Its Supernatural

Sid Roth welcomes Bob Larson

SID: What is going on? You can’t turn on a television these days without seeing something about the new age, something about someone communicating with the dead, there is Harry Potter, I mean it is sort of like what was whispered in the closet is now wide open. What is, Bob Larson you a world renowned expert, if not the world renown expert in the occult, in new age, in deliverance, what is going on, why is it all of a sudden all over the place?

BOB: Well it’s nothing new of course, it’s as old as the tarsus, it’s as old as humanity, this idea that we can connect with something which is out there, but what you’ve got is the result of scientific and rational thought having overtaken the western world but not producing anything that meets the spiritual hunger, so people are still asking the question, “Is there anything beyond this life, do we survive after death?” And into this vacuum: psychics, spiritualists, trans-channelers, have stepped to say, yes, and I will put you in touch with those spirits

SID: How many Hollywood movie stars are involved in these things, BOB: Absolutely, absolutely.

SID: There’s something called Kabala, but what is actually going on when someone says, well look, I talk to people all the time who says my husband died, my father died, and it is so good, they are still with me, they communicate with me. What’s wrong with that?

BOB: Why they always have some unfinished business, that’s the whole idea, these are beings that haven’t totally passed to the other side because they have something to share with us here. In Biblical terminology, if we look at the Old and New Testament, it is consistent; there is absolute, impenetrable gulf between the living and the dead. We are here and they are wherever they are going to go. There is no communication between the two, it just doesn’t happen, it can’t happen.

SID: But wait a second, these people are hearing something, they are not making it up, it is not imagination.

BOB: Absolutely, what they are hearing are the voices of demons, of discarnate entities, spirit beings who rebelled with Lucifer, who fell,

SID: Well but wait, how do these people know these intimate things at séances, they might say something that no one knew?

BOB: Cause Satan’s been around for thousands of years, he knows what happened; the demons were there they saw it, so they can tell you about it. It’s no problem, they knew Uncle Fred before he died, Uncle Fred, was probably full of the devil.

SID: All right, how do you explain the doctrine of reincarnation then, that you come back until you get it right?

BOB: Well once again, spirit beings know what’s happened in the past and so they are able to implant thoughts and memories of previous existences in peoples minds of events, you know what’s interesting to me Sid, I’ll tell you, everybody was always the king or queen of something, nobody was ever a bag lade in an old life, nobody was ever homeless in an old life, it was always good.

SID: But Bob, people pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to psychics to communicate with the dead.

BOB: Because they’re desperate, they’re desperate; they are filling a spiritual hunger that the church and the religious community should be filling by speaking existentially into reality of what exists in the spiritual world after we are not here anymore. But because you don’t hear preaching about heaven and hell anymore the psychics have stepped in and said well we’ll tell you what’s after death.

SID: You know what I find interesting, that is totally, one hundred percent kosher on secular television, but let someone be talking about the blood of Jesus, about forgiveness of sin, about sin, and ooh, don’t want them to say that. Why is it so acceptable, why does the public, listen, in Hollywood they don’t supply movies because they are evil, they supply movies of what the public want, they want to make money.

BOB: Because… the answer is simple, in spiritualism, in talking to the dead, there is never a moral frame of reference, there’s no sin, there’s no judgment, there is no ethical accountability because everybody is okay on the other side, you don’t hear any of these psychics communicating with somebody who is in hell screaming out in torment, and no matter how they lived, everybody gets to go to a good place.

SID: Okay, what is the spiritual repercussion for someone going to a séance, trying to communicate with the dead, even using a Ouija board to get a message from the spirit world, what is the repercussion, what harm is there?

BOB: Because you are not talking to something, which is human, passed to the other side, because you are talking to a demonic spirit being by virtue of your connection and communication with it you give it the right to come into you and possess you.

SID: All right, but what about if this thing doesn’t say anything evil, what about this thing you communicate with

BOB: Well, it never does.

SID: is maybe helping your spirituality, isn’t that okay?

BOB: Oh, they do a lot of good, like I mean they find lost people, they discover dead bodies, and you know.

SID: I mean just watch Larry King; you have these psychics on all the time.

BOB: Absolutely. Well but the Bible says in:  So he looks good, but the real test is whether or not something is Biblical, whether it is supportable from a faith foundation, not whether or not if feels good or looks good.

SID: Can someone open themselves up to a demon to actually come inside of them from dabbling in these areas?

