Its Supernatural

Our Guest Clarice Fluitt

CLARICE: You know that’s just the way it is here! So he did go to the burger place and he says, “I’ve come by to help you out.” And he was so full of himself. Well, they didn’t hire him there. And then he realized I’ve got to change my mind! I’ve got to change my attitude! How many of you have ever had a time in your life where you said, “I’ve got to change my mind?” It’s not about everybody else! It might be about me, you know the reason things aren’t working!” And so he goes by the city zoo and he sees a sign that says, “Help Wanted!” And he says, “I’ve never worked with wild animals.” Then he thought of his wife’s face.

Audience: [laughing]

CLARICE: And then realized he had more experience. You see we are a people that have more things going on in our life than what we are aware of! We can do more than what we think we can! Champions live differently than ordinary people. And so he goes in and they right in the middle when he came in one of the guys ran in. He said, “The most terrible thing just happened!” They said, “Uhh! What happened?” He says, “The gorilla died!” And he says, “The gorilla died!” They said, “Yes, and we’ve got all these little kids that are coming in! The kindergarten kids and the gorilla’s their favorite thing. But we just don’t know what to do!” And he said, “Well we have an old gorilla suit but we don’t have anybody to wear it!”

Audience: Ahhh! [laughter]

CLARICE: John said, “I would love to be a gorilla! I would love to be able to put it on!” They said, “Oh, it’s a hot suit and it doesn’t smell good.” And He says “I love bein’ hot.” And the more he thought about getting gainful employment he began to sell himself! He began to say, “Listen! I really want this job! I’ll be the most outstanding gorilla you’ve ever seen!” And so they went and got the suit and they drug the dead gorilla out and here comes John. He’s all dressed up and they said, “Look, John. All you have to do is you put this suit on. You stand back as far as you can. Every now and then beat your chest and go, “Uhh, uhh!”

Audience: [laughter]

CLARICE: And he said, “Okay! I got it!”

Audience: [laughter]

Our Guest Dave Hayes

PAT: Well you know tell us some of the miracles you saw because you know when you were sharing just a moment ago I began thinking about the fact that those – you became a mobile Upper    Room! That’s what you became! A mobile Upper Room! You get on those ambulances and you know you probably saw some of the worst tragedies. You probably saw and I can’t even imagine what you saw. The war zone over the last 30 years. But tell us some of the things that you saw take place in those ambulances.  

DAVE: Well one of the cool things that I really enjoy doing was, we did a lot of critical care transports. People going from one hospital to another hospital for cardiac surgery.  

PAT: Right.

DAVE: Things of that nature. I remember transporting this one guy from the ICU. He had been having chest pain. They had been doing a lot of diagnostic testing and they finally decided he needed to have bypass surgery. So we were transporting him and he was having chest pain at the time. He was on a nitroglycerin drip. You know he was getting morphine every 10 or 15 minutes and we get him in the ambulance. We’re taking him to the cath lab. And he goes, “oh, the pain’s getting worse! You know I’m really scared! I’m really anxious.” 

PAT: Wow!

DAVE: And I said hey, can I pray for you? And he goes – and we had been talking and he goes yeah, you can pray for me. So I prayed for him and I said I’m going to give you a choice. I can either pray for you or I can give you morphine. Which one would you want? And he said I want you to pray for me. So I prayed for him and all of his pain went away!

PAT: Hallelujah!

Our Guest Steve Hill

STEVE: Let’s all stand up just for a minute. Everyone at home I want you standing also. Don’t be ever, don’t ever be afraid of quiet. Don’t ever be afraid of a few seconds of silence. One of the greatest things you’ll ever hear is the silence of God, when He’s quiet. Lord, I pray that you would speak to each and every one of us here in this audience and at home. Lord, we’re not here to waste Your time, to waste our time. We want to hear from You, Jesus. Lord, I give You thanks for those in this room and those at home that know You, that are a part of the true Bride of Christ.

