Monthly Archives: May 2023

Our Guest Perry Stone

Let me give you one: Blessed is he who obeys the Words of the Book and when I come, you know He, I find him doing lest I see him and he be, he walk naked. What’s it mean when Jesus is warning us to be careful that you don’t walk naked when He has returned? That does not mean “Oh I’d better watch these Christians, they’re going to have all their clothes off before I get back. You’d better tell them to keep their clothes on.”

Now you know that in the West you’re thinking what does it mean? Here’s what He meant. In the time of, of, uh, the Temple, in the time that John wrote this, or in the time of Christ, let’s go back to that, they had what was called “Temple Watchmen” and the hardest watch was the fourth watch, it was from 3 to 6 in the morning. It was hard to stay awake.

And what would happen is this, and there are historical references, references about this from, from even secular writers. But what would happen is if the Captain of the House, who was like, he wasn’t the High Priest but he was over the guards, he would come walking with the stick and if saw a guy getting a little bit slumbery, he’d pop him in, in, with, in the behind with that stick, “psssh,” pop him. You know that’d wake the guy up.

Okay? That in the New Testament, would be called “chastisement.” Seriously. To chastisement doesn’t mean to beat somebody down. To chastise it means to give him a quick spanking, or, or you know to slap him a little bit to get him, to get him awake to where they won’t go the way they’re going. So he chastised him by hitting him with the stick.

Now here’s the thing that’s interesting. If he caught, if the Captain of the House caught a priest sleeping, do you know what they did? They had him stand up, wake up, and they called the other Temple guards together. They stripped him of his clothes, and burned his clothes and made him walk back to the room naked. And it was the biggest shame for a priest to be caught sleeping.

Our Guest Perry Stone

So they viewed Him on earth as a prophet. Now, when He leaves the earth in Acts chapter 1, goes back to heaven, Paul in Hebrews says He is the High Priest of the profession of our faith. So for well over 1900 and 80 some years Christ has been the High Priest ever-living to make intercession generation after generation after generation. But He is a priest according to Paul in Hebrews after the Order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek is found in Genesis, chapter 14.

He is the, he is the priest of “Yerushalayim,” or Jerusalem. In that day it was called, your Bible translates this as Salem, it should be Shalem, which is the, a word out of which we get Shalom, he’s king of, actually it’s king of Shalom, which is the City of Peace, early name of Jerusalem. And this Melchizedek is, is King of Righteousness, from two Hebrew words, King of Righteousness. But he is a king and a priest, in other words he’s ruling from Jerusalem but he receives the tithe from Melchizedek which is what the priesthood would do.

And so Jesus had to be a king and a priest. That’s my point. He couldn’t be just a priest. He had to also be a king if he’s going to be after the order of this first man in Genesis, chapter 14. Now having said that, this is very important that you understand this. That in Revelation 1 when you see Him with a white garment. He’s got a gold belt on. He has no crown on His head. It’s very important in Revelation 1 you notice that there’s no identification. All He has is hair like wool. It’s like He’s got Sid Roth hair, you understand. White like wool, as white as snow.

Believe me Perry Stone would have that too if he didn’t use something called dye on it. Ha! So just so you’ll know I’m pretty gray under all this. My little girl wants me to cover it up because she says I look too old so I did that for my little girl. That’s the excuse I use, at least.

Our Guest Tony Kemp

TONY: Look at somebody and say It’s for whoever will take it.

TONY: C ‘mon, so let me pray for this brother and after this we’re going to close. Father, I thank You. Give him his heart’s desire God for Your glory. In Jesus’ name and everybody said:


TONY: Give the Lord Jesus a hand clap!


SID: Okay. If you‘ll stand up I want to pray over you. And this is not a cosmetic prayer. I think you know that by now. First of all I heard in the spirit that there are fingers being healed from pain. Or anything you need in the fingers. Thumb. Any, any finger. Anything you need. It’s yours. Just start moving it. If you only knew everything Tony prayed is yours. If you don’t stop swinging, you cannot strike out. If you don’t stop swinging, you will not strike out. Never give up. The Lord is blessing you right now. The Lord is keeping you right now. The Lord is smiling at you right now. The Lord is gifting you. Just hold your hand to receive those gifts. Right now! The Lord is surrounding you with His favor right now. The Lord is giving you His Shalom. His completeness. In your spirit, in your soul and in your body. Right now! In the name that is above every problem in this life. Yeshua ha Mashiach, Tsidekenu. Jesus the Messiah, Our Righteousness. Right now! And all God’s people said, Amen!



 I press in to You, I am hungry for You. I want to know You. All that I can know. I want to see you…