Monthly Archives: June 2019

Our Guest Richard Booker

RICHARD: They’d go home disappointed. Come back next year, Well one year has to be the year!


So it says in the Book of Acts, There were devout Jews from all the surrounding nations come to Jerusalem…. for Shavuot.


the Hebrew word; Pentecost. and guess what happens?


Now instead of Mount Sinai in the desert, it’s Mount Zion in Jerusalem.


It’s repeating it; God comes down with fire, like a mighty wind It’s on the Temple Mount; all this commotion, [laughing] all this noise!

Oh my goodness.

I’m getting excited.

Oh yeah.

[Excitedly] The people are running to the foot of the mountain! They hear all this, they see all this; now, God comes down in [laughing] tongues of fire, and speaks through.


all the languages, to all. it. it’s amazing!

Now we don’t even think about.

I know it!

that parallel.

It’s , and then so now, instead of Moses, Peter gets up.


and speaks!


And now, to finish the story, instead of 3,000 dying, 3,000. it’s right. God is amazing!.

Wow; wow.

(laughing) 3,000 gladly received His Word, and were added into the Kingdom of God. So they got baptized.  The. Hebrew is Mikveh, and these baptismal pools–


The ruins of them are still there.


on the southern slopes of the Temple Mount. You can see where these 3,000 people got baptized there.


Isn’t that amazing!

That’s, that’s.

It is so amazing! It’s one book and. and one [laughing] story!

Well, and I can.

(laughing) Wow!

just to let our viewers know, because so many people, when you actually mention the word Pentecost, they get scared, you know. They get. People think, Oh, Pentecost; we’re associating that with something weird, something bizarre. Pentecost is not something to be afraid of, number one, as Dr. Booker just explained. It actually means, at its root, 50; you know, 50 days.


And the wonderful thing, though, is Pentecost is not just an experience to happen one time. It was not just something that happened under the Old Covenant. And it wasn’t just something that happened one day, I-in the Book of Acts. Pentecost, I believe, is the experience that God is inviting every Believer to live under the influence of. If you are thinking to yourself, I wish I could experience God more; I. I wish I could actually, Taste and see that [He] is good. God was never just meant to be a list of rules, regulations, formulas, or concepts. He is a person, and I believe He is a person, through the Holy Spirit, Who wants to have an experience. a dynamic encounter with you. So when we come back, me and Dr. Booker are going to talk about how you can accept the Lord’s invitation, to experience the power and the presence of Pentecost in your life today. Don’t go away. [music] We’ll see you when we come back.


Welcome back to Something More. I’m your host, Larry Sparks, and I’m here with Dr. Richard Booker. We [claps] are going to talk about how you can experience the power of Pentecost in your life today. Now, some of you might be thinking one of two things. Maybe it’s like, I don’t know about that; I’ve never experienced God in that way. I. I want to be faithful to the Word. I’m a person of the Word. And I’ve got some good news for you: God wants you to love His Word; but that Word is an invitation, for you to experience the One it reveals. And number two, you might think to yourself, Well yeah, that Holy Spirit thing, I got that, maybe back in 1975, 1983, 1997. I got filled with the Holy Spirit, baptized in the Spirit, spoke in tongues, fell on the floor, and. and. and.


and I’m good; I got my badge.


Our Guest Faisal Malick & Khalifa Wukawitz

KHALIDA:  I want you– I saw that on you. I saw that on you– I don’t know your name. But I saw that sweetness of God on you. But God said: ‘sweet is not enough.” Boldness! Boldness! Sweet and bold! You hear me? Sweet and bold! Sweet and bold! Do not be in fear anymore. I don’t know what the Lord called you to do, it’s between you and the Lord. Right now it’s time of worship. God is touching you. I see some of you and I read it on your face. I’m not going to read your mail because that’s not how our God works. He’s a private God. He’s a personal God. He’s a one on one, intimate God. That’s us. Muslim people know that, because we been at His feet. We worship down here. Then when you worship down here God comes from above and He drowns you with His love. So if you have fear in your heart, You’re not sure about your assignment, You’re worried about your look, you being shy, you being scared, you don’t see angels… you want to touch the heaven. Come for–ward and step– in– the river! Today is the day that you ask that your voice be heard. Go for it. Go for it. Use your heavenly language. You pray it, you cry it, you knock on the door and the door will be opened. You say “yes” to heaven and heaven will say “yes” to you– C’mon my brother, do it. Open your mouth, my brother. Open your mouth. Open your mouth. Open it. Open your mouth. C’mon. Open your mouth. Yes, yes, open your mouth. Open your mouth. Open your mouth. Don’t stop until you feel your breakthrough!


