SID: Mike Thompson, I can just visualize this. You’re raised Baptist. You and your family have zero knowledge of the supernatural, and unbeknownst to you, your parents get filled with the Holy Spirit, and I’ve never heard this before, ambushed him. What happened?

MIKE: Well my wife and I had just recently married at that point, and so they invited us to their house, my parents did, to come over and have dinner with them on a Friday night. They didn’t tell us that they were having their prayer group there, so we were ambushed. It was nervous at first, but we warmed up to the people. They asked us if we wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit and my wife said, “Yes, I do,” and so she was first. Then I followed her. We received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, supernatural experience. That was our introduction to the spiritual realm.

MIKE: We’d been saved earlier, but we had no awareness, no situational understanding of what God was doing in us.

SID: Well that night, you got something you didn’t bargain for. You had a visitor that you really didn’t want.

MIKE: Yes, that’s true. We had received the Holy Spirit. That was the good side. The bad side is we went home that evening, and we went to bed. I was awakened in the middle of the night with this presence. It was a dark, fearful presence in the room. I saw a demonic presence at the bottom of the bed. It just was terrifying me at first. It came against my flesh. I wasn’t aware of what was going on, but I’d knew enough that I just, it’s kind of humorous, but in the air I made a cross like this, and I said, “In the name of Jesus I rebuke you,” and it left. But I knew, I became acutely aware at that moment if I had not resisted that, a spirit of fear would have come in, and would have stopped me in my journey in entering the supernatural realm.

SID: I am so glad that the devil didn’t talk you out of a legitimate experience that you had, because after the devil fled because of the cross, the supernatural opened up to Mike and his wife. What was happening that hadn’t happened previously?

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