BOB: yes.

SID: Even if they don’t know the bad things?

Our Guest Bob and Janie Duvall

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Bob and Janie DuVall. And Paul says in Corinthians, “First the natural, then the spiritual.” And it is so amazing looking at natural Israel and then seeing when God deals with natural Israel first, there is a repercussion on the church. Janie, explain that.

JANIE: Well there is a connection with natural Israel. There’s a connection with the feasts. The year 300, everything Jewish that was with Christianity, they stopped it. They took the feasts out and at the exact same time miracles stopped. But then, now we’ve heard and other people have heard about this, in 1948, when Israel became a nation it was at the exact same time that we had the healing revival of A. A. Allen, William Branham. But in 1967, we had the Six Day War and we have the charismatic renewal. It’s an outpouring of miracles. There’s a connection of the supernatural. 1973, we had the Yom Kippur War and we had a healing revival going on with the vineyard movement. But I did more research and it’s so exciting. I found out that it started way back, and probably back even further. 1830, there was this man named Lewis Way, and he said, “We’ve got to start praying for a Jewish nation.” Well at the exact same time, there was churches that started talking about, “We need to move in miracles.” It was happening at the same time. 1840, a whole bunch of Jewish people immigrated to the Holy Land. At the exact same time Maria Woodworth-Etter was born, who had a healing ministry of incredible miracles, and we still read her writings today. 1896, Theodore Herzl, he had a plan for creating a Jewish state, the birth of Zionism. At the exact year, Alexander Dowie had a healing ministry and the healing ministry was in a city called Zion, Illinois. I mean, it goes on and on.
BOB: It’s so clear that there is supernatural connection between Jew and gentile, the Jewish people and the church. And, you know, we were talking a little bit ago about how the blindness is coming to the Jewish people. They’re coming into the body of Messiah. Well that’s even more exciting for the gentile as well, because Paul says in Roman 11, “When the Jewish people come back into the body of Messiah it will be life from the dead.” And that’s exactly what the body needs today.

SID: For sure. And as a matter of fact, it begs the question, what’s gonna happen next to Israel? Therefore, what would the repercussion be for the church? This is what I believe. There is going to be discovery of oil in Israel. Oil represents the Holy Spirit. And when Israel discovers oil we are going to see just such an outpouring of God’s spirit. Actually, someone was just healed. Someone’s neck was just healed. Someone’s back, just talking about Jewish people.

JANIE: A goiter is leaving right now. A goiter is leaving and eyes are opened right now. And actually, there’s someone, you have this ringing in your ears. The ringing is leaving right now.

SID: And God has just told me that someone’s back is fine. It’s being straightened. This is something that you must, must understand. There is one sin that will trigger judgment, and this sin, according to the prophet Joel, in the third chapter, “Nations will be divided over one sin, dividing up the land of Israel.” And what will the repercussion be for dividing up the land of Israel? The repercussion is going to be dividing up the land of the United States. Two prophets, John McTernan and John Kilpatrick, both saw the same thing. Let’s look at it.
John M.: In the center of the United States there’s a massive fault called the New Madrid fault, and it has the potential of literally, like ripping right through the center of the country. It will be greatest disaster ever to hit America.
John K: When I dreamed of an earthquake that took place, the Lord showed me the earthquake was gonna hit in the middle part of the country right where the New Madrid fault is. What the Lord was showing, I believe, that if we continue to fool with Jerusalem and our secretary of state and our president keeps putting pressure on Israel to give up land and to give up Jerusalem for peace, I believe that a major earthquake is gonna strike America.

SID: Why is there such a diabolical strategy plan to divide Jews and Christians? I’ll tell you why. John 17:21: “I pray,” Jesus said, “I pray that they,” and there were only two people groups there at that time, Jew and gentile. “I pray that they, Jew and Gentile, might be one.” What’s the repercussion? “So the world will believe.” And what is going to happen? John 17:22: “The same glory that is on me, that is on Jesus is going to be on them. When the two come together the same glory that is on Jesus will have the full dwelling place of God.” I have a dream. I see all of the churches in the city renting a coliseum for, let’s say, Passover, Resurrection Sunday, and all of the Christians come together, more people than a Super Bowl, more important than a Super Bowl. I see dancing before God. I see worship before God. I see the last Passover Seder, the Last Supper before God. I see a release of miracles like the world hasn’t seen. And Christians will not come together for celebration of Resurrection Sunday and Passover because they have to. They’ll come together because God says it is a set appointment that He promises to show up. It’s not a “have to”, it’s a “get to”. And when the two become one this is what our Messiah said, the world will believe. I pray that they, Jew and Gentile, might be one so the world will believe.
I sense by the Spirit of the Living God by what He has done in my life, what I have seen with my very eyes that we are at the fullness of the gentile age. And I’ve got good news for everyone. The angel said to the women that came to the tomb on Resurrection Sunday, “He’s not here because he’s risen. He’s alive. Praise God. Our Messiah, Yeshua, the King of Jews is alive.”

