
Sid:  We found out all of this week that Dave Roberson pastor of Prayer Center Family in Tulsa, Oklahoma really had a lot of strikes against him as a child.  His mother was an alcoholic, his father was in prison, he had many fathers over the years. His grandfather would remind him of his son in law and he would say “You’re no good, you’re not going to mount to anything.” So he got born again and he got filled with the Spirit and he prayed in tongues and he still couldn’t get a ceiling on his life he couldn’t get beyond that ceiling. And he found by persevering and praying in unknown tongues it opened up a door a level of supernatural restoration super natural peace that has changed his life. Now there are many people listening to us right now that are born again and you have actually asked Jesus to fill you with His Holy Spirit but you’ve never spoken in tongues so you just figure “Well maybe it isn’t for you.” Dave will you help those people get from point A to point B?

Dave: Yes and I can guarantee you one thing this is for you. It’s one of the most precious gifts that heaven has given for your edification and the building of you up in God. And when a person does pray in tongues it is actually the Holy Spirit taking the person lives of God and plan of God for your life for your person life. And praying and creating it to be prayed through you so that you can have the benefit of God plan being revealed in your own person life.  I mean this is all some of the things praying in tongues gets. First of all it is for you and I can help you. Nicodemus probably…he probably was on the Sanhedrim court and was a Judge in Israel and he asked Jesus about entering the Kingdom. And Jesus said “You must be born again to enter the Kingdom.” He didn’t understand that statement about being born again. So Jesus explain He said “The wind blows where it lifted you hear the sound wherever it comes or goes. So is every man that is born of the Spirit.” Well that word wind there is translated as breath that God breathed into Adam he became a living soul that spirit man he breathed into. Well what he was saying to Nicodemus was the Holy Spirit is going to breathe that new nature the very life of God into you when you ask and you’ll be born again.  Well that happened to your spirit, being born again happened to your human spirit.  You’re a person, the Holy Spirit is a person of God.  He’s one person of God you are a person and being born again happened to your human spirit as the Holy Spirit was there to do the work. Now for you to be baptized in the Holy Spirit this precious third person of the Godhead literally steps into your spirit in baptism begins to reside there in presence. And the first thing He wants to do when He arrives when He steps in now remember you’re one person He’s another He’s the precious Spirit of God. Being born again happened to your human spirit but when you receive the Holy Spirit you receive the third person of the Godhead the precious precious precious Spirit of God.  The first thing He wants to do for you is pray and He’s got within Himself the entire plan of God for your personal life because He was with the Father when the Father planned that for you. So he’s got God’s plan for you He’s got the understanding of who Christ is in you with Him.  And He wants to pray that through you so that’s what this supernatural language of tongues is all about. Now the moment that He steps in what He will do is He will begin to create that supernatural language on the inside of your spirit. When He does simultaneous as He creates it in your spirit He will want to complete the circuit of prayer from the realms of the spirit to the natural world that you walk in.  He does that through your tongue so the moment He creates the supernatural language in your spirit your tongue begins to shape and form the language He’s speaking in your spirit. Now if there happens to be some kind of stronghold tapped into your soul that tries to block that language from making it from your spirit out our tongue into this natural world then there’s some things you can do. Because when you pray He is going to come and baptize you and He’s going to begin and create that language in your spirit. That’s what He does in baptism. But I run into people who have been taught against it who had a stronghold built up in their mind and their emotion. So when the Holy Spirit would try to make that journey so that their tongue would begin to create the shape and form the words that He was creating in them to make that journey. That he would run into that block that stronghold and they could not feel those tongues coming up.  And this is what I have found I have found that if I can take a person like this if this is your problem and you go somewhere with somebody who knows how to worship and put a worship tape on and then just begin to worship God and you’ll just step over to Him.  Because what worship does it causes God to come trying to enter baptism of your senses kind of a presence that will come upon you that will so submerge your senses that in the anointing that you will have the special presence of the Holy Spirit working on the outside of you on your senses. And then you’ll have the precious presence of the Holy Spirit rising up on the inside of you. And I have found out that sometimes when you get a person to yield over in worship and worship Him for awhile until He’s presence begins to come.  And then stops and begins to thank Him for that supernatural language and then yield themselves over I’ve seen many many people get passed those strongholds and those blocks by returning to worship and then yielding themselves to the Spirit and waiting for their tongue to begin to shape those words for them to speak out. If it doesn’t happen that time then go back and worship Him and thank Him for it again and glorify His holy name.

Sid: And I’ve found people Dave that when even when they don’t even feel a word on their tongue if they’ll just by faith start speaking a language they’ve never been taught the whole thing will come out.

Dave: Yes that’s absolutely true Sid and at times I would…people have broke out and spoke with tongues when I’ve ministered to them like that just like you’ve said.

Sid: Would you do that right now?

Dave: Yes all you have to do to receive the Holy Spirit my friend is that if you’re listening to my voice it’s just get ready to receive Him by agreeing with me in the prayer that I’m going to pray for you now. In fact if you can repeat after me just repeat this prayer after me and the Holy Spirit will step into you and create this language it will come up to your tongue if you will open your mouth and begin to speak out with me He will begin to speak out with you.  So right now right now let’s bring it this far just get ready to repeat after me this is not a law or anything this is just receiving you.  Say “Oh heavenly Father.

Sid: Oh heavenly Father.

Dave: In the precious Name of Jesus

Sid:  In the precious Name of Jesus

Dave: I want to receive your Holy Spirit

Sid: I want to receive your Holy Spirit

Dave: Oh I ask you to fill me now

Sid: Oh I ask you to fill me now

Dave: I receive Him now by faith

Sid: I receive Him now by faith

Dave: Thank You Holy Spirit

Sid: Thank You Holy Spirit

Dave: For creating that language of tongues in my spirit

Sid: For creating that language of tongues in my spirit

Dave: I am going to begin to speak them out at this moment.

Sid: I am going to begin to speak them out at this moment.

Dave: Now begin to speak them out with me.

Sid: Now begin to speak them out with me.

Dave:  Now for you who are listening for the sake of getting these people we’re teaching on this gift now therefore we’re not speaking in tongues out of order over the air. We are teaching on it and people are receiving so begin to speak with me now.  (Dave and Sid speaking in prayer language)….See Sid has one tongue I have another it gives you a language for your own person life…(speaking on tongues) And if you didn’t receive at that moment I’m going to worship God for a moment just worship Him with me just Him with me.  Oh Heavenly Father I glorify You and I worship you I magnify You, I lift you up and exalt You with…I thank You for Your presence and I thank You for being filled with the Holy Spirit. And I am going to yield myself and speak in that language now…(speaking on tongues) Father anoint them to speak in this language bring them forward in them now….for you whose just joined us on the air many are receiving the Holy Spirit we are not speaking in tongues over the air out of order we’re teaching on this gift and people are receiving. So continue to pray…..

Sid: Dave I feel like we are so worshipping God in our prayer right now we’re telling Him how much we love Him we’re praising God well but we’re out of time Mishpochah.

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