Our Guest Mike Shreve


Sid: We want everyone everywhere to have godly children and godly grandchildren and godly great-grandchildren because were coming into such a separation between light and darkness that our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren they’re not going to stand a chance unless you learn how to pray appropriately.  Now my guest Mike Shreve has been a guest several times on Messianic Vision. Mike is a prophetic evangelist for over 42 years a teacher; he’s written many books, but this one is going to be his most fruitful book ever.  Why do I say this, because I see what’s happening to this generation of young people, I see them not honoring parents, I see them walking away from the faith in droves; I see them getting involved in sorts of sin and this cannot be.  I had a dream in my dream Jesus said “He’s coming back soon” and that’s why the devils operating so furiously on our children and grandchild and that’s why this book “Sixty-five Promises From God for Your Child” just off the press you’ll be able to take a promise from God’s word; you’ll be able to have a revelation of that promises and then a prayer with a place that you insert the name of your children or grandchildren.  You can end up getting one book for each child and each grandchild and even great-grandchild and it won’t take you a lot of time they’re short prayers, but it will change their destiny.  And then the four CD’s your faith level you will not be just begging God to do something you will know it and you will say it and you’re going to have such confidence in your heart.  Now Mike when I interviewed you several years ago you told me something’s about President Obama even before he was President I believe tell me what God showed you about him.

Mike: Well, first of all God showed me that during his presidency there would be an increase of nuclear proliferation.  And the ironic thing about that is that his platform has been quite the opposite or at least that’s what he has…    

Sid: No he wants the US to totally get rid of our large military, have a small military to get rid of all of our armaments and nuclear weapons.  I mean that’s what he stands for and you heard the opposite.

Mike: Well, I heard that during his presidency that there would be an increase of the development of nuclear weapons…

Sid: And by the way we’re saying look at North Korea, look at Iran I mean look at all of the Muslim countries that Russia is supplying this technology to.  We’re definitely I mean  it’s so neat when someone said, and I’m sorry that this came true, but when someone gives a word before the fact and now we’re seeing it happen before our very eyes.

Mike: And it’s going to push the nations of the world on to a final stage of an ominous cloud of destruction and hovering over our planet.  But at the same time I believe God is going to raise up His final generation of believers out of the generation that we’re responsible for our children our sons and our daughters.  And I claim Psalm 112 verses 1 and 2 over my children that says “Blessed is the man who fears the Lord who delights greatly in his commandments his descendants will be mighty on the earth.”  Listen there’s a spiritual battle going on as well as the necessary parts coming into place for that final natural battle called Armageddon.  The world is in the throes of a terrible change right now and this generation of all generations has got to have a spiritual awakening. It will come not only for the adults but through children that are awakened to their spiritual potential. And God said our seed will be mighty upon the earth; I claim that I claim that for every parent that’s listening that’s concerned about their children right now.

Sid: Well, I have to tell you that when I find a prophet that prophesies in their dreams and their words come true I want to know what they see for the future.  Tell me about the dream you had in reference to the civil unrest.

Mike: Well, that was very simple God just woke me up and he spoke two words to me audibly and I heard the words “Civil unrest.” I knew that there would be great upheavals in our society and in our world.  He did not just confine it to the United States of America.

Sid: You know I’ve never seen such division in every arena of life as there is in the United States right now.

Mike:  And I believe it’s going to get far worse especially as the government tries to enforce oppressive rules on the people such as going too far with the limitation of guns.  I don’t believe our populous would stand for that because gun control preceded every major dictator that ever took hold of a society or a nation.  And then the gun control issue is always on the front burner and then following that is a horrible rising of a dictator to power.

Sid: Tell me about the dream you had involving New York City and even Japan.

Mike:  Well, that was a very disturbing dream; it came about a month after that terrible disaster that happened recently in Japan where there was an earthquake, a Tsunami and the nuclear incident.  And about a month later I received this dream where I saw New York City lift up above the ground and become translucent and then it rushed westward and hovered over the nation of Japan and then it came right down into the very area that was hit by that earthquake and merged with that area.  And I saw New York City devastated with the same level of devastation that took place there.  And I will prophecy that that will come to past thus saith the Lord, that will come to past; how far in the future I don’t know.

Sid: But you also saw some good things a spiritual awakening.

Mike:  Ah yes God’s also shown me that our nation will have a spiritual awakening and I would tend to believe that some of these destructive things may in the end work together for good because they’ll trigger that spiritual awakening.  Years ago when I was minded toward becoming a missionary in India the rest of my life, God gave me a dream where I saw the outline of the United States of America and I saw a little red dot in the heart of America explode into two blood red words that like liquid soaked into the whole map of America and there wasn’t one city or town that was untouched.  And those two words, one superimposed on the other, were Jesus Saves. And so I know bad things are happening and our culture looks like it’s descending into a cesspool but I also believe that God’s going to have that last word on this and God is going to bring us around and there will be another third great awakening in our nation.  And part of what will usher that in is prayer-fullness and intercession. And certainly a key aspect of that is interceding over our children.

Sid: The ones that are going to be affected are the ones that have had been totally bathed in prayer. I must say that you have made it so easy I have your brand new book literally just off the press, it’s titled “Sixty-five Promises From God for Your Child”  and the 4 powerful CD’s and you’ve made it so easy.  You’ve done the research of the promises; you then have written a teaching so that someone’s faith can explode with these promises.  And on the tapes you really expound on these things, then you’ve written a prayer that the parent or grandparent or great-grandparent will read out loud and you put a space where you can write that child, or grandchild, or great-grandchild’s name.  And what I picture is any parent, any grandparent, any great-great- grandparent that will get this book and start and just read.  It’s not going to take a lot of time, just say take three promises a day for each member of the children.  I mean right now what the Bible prophesied would happen is happening.  There’s children are being estranged from their parents, they’re going their own way, they’re not following God they’re going into perversion of all kinds.  And they’re not going to have a chance with what’s coming on planet earth unless you do your part and you know something, it’s so easy it would be a tragedy for you not to do this.  Mike how in the world this is so simple yet so brilliant, how did you develop this?

