Monthly Archives: February 2018

Our Guest David Turner

SID: David, you have seen so many miracles. Actually, you’re moving into creative miracles. You were in India. Tell me, let’s pull one woman out of those tens of thousands of crowds out there, begging to know Jesus. Tell me about one woman.


DAVID: This was early on, so it was a very special miracle to me. The woman was brought up to me. She was deaf and dumb. Her tongue is hanging out like a rabid dog. She has Down’s syndrome, so as you know, like her head is swollen, is on her shoulders, bigger than normal. I lay my hand and I start praying. As I prayed, she starts shaking violently. Her tongue goes back in her mouth. Literally, her head shrinks before my eyes, and literally, I’m holding my head saying, “Oh my Lord,” me, the great evangelist in shock myself. Literally, her tongue goes back in her mouth, her head shrinks to normal size, and she just starts speaking completely normal.


SID: That has to be, if that was all you ever saw, it would have been, as we say at Passover, it would have been enough.


DAVID: But I see cancers. There was a baby, let me tell you, a woman comes up to me in line, I’m in a meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, she holds out a blue blanket. She says, “My daughter is two. She has leukemia. I wanted to bring her tonight, but she’s in the hospital. She’s about to die. They wouldn’t let her come.” And I have the fear of God, so I don’t just say this, but I prayed over the blanket and I said, “Your daughter is healed right now in the name of Jesus.” That was the end of that. I have lunch with the pastor four days later. He goes, “You don’t even know what happened, Sunday. When you prayed, she went to the hospital. They were so freaked out. The cancer was gone. The leukemia was gone. They didn’t know what to do, so they sent her home with the child, brought her back for testing. Not only was the leukemia gone, she had records this thick and they said there was no sign the child ever even had leukemia.”


SID: I want you to pray for miracles right now because there is such a presence of God in this studio that I believe what Jesus said is going to happen in your life. All things are possible.


DAVID: Right now, child of God, one of the works he does through me, he heals people right through the TV. You believe it right now. Close your eyes. Open your heart. Lord Jesus Christ, God Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Israel, O God, you are Jehovah, you are Jesus, you are Holy Spirit. God, right now we come before your throne of grace and mercy. You are the healer, Jehovah Rapha, Exodus 15:26. In the name of Jesus, I break every generational curse off their lives. I bind, rebuke and destroy the work of the enemy. In the name of Jesus, right now, Holy Spirit anointing, fall upon them right now, resurrection power in the fire of God. Right now, I break every demonic curse, all the spirits of infirmity, medium and familiar spirits, unclean spirits, right now be broken off of your life. I heal you right now, migraine spirits, come out, deaf and dumb, mute spirits, blindness spirits, right now, body pains, weaknesses. In the name of Jesus, I heal right now every part of your body. Heart, diabetes, cancers, I curse the tumors to the bitter root. I say rise up child of God. What you couldn’t do, by faith start to do it. Stretch forth your hand. Stretch forth your hand. It means do what you couldn’t do. Make one step towards him. He’s going to join you now. Right now, power of God, emergency, peculiar anointing, fire anointing of God, flow right now right through that television. Hallelujah. The Centurion said, “Jesus, send your word.” Psalm 107:20, it says, “He will send his Word and heal you.” We are speaking the Word. As we lift up Jesus and speak the Word, Holy Spirit comes. “The anointing breaks the yoke,” Isaiah 10:27. Right now, over your life, I call health and healing per Jeremiah 33, Verse 6, I set you free. “Who, the Son sets free,” John 8:32, is free indeed. Right now, right now, power of God, rivers of living water, flow unto you right now, in the name of Jesus, I heal you, I break the chains, I set you free in the name of Jesus. Amen. Amen.


SID: How would you like to take someone like David Turner home and just charge your battery. That’s why this brand new book of yours is so sensational because we’re going to get so many reports of miracles that have just happened. But the Holy Spirit just preempted our show. We didn’t cover even what I said I was going to cover. But when we come back I can’t promise what we’re going to cover because I’d rather yield to the Spirit. How about you? We’ll be right back.

Our Guests Dennis and Jennifer Clark

DENNIS:  The part of this that’s so fascinating is that, I believe there are so many ways that God heals but what about when there’s no healing evangelist around? What about when your pastor’s not. What about when your friend’s not even around, your Christian friend? We want to teach you how to tap into the divine healer within you when you’re alone. When you are by yourself. It’s you and your Messiah Jesus on the inside and He’s going to rise with healing in His wings. We’re going to teach you how to do that and we’re also going to teach you how to remove barriers because we want the maximum potential. I want a couple of people to volunteer. To just let me walk them through like they’ve never done this before.