KHALIDA:  Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Our Jehovah! Our Jehovah! Yes–.yes– yes– yes– yes– yes– yes– yes– yes– God– God– God – God– yes– yes– yes– oh– yes– yes– yes– yes– cry out God– God– yes– yes– yes– Touch heaven––– you touch it–Touch it. Drive it down to earth. Pull it down– Pull it down– pull it down– pull it down– pull it down– pull it down– pull it down– Jesus said– [  ] in heaven is alive– Pull it down– down– down. Yes– rejoice– rejoice– rejoice– spin like a top– spin like a top– spin like a top– Let God manifest. Let God speak out. Let God out of your belly and out of your spirit. Joy– joy– joy– joy– joy– joy–  joy– freedom– freedom– freedom–freedom– freedom–freedom–  joy– joy– joy– joy– Touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch., touch, touch, touch, touch! That’s all I have to say. Amen.

SID:  Okay. It’s not all I have to say.


SID:  I just want to share one quick thing. It is hard, it’s hard to share because it takes a while, but I’m going to do it quick. I’ll do it, where’s Janie, I’ll do it New York style. This woman here was told by God to marry a Christian man. The Christian man was told by God to marry her. They got married and they were supposed to live happily ever after.  She loved this man, but every time she looked at him she wanted to chop his head off. She said, “Why God? I don’t understand.” She went on her knees, and said “God, I’m not leaving this place until you set me free. This is awful what’s going on in my life.” And God said “Your husband is a Jew.” And she said, “No, he’s not.” And He said, He showed her as a baby she received an anti-Semitic spirit and that spirit wanted to kill the Jewish husband and she didn’t even know that he was Jewish. She called her in-laws, and her in-laws said, “Yes, we’re German Jews, we hid that.” But God knew that. God set her free. How good is your marriage today?    

Our Guest Chester & Betsy Kylstra

BETSY: I just felt like there is a woman here who had been very shamed because you had a sister who was always favored. And you just felt so bad about yourself and you’re really an attractive talented gifted person, but because your parents always favored the sister you felt a lot of shame. And I felt like there is a man here who had gotten involved with a bad business deal and you felt like God said to do it and you- just felt so positive starting out and then things really twisted and it’s been very hard to forgive yourself and move on and you’ve had a lot of questions about it and there’s shame there that the Lord just wants to release you from tonight. And I feel like there are some people here who have gone through a lot of shame of verbal abuse. Of having people say ‘You’re just like so and so’ or ‘You’re never going to amount to anything’ and we just want to get that shame out of your life. So those were just a couple of things that I was seeing.

CHESTER: So what I’d like to do is lead you through some steps and I’ll come to what I call “the blank lines” every now and then, and I’ll leave it for you to fill in your particular thing, whether it’s your family sins, whether it’s your own sins, whether it’s your lies you’ve believed, and we’ll throw out suggestions as we feel the Holy Spirit’s given us possibilities here, and then at the end we’ll dismiss the demons and expect them to leave. Okay?  So we’re going to mix the 4 ministry areas together into one series of steps. Usually we’ll– deal with the family sins first, and then we’ll deal with the ungodly beliefs, then we’ll deal with the hurts, and then we’ll deal with the deliverance but we don’t have the luxury of doing that tonight so we’re just going to blend it all together, okay? And expect God to do some amazing things because we keep finding Him doing amazing things. It’s easy to do. Anything else you want to add before we charge into this?

BETSY: No, go ahead, go ahead, honey.

CHESTER: Okay, so if you want to participate repeat after me, if you don’t, pretend like you are and nobody…will notice [joking]. Okay, Thank you, Lord. Okay-


Father God; Lord Jesus; Holy Spirit; we come tonight; as Your children; as Your son or daughter; Come into a good Father; who’s paved the way; to receive healing and freedom; that we didn’t even know we needed; Thank you, Father; Lord, tonight I acknowledge; I take responsibility for; my own sins; in this area of shame; fear and control; I also acknowledge; that my ancestors; have sinned in these areas; and that these sins have come down through the family line; and I have entered into them; I didn’t know I was entering into them; I didn’t want to enter into them; but here I am; I choose not to blame my ancestors; they were just as trapped as I am; so I release all my ancestors; I forgive them; and do not hold them accountable; in any way; for the ways that shame; fear and control; have affected me; Now Lord I ask You to forgive me; for the ways I have taken on these sins; taken on these curses; and made them my own; it’s not what I want to do; and tonight; I make a decision; to declare war; on shame; fear; and control; and I will continue this war; until these strongholds; are totally eradicated; from my life; and the lives of my descendants; in Jesus name; I now; break agreement; with all the lies I have believed; that convey an identity of shame; that there’s something the matter with me; Holy Spirit; I ask You in the coming days; to reveal to me; every lie I have believed; in this area of shame; and as You reveal them; I will renounce them; break my agreement; and ask You to show me; the truth; what You would  have me believe; in exchange for this lie; I depend on You, Holy Spirit; to renew my mind; so that I can know Your good; and perfect will for my life; in the area of healing Lord; I ask You to come and bring Your healing.