Mike: Well, God just awakened it within me when I was searching through His word to find promises I could pray over my children I began to notice these specific ones that dealt specifically with my offspring.  One I have not mentioned yet is Isaiah 43 verses 5-7 where God said “Fear not for I am with you I will bring your descendants from the east and gather you from the west I will say to the north give them up and to the south do not keep them back.”  And then God said “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.”  And what really hit me when I read that verse first God says, “I will bring your descendants out, I’ll call them forth from all points of the globe.”  But then He said “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.”  So God’s is saying “Whatever belongs to you belongs to me and if they’re your sons I consider them my sons, and if they’re your daughters I consider them my daughters.”  And then verse 7 he said “Everyone who is called by my Name whom I have created for my glory.”  And I confess that one over my children that they are not created for the world’s glory so that the world can use their talents and their gifts but they are created by God for His glory.  And that he is speaking over their lives.

Sid: Oops we’re out of time.

Our Guest Mike Shreve


SID: Oy vey. You have a daughter against impossible odds. You couldn’t even have children. Mike Shreve and his wife have a daughter. She’s pregnant, and the doctor says “It looks to me like she’s going to have spina bifida and cretinism. Maybe you should consider something alternative.” Mike and his wife said “No way.” So, what did you do?

MIKE: As we walked out of the doctor’s office, my wife said that the Holy Spirit came upon her and God spoke to her and said we would have a daughter, and that she would be a dancer. She would dance for the Lord. So she held onto that word.

SID: Now that’s the opposite of what the doctor is saying. With spina bifida, she’s not going to be a dancer.

MIKE: Yeah, there’s no way she could’ve been a dancer. In fact, she probably would’ve been in a wheelchair and not been able to walk. So God said “Your daughter will be a dancer.” If that wasn’t enough, when we got to the car, she turned on the radio, and the first song that came on was that beautiful song “I Hope You Dance.” She took that as an absolute confirmation from God. When she went home, she was studying the Word, and just praying over this unborn child.

SID: But what do you do with a doctor’s report like that?

MIKE: Well, it was very disconcerting, but she began to pray Psalm 138:8. That verse says “The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.” She laid hands on her stomach every day, and she would do two things. She would say “Child, you concern me, so I believe God is going to make you perfect.” Then she would sing that song over her, “I Hope You Dance.” That was kind of a ritual, not only once, but many times a day. Later on, when Destiny Hope… We named her Destiny Hope as a prophetic way of opposing what had been spoken over her. Instead of being hopeless, you have hope, and you have a destiny.

SID: You did what God says to do. He called things that are not as if they were.

MIKE: Yes, and I believe God gave us those names for her. We prayed very seriously about it.
Then when she was born, the doctor did not know, really, what my wife had been claiming for months. As she came forth from the womb, somewhat anxiously she said “Doctor, how does she look?” His words simply were “She’s perfect.” The very word she claimed over her for months was realized and fulfilled. Sid, we’ve had a battle of intercession over both of our children.

SID: Tell me about your daughter’s dancing.

MIKE: From a natural standpoint, she never would’ve danced had that been true, but then God gave her the miracle.

SID: You were singing that over her, your wife.

MIKE: From the age of 3 onwards, she had this natural proclivity toward dance. In fact, I would buy her these videos of kids singing Christian songs and dancing along with it, and it became her favorite thing to do. For hours, she would stand in front of the TV and mimic their gestures and movements. She could dance so well at an early age that at the age of 5, 6, and 7 she was dancing with Christian dance troops made up mostly of 16, 17, and 18 year olds, and could do just as well if not better than most of them, sometimes. God gave her that gift of dance, and that was a prophetic declaration over her. But you know, there’s a promise. We’re talking about the 65 promises God has given our offspring. Sid, I highlight one in the book that I want to read now
because it ties in so well with my daughter’s miracle.

SID: I’m glad it’s your book. I wouldn’t give you mine.

MIKE: It’s Psalm 139:13-16, where it says…

In other words, the spine was written. All the parts she needed in her body, God wrote it, as well as… God mapped out her destiny, and God was involved in her formation in the womb. I counsel parents, if you’re having a struggle during pregnancy, claim Psalm 139. That’s one of the 65 promises given to believers that your children will be fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderfully made! I believe that’s a promise we should claim boldly. Not just pleading with God, but boldly affirming His word.

SID: You know what I can envision? A mother or father, or grandmother or grandfather, takes this, writes their child or grandchild’s name in each prayer as you instruct. Then in the back, you have a little diary, the family vision statement, and personal confessions, and memorable happenings. Can you picture ten years from today, twenty years from today, giving this to that child?

MIKE: What an awesome gift. I encourage parents to get one for each child they have.

SID: And then, your son, speaking of your daughter dancing when she wasn’t supposed to even be able to walk, your son starts walking, but he’s walking on his toes.

MIKE: That’s right. He was a toe walker until he was about 7 or 8 years old. Constantly. He never walked flat footed. We were very concerned for him. We prayed, but we did not pray our way through to a miracle for all those years. For some reason, we just didn’t get to that level of fighting faith necessary to get a miracle. We took him to a hospital in Atlanta Georgia that’s especially geared toward helping young people of this problem area. The doctor told me what would probably have to be done is to clip the tendons in his heal. He said it’s a very chancy thing. It could grow back better and longer, where it wouldn’t be such a problem for him to walk. Then again, he could be immobilized the rest of his life from it.

SID: What a predicament! What would you do if you had such a predicament? Let’s find out what Mike did. Don’t go away, we’ll be right back after this word.

Our Guest David Tomberlin


SID: Sid Roth here with David Tomberlin. David is a young man, he’s got everything in the world going for him, there’s no reason to be depressed, but he’s so depressed he’s suicidal. He goes into a building, a man prays for him. The power of God hits him, he falls on the floor, he begins speaking a language he’s never been instructed. He has no paradigm for what’s going on. He’s wondering why he’s laying there on the floor. What happened next, David?

