DAVID: “How do I get back in?” I said, “It’s really simple. Just lay down – you lie on your bed and just start to remember that time you were in Heaven. Just imagine it, remember it, what it was like.” And your mind is a gateway, you know. your – your words are a gateway, but your thoughts are too; “As a man, thinks, so is he.” And as you start to think and remember, many times that gate will be [SNAPS FINGERS] instantly wide open immediately, and you ‘re – and before you know it you ‘re back in! Just like if you talk about the glory, suddenly the glory shows up. You start thinking about and remembering what happened; many times it opens it right up, just by doing that.

Now let me ask you a question. Have you  obviously I’ve been to your meetings, and you ‘ve found that many people get healed of many unusual things at your meetings.

Um hm.

  but from a distance, can someone be healed? Like we’re – we’re in –


t- in – internet now with this.  can – can someone be healed just watching us right now?

Oh yeah! They can be healed; even raised from the dead! We’ve seen both from a distance! Um, –

G-give me an example of one person.  in fact, the one that comes to mind that we were talking about earlier is where you knew someone’s name –


when you were speaking. Tell me about that.

Yeah. So I was moving in the prophetic, and the word of knowledge, and I said, “There’s someone”, I forgot the name now, but I was in Hammond, Louisiana. I gave the first and last name of a man. It’s wonderful when you get accurate like that. Only problem is [VIDEO BEGINS] nobody lifted their hand that was for them.


So I go, “Is anyone here by that name?”; nobody raised their hand! And I said “oh, great”. And finally a woman comes up and says, “Well that’s my husband’s name, but he’s not here.” She didn’t tell me what was wrong. She stood up, raised her hand. I said, “Well, we’ll pray for you , for him. We’ll -” “you ‘ll stand in proxy for him.” And I just said, “Come back”, three times. She fell out in the Spirit. The next day, she came to the meeting [VIDEO ENDS] and told me, “you didn’t know this, but my husband was in a coma for 4 days.”

And you called his name out.

Called his name, and I said, “Come back.”


But in my natural, I thought, “Oh maybe he left her”, or something, and –

Um hm.

no; he was [VIDEO BEGINS] gone. Like, his, “Come back.ö he was in a coma! And the hour that I called his name and she fell out! in the Spirit, he came back too.

  and, –

like, in a little while, if we pray what do you believe is going to happen to people that are just watching this? [VIDEO ENDS]

Well I believe the presence of God is already here; it’s in their homes. And if they’ll believe when we begin to pray, the moment we pray, things will begin to happen. They can believe if I give a word of knowledge. Even if I don’t give them a specific word, while they’re listening, they can just begin to get in the Spirit and start to declare their miracle, and they’ll also see miracles.

You know, a lot of people miss this, because let’s say David or myself function in the word of knowledge, which we do; we may not say the condition that you ‘re believing God for, so well don’t miss what David just said. He said whether he says it or I say it or NOT, it’s yours, in the glory. Now, tell me you ‘ve been teaching on these subjects. Tell me about it’s actually [VIDEO BEGINS] the “Aligning With Heaven” package. It’s the book and the 3 CDs.

Um hm.

when you teach on this, [VIDEO ENDS]

when you – people read the book, tell me the feedback you get. What’s going to happen to someone that goes through this “Aligning With Heaven” package?

People tell me they wish they had this information and revelation 20 years; their whole life would have been different. They’re SO thankful, because they’re seeing prayers that they’d never seen answered in 20-, 30-years get answered within hours, days and weeks. There’s realizing there’s an acceleration. “My people perish for lack of knowledge”, the Bible says. Because we don’t KNOW that we have the right to GO that way TO God, we don’t get the results; so it’s a HUGE revolutionary transformation over people.

tell me – tell me a few of the more popular teachings they get from the CDs and they get from this book.

There’s another teaching about how to activate your DNA into God’s DNA, because the blood of Jesus is very powerful – the blood of Yeshua. And in your bladder – your DNA – there’s memory; you – there’s memory of your sins, –

I know this; yes.

and that – your past sins; but there’s also memory of blessings down your family line. And a lot of us only break the curses on our family line, but we don’t liberate the blessings off our family line. Even if they weren’t saved, you can ask the Lord to –

You know, I’ve never HEARD of that before. How did you ?

Well the Lord [CHUCKLES] began –

How did you even know about that?

the Lord began to show me stuff, and I said, “Well let me test this out!”, and I started testing it on myself. And on my Jewish side I had relatives that were scientists, and they knew 12 languages, and they were in business, and government; and I started asking God –

I’ll take a little of YOUR DNA! [LAUGHS]

I asked – [CHUCKLES] – I asked – I want some of yours!


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