Sid Roth welcomes Bob and Janie Duvall

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Bob and Janie DuVall. There is a phrase called “The fullness of the gentiles” that most people don’t understand. And if I was a gentile that believed Jesus was the Messiah I would understand this. I would want to understand this. Bob, what does “fullness of the gentiles” mean to you?

BOB: Well it comes from, the timing of it comes from Luke, Chapter 21, where Jesus said, “Jerusalem will be trampled down by the gentiles until the time of the gentiles is fulfilled.” Well that’s important to me as a gentile to know what that timing is. And in 1967, Israel, in the Six-Day War, took possession back of Jerusalem, and it has been in Jewish hands. So the exciting thing is we are in the time of the fullness of the gentiles. We go to Romans 11 and Paul said what happens at that time. And he said, “The blindness that has been on many of the Jewish people comes off.” So we’re looking forward to, in this time now that we’re living in, the blindness coming off and multitudes of Jewish people coming to know their Messiah, Jesus.

SID: So what you’re saying is there’s two things to look for to know that we’re at the fullness of the gentiles. First, that Jerusalem would be in Jewish possession. Check. Jerusalem, ’67, as Bob said, in Jewish possession. Two, the spiritual scales come off of the eyes of Jewish people. Now I have lived, when I became a new Jewish believer in the Messiah, I have lived in the period of time where the spiritual scales came off the eyes of Jewish people. Every week I saw Jewish people coming to the Lord. But then it just gradually diminished. So I know the difference between normal times and when the spiritual scales are off. Something new is going on. Something so exciting it absolutely proves we’re at the fullness of the gentile age. It absolutely proves that the Messiah is ready to come back. And this is what I have seen. I rented a secular auditorium in Brighton Beach, New York, Brooklyn, New York. In a ten-block radius there’s 100,000 Soviet Jews. And we advertised, “Lecture on the Supernatural”. And Bob, you were there and I was shocked about how many people showed up to that lecture.

BOB: It was close to 400, Sid, and it was amazing. It was a lot of fun.

SID: But what was even more exciting, Bob, was in the middle of the lecture, a woman gets out of a wheelchair.

BOB: That’s right.

SID: And starts walking. Her attendant stands up and says, “I’ve never seen this woman.” And there was just a rush, a move of the Spirit of the Living God, and when that occurred, close to 400 Soviet Jews made professions of faith. The blindness is coming off.

JANIE: Okay, so now you’re talking about Soviet Jews, but how about plain, old American Jewish people?

SID: Okay, that’s the acid test, Janie. So I went to a suburb of Los Angeles, Oxnard, California. We rented a hotel room. We ran ads in the Jewish press saying, “Lecture on the Supernatural, no charge, and many people that attend the lecture will be healed.” Well something so wonderful happened. This is plain, old American Jews. Close to 400 of them showed up again. I mean, this is unprecedented. This to me is the fullness of the gentile age. And the minute I started speaking, God had what are known as supernatural words of knowledge, and I spoke them out, and something like 30 of them stood up. They didn’t know what was going on. It was just “Lecture on the Supernatural”. Nothing about religion, nothing about Jesus, nothing about God. “Lecture on the Supernatural”. They stood. Thirty of them stood up. They said they were instantly healed. I had their undivided attention and then I told them about the Messiah’s death, burial and resurrection. And 30 stood up in front of everyone and made professions of faith, 30 Jewish people. These are unprecedented.

JANIE: This is the sign of the times.

SID: I believe we are at the fullness of the gentile age. Get your seatbelt a little tightened. We’re going to really go for the greatest outpouring of miracles when you understand as we come back. Be back in just a moment.