DAVID: As I laid there on the floor, I began to have this sensation come over me. The best way I can describe it is it was as though there was a little person inside of me cleaning me out. I had all this heaviness inside my heart, and all of a sudden I felt a swirling in my stomach area, and then these three black things popped out of my body.

SID: Did you see it? Did you feel it?

DAVID: I saw it, in the sense of… I would say it’s more in my mind’s eye that I saw it, but I saw them very clearly. They were three black circles, and they came out of my mouth area, and they just went [pop, pop, pop], then floated back. Right after that, I immediately felt clean; I was no longer depressed, I was happy to be alive.

SID: Instantly?

DAVID: Immediately after that third thing left me. I almost threw up at this time as well. I don’t know if you’ve seen some of the horror movies, like the different deliverance movies…

SID: “The Exorcist.”

DAVID: Exorcism movies, yeah. I almost threw up, but I didn’t. They came out of me, and I immediately felt this peace and joy. As I laid there on the ground, I heard a voice speak to me. I felt this absolute peace, and the voice said “This is what heaven’s like.” Absolute fulfillment, absolute joy. To the degree that I was suicidal and depressed was the degree that I was absolutely fulfilled. It was as though I felt every cell in my body had achieved its ultimate purpose. This radiant joy overflowing. I was so happy and elated, the burden was lifted off me, but I had one problem: I was on the ground in church, and I don’t understand what’s going on. So I stand back up. As I stand back up, the youth leader there came up and said “Lift your hands and tell God you want everything He has for you.” I lifted my hands and said “God, I want everything You have for me.” I fell down again. I got up again, I fell down again. I could not stand under that power and presence of God. It was amazing.

SID: David, what was the love like that you experience?

DAVID: The word I would use is saturation. I was saturated in God’s love. I felt like a sponge that had been completely wrung out and then dipped in oil, or water, or honey, and that sponge completely filled up. I felt whole inside.

SID: You got rid of these three – let’s call it what it is – demons. Where do you think they came from?

DAVID: My belief is they came from immoral relationships I was in. Ungodly, premarital activity I was involved in. That’s just the sense that I get. That’s where I believe they came from.

SID: Ok. Something new happens to David. All of a sudden, he knows things about people that he never knew before. Tell me the first time this happened.

DAVID: The first time this happened, I remember it clearly. I was driving to my mechanic’s to get an oil change. I’m driving there, and I’m not thinking about anything, I’m just driving. Suddenly I hear a voice speak to me. I remember it like yesterday, and I’ll tell you word for word. He said “Your mechanic’s wife has something wrong with the back of her neck. You need to pray with your mechanic so that she can be healed.” That specific, word for word, just like that. My thought was “I’m just going to get my oil changed.” I’m not on some kind of…

SID: This isn’t a church service.

DAVID: This isn’t a mission trip, a church service. I’m going to change my oil. And frankly, many of us would be excited about that today, but I was a little nervous. In fact, I was so nervous that when I got there, I went to the restroom hoping that the mechanic would go on a lunch break so I wouldn’t have to deliver this word from God. So anyway, he was still there after I went to the restroom, so I just kind of approached him… How do you approach that? I’m in a mechanic’s shop, belts on the wall, cars are lifted up, and this guy’s like “Hey, what kind of oil do you want in your car.” I go “Listen, this is unusual, but does your wife have something wrong with the back of her neck? He goes “No. Why would you ask? Then he goes “Yes! How did you know that?” He was shocked, I was shocked. He goes “She just told me that this morning.” He had just found out, so he knew there was no way I could know.

SID: I could see how shocked you were. I mean forget him being shocked, you must’ve been shocked.

DAVID: It was hot potato. He was scared, I was scared. But there we were, in the midst of a God encounter.

SID: You know, this is called a word of knowledge. He knows things about people, and then God demonstrates His power. I’d like you to see how this word of knowledge operates. Let’s go to the screen and have this clip of a word of knowledge. Two of them.

DAVID: So it takes faith, every time we step out. It takes faith every time we step out. In fact, right now I keep hearing the letters “R, E, G.” I don’t know if that’s a first name, Reggie, I don’t know if it’s a last name. Is that right? Get up here man. See, I’m telling you! But you know what? I want to just confess to you. Every time I get a word of knowledge, in my heart I go “Oh, I’m not going to give that.” It’s the guy standing in front of me. God’s calling it out to prove a point. You understand that? But I have to have faith. I have to be willing to look dumb. Come on. Come here, Reggie. Father, in Jesus’ name… Man, miracles on you like crazy. Father, in Jesus’ mighty name… Take my hand. Father, I break it right now. I feel like there’s been an attack on your household. I see that family. Father, I bless the family right now. Lord, I just release courage to my brother right now. Do you guys get how ironic that “R, E, G” is standing right in front of “M, E”? Seriously. Do you see what I’m talking about though? It’s faith! You’ve got to step out. Who’s got the neck problem and you’ve got the pain right now? Neck problem. Come here. Father, in Jesus’ mighty name, I command the neck. Pain, go! Out of her neck right now! Begin to move it. Begin to move it, just in faith. Sometimes if we don’t think, just trust… Just trust. Pain, continue to go! Pain, continue to go! In Jesus’ mighty name. Thank You, Lord. More fire, more fire. More anointing. Healing anointing, be released. I’m releasing healing virtue by faith, in Jesus’ mighty name. Tell me what happened? Always tell the truth.

WOMAN: It’s still there.

DAVID: You’re still feeling pain right there? Ok, praise God for that, because this is an opportunity for God to do His thing. Father, in Jesus’ mighty name I break that pain right now in Jesus’ mighty name. Stay there for a second. I want to give you one more dose ma’am. I thank you for your honesty. This legitimizes what we’re doing. Some miracles happen immediately, some happen over time. We see it over and over again. I never get discouraged, because we pray in faith and trust God to do the work. Amen? Are you feeling something happening? What’s going on?

