So they viewed Him on earth as a prophet. Now, when He leaves the earth in Acts chapter 1, goes back to heaven, Paul in Hebrews says He is the High Priest of the profession of our faith. So for well over 1900 and 80 some years Christ has been the High Priest ever-living to make intercession generation after generation after generation. But He is a priest according to Paul in Hebrews after the Order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek is found in Genesis, chapter 14.

He is the, he is the priest of “Yerushalayim,” or Jerusalem. In that day it was called, your Bible translates this as Salem, it should be Shalem, which is the, a word out of which we get Shalom, he’s king of, actually it’s king of Shalom, which is the City of Peace, early name of Jerusalem. And this Melchizedek is, is King of Righteousness, from two Hebrew words, King of Righteousness. But he is a king and a priest, in other words he’s ruling from Jerusalem but he receives the tithe from Melchizedek which is what the priesthood would do.

And so Jesus had to be a king and a priest. That’s my point. He couldn’t be just a priest. He had to also be a king if he’s going to be after the order of this first man in Genesis, chapter 14. Now having said that, this is very important that you understand this. That in Revelation 1 when you see Him with a white garment. He’s got a gold belt on. He has no crown on His head. It’s very important in Revelation 1 you notice that there’s no identification. All He has is hair like wool. It’s like He’s got Sid Roth hair, you understand. White like wool, as white as snow.

Believe me Perry Stone would have that too if he didn’t use something called dye on it. Ha! So just so you’ll know I’m pretty gray under all this. My little girl wants me to cover it up because she says I look too old so I did that for my little girl. That’s the excuse I use, at least.

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