SID: Most people believe God, repeat the promises of God and don’t have the results that they expect. Is there something missing? You two have taught me and thousands of other people how to pray from the heart. To me, that is the missing ingredient with most believers.

DENNIS [Dr. Dennis Clark]: Absolutely.

SID: Jennifer, there’s a subject that you hear a lot about and it’s soul ties.

JENNIFER [Dr. Jennifer Clark]: Right.

SID: But soul ties are we think in terms of a sexual attraction, a man towards a woman. That soul tie, but it’s more than even the sexual arena. What does that mean?

JENNIFER: Well, a soul tie means there’s an emotional connection. Soul ties can be good or bad, Godly or ungodly, clean or unclean. The ingredient that makes a soul tie bad and even gives it demonic hell is if there is lust involved.

SID: Dennis, give me a real life example of someone you helped with a soul tie.

DENNIS: I can give you the one that comes to mind immediately is a man who was saying it was non-sexual. He says, “I’ve just got to get ministry. I’ve got this hard, difficult relationship with my mother. It’s like she interferes with our marriage in the sense that she’s calling all the shots and as much as I know better, I can’t stop from letting her run the show.” So, I had him pray in my office and when he got free, I could discern his spirit that it was free, but he said, “I feel like something broke.” His phone rang immediately and it was his mother and she says, “Why have you cut me off? I know it.” That brought in another important truth. When there is demonic activity with a soul tie, yes it starts out emotional but that demonic activity is like an invisible umbilical cord that connects and it’s looking for a connection.

DENNIS: If you’ve got unresolved needs that you’re not letting God meet that need, you’re finding some other way, that thing is going to connect. I’ve had another one was even a pastor who said he had married, happily married. Ran into a childhood sweetheart. Hadn’t seen her for 10 years and instantly he scared himself that the attraction was so strong, this was a happily married man.

JENNIFER: Was so strong.

DENNIS: But it was so strong he called me up and he says, “You know what? I want someone to pray with me on this.” He said, “I’ve frightened myself. I ran into her, haven’t seen her in 10 years.”

SID: So, he thought it was over, but it was just like he hadn’t missed a beat.

DENNIS: Exactly. He was surprised.

JENNIFER: You prayed with him and he was free of that.

DENNIS: Oh absolutely. Yeah. He got free, but he was shocked. The part he was shocked about was that was 10 years ago.

JENNIFER: Time makes no difference if you don’t know how to break the attachment.

DENNIS: Right. You can try, try, try, but it really has to be a spiritual disengagement so to speak that has to be severed. That umbilical cord.

JENNIFER: It doesn’t have to take a long period of time. Once you know how to do it, it can be just about instant.

DENNIS: Yes. But they just have to be able to identify it and a lot of times it takes an old connection. Now, we’re talking people connections, but it can go into so many areas that I’m seeing it rob people of their destiny. That’s what really troubles me it’s because it’s the counterfeit to proper relationships with people, places, or things.

JENNIFER: Then you have people forming relationships with other people to get an emotional need met and they’re actually using and manipulating another person and lo and behold, the person they’re attached to is using them. So, that is getting to be very, very common. God wants to put relationships together. He doesn’t want us using people to meet our needs.

DENNIS: In other words, one of the things that we saw and it was important is most professional men, even in the secular realm, if you were a doctor, a lawyer–

JENNIFER: Pastor, counselor–

DENNIS: Pastor, counselor and if you looked at your bookings for the day and you saw I’ve got Ralph at 9:00, I got so and so at 10:00, I got Sally at 11:00. If there was even a mild emotional stimulation, they should all be treated neutral. They’re clients. To get excited over one appointment over the other ones should be a red flag saying there’s something here that I need to put my guard up and take it to the Lord.

SID: I meet so many believers, this is related, that are for lack of better words, emotionally crippled and as a result, they sabotage themselves their whole life and they don’t even realize that they’re doing it and they have such potential if they could just clear up that baggage they’re carrying along with their emotional issues. I find this almost everyone is dealing with this, but when we come back I want to find out the most important key for total freedom. Be right back.

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