WOMAN: It’s getting better.

DAVID: It’s getting better. We’re going to stand in faith. How many of you want it to be all the way better? (applause)

DAVID: Loose that neck in Jesus’ mighty name. Man, I feel the anointing. Father, I thank You for the work that you’re doing. Neck, be healed. Oh! Be healed in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord.

WOMAN: It’s gone!!!

DAVID: It’s gone! Come on!

Sid Roth


SID: Most people have heard of God’s laws, spiritual laws for healing, and rightfully so, and spiritual laws for finances. All over the place, you hear this. But where do you hear about God’s spiritual laws for evangelism. Right here, right now, in the Bible. When God the Father wanted to reach the whole world, because God so loved the whole world, Jews and gentiles, He started with what people group? Abraham, the Jews. Am I right? All right. When Jesus wanted to reach the whole world, he started with one people group. He said, “I’ve only come for the lost sheep of the House of Israel,” as a starting point, as a seed. God planted a seed with Abraham. Jesus planted a seed with the Jewish people. How about the apostle to the gentiles, Paul? When Paul wanted to reach the gentiles, because that was his call, this is what he says in Romans 1:16: “I’m not ashamed of the Gospel because the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation, to everyone who believes, to the Jew first.” He knew that if he planted that seed it would produce a harvest of gentile souls. This is what I have found. When I operate in the law of evangelism, wherever I go, if I will go to the Jew first it will open up a supernatural door to reach more gentiles than if I went to the gentile first. Makes no sense to the peanut brain, but makes lots of sense to God. Now the greatest revival the world has ever seen we haven’t had yet, because in Amos, Chapter 9, Verse 11 and 13, it’s described, and this is what God says: “In the last days I will raise up the Tabernacle of David”, and in the Hebrew, the word “tabernacle” is family or house of David. Who’s the family of David? The Jewish people. “In the last days I’m going to raise up the Jewish people to be mighty warriors for me, to be mighty evangelists of the Living God.” And then he explains in Amos, the 13th Verse, “A revival like the world has never seen.” He says, “There will be so much fruit on the vine that by the time it comes to till the ground for the next year’s harvest, you won’t have picked all the fruit from the last year’s harvest.” The world has never seen a revival like this. The world needs a revival like this. When is it going to happen? When the tabernacle, when the family of David is restored to our God. Now even the return of Jesus is contingent on Jewish people coming to the Lord. Jesus said, “For I say to you,” in Matthew 23:39, “For I say to you, you shall see me no more until you say [Hebrew], blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” He’s talking to the Jewish people. I’m not going to return until you recognize me. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen all these scriptures one after another. But then I was speaking just a few days ago at a Bible study and I had a whole group of Liberty University students there. And one raised their hand and had a question. Well I take it back. He didn’t. I’m beginning to see things in the invisible world. I saw him raise a hand. He didn’t want to. So I went to this session here, there’s someone with a hand. And sure enough, he raised his hand and he said, “Sid,” and he quoted the scripture, Acts 18, Verse 6-8, when Paul had it up to here with his Jewish brethren, this is what he said: “But when they opposed him and blasphemed he shook his garments and said to them, ‘Your blood be upon your own heads. I’m clean. From now on I’m going to the gentiles.'” See, even Paul finished with the Jewish people. Wrong. Keep reading. The next verse says he moved into a house. You know where the house was? Next door to the synagogue. And you know what happened? The next thing happens, the president of the synagogue becomes a believer in Jesus. And you know the next thing that happened? Everyone else became a believer in Jesus. Have you ever been like that? I’m not going to do that any more and then you repent. Even the next chapter, that was Acts 18, Acts 19:8 says, and it’s talking about Paul, “He went into the synagogue and spoke boldly for three months reasoning and persuading concerning the things of the Kingdom of God.” I’m so glad we have the Word of God. Now are Jewish people saved under the Old Covenant? Don’t they have a covenant with God? Of course we do. And the gifts of calling with God are without repentance. However, the Old Covenant is contingent on Leviticus 17, Verse 11, which says, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls. For it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.” Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin. Well wait a second. What about just have an animal sacrifice. Well first of all, according to Leviticus, the first chapter, the third verse says the sacrifice has to be in the temple. And if you look lately, there’s no temple in Jerusalem. And Acts 4:12 cinches it. “Nor is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under Heaven given among men in which we must be saved but the name of Jesus.” Well do Jewish people not believe in Jesus? There’s an old Hasidic story about a Talmudic student who goes to his rabbi and says, “O Master, I love you.” The rabbi responds with a question: “Tell me, do you know what hurts me?” The young man is bewildered. He’s taken aback. “Why do you ask me such a confusing question when I just told you that I love you?” The rabbi shakes his head, “Because, my friend, if you do not know what hurts me how can you say you love me.” If you study the history of the Christian church, you will find that we don’t have a good history with Jewish people. There’s been misunderstandings on the Christian side and misunderstandings on the Jewish side. Everyone has heard that the Jewish people are the chosen people. But what are we chosen for? Three things. Isaiah 43:10 says, “You are my witnesses.” By the way, do you know where the word “Jew” comes from? A Hebrew word, which is “Yehuda”, which means “a praiser of God”. The Jewish people are called to be witnesses, praisers of God and super end time evangelists. Zachariah 8:23: “Thus says the Lord of hosts, in those days 10 men from every language of the nations,” that’s the gentles, “shall the grasp the sleeve, the fringes of a Jewish man saying, let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.” And you have just been given enough truth to be on the right side of the fence in reference to what God is doing in the last days. And as I said earlier, I say again, if you have it wrong on God’s position on the Jew, someone’s neck has just been healed, someone’s hip has just been healed, someone’s back has just been healed. If you have any of those problems stand up and bend over. Stand up right now. Get your healing and keep it. Stand up right now. Come on. You at home, stand up right now. You’re getting your healing if you stand up and test it. Move your back, move your neck. You’ll see.

