SID:  We had a special teaching segment in a TV show. The TV show hasn’t aired yet but we ran it on the “It’s Supernatural Network” and by the way this is catching fire. I mean whoever heard of a 24 hour 7 day a week network that is available free and they don’t ask for money and they don’t have Camp Meetings or telethons and I’m amazed but God’s allowing us to do this. So we had a special series by my friend Keith Ellis and we have gotten so many miracles. And he said I want to come to support you today. I just want to sit in the audience and I said no, no, no, no, no. Keith, come on up. Share what’s God has on your heart.


KEITH:  Thank you. Thank you. Well it’s sure wonderful to be here today and it’s wonderful to feel the Holy Spirit in this house. And you know the Holy Spirit is the “Paracletus.” He’s the comforter but He’s also the Performer. If you study it out the Holy Spirit is the one who performs and what I saw this morning as we were coming here, we were driving here is I saw the Performer was going to perform some things here today. Are you all excited about that?


AUDIENCE:  Praise God. Yes! (APPLAUSE)


KEITH:  And He’s going to perform those things on some you today and some of you that are watching this broadcast are going to see that God is a God that in one minute, 60 supernatural seconds, He can change your life forever.




KEITH:  Is that right?




KEITH:  I just wrote a new book and thank God for Sid Roth, and for the encouragement. He gave me the prayer. It’s called “One Minute With God: Sixty Supernatural Seconds That Will Change Your Life Forever.” And when that begins to happen for me I see things in the spirit because I’m a prophetic “seer,” that’s what I do. Not only am I a pastor for 35 years but I’m a prophetic seer. I see in the spirit and what I’m seeing right now I’m already starting to see in the spirit is there’s an angel in here.




KEITH:  And this angel just moved right across the center of this auditorium today so I know that many of you are already, yeah, you’re moving your hands up and down. You’re beginning to feel the presence of the Lord in this house. And you know what? I want to say a couple of things before I release what the Lord’s fixing to do. But some of you are going to be healed. I mean real quickly. You’re going to get “One minute with God.”



KEITH:  “Sixty Supernatural Seconds That Will Change Your Life Forever! It’ll change your life forever! When I got this book I was, I had prayed for 35 years since my son was in a coma. No brain activity, no hope when he was six years old. And through a series of events when everything was said and done they pulled the ventilator. Everything was done. No hope left. Jesus appeared to me at my home. And he told me, he said, he gave me just a couple of words. He said “Go to church.”  I was not close to God at that time. In fact I was backslidden from God. And in that few minutes I got up that night, went to a church, the door wouldn’t lock. The pastor hadn’t left cause he couldn’t get the door locked. I went in right there and God met me there and He gave me the message “One Minute with God: Sixty Supernatural Seconds Can Change Your Life Forever.” That’s all you need! That’s all. How many of you need one minute with God? Let’s see your hands. WOW! I think we all do, don’t we?


AUDIENCE:  Yes! Amen!


KEITH:  And so as Sid invited me to say something here today I want to say this and I feel like some of you are going to get that right today. Some of you it’ll be tomorrow. Some of you it’ll be next week but you’ll be alone with the Lord. And I’m going to pray, at the end of this segment I’m going to pray an impartation for you to get an encounter, a one minute with God wherever you’re at in the world. And you’re going to know it because not only are you going to sense it, you’re going to feel it. He’s going to direct you. He’s going to do something in your life. And I want to tell you the story here about my son, I went back to the hospital that night. God said I want you to prophesy. Now I was not a prophet. I was a backslidden Christian who had got right at a church altar because the church door wouldn’t lock in the middle of the night. The pastor had to stay there. God kept it. Well when I started through the door the pastor said to me I’d go with you you’re so excited. I said God’s healed my son! And he said I’d go with you but the door won’t lock but I started down the steps and he hollered “stop,” the door just locked! So out of that, what I want to say out of that is God can lock and unlock things. He is binding up the enemy and He’s unlocking the blessing!




KEITH:  The favor of the Lord is in this house!




KEITH:  I went back to the hospital that night. We’d been there many, many days. Weeks and weeks had went by. Went back to the hospital that night. Ran in. I mean just the hollering. The pastor was chasing me down the hall and I was screaming “He’s healed. He’s healed!” And everybody came out. And one of the people that were attending my son there stopped and said are you okay? And I said something wonderful has happened. I just got a minute with God. Sixty supernatural seconds and He said my son is going to live and be the miracle boy! Guess what? She said you need a sedative!



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