Sid Roth welcomes Bob and Janie DuVall

SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. When a Christian looks at Passover, the Christian says, “I don’t see anything Christian in Passover.” And when the Jewish person looks at Resurrection Sunday they say, “I don’t see anything Jewish about Resurrection Sunday.” Could there be a diabolical reason to keep these two people groups separate, especially in light of the Book of Ephesians, which tells us the reason Jesus came was to break down this middle wall of separation between Jew and Gentile to form one new man? Is there a reason to separate these two groups, because the result will be, Paul goes on to say about this one new man, the reason Jesus came was to break down the wall of separation between Jew and Gentile to form one new man, one new humanity, one new special being, because this will form the dwelling place, or the complete dwelling place for God. I say there is a diabolical reason. That’s why I’ve asked my guests, Bob and Janie DuVall to be with me. They’re on staff, The Messianic Vision and It’s Supernatural. And Bob comes from a gentile. Janie comes from a Jewish background, a perfect example of the one new man. I say that Resurrection Sunday is the most Jewish feast in the world. I say that Passover is the most Christian feast in the world. Let me give you a couple of examples. For instance, four days before Passover they take a lamb, an unblemished lamb, a lamb without broken bones. And isn’t it interesting? Not one of the Messiah’s bones were broken, because if the bones were broken this would not be an acceptable lamb. So four days before they inspect this lamb to make sure that it’s perfect without blemish. Four days before Passover the Sanhedrin inspected Jesus to see if he had any blemishes on him. At Passover the lamb is killed. At Passover Jesus died. At Feast of Unleavened Bread Jesus was buried. At First Fruits, Jesus rose from the dead. The thing is so Jewish. Janie, tell me a bit about feast.

JANIE: You know, people will say, “Okay, that’s really nice. The Feast, Jesus fulfilled itself. Okay, that’s for back then.” But there’s very supernatural about the Feast. In Leviticus it says God calls it “My Feasts.” He calls the feasts holy congregation rehearsals. The first church, I’m sorry, the Jewish believers, they knew that they were expecting Messiah to come. A lot of them were in the first church. They were rehearsing the spring feasts. Jesus was the fulfillment of the spring feasts. We have to be rehearsing the feasts for the Second Coming. And so that’s why they didn’t miss it back then. But there’s something very supernatural. This week is Passover, and it’s very supernatural to celebrate the feasts. I mean, again, God calls it “My Feasts”. It’s not the Jewish feasts. There are very supernatural things on those days that happen. When we rehearse those feasts, Pesach, Passover, when they ate, when the Israelis ate the whole lamb they were totally physically healed. So when we’re rehearsing Passover and we’re having that appointment with God, we’re rehearsing the healing. And the other feasts, then you have when he’s resurrected three days later, Jesus is resurrected. That’s the First Fruits. But 50 days later which were leading up to that time, that’s the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Shavuot. That feast, Pentecost, people were having dreams, visions, miracles.

SID: Well you know what’s so amazing to me is God says, “These are My feasts.” In the Hebrew, the word “feast” means appointments. I mean, there’s a Hebrew word. It’s called meshuga, crazy. You’d have to be meshuga. You’d have to be crazy to miss an appointment with God. He promises to attend. Bob, tell us about the Last Supper or what Christians called Communion and we Jews call a Passover Seder.

BOB: Absolutely. Well to put the Last Supper in context, it happened, like you said, during a Passover Seder, the Last Supper. And let’s look back at the first Passover. What happened? Well they were, the Jewish people, Israel was instructed to kill the lamb, to put the blood on the door post and to eat the whole lamb. And what was the result? Well their first born was protected and they were brought out of slavery. They were set free from bondage. And it also tells us in Psalm 105, “God brought them out with silver and gold. There was great provision for them.” And also, it says, “There was none feeble among them.” So I think that one of the things that many of us miss when we take Communion, because we don’t understand the full context of the Passover and what Yeshua did for us is everything that he provided for us in that he provided healing. “By his stripes,” by Jesus’ stripes we were healed and we know about forgiveness of sin. But then also, this financial provision there were all sorts of things that Yeshua, Jesus provided when he sacrificed himself as the Passover lamb. Everything was pointing toward Jesus. Everything was a shadow, and when he came he said this to his disciples at that Passover, that Last Supper, “This is my body. This is my blood of the New Covenant” and announced that he was what everything was pointing toward.