Our Guest Roy Fields


SID: You know, this atmosphere and anointing, when are worshiping God, that’s what you are doing. You are worshiping God and you’re calling everyone to worship God with you. There are supernatural breakthroughs in every possible area. Tell me about the person with cancer.

ROY: Yeah. There is this lady that I was in a small meeting in a little white church, actually, in Pennsylvania. And I led worship and then I preached. And during the worship, I had noticed that this pastor had asked me to talk to this lady. I noticed that she was lifting her hands and crying, weeping. And then during the speaking part of it, I called her out because I felt the Lord tell me, this lady, it’s her time now for healing. And so I grabbed a hold of her hand and said, “Lady, what’s happening to you?” And she said, “The worship, I just appreciate the presence of God.” I said, “What’s going on with you?” And she had swelling in her leg. She had, her sneakers were busting at the seams because of the cancer. And I just felt a gift of faith or whatever. When you’re in the presence of God you can almost get away with anything. And so I just, I said, “By the spirit of God,” I said, “Lady, let’s take a walk right now.” And we started walking and the pain started leaving her body. She started feeling her swelling go down in her legs. When she left and I left, I didn’t hear from her for almost a month. And I always wanted to call back and check to see what’s going on. Well the pastor called me back and he’s freaking out on the phone. He goes, “Roy, Roy, Roy, Roy, this woman went back to the doctor and she was given the diagnosis of she’s going to die in six months with stage 4 cancer, and now today they could not find one trace of cancer in her body.”

SID: I told you there are breakthroughs. Very briefly, tell me about that atheist.

ROY: Oh there was this, yeah, there was this atheist. You know, American atheists, they’re easy to work with. You can convert them pretty quickly. But when it comes to British atheists, you need to move with God. Yeah. So there is this British atheist that I ran into just a couple of years back, and they were in one of these arenas that we did with 8000 and all that. The wife had told her husband, “I want to go to this revival meeting.” And he didn’t want nothing to do with it, but he loves his wife. They get there, and while the worship is going on, all of a sudden his wife’s ear bursts out, like pops and fluid starts coming out. And he looks at her and he says, “This has got to be God.” And all of a sudden he says he felt like it was almost like somebody had grabbed his arms and pulled him up and then pulled his legs down to the floor. And he was on his knees, I can’t do it in the studio. But he was on his knees with his hands lifted it up, and he said he heard somebody grabbing him and speaking through him, and he went “Jesus Christ is Lord!”

SID: Could you picture that? Then he heard reports, this British atheist, very refined, leads 300 people to the Lord. I’m going to tell you what’s going to happen. You go to the camera right now, Roy, because the song, “Fill This Place,” guess what the place is. It’s you. I want you to stand up and worship God, and ask Him to fill this place.

ROY: [music, singing] Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to thee. You have cracked this heart of stone. You have called me as your own. Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to thee. You have cracked this heart of stone. You have called me as your own. Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Fill this place. Let the embers burn in me. Let the fire rise to thee. Oh Lord, you have cracked this heart of stone. You have called me as your own. Lord, fill this place. Let me feel your embrace. Oh Lord touch this heart of mine with your love so divine. Lord fill this place.

Our Guest Kynan Bridges


SID: Hello. I’m Sid Roth. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My next Kynan had a visitation from the Lord for three months, and he was downloaded revelation from the Word of God, so that all of the promises of God will be activated in your life, and it’s wonderful. Superstars have it activated. But my Bible says we only have one superstar and his name is Jesus. And I’m telling you, he is so charged and filled with new revelation that you will never, ever be the same. Hello. You know, Kynan, you provoke me to jealousy, and that’s what you gentile believers in Jesus are supposed to do to us Jewish believers in Jesus. But at 15, the spirit of God opened your eyes and you began seeing things. Was it a little scary at first?

KYNAN: It was, Sid, at first, because without a mentor there to really mentor you in the supernatural you have to kind of fend for yourself in a way. And what God began to do with me, is He began to unload or download rather discernment, a spirit of discernment of spirits, and I began to see people and meet people, after I got filled with the Holy Spirit, that had spirits of depression, spirits of rejection.

SID: You knew that? How did you know it? Did sense it? Did you hear it? Did you see it?

KYNAN: Both actually. It’s kind of an interesting thing because in the spirit realm we don’t see with the natural eyes. We see with our spiritual eyes. And so I was able to see, sometimes it would be like weights on people or you would see a cloud, like a dark cloud over somebody or something like that, and I would instantly know that they were dealing with rejection, for example, or a spirit of depression. And so God began to do that for me at a very early age.

SID: Now in 1996, you had a vision that’s about ready to take place now. Tell me about it.

KYNAN: In ’96, I had a vision from the Lord. God began to speak to me. Again, I was a young believer, both in my walk with Christ and also my walk with Jesus, and also in my age, actually. And God began to speak to me about the coming age of the church that God is raising up a generation of people that are going to walk in a reverential fear of God, they’re going to walk in an authority, a kingdom authority, and they’re going to begin to speak things in the atmosphere, and they’re going to materialize. There’s going to be young people that are going to be teenagers that are going to be college students that are going to flow in the supernatural and purity, Sid.

SID: Now what we’re seeing, unfortunately, right now, is the opposite of what you’re saying. But yet because of what you saw you know it’s here.

KYNAN: Absolutely.

SID: It’s like this close to being here.

KYNAN: Absolutely. It’s here. It’s just a matter of time really. But I’ll say this. It starts with the Word of God. Jesus said something very profound in the Gospel of John. He actually provoked the Pharisees, because he said that, “Your Father is a man in the wilderness and they’re dead.” He said, “But my words are spirit and life.” In other words, he literally, in the Greek, that’s the word “zoe”, it means the same life that’s inside of God. The Word of God has the power to release the very life that’s inside of God. When we speak the Word we’re not just speaking something with an audible voice, but we are literally, Sid, speaking for spirit and life. And the more people do that, the more the Word, the spirit of the Word will transform their lives.

