RODNEY:  But I have told the stories. Now what did I feel? I felt nothing. I felt tired. I felt jet lag. But it’s not about what you feel. Because here’s what I’ve learned. The enemy will throw everything at you because he wants to shut your mouth up. He wants to silence your voice and he wants you to withdraw. He wants you to pull inward. There are many Christians with a mighty river on the inside of them but it’s blocked. Maybe it’s because the religious order that they’re in won’t allow it. It has to come through the hierarchy or whatever. The greatest power in the church is actually sitting in the pew. And where the church in America has gone wrong is that we’ve left it up to one or two or three anointed men and women of God. Thank God for them. We’re not taking away from them. But the greatest power is in the pew and it has to be released through the people. That doesn’t mean to say they have to leave their job. That doesn’t mean to say they have to go into the full-time ministry. That means they can be a doctor and be under the anointing. They can be a school teacher and be under the anointing. They can be a professor. They can be, they can be all of those things. Not that God wouldn’t call and couldn’t call someone. But that’s up to God to do that. And so you know the Lord’s taken us on a journey. When we came here December of ‘87, landed with 300 dollars, my wife, myself, my three children. Then in ‘89 the revival broke out and from ‘89 to ‘99 we just really spent all our time in the churches. Two meetings a day, 6 days a week, 46 weeks of the year. Really, it was a 14 year period of revival which means laying hands on everything that moved. There were many times I went to some of the great places of the world and I never saw anything other than the church, the airport and the hotel. That’s it. And so in ‘99 when God told us to go to Madison Square Garden, the Lord spoke to me in a dream. We rented the Garden for six weeks and we launched one of the biggest soul winning crusades at that time and on the 30th of July the Lord spoke to me said… I preached a message called “There’s a Storm Coming.” Talked about the rise of terrorism, nations plotting the downfall of America as we speak and what would happen if a missile struck New York City and actually talked about the fact that America’s not ready for what’s coming. That was two years before 9/11. And what we were doing today is actually birthed in the summer of ‘99 at Madison Square Garden we saw 48,459 people saved. But I knew that that’s still not the way. God will take you on a journey just like God’s taking Sid Roth’s ministry on a journey and a transition into the future of what God wants to do through this ministry. He’s on the cutting edge and moving into a realm that many in the church in television have never been in. Okay. So but we’ve got to be able to go with the transition. And I looked at the great evangelistic ministries of the past, one being Doctor Billy Graham. Thank God for what God’s done through his life and ministry. Abut just from the statistics from his own web site and I’ll give you some of the recent statistics from 1996 to 2008 the combined total of attendance in the meetings was 9.8 million people at a cost of 218 million dollars for a total of 660,000 decisions. Now that’s a lot of money for very little souls. I’m not taking away from that but last time I checked there’s 7 billion people on the planet. So how do we multiply that cause last time I checked you can’t grow a Billy Graham on a tree. You can’t do down to the store I’ll take two Billy Grahams, give me a Reinhard Bonnke and throw in a T.L. Osborn on the side. It don’t happen that way.

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