SID: You know, Bob and Janie, what I believe is we take Communion, which is very Jewish. I even know the prayers that Jesus prayed at that Last Supper, that Passover Seder, because we Jewish people do it every year. The Messiah took the grape juice and he took, and by the way, according to the Talmud, it doesn’t say “grape juice”. It says “wine” and it not only says “wine” it says “red wine” because the red wine represents the blood of the Messiah, and the matzah represents his broken body. As we participate in this right now watch what God is going to do in your physical body. Watch how God is going to touch you. [chanting-Hebrew] Thank you, Lord, for the bread that you’ve given us, your body that was broken for us. And when his body was broken for us, his blood shed, and this wine represents the blood of the Messiah. In the Book of Leviticus 17:11 says, “I’ve given the blood upon the altar as atonement for your sin. It is the blood that makes atonement for your sin.” [chanting-Hebrew] There are six blessings in participating in what the Messiah did for us. I want to pray a blessing over you that Moses was given from God Himself for Aaron to pray over the Jewish people so that His name would be on the Jewish people. “The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord calls His countenance to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord grant you His shalom.” That’s his completeness in your spirit, in your soul, and in your body, in the name of the Sar Shalom, the Prince of Peace, Yeshua, [Hebrew], Jesus the Messiah, our righteousness. Jesus is coming back soon. Don’t go away. You come back after this word and you’ll find out why.

Sid Roth welcomes Earthquake Kelly


SID: Hello, Sid Roth here with Earthquake Kelly. And Earthquake it is pretty fascinating, which moves in, what did you mother do about that, what about your brothers and sisters, you were what, the seventh child, did that have significance?


EARTHQUAKE: Yeah, in voodoo they deal with numbers just like we do as Christians, but they copy everything God has, so they wanted the seventh child. Me being the seventh child they picked me to go down in to Port au Prince and City Sela to live down there and work with the President at that time, Papa Doc Duvalier. But thank God I had a praying mother, and she is still praying, thank God for that.


SID: Okay, so you are being equipped by this witch to be I guess some sort of a priest with Papa Doc Duvalier of Haiti. How come you didn’t go there?


EARTHQUAKE: One day my dad, the witch and myself, the witch packed my suitcase for it, it was a little brown bag, she packed it for me, she said this is the day for you, I am going to take you into Manhattan and put you on a boat and you are going to sail down to Port au Prince.


SID: Did you want to do this?


EARTHQUAKE: Yeah I wanted to do this because I was into power at that time because I was watching some things happen, man they did some, some things really take place in that realm. And when she told me that I could have free course down in Haiti, I was all for it, the power, with the money, the control, being a child being over a lot of grownups, stuff like that sort of excited me. And when the day came for her to take me away they were going to sneak me out the back door, put me in a car and take me into Manhattan and put me on the ship, I was going to sail down into Port au Prince, my mother came out of nowhere, I mean out of nowhere, she saw us sneaking out the house and she said where are you taking my baby. And the witch says he is no longer your child he belongs to me, and my mother said no way, and she grabbed, my mother grabbed me by the arm and was pulling me. And the witch was pulling me and I was going back and forth like a tug of war. And something happened, they got me away from my mother, they were going towards the back door, and before they could get me out the back door it was like they both saw something that was so big and it scared them, they let me go and they ran out the door. And I don’t know what they saw but I believe it was because my mother was praying and God must have sent an angel to prevent them from taking me down to Port au Prince.


SID: You know what I also found pretty interesting about these two powers that are sort of in competition with each other, this witch used to put curses on people, and you broke into a realm where you could leave your body explain that.


EARTHQUAKE: Right, right, right, I could astral project, I could throw my hand through glass and not be cut, I could put a match under my hand and not be burned. I could do all kinds of different things. At that particular time I had a couple of friends of mine who went and got saved, and I mean they were really saved and I didn’t like the idea that they got saved because I felt like they left me there in the realm, and so I sent out a couple of spirits after them and I said you go   and you curse them, you destroy everything they are doing. Those little spirits came back to me and they said we couldn’t touch them. I said go back and put a curse on them, I command you, order you to do so, and they came back to me again and said we can’t touch them, they are protected. So I astral projected out of my own body and I went to see the reason why I would tell these spirits and they would come back and I know I had sent them to do other things and had never had a problem. So I went to see for myself and when I got there I saw the two brothers walking around this particular place, and I saw these seven, almost eight-foot tall angels with swords were protecting everywhere they went. And I said wow that’s the reason why those spirits came back and couldn’t do anything. These guys got some way stronger than I had, these guys were protected, I mean protected by giant angels.


