SID: What?

MAX: “Naps are nice. Aren’t they, Max?” He said, “Just get the First Fruit out, Jesus said, even if night forces you to join it. Look out great napping eyes at times.” And then he says, “Because Jesus will lead you to the fancy quiet hour to pick the freshest grapes.” And he goes into this whole teaching about grapes and nighttime. And what do you do with that?

SID: It’s just so overwhelming to me. You get this young kid that is all locked up is able to have a gift like that released. How much more is God going to use people that aren’t locked up to release these gifts? And then there was a two-year period where he stopped giving you messages, and Josiah sent a word that changed the course of your life.

MAX: Yes. So I have a hard time saying no. Okay? And I get projects thrown at me all the time and I want to do them all. I want to do every project that I do. So at this particular time, I think I was writing four books at one time. And the stress was just, it was just exploding. Well, on Friday, the Friday afternoon I went and visited my friend who, his name is Chris and he’s prophetic, he speaks into my life. And he said, “Max,” and I wrote it down. He says, “God has gifted you with a certain gift and you need to stay in your lane and do what God gifted you to do.” Now, Chris said that on Friday, I wrote it down. Now my wife put these index cards in my office that say, “Stay in your lane, do what you’re gifted to do.” And that’s in my office. You got that picture?

So Saturday morning, I’m in my office and my wife is telling me, “Max, you’ve got too much on your plate. You need to do what you’re gifted to do and you need to stay in your lane.” I mean, I’m talking not a minute after she said that my cell phone dings and it’s Josiah. And he says, “Max, nothing is more important this time, this moment in your life than to stay in the lighted lanes that God has for you. Do what you’re gifted to do.” And then he goes on with, “You have too much on your plate and you need to focus on just that, what God’s called you to do.” But what you have to understand is I had not heard from him for probably a year, at least. And I get that word at that precise second.

SID: You know something? This young boy, I talked to his mother. She is believing God that he will have a supernatural miracle. And if he’s being used all locked up like this in such a spectacular fashion, what is going to happen when he stands up and he says, “Let me tell you what God did for me”?

MAX: Amen. Amen.

SID: I don’t know about you, but I am ready for some nuggets from Josiah straight from heaven, and some of them are going to change your life. Be right back.

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