SID: But you had no choice because, what happened?

DONNA: I ended up pregnant and I ended up 25 weeks pregnant. And I don’t know if people realize how far along that is. A baby can survive at 25 weeks. My mom came, we end up going to the doctor. I don’t remember her driving to the doctor. I don’t remember us walking in the doctor’s office.

DONNA: I don’t remember being in the doctor’s office, Sid. The only thing I remember is walking out of the doctor’s office. So I had to somehow get in that doctor’s office. As we were walking out, my mother was walking before me and my mother said, “I ought to just leave and never come back.” And at that time, at that point, that even broke me even more. That was just another breaking, of just ripping my heart out. And she made the decision to take me to the abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama. I ended up having what they call a saline abortion. A saline abortion is where they inject the woman in the womb and saline, the solution, it’s a salt solution that goes into the womb, into the abdomen. And the baby drinks that, and it kills the baby, burns the baby from the inside out.

DONNA: And I started having pains and my mom had to take me to the hospital, which was the Baptist Medical Center Hospital in Birmingham. They took me there. Now, let me go back to the Planned Parenthood Clinic. Planned Parenthood, the clinic never told me that it was a baby. They told me it was a blob of tissue. I give birth to a baby, 25 week baby. The nurse was supposed to close the curtain and she didn’t close the curtain. I happened to look over and in a jar was my baby and I lost it. I commenced to screaming. I was saying, “I want my baby.” Nurses, interns, doctors, everything, everyone was just coming around me trying to quiet me up, “Be quiet, shh, shh.” And the doctor said, “Close that curtain now.” And the nurse closed the curtain, and she got in my face. She said, “You shut up. You’re going to be just fine.” And when she said those words, I went black because I guess they must have gave me something to knock me out. And the next thing I remembered, I’m in the backseat of my mom’s car on the way back.

SID: And there’s a dark side, many dark sides of murdering children, but there’s a dark side. Most people don’t talk about. There is a trauma of the mother and some are totally aware of it and some live with it and no wonder why they are the way they are. But you can’t murder your own child without having a consequence. What was yours?

DONNA: I lived with nightmares. Sid, I would have nightmares at night of babies drowning in blood. And I would try to save these babies and I’d wake up with sweat. I would have sweat all over me and I would just… All of a sudden the reality of what I had done. It was like, “That’s my baby.” I ended up in the hospital numerous times, numerous times trying to commit suicide. And honestly, I look back and I couldn’t even do that right.

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