SID: I’m curious, why in the world did your mother stay with your father with these beatings, I mean how bad did he beat her?


EARTHQUAKE: He beat her to the point now where she doesn’t have any sight.


SID: Why did she stick around?


EARTHQUAKE: Back in those days Sid, you know it was different from these days. They taught you to stay with the man for the children’s sake, and a lot of the old school women, they did that for the sake of the children, and my mother was one, she just wasn’t going to leave there.


SID: Okay, these spirits are communicating with you now on a regular basis and one, they even taught you as a young child how to get high off of a melting, what, a plastic gun?


EARTHQUAKE: All kinds of stuff, I won’t go into say what it is in case somebody wanted to hear, but it – see what happened, I wanted to shoot heroin with my brothers, I used to watch them tie up and get ready and hit the main line and stuff like that, and I wanted to shoot that, I was only about four or five years old. And they said you’re too young, you can’t shoot up right now, but I really wanted to and said no, they pushed me out of the room and so I heard this voice say, you don’t have to wait for that, I’ll show you what to do to get high, thee was this voice, and I could feel a presence right over my shoulder and he showed me what to do. And so at four years old I listened to this voice, this evil spirit and I started what is called “huffing” they call it huffing and–


SID: Let’s fast-forward though, okay so this voice teaches you how to get high as a kid, how to put this stuff together, you hear this voice again that tells you how to get super high, tell me about that.


EARTHQUAKE: Yeah, well I was fifteen, just turned fifteen and this voice said you have never really been high so why don’t you get this real super high so you can brag and boast, you know tell all your friends and all the drug people in the community, in the neighborhood that you can, you know, hold your dope. And so he told me what to do, he told me to get the cocaine, the weed, the tools, some pills, these tools –


SID: Fifteen!


EARTHQUAKE: Yeah fifteen.


SID: And this voice tells you to put all this stuff, what were the pills?


EARTHQUAKE: These pills, they were so strong, you take one pill, you cut that in half, then you cut that half in half, and it will keep you high for eight days, just a half of the half. I took about three or four of those, smoked some weed, did about five or six hundred dollars worth of cocaine all at one time, plus some beer, I hated beer but I was at this bar sitting there at the bar and some guy said you gotta drink or go home. So this guy knew I was underage and he still gave me the beer on top of everything else I had taken, and I overdosed, overdose of drugs, stopped my heart, it was just too much.


SID: That’s what the devil wanted to do, he wanted to kill him because he knows he is making an earthquake now for God, don’t go away, we’ll be right back.

Our Guest Earthquake Kelly


On “It’s Supernatural:” as a young child Earthquake Kelly was a master of witchcraft and voodoo. As he got older his powers increased. He could cast spells and kill people by cursing them and leave his own body at will. He soon died from a drug overdose and went to hell. See what brought Earthquake Kelly back to life and discover the amazing power that can bring people back from the dead.


Do angels exist? Are healing miracles real? Is there life after death? Can people get supernatural help from another dimension? Has the future been written in advance? Sid Roth has spent twenty-five years researching the strange world of the supernatural. Join Sid on this edition of, “It’s Supernatural.”


SID: Hello Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. I mean I don’t know any other life, I wouldn’t want to live any other life. My guest is a fourth generation voodoo priest who died and went to hell. Before we get to that, Earthquake Kelly, how did you get the name Earthquake Kelly? Well I see the Earthquake part, but how did you get that?


EARTHQUAKE: Well back in 83 I was competing for the 84 Olympics in Los Angeles and there was a guy I was fighting for in an elimination bout, and he was starting to get the best of me and I closed my eyes and threw a jab and to my surprise he was laying out on the canvas, so the guys, the sports announcer at the time said that guy hits like an earthquake, so people started calling me Earthquake from 1983, but actually before that I had a dream and in this dream the ground was shaking and a voice said because of you the ground is shaking, because of you the ground is broken. And I believe God really gave me that name first before the people in the sports arena.


SID: Okay, but you just don’t look Irish to me, where does the Irish come in, Kelly?


EARTHQUAKE: I traced my family tree back all the way to Ireland to the slave trade, there was a man named John Kelly who was in Ireland, he left Ireland and went into the Caribbean, bought some land, had a plantation there, and from the slave trade that’s where we got that name from.