SID: You know, Kynan, when I hear you speak I want to run and grab my Bible. You’re making me so hungry for the Word of God.

KYNAN: Amen.

SID: In 1997, you heard the audible voice of God.

KYNAN: I did. This is another situation. My father was, he loved to fish, and we were coming from a trip in Pensacola. And I was looking out the window. I daydreamed a lot. Don’t tell anybody, but I used to do that.

SID: I won’t. It’s our secret.

KYNAN: But I used to daydream. And I was looking out the window and I saw the clouds open, and I heard an audible voice of God that said, “I want you to preach my Word.” And it just resonated in my spirit, Sid. That was the first time I heard the call to ministry.

SID: Okay. But then in 2008, you had visions that lasted for three months with a major call of what to do in ministry. Tell me about that.

KYNAN: Well actually, my wife was, she was newly pregnant at the time. Actually, we lived in a little apartment that didn’t have a lot of windows or anything, so there wasn’t really a lot of light at nighttime. It was very dark in our bedroom. Well God began to wake me up at three a.m. in the morning and I would see a door open, a door of light. And I would hear the Holy Spirit say to me, “Behold, I set before you an open door. I set before you an open door.” And I really didn’t know what it meant at the time. But then God began to show me, what He was taking about was the Book of Revelation, Chapter 3, Verse 8, where Jesus declares to the church, “Behold, I set before you an open door.” But he said something very key, Sid. He said, “You have kept my word and not denied my name.” And so what God began to unfold to me is that the door that He’s talking about is really the door of revelation that comes to the church, when we keep His Word and we don’t deny His name, which is really a door of authority, because the name of Jesus is the authority of Jesus. As we keep the Word of God and we stay in the authority of His name, a door of the supernatural is open to the church.

SID: Now you are so strong in your conviction and your belief. How did you get so strong, seriously?

KYNAN: Well you know, Sid, it’s a matter of choice. I believe every believer that has come to this place, you’re going to decide which side that you’re on. You’re going either be on God’s side or you’re going to be on the world’s system, and the world’s system has proven to us, Sid, that it does not work. The healthcare system has failed. We can’t trust the government. We can’t trust the systems of this world to provide for us. We can only trust the Word of God, Sid. And I made a decision, me and my whole house, that we will serve the Lord. We’re not going to move from that.

SID: Do you want to make that decision? I want you to teach a little bit and it will be easy to make that decision. Don’t go away.

Our Guest Steve Hill


SID: I’ve been thinking about so many people are going through so many problems, and they look at God as their genie, as their servant. They have it absolutely backwards. Well my guest Steve Hill doesn’t have it backwards. And let me tell you, something happened to him. I observed him before he developed cancer, and it was terminal. There’s no chance of him surviving. He was preparing for his funeral, making arrangements with his wife. And God through a great miracle spared his life. But the compassion that he has now, he’s exuding compassion. And I’ll tell you, if I have one prayer for myself and if you have one prayer for yourself, that is to have the compassion of God for a dying society. In addition to that, boy did this guy have power. I watched him out at Brownsville and he prayed for someone, and they would go flying through the air. What people that have observed him now say the power is even stronger. We’ll get to that.

STEVE: Sid, I got to jump on that right there, because two weeks ago, a man came up to me and I was leaving the church, I was going home. He comes up to me and he stands taller than I am, handsome man, dressed to the max, dressed nicer than you are today, and that’s hard to do, Brother. You need to run your own clothing line. But this guy, he goes, I said, “Who are you?” And he gave me his name. And I said, “What are you here for?” He said, “You’re Steve Hill.” I said, “Yeah.” He goes, “I want what you have.” And I said, “What do you mean?” He goes, “I just know who you are and I want what you have.” And I have never done this before. I said, “Let me have your hand.” And he put his hand like that. And I took my hand I just rubbed it across. I’ve never done this. I’ve been ministering for 37 years. Went across like that. And when I got to the tip of his fingers, the power of God shot down my arm. You don’t have to believe it. That doesn’t bother me. Shot down my arm and when my fingers touched his fingertips, it was like a break-dancer. His hand went like this. His arm went like this. His shoulders, and then he went flying backwards, hit the tile. I thought he was going to break the tile or break his neck. And he just laid there staring up like what on God’s green earth just happened to me. And I looked at him and I said, “Get him up, get him up, get him up, pick him up.” And then I went like this, I rubbed his cheek. Never done that before. Just rubbed his cheek. Wham! Hit by the power of God. Do you want to know that was?

SID: I do know, but you tell me.

STEVE: I don’t know what was.

SID: Yeah, I do know what it was. It was the power of the Lord God.

STEVE: You and I both know what I’m talking about. But I don’t know what’s going to happen with him. What on earth? Because he got like a double, triple, whatever you want to call it. I don’t know.

SID: This anointing can even be transferred through the airwaves, like on a cell phone. Tell me about one.

STEVE: Don’t get me started on cell phones. We’ll get people on cell phones. One man was in the Grand Canyon. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon. If you’re from other parts of the world, it’s big hole. It’s seven miles deep. And so this man calls from the Grand Canyon and wants me to pray for him. I’m like 3000 miles away. And I said, “Where are you standing?” Because if he’s on the edge I’ don’t want to pray for him, you know.

SID: Good thinking.

STEVE: He said, I’m in a ranger station. So he’s inside. And I’ve been to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I knew exactly where he was. And I said, “Okay, I’m going to pray for you.” I said, “Are you ready?” He goes, “Yeah.” And I said, I went, “Fire! Fire! Power of God, touch him, hit him! Hello? Hello?” His wife came up to me two hours later. He was out, man. He was still out. And she said, “The power of God hit my husband. He’s shaking under the power thousands of miles away.” Why not? If Jesus is omnipresent, if you’re in Siberia right now, he’s in Siberia. Wherever you’re watching this from, he’s there with you.

SID: I want you to look in the camera and pray for the people watching right now to receive the power, same type of power that fellow on the cell phone received.

