SID: I know you’re at the edge of your seat. What are those two things, Dave? I’m ready to do it and able, I hope. Tell me the two things.


DAVE: Well what if the two things were things that people don’t like to do naturally?


SID: I’ll be candid with you. I would do anything to hear God’s voice all the time. Wouldn’t you?


DAVE: Okay. What if I told you that you have to turn off YouTube, turn off Netflix, turn off the TV, turn off the radio, tune out, all that stuff.


SID: As long as you tell me I don’t have to stop eating Chinese food. I’m kidding.


DAVE: You can eat Chinese food. No, but when the Lord had me in my season of training, because I had never seen visions, never heard God’s voice, I had to go through a season of training and that involved me shutting out all the exterior noise. God is speaking to us and many times we don’t hear or perceive he’s actually speaking because our mind is being bombarded with other things. So if you get rid of the clutter, get quiet, get in God’s presence, you will realize he’s always speaking to you. The two things are we need to learn how to get still and quiet, and we need to practice. Persistence is everything. It took me a period of months to learn how to see visions, to learn how to really hear his voice.


SID: Let’s jump to meditating.


DAVE: I’m not talking about meditation in the new age sense.


SID: You’d better not be.


DAVE: I’m talking about when David said, “I will meditate on your word, day and night. I will meditate on your goodness. I’ll meditate on your presence.” I have found one of the easiest ways to get in touch with the heart of God is to meditate on his goodness.


SID: There is a scripture that says Moses was praying and talking to God, and Moses said, “Show me your Glory.” And God, rather than saying, okay, I’ll show you my Glory, said, “I will show you my goodness.” Are they synonymous, you think?


DAVE: I believe they are. I believe when you are experiencing God’s Glory, you’re experiencing his goodness.


SID: I like that. So when you instruct people and they do what you instruct, will this work every time?


DAVE: It will. You need a little bit of instruction. You need a little bit of teaching.


SID: That’s why you said the first 400 people were not healed. It wasn’t that God didn’t want to heal them. You didn’t know what you were doing.


DAVE: I didn’t know what I was doing. And it takes a little bit of instruction.


SID: Speaking about not knowing what you’re doing, would you believe this great prophetic man despised Donald Trump for the presidency. But something happened along the way. We’ll be right back.

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