Monthly Archives: November 2018

Our Guest Tony Kemp

TONY:  Let me tell you one of the things that I learned from listening to the guests on It’s Supernatural. I saw common themes. One of those themes is this. First, a person would share the revelation of the Word. God forgives your sins and heals all your diseases. Second, the person would respond to the revelation of the Word. And third, they would get miraculous results. Look at somebody, look at… okay, I’m going to, I’m going to make all of you African-American for a moment. Look at someone and say “you going to talk in church!”

AUDIENCE:  You’re going to talk in church!

TONY:  Look at your neighbor and say “Neighbor”…

AUDIENCE:  Neighbor!

TONY:  …”receive the revelation of the Word!”

AUDIENCE:  Receive the revelation of the Word.

TONY:  Look at somebody else and say, “Neighbor”…

AUDIENCE:  Neighbor!

TONY:  …”respond to the Word!”

AUDIENCE:  Respond to the Word!

TONY:  And then look at them and say: “Neighbor”…

AUDIENCE:  Neighbor!

TONY:  …”when you respond to the revelation”…

AUDIENCE:  When you respond to the revelation…

TONY:  … “you will receive a supernatural manifestation”…

AUDIENCE:  …you will receive a supernatural manifestation!

TONY:  …”and you will see Biblical results!”

AUDIENCE:  And you will see Biblical results!  Whooo! (CLAPPING)

TONY:  Let me give you some very interesting instructions. If you’re sick and I pray for you, do me a favor. Don’t be praying while I’m praying. Cause you can’t transmit and receive at the same time. Cause while you’re transmitting you’re not receiving. Instruction Number Two: Please don’t try to get healed. While you’re trying you actually getting in the way.


TONY:  Instruction Number Three: Look at somebody and say “Take a chill pill.”

AUDIENCE:  Take a chill pill!

TONY:  Look at somebody and say “Just relax”…

AUDIENCE:  Just relax.

TONY:  …”and receive.”

AUDIENCE:  And receive.

TONY:  Watch me now. Everybody say: Revelation.

AUDIENCE:  Revelation.

TONY:  “Response.”

AUDIENCE:  Response.

TONY:  “Results”…

AUDIENCE:  Results.

TONY:  Listen to me carefully. Okay. There’s a person here you’ve been suffering a bladder problem. That’s the revelation. If you’ll stand right now, your response will release a supernatural healing into your body. Is there anybody else? Excellent. Now here’s what I want you to do. If you are close to someone who is standing I want you to lay your hands on them. Look at somebody and say “Body Ministry.”

AUDIENCE:  Body Ministry.

TONY:  Look at somebody and say “Jesus said where two or three are gathered together”…

AUDIENCE:  Jesus said where two or three are gathered together.

TONY:  He said “I am here.”

AUDIENCE:  He said I am here.

TONY:  Now listen, I don’t want you to pray. I just want you to receive the prayer. Are you ready to be healed?  Everybody agree with this prayer. And I want you to begin, if you don’t mind, to begin to pray for them. In the name of Jesus I take authority over this sickness and disease and I command it to die, dissipate and disappear from the person’s body now! Be healed in the name of Jesus! Now let’s all lift up our hands to give God a praise!


TONY:  Amen. You may be seated. Okay. I need the person who is having pain in the knee to stand up right now. Everybody who’s having pain in the knee stand up right now. You’re having pain right now, yes? Take a few steps out. Why are you having pain? Why are you having pain? Why? Yes. Just real brief. Okay. Stay right there. Do you have pain? I thought you said you had pain? It just disappeared. Just gone. Well you’re healed. See you later. Bye.


TONY:  What! You don’t have any pain? You said you had pain. Well tell these people and I will speak in the microphone. What was your problem? You had pain in right knee. Did you know why? You had arthritis. Really? And now it’s… gone. Oh!


TONY:  See you later. Bye. You, right there. You. What’s happening now? You said you were in pain. Well, what happened? It just went away right now. Move it! I’m telling you, you’re healed. C’mon, somebody give God a praise!


Our Guest Judy Jacobs

SID: Cindy, what do you mean when you say “possessing the gates of the enemy”?