STEVE: There’s no doubt in my mind that you are about to receive. If you are hungry for things of God then God is hungry for you. If you’re serious about Him, He’s serious about you. And I want you to look at me right now, sir, ma’am, what do you want to see? Now if you want me to pray for you that you get a million dollars in the mail, I’m sorry, you’re looking at the wrong person. But if you want to pray for the anointing, the power of God to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to see the power of God come down in our city, to see people touched by the power, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray God for the power of God to come down right now into that living room, into that house, into that home. Flow through that computer. Flow through that TV set. Flow through that apparatus right now. Touch, touch, touch. May the fire of the Holy Ghost envelop, envelop and touch this man, touch this woman and use them for your glory and honor in Jesus’ name. And don’t you take a drop of God’s glory. When He uses you, you give all the credit to the Lord. That’s one of the secrets of my longevity. I see miracle after miracle, after miracle because I don’t take one drop of His glory. It’s all Jesus. And none of you, you’re a vessel. Man, if it wasn’t for God you couldn’t heal a sick hummingbird. It’s Jesus flowing through you. Right now there’s somebody, let me tell you, right now there’s somebody in a cloud. You were in a dark cloud and God is going to bring you out of that dark cloud. But once you get out, here’s what the Lord is saying to you: Move, keep moving. The Lord is saying to you, I cannot steer a car that is not sitting still. You need to move forward in the things of God. Quit sitting still. Go after God. Worship the Lord. Read the Word, not for others, but for you.

Our Guests Ronnie & Clarice Holden

Sid: My guests by way of telephone from their home in Shallotte, North Carolina is Clarice and Ronnie Holden. In their own words their just regular ordinary people, but Ronnie found himself fighting for his life. God began to download in his wife Clarice  how to battle the unseen world. He was literally given 3 hours to live; he was in a horrible auto accident; he should have not lived. While his wife and friend, and the church was interceding for him, he was actually in a coma for 21 days, and he had a visitation from some angels. He also had the angel of death show up, and they stopped the angel of death from taking him. What happened next Ronnie?

Ronnie: Well one night I was on the boat, they took me down to the boat…

Sid: The angels literally took him on this boat, okay.

Ronnie: I spent the night there, it was a 100 ft. schooner, I could see it from my window at the hospital. I had all this fruit to eat; I had cold water, ice water to drink because I hadn’t anything to eat or drink in almost a month. They just took care of me. Then one night, I think it was when the doctors told my wife I wasn’t going to live through that night. They came and they told me Sid “Were getting ready to leave and make a trip to the other side. If you’re ready to go we’ll take you you’ll never hurt again when you get there. The voice may get rough on the way, but we’ll pack you a whack, and you’ll never hurt again.” My wife she said she’d been hollering at me, shouting at me to fight, I had to fight I had to come out of this. I told them “My wife is at the hospital waiting for me, and she really wants me to come back and I really need to go there. So I decided not to go.” I don’t know anything about be given a choice to live or die, but I was I think, and I chose to live.

Sid: Okay, put your wife on. I’m so glad that he chose to live because I wouldn’t have this book in my hands right now. Clarice it sounds like you were not going to give up no matter what. Is that right?

Clarice: Absolutely.

Sid: What advice would you give someone that is listening to us right now who has been given a death sentence by a doctor, let’s say cancer. What would you tell that person?

Clarice: Get a hold of the word of God and claim every promise He gave you. Go into a no doubt zone. I had no doubt around me, I would not let anybody say or think another thing around me. You know several people came to the hospital to see him and to see me, but if I felt like they were not right with me I wouldn’t let them in. There was one day Sid I had gone down into the cafeteria, and this lady, a very well dressed lady and put her tray down beside me and started talking. She says “I can’t help but notice you’re in the same boat I’m in.” She said “Your husband came in about the same time mine did, and their intensive care.” I’d not seen the lady before, and she says “You know their telling me my husband won’t make it.” I looked at her and I grabbed my tray and I got up, and I said “Mam I don’t know about you, but mine is gonna make it and I just can’t sit here,” and I left. I just knew that I could not even entertain a thought of him not being well. I just know that if there’s someone out there today that’s being given a sentence by a doctor that you’re not gonna make it, remember our heavenly He is in control and He will help you through this. He did me, and I know He is not a respecter of persons.

Sid: Tell me about the day that your husband was ready to leave the hospital because he was healed.

Clarice: That was a glorious day. Our niece’s husband came and he picked him up, and we were coming home.Our sheriff wanted to have an escort, but I had asked someone if this lady I had met in the hospital if she could sing Amazing Grace, and she said she would. He was rolled out the whole sidewalk was lined with doctors, nurses, physical therapists, janitors, everything. She started singing Amazing Grace, there was not a dry eye out there. We could have had an altar call, but I know that it was only God’s amazing grace that brought us through this.

Sid: Now just out of curiosity you told me about a specific doctor, Doctor Maxwell, at first would not even agree with you that your husband would live. Have you talked with him since your husband was healed?

Clarice: Oh I certainly have. A year later he called and wanted to come down, he brought his wife to meet us, and he brought his camera. He wanted to have his picture taken with us, and he said he watched Ronnie as Ronnie moved around; he was amazed. His wife said to me “He never brought home any patients, he never talked about his patients.” She said “He talked about us every day.” He said “Honey I’m so worried.” She said “How’s Mr. Holden doing?” He said “I don’t know he’s more dead than he is alive, but his wife is who I’m worried about. I go in there at 3:00 in the morning and she says ‘Doctor Maxwell doesn’t he look wonderful?’”

Sid: He didn’t look wonderful why would you say that?

Clarice: Because I didn’t see him as he was, I had faith. You know I had to look beyond that because I knew he was gonna be healed. I know that sounds crazy, but that’s what I saw.

Sid: Sounds like faith to me.

