DONNA: that goes like a seed into the hearts of people. Faith comes alive, and that opens them up to the supernatural.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: And that night, I waited for 2-1/2 hours while people gave testimony of how they were SNAPS FINGERS instantly healed.



LARRY: W-well it’s interesting; as you’re talking about his words being cloaked in this dewdrop, I’m thinking of the words of Jesus where Jesus says, John 6:63, My words are spirit, and they are life.

DONNA: and life. Exactly.

LARRY: And I think to myself, Jesus is announcing that His words are spirit.


LARRY: which makes me think it’s like you’re saying it’s more than when we’re speaking; it’s more than just syllables coming together.


LARRY: it’s more than just words of grammar. When we’re saying what He’s saying.

DONNA: Exactly.

LARRY: about those who are in captivity, or those who are sick and demonized when we’re saying what Jesus says about those people, I believe our words actually carry presence.

DONNA: Absolutely. And Jesus actually, you know, when He came up out of the waters of baptism, and He was baptized in the Holy Spirit.


DONNA: actually as Jesus taught, He went into the waters, but the waters went into Him.

LARRY: Yeah; that’s good.

DONNA: it came out of Him.


DONNA: But the first thing that He did is He went to Nazareth.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: and He began to PROCLAIM, I am the Mashiach.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: I am the One Who is anointed. The Spirit of God is on Me.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: But it’s on me for purpose.


DONNA: And sometimes I feel like we make it so complicated. We think that we’re going to, you know, walk around in this aura, or a cloud of glory.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: But really what it’s about is the mission that the Lord.


DONNA: sent us on. He said He sent me, to proclaim the good news.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: to the poor.

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: What does that mean? That He wants to change their situation!


DONNA: He came to heal the brokenhearted;

LARRY: Yeah.

DONNA: He came to set the captives free.


DONNA: Not just be concerned about them, but CLAPS HANDS do something about their situation. And in order to do that, He had to have that mantle that anointing.

LARRY: Yeah; yeah.

DONNA: and that’s what we covet.

LARRY: That’s awesome. Well in the next  segment, we’re actually going to talk about the difference between spiritual authority, and anointing, and how you can actually cultivate a lifestyle of the anointing being SATURATED in the presence of God and then ACTIVATING the AUTHORITY that Jesus has already given you. I am just so excited, because again what Donna is sharing, these are things that she gleaned from her dad, R.W. Schambach. And she was mentioning T.L. T.L. Osborn; I start thinking. of people like Kathryn Kuhlman, and that great ERA of healing evangelists. And you know what? The wonderful thing is. that they were wonderful people, and we look up to them; but I believe so much of their lives, and so much of what they learned, is transferrable to you, and to me. And they actually set an example for us of how for us o-our lives today, to be SATURATED in the presence of God, and operate in that same spiritual authority that Jesus has given us. So d- w-we’ll see you when we get back, and we will learn about how to actually start FLOWING in these things, in the anointing and authority.

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