You know what I’d have to do? I’d have to start praying. That’s what David was up to. He’s trying to keep you going. Keep praying. Brian, you know what I’m talking about. Thank you, by the way for all the help this man does for a lot of the stuff that you hear on the internet it’s because of this man Brian P. It’s a free commercial there, brother. You’re welcome. Just want to pour my heart out to ya for a few minutes. You see nothing’s changed with me as far as the message’ll never change. It’ll never change. The reason God gave me this vision, this recent vision is because

He knows my message will never change. I won’t take it, tweak it, make it my own and turn it into a money cash cow, a money machine. He knows I won’t do that. He knows I’ll share it just the way it was given. So everyone bow your heads. Everyone at home I want you to bow your heads. There are people here that you’ve drifted away from God. You’re not where you should be with the Lord and you know it. You’ve allowed sin to creep into your life. It can be anything. It can be jealousy. It can be hatred. It can be adulterous thoughts. It can be pornography. Sir, there’s always three witness. The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. There’s no such thing as one o’clock in the morning on the internet no one sees you. There’s always three witnesses.

Ma’am, God knows if you’re more interested in that other man than you are your husband. He knows everyone in this room. He knows everyone watching at home. If you need Jesus Christ to forgive you, you know you’re not where you should be with Jesus. You’re going to be totally honest. You’re going to be totally honest. And that’s where this sword that I talked about a few minutes ago, that’s what’s going to happen. A sword’s coming down.

And what the sword does it separates honesty from lies. It separates light from darkness. It separates truth from heresy. It’s sharp. It comes down and people’s hearts are split wide open. They’re undone. The other day I had to stop someone from coming forward in the crusade because I hadn’t given the altar call yet.

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