SID: My guest is Loren Sandford, and you may recognize his last name because his parents are like household words in the charismatic movement, John and Paul at Sandford. Loren, you were telling me that the last two presidents, President Trump and President Obama, you not only knew they were going to win before the election, but you knew details about them and details about their term. But you were telling me about, and this is important, you were telling me about a dream you had about President Obama.

LOREN: Yes. In this dream I was in a shopping mall and President Obama was there, too. He was going to express his grief to the nation over the shootings that have been going on. And so, I’m walking through the shopping mall and I come to the place where the filming is going to go on. I’m filled with this overwhelming love and impetus from the Lord to go up to Obama, take his hand. And I walked right past the Secret Service guy, and take his hand and say, “Mr. President, would it be all right if I stood with you as you make this announcement to the nation?” And he began to weep in this dream. He began to weep and grabbed hold of my hand like a drowning man. Like, “Oh, please.” I told the stage hands, “Please remove the podium so that we can be seen standing together before the nation in this grief.” And they could see the love.

LOREN: I said, “Lord, what was that all about?” And the Lord said, “There is a mandate for the church in this hour if we’re going to have the effect that we’re called to have. In these days to come, we’re going to have to learn to love with the love of the Father, even the people that we have hated the most, particularly our politicians.” We didn’t really pray for Barack Obama, did we? And we paid for that.

SID: Most evangelicals did not.

LOREN: Yes, most evangelicals did not. And so, I’ve given a call that we must pray for President Trump.

SID: And now, you had so many details about the administrations especially the one in now. But in 2015, God told you about the corruption. What did he say?

LOREN: Yes, the father just said to me very clearly that we were going to see an exposure of corruption at such a level and to such a degree in this nation, that it would rock the nation. At first, I wondered if I was wrong, because it didn’t happen right away. But now we’re seeing it unfold. We’re seeing it begin to erupt. I saw it almost like a boiling pot of yucky stuff.

SID: You also had a word about natural disasters and then new ministries that will evolve.

LOREN: We’ve reached a point in mankind’s history when the earth can no longer bear up under the accumulated sin of mankind and it’s reacting. People will say climate change is because of carbon dioxide and all that. No, the Earth is reacting to the sin of mankind. And so, we have a historic eruption going on in Hawaii, we’ve had fires and historic droughts in California, we were seeing an increase in hurricanes, we’re seeing a lot of climate change going on, we’re going to see more of it.

SID: So, you’re saying that all these horrible things that many say is the judgment of God, it’s just the earth reacting to that accumulated sin.

LOREN: Exactly. The universe operates by law. What you sow, you reap, that’s law. The foolishness of mankind is we think that there’s one law for the physical universe and another law spiritually, so that we can do whatever we want, morally or spiritually and that somehow doesn’t affect us. But it’s the same level of places. That if you jump off the roof of a house, you’re going to die or break your legs. If you sin, something dies or something is polluted, or something is … And it’s the same thing with the earth. We have sown so much pollution, spiritually, morally into the earth, that the earth must react.

SID: Okay. When the earth reacts and we see what’s going on now and what’s coming, what is God going to do with ministries?

LOREN: Yeah, with ministries, here’s what I believe. I believe, first, that he’s going to raise up ministries of compassion. Because this is the hour for Christians to shine with love in every aspect. The revelation of the hour is the Father’s love. If we don’t get hold of that we’re missing the whole thing. The whole world knows what we hate, they need to know what we love. Historically, the Christians won the Roman Empire by loving, not by condemning, not by judging, but by loving. And so, we’re called to be those who are known for their love. So, we’re going to see ministries of compassion rising up out of the Christian community.

LOREN: I also believe that there are certain areas of the nation in the world that are what I would call Cities of Refuge. There’s been tremendous—

SID: I tell you what, hold that thought. When we come back, he had a literal vision of what’s going to happen between now and I believe it was 2020. I want to hear about it. Be right back.

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