I give thanks to You in advance for those who are going to know You in just a few minutes. They’re going to meet You and commit themselves totally to You. I pray for any backsliders, any prodigals that are tuning in and listening. They have ears to hear. God, I pray that this would be a turnaround, a change, a violent moment in their lives to where nothing is the same again. I want everyone to pray out loud with me, everyone at home out loud, everyone here out loud. Pray this prayer: [Steve leads audience in prayer as they repeat each phrase]:

Dear Jesus: Speak to my heart. Change my life. In Your precious name. In Jesus’ name. Amen. God bless you. You may be seated. I don’t know how many here have listened to our messages before. You can just log onto my name and listen to them. One of the reasons we’re getting so many emails and calls about the spiritual avalanche that could kill millions, the Vision, and I’m not here to talk about that, but one of the reasons we’re getting so many calls is because people know we’re right. And I was on a chat room day before yesterday, and I do this very rarely. There’s no time for it, but sometimes I just do it to see how stupid people are.

Our Guest Perry Stone

Let me give you one: Blessed is he who obeys the Words of the Book and when I come, you know He, I find him doing lest I see him and he be, he walk naked. What’s it mean when Jesus is warning us to be careful that you don’t walk naked when He has returned? That does not mean “Oh I’d better watch these Christians, they’re going to have all their clothes off before I get back. You’d better tell them to keep their clothes on.”

Now you know that in the West you’re thinking what does it mean? Here’s what He meant. In the time of, of, uh, the Temple, in the time that John wrote this, or in the time of Christ, let’s go back to that, they had what was called “Temple Watchmen” and the hardest watch was the fourth watch, it was from 3 to 6 in the morning. It was hard to stay awake.

And what would happen is this, and there are historical references, references about this from, from even secular writers. But what would happen is if the Captain of the House, who was like, he wasn’t the High Priest but he was over the guards, he would come walking with the stick and if saw a guy getting a little bit slumbery, he’d pop him in, in, with, in the behind with that stick, “psssh,” pop him. You know that’d wake the guy up.

Okay? That in the New Testament, would be called “chastisement.” Seriously. To chastisement doesn’t mean to beat somebody down. To chastise it means to give him a quick spanking, or, or you know to slap him a little bit to get him, to get him awake to where they won’t go the way they’re going. So he chastised him by hitting him with the stick.

Now here’s the thing that’s interesting. If he caught, if the Captain of the House caught a priest sleeping, do you know what they did? They had him stand up, wake up, and they called the other Temple guards together. They stripped him of his clothes, and burned his clothes and made him walk back to the room naked. And it was the biggest shame for a priest to be caught sleeping.

Our Guest Patricia King

And that is something that we need to regard is what you think is insignificant is so massive in God’s eyes. Your life is significant. Your, your destiny call is significant. Your potential is significant. And you can create with God His glory in the earth. I believe in the area of, of, um, anti-trafficking, I believe that we the body of Jesus can actually annihilate completely modern day slavery in our lifetime. I believe that we can do it!

And I’m decreeing it. I’m decreeing it. And I’m, I’m doing actions towards that. I’m writing papers on it. I’m doing, you know, um, media on it. I’m building media on it. We’re doing things on the ground to literally rescue children. It just started with one little vision. It keeps growing and growing. But you see if everyone did something that all connects together and we’ll, we’ll create a tipping point where it’s all going to come down.

There’s people today going into the Body and saying let’s raise up a standard of righteousness. Because you know what? If we could, um, through our prayer and decree take out internet pornography addiction then we could wipe out the sex trade pretty easily because that’s what fuels it, you know? It’s just going to be easy when we get a hold of God and when we have faith to know that we walk in partnership with Him.

Many people say, “Oh, the earth is so full of terrible things.” In fact I had someone Facebook me about a week ago and they said you know, um, “It’s just disgusting, you know what kind of God do you serve when there’s so much suffering in the earth and there’s little children suffering and everything?” And it just hurt me to think people would think that way about my God.

Because my God is good. And it’s not God that is leaving the earth in the mess it’s in. It is us! The scripture says “The heavens belong to the Lord but the earth belongs to the sons of men.” And He gave us His authority. He said “All authority belongs to Him. He is in us.” And He says “Now you’re My Body in the earth and the works that I do you will do also and greater works than these will you do because I go to the Father.” But He left us in the earth with His name, with His power, with the tools in scripture given to us to work and labor, co-labor with Him for the glory of the Lord. And I declare in Jesus’ name that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord is going to cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

Our Guest Dale Mast

SID: Dale, you say identity is supernatural. What do you mean?