JENNIFER:  Dealing with hidden, hidden, hidden…


DENNIS:  Okay. I’ll probably take someone up front, would be easier. Let me take this gentleman here.


JENNIFER:  …of toxic emotions hidden in people’s hearts to get free.


DENNIS:  We’re going to demonstrate for you how to get, how to make sure you maximize your potential to get your physical healing.


JENNIFER:  And then we’re going to pray you through as a group.


DENNIS:  Cause you want to maximize your potential. That means we’re going to show you how to remove an emotional block. I’ve prayed with more people that got their healing after they released, and I’m not against doctors, but sometimes the doctor’s report comes there comes fear comes into them with it and then they have a hard time after that and the doctors are just giving the report as they see it but what you do in your heart is what’s important. So why don’t you come on up. And I’m going to… your first name?


DAN:  Dan.




DAN:  Yeah.


DENNIS:  Dan, I’m going to teach you the same way I did Jennifer. All right? First thing you do is close your eyes because that helps you get out of your head. All right? I want you to put your hand on your belly. All right? Now let’s let God do the searching. This is not something you think about. This is something that you require of Jesus the Messiah in you is going to search your heart. All the innermost rooms of the belly. All those areas that who knows maybe you haven’t thought about it for years. Just say Jesus, you just search my heart. And you don’t even have to say it. I want you to say the answer. All right? I want you to just do this first. Now the first person or situation that comes to mind say it out loud.


DAN:  My father.


DENNIS:  All right. And the feeling that’s attached to it? I don’t have to ask him. He’s already got it. Right?


DAN:  Yeah.


DENNIS:  Let, this is something he does, not me. Let Jesus, the Messiah, the forgiver in you, let him, down where your hand is, relax and allow the forgiver to go to that feeling, to that hurt, and right through that hurt. Do you believe Jesus takes your pain and your sorrow?


DAN:  Yes.


DENNIS:  Let him do it. And tell me when it changes to peace. Don’t try. Just let. I let. I let. Are you relaxed down in the will, down where your hand is? Let Him go to it and through it and carry it away. Don’t try. The worst thing you could do is try. There, it just changed. And you… does it feel like peace or nothing? All right. Very good. Did you see how quick that was?


DAN:  Phew. (breathing out)


DENNIS:  Now here’s the beautiful thing. I don’t know exactly what the scenario was. But I trust the Holy Spirit more than I trust me or him. If ten years from now he pictures whatever that is he saw it will have peace on it. The historical record is up here but the heavenly record that fruit remains and is permanent. Jesus Himself takes up residence in there. The toxic emotion gets washed out. We call it sanctification.


JENNIFER:  It’s a testimony too.


DENNIS:  But it’s a testimony. So that now if you were to say…  I don’t know how much you want to say. But was it a specific situation or you just saw his face?


DAN:  He was just a very overbearing military man and he didn’t, he didn’t build me up, he pushed me down and I resented him for it.


DENNIS:  Okay, now while you’re talking about your father there’s none of that present?


DAN:  No. No. No.


AUDIENCE:  Whooo!!


DENNIS:  That fast?


DAN:  Yeah. Yeah.




DAN:  It was like I felt it just pluck out of me. That’s why I bent over.


DENNIS:  But it wasn’t my anointing that did it.




DENNIS:  It was Jesus the Messiah in him who took his pain and his sorrow. And this was not a long process. It’s a long process when you try. We have a little saying in our group. “Try.” “T” period. “R” period. “Y” period. “Temporarily Resist Yielding.”




DENNIS:  Striving does not produce. It is Jesus the Messiah in you willing and working to will and to perform, to will and to do and He did but it was his Jesus that did it. And it was his Jesus the Messiah, the forgiver that washed out the pain and the sorrow. He could do this at home without me. And then I want to see, Dan, I have plans for you Dan, I want to see you get to the place where you go to work and when we learn to do this with your eyes open and your boss comes and chews you out and calls you the worst employee… well I hope not but just giving you a hostile environment and usually the workplace has some hostility from time to time. You say you are this and you will basically drop down and you won’t have to forgive even. You know why? Because when you drop down you enter the peace of God and that supernatural peace of God will guard your heart and your mind from words and powers that are behind those words and it will crush the enemy beneath your feet. And you do it with your eyes open and you do it while they’re busy attacking you. No more victim mentality for the church!