SID: And your great ancestor you came from was African and she was involved in voodoo and Mr. Kelly did not have a good time because of this voodoo, what happened to him?


EARTHQUAKE: Well my people from way back they put a curse on him and it is a historical fact throughout my family tree that we know about the curse that was put on the Kelly linage there in Haiti, and all his crops started to fail so he decided well I’m not growing anything here   and he took some of his slaves and went to New Orleans believing that he was going to get away from it, of course you know some of the things happening down there. He went from there to Texas and that’s where my father was born.


SID: Okay, so here you are with this voodoo heritage on one side, and your father marries a Pentecostal Christian, what a combination.


EARTHQUAKE: Right, he sure did.


SID: So there is kind of a tug of war on your life, but your father doesn’t even want you to be born, he tries to get your mother to have an abortion?


EARTHQUAKE: right, my mother tells the story, and she said I waited until you got grown to tell it, and it was really hard on her to tell me, but she did tell me. She told me the story, and thanks be to God she said there was another hand inside of her, she could feel another hand in side of her feeling all of these things.


SID: You mean when she went to the abortion clinic and they were giving her all these shot and these needles to kill you, she was being supernaturally protected.


EARTHQUAKE: That’s right, that’s right.


SID: But your father, he took matters into his own hands, he beat your mother, what did he do to her?


EARTHQUAKE: Well what she told me it was pretty rough, he would beat her and do some awful things to her trying to destroy me on the inside, but still God said no, no, He has purpose for me and I survived by the grace of God.


SID: So you survived, you are born, obviously you survived, but your father starts beating you.

Why did he dislike you so much?


EARTHQUAKE: I have no idea, I have no idea really, all I know is the beatings just kept coming and coming and thank God –


SID: He would beat you with a belt buckle?


EARTHQUAKE: The buckle, yeah, many times.


SID: And I understand from your book the doctors didn’t even expect you to survive too long.


EARTHQUAKE: No, they didn’t give me much chance, they said if I lived to see the 9th grade I would be an old man.


SID: Okay, according to my notes this is amazing. At four you start taking drugs, your brothers are selling, at five you see your grandmother use voodoo against someone, and what happened?


EARTHQUAKE: He dropped over, he keeled over, and that’s really what started me being interested in it because I said wow, what a lot of power for somebody to say a few words and a grown man to just fall over backwards and I started getting interested in it because I didn’t even know there was that much power in it. You know except what I saw on TV as a child, now I could see it with my own eyes it was like wow I wanted some of that.


SID: Did you try it?




SID: At that young age?


EARTHQUAKE: Oh yeah, oh yeah.


SID: What happened?


EARTHQUAKE: when I said the words that I heard, it felt like something started swirling around and got on the inside of me, and these things got on the inside of me and I became possessed and it started a spiral of going downhill from then on.


SID: You became, how old were you when you had a gun and were working with prostitutes and pimps?


EARTHQUAKE: About thirteen, thirteen.


SID: I mean you lived a whole life by the time you were a teenager.


EARTHQUAKE: A life of a fifty or sixty year old man by the time I got into my teens. Yeah it was a dangerous thing to do to work with the prostitutes, I had to go to each one with the day tricking and sit there with a pistol and make sure they got paid. I was only thirteen, it started working on my mind after a while Sid, I started going really crazy after –


SID: What happened when your dad brought home a witch to mentor you?  What was she mentoring you for?


EARTHQUAKE: She told me that I, being a Haitian background and that I was to be sent down to Haiti to work under Papa Doc Douvailier to be raised up under the President of the country to control the people through voodoo. And so at the time I was floored because of the power thing and I was preparing myself to go.


SID: What was your preparation like, how many hours a day did you put into this?


EARTHQUAKE: Well not so much the day, mainly the night because I didn’t get much sleep because there is something about, what they call the witching hour, which was between twelve o’clock and three or four o’clock in the morning which a lot of evil things are being – you are learning a lot through that time.


SID: She would give you; this witch would give you the names of demons that would then inflict harm on people.


EARTHQUAKE: Oh yes, by the hundreds, oh yes.


SID: So you then would then call out this name and then evil would happen to people?


EARTHQUAKE: You could send things to people, right.


SID: What happened, wait till you find out what happened when he tries to use his power against some real Christians; don’t go away, we’ll be right back.