DALE: Well, David was overlooked by his father, that’s the natural, yet chosen by God, that’s the supernatural, but David didn’t know it until there was a supernatural event where Samuel poured oil over his head and changed the way he thought about his future.

SID: And this has to do with identity shift.

DALE: And identity purpose. It’s very important that we understand that there are many identity shifts in each person’s life. I started off as a youth leader, a worship leader, then I was an elder, then I was actually a pastor. And Bishop Bill Hamon looked at me and said, “You think you’re a pastor that prophesies but God says you’re a prophet who pastors.” And God just turned my… He took off my baseball cap of pastor, he put on a prophet mantle, and I started acting as a prophet who happened to pastor, and that’s where I had my greatest fruit.

SID: Now, look, you had the gift of prophecy, you knew you were a prophet, so you never had any doubt about your destiny.

DALE: No, I was prophesying for years and I really did not have the identity of a prophet. I saw it as a gift. And then I saw myself as a prophet, and I would say this, “I’m a prophet but not to the nations.” And one time I heard God’s voice and He said, “Will you stop saying that?”

DALE: Two years later I was in Burma, there was a pastor there, I took a ring off my finger and I put it on his, and I said, “I call you as a Joseph to your nation.” He told me the testimony, he laughed, but after I left a tsunami went through Burma and Myanmar and actually wiped out the nation. It was very destructive. And in it, he remembered the word, not one of his 8,000 members died, he said, “I ought do something for the community.” This is before social media. And it got out somehow what he was doing and over the next six months millions of dollars came to him to get food, and they actually opened up Buddhist temples for him to feed the people. And the Buddhists came to them and said, “If it would have been the Christians, we wouldn’t have helped you. Why are you helping us?” He said, “I never thought I’d be Joseph but what you prophesied come to pass.”

Our Guest Derek Snodgrass

SID: Now, pastor Derek Snodgrass had a praying mother. He was trained, get this, to fast and pray and read the Bible, at seven. But at 17 God audibly told Derek what the name of his church that he pastors today would be, and that it would attract the broken and the unchurched. That same year, he had a life changing encounter with the Holy Spirit. Derek, tell me about that.

DERRICK: Yeah. So Sid, growing up in my family, it was normal for us to fast. It was normal for us to pray. And even though we weren’t saved, my mom really just gave us that training and it started off small, three or four hours a day, but then it grew to something even greater.

SID: You call three or four hours a day small?

DERRICK: Yeah, it was small for us. Yeah. Yeah.

SID: Okay.

DERRICK: But eventually it would grow into something to where she was really just planting that seed within us, to when we truly had our own walk with God, that would be a part of our pursuit of how to seek the Lord.

SID: At 16, you really got serious with the Lord. What happened?

DERRICK: I got serious about the Lord, Sid, and I just asked God to fill me with the Holy Spirit, baptize me in the holy ghost. And so there was a revival coming to our church and I went to the service, completely focused that I wasn’t going to get anything less than what God had for me.

DERRICK: When I went to that service, we went on the altar, in Pentecostal, we tarry. It’s when you go to the altar, you just call on Jesus. And I began to envision Jesus dying on the cross. I began to envision his sacrifice for me, and I began to call on Jesus out of my heart. And I remember for the first time, Sid, I felt the power of what I know now as the Holy Spirit, kind of pushing me back on the outside of me.

Our Guest Emma Stark

SID: Emma Stark was born in Ireland and she became a believer in the Messiah at age six. In fact, she came from a long line of pastors that had no grid whatsoever of anything supernatural. But as a child, the supernatural started operating in her life. Emma, how did you handle the supernatural that was going on when you never saw anything like that in your parents and grandparents, in church, et cetera?

EMMA: We loved Jesus as a family. But you’re right, there was no grid for the supernatural. But when I was a child, I would see in the spirit, but we wouldn’t know that that’s what it was called. We wouldn’t call it a prophetic gift because we didn’t know that existed. I would see faces the whole time in the supernatural realm, in the realm of the spirit, but they were very black and white. It wasn’t until I was baptized in the spirit that suddenly open visions, color, immediate understanding of it’s God, and those are angels and that’s a demon and that’s the face of Christ with the eyes of fire.