Our Guest Art Thomas



ART:  That’s exciting! It means that you can truly fulfill Matthew 10:8 which says “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the leper, drive out demons. Freely you have received, now freely give.” Jesus said in John 5 just as the Father gives life to the dead and raises them up even so the Son gives life to whom He is pleased to give it. Sometimes we’re sitting here thinking people aren’t being healed because of all these different reasons. Maybe God doesn’t want it. I think sometimes people aren’t healed because we don’t want it. Because you can give it away to whomever you choose. Now that’s a tough thought. Now it’s a tough one. It’s a challenging one. But me? I carry this thought. I let it spur me on toward love and good works. I let it challenge me. I let it push me forward in the ministry. And I’m telling you God’s going to do great things through you if you’ll remember I know I can do this because His nature’s been put in me. He is the Lord our Healer. He’s put His Spirit in me. I’m a new creation. See that’s the beauty of salvation. You know like under the Old Covenant it was work, work, work. I have to prove myself. And the proof of the Old Covenant was nobody could obey everything. You know if you break just one of these things you’re guilty of all of it. Like I mean you could say I deserve hell because I’ve broken Ten Commandments but the truth is I deserve hell cause I shaved the hair on the sides of my heads. You know like that’s one of the commandments. You know you could go to the slightest little thing and we’ve broken it. You’re guilty of all of it. But Jesus comes and He sets us free from all of that. He says I will fulfill the Law on your behalf. Wow. He pays the price for our sin. He takes the wages of sin which was death so that we can live. And then it doesn’t stop there. He doesn’t just save you. He puts His Spirit in you. The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead. The Holy Spirit of God. And you’d better believe if God is with you What does Acts 10:38 say? “Jesus went about doing good, healing all because God was with Him.” With Him. So, I wish I could just expound on this stuff but we’re going to run out of time. I just want to make sure you’re clear. I know that in scripture there are times when God made people sick. It happens. But the issue of whether God makes someone sick is separate from the issue of does God always want to heal. We have a New Testament example. There’s only one person in the entire Bible who Jesus specifically made sick. That was the man Saul who became the Apostle Paul. When he was on the road to Damascus he had a vision of Jesus and he wound up blinded by this experience. He was on his way to go persecute Christians. Right? Now three days he stays blind until Jesus appears in a vision to a normal ordinary disciple like you or me named Ananias. And He says to Ananias go to this man named Saul at this place and this location. Tells him what to do and what to say and to lay hands on him because Saul’s seen a vision of a man named Ananias coming and laying hands on him and restoring his sight. Now Ananias knows who this Saul is. He knows about the persecution against Christians and everything. He’s terrified. He says Lord send somebody else. Right? I probably would have too. I’ve heard about this guy, Saul. But instead the Lord encourages him. He goes. He lays hands on Saul and heals him. Now think about that. The one and only case where Jesus made someone sick the prescription was as soon as a Christian could get there they ministered healing. God’s will was healing. He just wanted to stop Saul from persecuting Christians. So you think God made you sick? Well are you on your way to murder Christians? If not, it probably wasn’t Him. Okay?




ART:  Just being real with you. Now the another case is when Saul became Paul he’s ministering and there’s this   guy out there who after Saul…after Paul preaches the gospel this guy stands up and starts preaching the opposite, opposing the gospel and Paul says you’re going to be blind for a time. In other words this wasn’t even a permanent blindness. It was just to shut the guy down and move him out of the picture so the gospel could take root. So in the New Testament whenever God did something that brought sickness or disease it was always temporary and the clearest picture we have the prescription was healing. The other one was it was to wear off. You see? So don’t be like no, this is my cross to bear. Jesus gave… No, that’s not your cross to bear. It was Jesus’ cross to bear and He bore it. Your job is not to carry what He carried. Your job’s not to pay for sin. His job’s to pay for sin. Your job’s not to carry sickness. His job is. So here’s what we’re going to do. I only have a few minutes left and I want to see some people healed. We started tonight. We saw a gentleman’s knee get healed. That was awesome. And so if there’s anybody here who needs physical healing. Anybody watching you need physical healing. Here’s what we’re going to do. I want you to… if you’re in the studio audience raise your hand just so we can see what we’re working with. All right. Look at this. There’s hands all over the place. Many behind us. The guy whose knee we prayed for he’s got his hands down. I love it! And were going to see Jesus do something here. Now look around you at the people whose hands are up. Okay? Because I’m about to teach you exactly what we do to minister healing. All we do is we lay hands on someone and we say be healed in Jesus name and we have them test it out if they can. Some things can be tested immediately. Like pain in your body or something like that. Vision problems. Hearing problems. Some things you’ve going to go to a doctor. You can put your hands down so you don’t need healing for your shoulder too.