Monthly Archives: November 2021

Our Guest Shawn Bolz

SHAWN: That’s how prophecy starts. Many of us don’t ever hear that because a lot of people who prophesy they actually just do a gift. They just prophesy to the measure of their gift. They’re not connected in their emotions. You become one of the millions of people they’ve prophesied over. They don’t know who you are. And I’m not saying I remember everybody I prophesied over but I remember a moment that I spent because I was completely invested in that moment with them with God and my love was turned on or else I wasn’t going to do it. I refuse to do something that it doesn’t have to be an emotion but I don’t turn my love on for. Let’s look real fast at First Corinthians 12 where it talks about spiritual gifts. One of them says that there’s a message of the word of knowledge. Now this is incredible because a word of knowledge does this for people and it helps people to understand that they are loved by God and that He had pre-thought them. One of my favorite words of knowledge I ever had I was in Australia and I was with Pastor Bill Johnson. Many of you now him from Reading California. And right before he spoke they had asked me to get up and give some words of knowledge and to give some prophetic words. So I got up and I gave a list. I had pre-prayed and asked God for names of the people there and for whatever. Not names but just whatever He would say. And I pre-prayed and as I had started to try and give the words no one was there on my list! And I was like well you’re pretty, I’ll just prophesy over you. I don’t know. I didn’t know what to do. I was just like ha, ha, ha, does anybody want a word? You know like it was just one of those moments and it was a big sell-out conference and I bombed! You know but I was not a performance. I’m in love. I’m just trying. I’m taking risks. And I’m learning too and it’s not about information in the New Testament. You don’t go get stoned because you have information wrong. You get stoned when you don’t love well.


SHAWN: And the Old Testament it was about you know all information. If you could get your information right that’s how God loved the people but in the New Testament it’s about we’re each justified by our own relationship and to hearing God. So we bring each other encouragement, comfort, edification. So if we miss it we just take responsibility and say I’m sorry that I missed that detail and we move on. We don’t have to stop our ministry. We don’t have to, we may decrease in our authority if we continually miss in certain areas. We need to like reevaluate how we’re getting those words but that’s part of learning how to be accountable to growth but you are not disqualified because you missed details. As a matter of fact before I go back into the Bill Johnson Australia story I was at Starbucks one day and I ran after this guy and I said hey, is there a Steven, like a brother or a cousin or something” He goes, no! and I thought ah-ha-ha. Okay. Bye.


Our Guest Kevin Zadai

KEVIN: But we really are!

RYAN: Right. Right.

KEVIN: And they explained to me that the answer to Michael the Archangel and that they were stationed there because of the interests of Israel and that the Lord God had assigned them under Michael in the Pentagon to make sure that everything goes well with this country because this country supports Israel. 

RYAN: Wow!

KEVIN: So that was the first shocker.

RYAN: Yeah.

KEVIN: And the second one was of course that they said that they were the ones that were influencing our government and the military over there and so that everything was slanted toward Israel. Isn’t that amazing? So that’s how it all started. However, they began to speak to me about my purpose on the earth and how God had sent me back. And so they started to explain to me. They said you know could you do what you usually do in the hotel rooms? It’s I worked for Southwest Airlines for 29 years and the next thing they said was can you just worship God like you do –   

RYAN: Wow!

KEVIN: In your hotel rooms?

RYAN: Wow!

KEVIN: They knew every night, that when I walked in my room, I would set my bags down and I would raise my hands and I would start to worship God. And so they said can you do that for us right now because we want to –

RYAN: Really?

KEVIN: Yeah. They said you don’t even need music or anything. They said you just worship God like that.

RYAN: And you’re just having this conversation with angels?

KEVIN: Yeah! So I said to them, I said to them you know no one’s going to ever believe this! I said how am I going to ever tell this story because no one’s going to believe me that this is even happening! Because it seemed like it was just six individuals that were very, very special in the Lord’s army but they were not like the religious.

RYAN: Right. Right.

KEVIN: You know they weren’t like a – it wasn’t a religious experience at all.

RYAN: Right. Right.

KEVIN: It was just like a – it was totally supernatural! The power of God was the pulse of the – the Father’s heart was just coming from them!

RYAN: Wow!

KEVIN: So they were explaining to me that I touched heaven’s heart when I worshipped.

RYAN: When you worshipped.

KEVIN: Uh-huh. So I raised my hands and I just started worshipping God like I do. And I would just imagine myself, when I was at the throne room of God when I’ve had my experience, I would just go back to that in my spirit so that’s what I did. Well, I could hear them join in.

RYAN: Wow!

KEVIN: And they started worshipping God!

RYAN: Wow!

KEVIN: And when I stopped they stopped. And they said we just love it when you do that! 

RYAN: Why do you think? Why do you think these angels so appreciated, a human’s worship, to God? I mean what was it doing for them?

KEVIN: For one thing they don’t really understand how much God – why God loves human beings as much as He does. 

RYAN: Wow.

Our Guest Dennis & Jennifer Clark

DENNIS: And she goes, “I wonder how we’re going to move all that furniture. We’re still going to be traveling. We’re going to be in Connecticut and how we’re going to get back and how blah, blah, blah,”

JENNIFER: [laughs]

DENNIS: It proved another point. You can fool people with your words, you can even fool them with your silence, you can fool them with your body language, but you can’t hide what emanates. And so, I started,

JENNIFER: Can I tell them what you had me do?


JENNIFER: He had me drop down to my spirit and release that whole situation into the hands of God like that’s a river of release flowing out. And instantly, I had peace. And he said, “We’ll worry about moving when we get back from our ministry trip.” And He did, God came through! We had peace the whole time we were moving!

SID: Now, what do you do when someone attacks you verbally? What’s the very first thing you guys do?

JENNIFER: Well, I used to put up a wall, but what Dennis taught me to do was to drop down to my spirit and go to Jesus. He, Himself, is our peace and I’d feel His peace inside and it says the peace of God will guard our heart and mind. And people could say things, but I’d stay in peace. And you could hear that they had an issue, you could feel their emotion, but it couldn’t go in. It’s like a shield that quenches the fiery darts.

DENNIS: Even if it was demonic, it cannot penetrate the fruit of the Spirit.

JENNIFER: The enemy can’t touch the fruit of the Spirit.

DENNIS: But ninety-nine percent of Christians, when they’re in a hostile environment, the first thing they do, right? You know what I’m doing? Down here, you think you’re protecting yourself from somebody’s words. Guess what? When you put up that wall, that’s flesh, you just crimped the hose from getting any help from Jesus. You’re saying, “I’m going to take care of this myself because that person’s mean and I’m going to protect myself.” It goes right through that and you get bummed out.

JENNIFER: Because that wall is fear and fear belongs to the enemy camp.


JENNIFER: Oh, I have a question for everybody.


JENNIFER: Who gave us toxic emotions? The enemy, right? Jesus didn’t give us toxic emotions so when we feel those toxic emotions, he has permission, the enemy has permission to torment us. But do you know what? The children that we taught, we taught in a Christian school, they got it immediately. I said, “Where do toxic emotions come from?” and they said, “The enemy!” [laughs] Adults are a little slow, they have to think about it.

Audience: [laughs]