SID: At 18.

EMMA: Yes.

SID: That’s when everything exploded in your life.

EMMA: Absolutely.

SID: What happened?

EMMA: Absolutely. It was the time where John Wimber was actually doing a tour in the United Kingdom. I saw him prophesy and I was like, I can do that. What’s that called? He knows things. I know things. And of course, I’d lived nearly 20 years without any terminology. But here’s the deal, Sid. We can talk about my story, but I really believe that it’s going to happen for other people who are watching. That actually, you are not just watching me talk about at my story. My family, wherever you are in the world, I believe that the veil between the natural and the spiritual is going to drop for you as it did for me all those years ago when I was 18. And that actually, God is moving us as a body of believers to be a Revelation 11 prophetic revelatory church.

Our Guest Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert

MARY: And this is a separate prophecy he got after everything started kicking in. He said one Supreme Court justice was about to die and it’s not who you think. Now he got this word just before Justice Scalia was found dead.


MARY: And the Spirit of God spoke to him and said Donald Trump will not replace one Supreme Court justice but 5!


MARY: And so in order for that to occur that means an 8-year term.


MARY: That he’ll be serving. So we know what the will of God is and if the church gets involved and they get engaged the will of God in a partnership like you had said earlier, we go into partnership with God –


MARY: Then the will of God will be done and that’s part of what’s going on. But part of the influence that Donald has around him he is full of praying people now!


MARY: Around him who are praying continually. Leadership who’s, feeding into him. He is going to be sending out to his faith-based leaders a video, like a 5-minute video every week of issues he wants us to be praying about that he’s concerned about! So he wants to turn this nation into a nation of a praying nation!


MARY: He really is motivated to do this. So he’s got all these people who are pastors and leaders and the evangelical individuals who know the word of God speaking into his life. He’s counseling them on issues!

KYNAN: Wow! Wow!

MARY: Guys, we’ve never seen this!

KYNAN: You know hold that thought cause when we come back we’re going to talk a little bit more about what is happening in the nation, what’s happening in our Presidency [music begins] and the things you don’t know! We’ll be right back! Don’t go anywhere on Something More! [music ends]

Our Guest David Turner

WOMAN #3: Loose. It’s loose.

DAVID: Amen! It’ll continue as you go. You’ll see it in the next little bit. Clap your hands and give glory to God! God bless you! Amen!

Audience: [Clapping]

DAVID: Who here very quickly? A couple a things. Is anyone having trouble breathing where you can’t breathe or you’re struggling to breathe? Come up. You’re right in the middle right there. Come up. Is there anyone else? Let me see another hand. For breathing? You can come too. Come too and you’ll wait right here. Let me – you can come up first then. Is it your turning your neck or breathing?

WOMAN #4: Both.

DAVID: Both?  We’ll believe right now. Let me just see what’s causing it. Glory of God right now! Just look to the cross! Look to the cross! The power is in the cross! Look to the cross. Jesus is going to help you right now. Hallelujah! The glory of God is right here. Show me how much you can move your neck right now. It hurts right there?

WOMAN #4: It’s here. It used to hurt here.

DAVID: Okay.

WOMAN #4: But it went away. But now it’s here.

DAVID: Show me, Holy Spirit. It’s a spirit of infirmity! Right now you the spirit of infirmity I command you by the authority of Jesus, the blood of Jesus the nails in His hands and feet cast you out right now in the name of Jesus! Devil, I break your power right now! Fire anointing of God! Rivers of living water! Oh right now living Word, living water, power of God! Emergency peculiar anointing! Go! Go! Go! Go now! Fire! Fire! Fire! In the name of Jesus! Right now in the name of Jesus! Devil, I break your power! COME OUT OF HER NOW! COME OUT OF HER NOW! RIGHT NOW YOU THE FALSE SPIRIT! GET OUT in the name of Jesus Christ! You the choking spirit I cast you out! CAST YOU OUT! NOW! NOW! NOW! FIRE OF GOD! FIRE OF GOD! Power of God right now! RIGHT NOW COME OUT OF HER! COME OUT OF HER! In the name of Jesus! Stand with me right now.