CINDY: Well remember, we were given a promise in Genesis 22:17. It was given to Abraham: “Where its Abraham’s seed, that we would possess the gates of the enemy?” So what are doors that are closed to you? This is part of the Word for this year, that God will give us these gates, like you needed a promotion or maybe your children aren’t doing what they need to do, or maybe you can just feel oppression all around you. Satan is trying to close [them to] you so you feel depressed. That’s a gate. That’s a gate to your emotions. And so we have authority in the name of Jesus to open gates. Isaiah 22:22: “Open what no man can shut. Shut what no man can open.”

SID: And you said we should expect to enter when we talk to God and not give up.

CINDY: We’ve got to be persistent in our praying and one thing we need to do—well this is a time of acceleration. We talked about that spiritual acceleration, things are going faster and faster—is when we pray, take time to listen to God. What is the solution to pray? Many times we pray the problem, but we don’t pray with authority what the solution is. For instance, your child is in darkness. Well that’s not God’s will. That’s your child, your seed. So we say, in the name of Jesus, Father, this child was created for glory. This child was created to do great things.

SID: Excuse me, as you just prayed that, the power of God was so strong on you.


SID: It was so strong. Go ahead. I observe things. I’m accommodating.

CINDY: Yes, he loves the Anointing. Well let’s just do it. Why don’t we just do it. In the name of Jesus, come on, let’s all agree, we just stand right now and we say that the power of Satan is broken over our children, over our finances. Satan, you can’t rob us of our dreams. I mean, we say enough is enough, again, that good words, it’s finished. Basta! Enough! It’s over. You lose! You lose and we win!

[cheers, applause]

SID: I don’t know, you’d better watch out. Look what you did to this audience. Imagine what they’re doing at home.

CINDY: I’m an intercessor.

SID: You have a synonym for intercessor and I have to tell you, there’s something that just gets excited in me when I hear the synonym for intercessor. You call it an enforcer.


SID: Tell me about how you enforced in Zambia.

CINDY: Zimbabwe.

SID: Zimbabwe.

CINDY: “Z” word. This is such a great story. And I love it because I’m on my way to Zimbabwe. Well there was a guy who was so evil, Mugabe, who had been over Zimbabwe a long time and just didn’t want to leave. And so we got together a group of prophets who were so powerful, prophets from 35 nations, and we began to decree over Mugabe that he was out. We said it’s going to be suddenly, it’s going to happen now, it’s not going to be later, it’s going to be sooner. And Sid, like I told you, as we prayed, the tanks were rolling into Harare, pulling Mugabe out of his office. As we prayed we made news. And then we began to decree over other dictators, and one of them, the evil presidents or whatever, the next one was Zuma out of South Africa, and he’s gone, too. And there’s a Christian guy, I’m told, I’m going to South Africa, too, there’s a Christian guy I’m told, that is now the President of South Africa. God is realigning nations through militant intercession, through people who know we can stand up. We have been given authority through the name of Jesus. Remember the word doesn’t say that Jesus—whatever you ask me to bind for you. No, that’s done. We’ve been given authority. Whatever WE bind in his name. And there’s a real difference there.

SID: You hear what Cindy is saying. She was with a group of powerful men and women of God, and you say, I’m just little me. I am not going to be, a child can do this. Tell me about with your son.

CINDY: Yes. Oh that’s a great story, Sid. My son, when he was six, came into the house and said, “Mommy, I don’t feel good.” Now again, that discerning of spirits is important. Was he physically sick or was there something spiritually that we needed to attend to? So I discerned it was the latter. And I said, “Daniel, what is it God is saying to you?” And he looks at me. Listen guys, this is so important. He looks at me and he says, “Mommy, could the president be killed?” A six-year-old is telling me this. I said, “Yes, absolutely, it’s called assassination.” He said, “Yes?” I said, “Do you want to pray right now about that?” He goes, “Yes.” And this little six-year-old, you know the Holy Spirit [fits] a junior size, so he learned how to let the Holy Spirit move. So Daniel starts praying and saying that’s going to stop and it’s not going to happen in the name of Jesus, and all of a sudden, I said, “Well did you do it? Is it covered?” “Oh yeah, it’s fine now, mom.” And he went out to play.

SID: You have been called to be an enforcer of the Kingdom of Heaven against all darkness in your life and your loved one’s lives. Cindy, I got a problem. There’s so much we want to cover with you and there’s just not enough time. And if you want to see the extended content of this program, all you have to do is log on to, that’s S-I-D-R-O-T-H.O-R-G. And when we come back, I want to know how to possess the gates of my future, of your future.