Clarice: It was faith, but that doctor he says “You know I will never forget you.” He had our picture taken with him. He was the chief surgeon for trauma. When Ronnie went back for a checkup one of the other doctors, one of the other doctors came in first and he looked at Ronnie he walked out. We heard him talk and he said “I gotta go get doctor so and so, he doesn’t even look like the same man.” Another doctor would come in and they’d say “Well we’ve got to go get Doctor Clancy, they’re not gonna believe this now we’ve got to go get Doctor Maxwell.” They walked in and they looked at Ronnie they said “This is not the same man,” but that was the man I saw.

Sid: Last thought.

Clarice: That is so important that you do not doubt. That you will hold tight and walk what the word of God says, and just set yourself in agreement with that word and hold on, and don’t look to the left, and don’t look to the right, look straight ahead; don’t be deterred by nothing or nobody.

Sid: Ronnie Holden I would like the last word from you.

Ronnie: Sid I would just like to share with everybody what God told me about His mercy. I didn’t deserve even to live, I didn’t deserve what I have, but God had mercy on me. All the things I’ve done in my life, as mean as I’ve been, I was a scoundrel and God took mercy on me and healed me. All we have to do is call out, it’s so simple, some people just look over it. You call out to God and God will answer your prayer, He answered mine. I’m alive and well; I’m a miracle. I know God’s power, I know God’s peace…

Sid: I’m sorry were out of time.

Our Guest Julie True


Sid:We are getting ready to mediate on the word and I’m going to tell you no matter what happens in your life if you have the word of God, the promises of God that we’re especially written just for you inside of you, when you believe it with all your heart as a result of mediating not with all of your mind but with all of your heart, then everything that you say will come to pass according the will of God. Psalm 103 verse 1 to 4 say it out loud many times this week and personalize it.  I’m using the New King James version of the Bible “Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is in within me, bless His holy name.Bless the Lord oh my soul and forget not all His benefits.  Who forgives all my iniquities, who heals all my diseases, who redeems my life from destruction.” And Julie True that’s what we were talking about yesterday; we were talking about you have such a passion, such a concept of God being your loving father that it exudes in everything that you do.  Now I found it interesting that you father was a worship leader but he was in a church that didn’t think it was Biblical to use musical instruments.So you got that gifting in your genes from your dad but tell me about what you call “The barn years.”  You moved out of the city with your husband and your family and there was a piano in the barn, you didn’t have room for it in the house.When you wanted to worship God you would go out to the barn but you told me that sometimes it was freezing and there was no heat in the barn.

Julie:  That’s right and I mean for a long time I did not want anybody to hear me singing so I loved being in a place where I could get away from everybody and…

Sid:Yeah, but you’re so good why didn’t you want anyone to hear you sing?

Julie:I have not ever been good at performing and it was really, you know it was just like getting comfortable talking to God myself and hearing what He saying back to me. And it was just I had to exercise my gift in the secret place you know.

Sid:Okay but that’s one thing, secret place is one thing but going out in freezing temperatures at night playing the piano what possessed you to do that I mean that’s not normal Julie.

Julie:  Well, I really… it is so fun to worship and to sing your heart to God.When you get set free from thinking that you are limited to certain templates, or certain songs, or certain parameters you know, and I love my background.  You mentioned my dad, my dad loves God.He is an amazing, has a amazing heart for God and I grew up listening to hymns and singing hymns and I love that that I have that on my background.You know there comes this time where you want to move on to Psalms and spiritual songs and you know it’s like there’s a place for each one of those things. I guess in my heart, for one thing I was going through some really difficult times and we were living very simply with very few material things and I had lots of things to talk to God about and lots of questions to ask Him.

Sid:Well there’s many of us that have lots of questions but from what I understand you started singing your questions.

Julie:  That’s right.That was an amazing discovery to me that I could just sit down and start playing a simple chord progression and asking God, you know, like one time I was singing this was the first time that this every happened to me I was just singing “Lord why do we have to cry, oh Father God, why do we have to cry?”  And then just in the rhythm of this song that I was making up in the middle of it He just said, “Because My child tears are open up your eyes to me, they open up your eyes.”  And you know I feel like that was what was happening with me that I was when you’re desperate you know you’re a lot more tuned in to what God has to say I think then when you are when everything is going great.  And so anyway it was a growing experience for me in learning how to express myself and how to be still.

Sid:But you know what you had a gift for playing the piano and being a musician, and for singing, but there was a special way of you expressing your gift.If you had just sung regular songs you would have never be doing these CDs that you’re doing today.

Julie:  That’s true yeah I laughed about the fact that it was so hard for me to release my first CD because I was like so… I felt like it didn’t sound like anybody else and it didn’t look like anybody else.Yet it’s like for all of us whatever it is that is unique to us that God has gifted us with it’s that thing that actually makes you different and gives you something different to offer than just being like a cookie cutter person.  And so you know it’s just funny I had to press through that stigma that I had or whatever that I’m supposed to sound like this and I’m suppose to sing like this and you know I should sing these kinds of songs.  And we just went with what seemed to have life in it when we listened back to the live stuff that I had done and it wasn’t the songs that I had written it was the songs in between the songs that I had written so any way yeah I think that’s a really major revelation for my life and it would apply to everybody.

Sid:Well, I want to hear one of the songs that you wrote during those barn days when you were desperate to get closer to God, “He Who Dwells.”

Julie True “He Who Dwells”

Sid:That was Julie True and I have to tell you when you saturate your home, or your car with this music there is an anointing a supernatural peace. I mean she’s literally a stress buster.  People that have problems sleeping, mothers that want their children to sleep they just play this music and next thing they know their sleeping.  People that are sick when, you know stress is the major activator of sickness of all kinds.When you’re in such supernatural peace you don’t have any stress.  So people that are sick should listen to this music.  People that are in hopeless situations, we’re getting reports of those that are listening to her music are getting heavenly visions, they’re able to hear God speaking to them.  They’re getting physically healed, their having some of these traumas that are deep deep that you don’t even think of God just brings it to the surface you get rid of the trauma and you get totally healed.