SID: Dale, you say identity is supernatural. What do you mean?

DALE: Well, David was overlooked by his father, that’s the natural, yet chosen by God, that’s the supernatural, but David didn’t know it until there was a supernatural event where Samuel poured oil over his head and changed the way he thought about his future.

SID: And this has to do with identity shift.

DALE: And identity purpose. It’s very important that we understand that there are many identity shifts in each person’s life. I started off as a youth leader, a worship leader, then I was an elder, then I was actually a pastor. And Bishop Bill Hamon looked at me and said, “You think you’re a pastor that prophesies but God says you’re a prophet who pastors.” And God just turned my… He took off my baseball cap of pastor, he put on a prophet mantle, and I started acting as a prophet who happened to pastor, and that’s where I had my greatest fruit.

SID: Now, look, you had the gift of prophecy, you knew you were a prophet, so you never had any doubt about your destiny.

DALE: No, I was prophesying for years and I really did not have the identity of a prophet. I saw it as a gift. And then I saw myself as a prophet, and I would say this, “I’m a prophet but not to the nations.” And one time I heard God’s voice and He said, “Will you stop saying that?”

DALE: Two years later I was in Burma, there was a pastor there, I took a ring off my finger and I put it on his, and I said, “I call you as a Joseph to your nation.” He told me the testimony, he laughed, but after I left a tsunami went through Burma and Myanmar and actually wiped out the nation. It was very destructive. And in it, he remembered the word, not one of his 8,000 members died, he said, “I ought do something for the community.” This is before social media. And it got out somehow what he was doing and over the next six months millions of dollars came to him to get food, and they actually opened up Buddhist temples for him to feed the people. And the Buddhists came to them and said, “If it would have been the Christians, we wouldn’t have helped you. Why are you helping us?” He said, “I never thought I’d be Joseph but what you prophesied come to pass.”

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