
Sid: Sid Roth here with Perry Stone. Perry the revelation that you have so in so many different areas it’s almost like it’s all converging together right now, but so people will understand how you get these revelations and how we can understand keys to our future from them you work a lot with what you call types and shadows explain what that means.

Perry: Well one of the things that I’ve discovered as a young minister first of all I’m going to give you a little bit of background here. When I was felt the call of God to go into the ministry I was a teenager of 16 years of age. I was in intrigued with the prophetic books of Daniel and the book of Revelation. And I saw Daniel as a young man that went into Babylon but God used him to understand ministries. And I began to pray and I think this is the First thing: people should do when they want to understand the deeper things of God is to pray for wisdom and understanding of the deeper things and the deep things of God. So I prayed that for 2 years; after praying that I began to notice that when I began to read the Bible it was very easy once I began to read it to put scriptures with scriptures.  I would say “Wait a minute that verse goes right along with that verse over there.”  Of course I had a study Bible to help me put it together but I began to put verses together.  I began to study by subject when I got into the prophetic word which was again basically after my first trip to Israel I began to just devour and have such a hunger to understand what it was all about. To understand how it was going to come together, to understand how everything was linked together.  So a lot of this began first of all prayer for wisdom because James said “If you lack wisdom ask God and he’ll give it to you liberally.” and I held on to that.And the Second thing: is to have a love and a hunger to understand. And the Third part: and I really held the Lord to this where He said in the Book of Daniel “Seal up the book till the time of the end many should run to and fro knowledge shall be increased.” So I looked at that verse from every translation I could find and it basically is saying “When we come to the time of the end there’s going to be this very heavy unleashing unlocking of mysteries of the Bible especially prophetic mysteries.” And I simply asked the Lord “Lord help me to understand the mysteries of God.”  And I have to say that the way the Lord instructs me the things He gives me to teach people many times will say “Man I never heard that before this is the first time.” And I remember when I was younger people would kind of look at that and say “Well if you’ve never heard it before how do you know it’s true?” But they would always be able to go back to the Bible and see I was backing up everything entirely from the word. So when people for example you’re going to offer 6 CD’s that we have prepared for you; these are best I mean these are the ones that to me, I have one called “Living in Prophetic Crunch Time”  that’s absolutely off the chain in my book. It’s one of my favorites of all time.

Sid: And we’ll discuss that just a little bit and that is in our package of course.

Perry: Yeah exactly and so I’m just…I just believe that because we’re living in the time of the end it is the will of God for us to understand the things that normally previous generations it was not…let me say it this way they were not prepared to understand it. Let me give you an example Sid.  People said to me “Why is it that when you go to the time of let’s say 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800’s a lot of the ministers who were well known did not talk a lot about what we would term “The coming of the Lord for the church.” Now the word theological word for the catching away is the rapture.  A lot of people don’t like that word but I use it because people understand what I’m talking about.  And the answer is real simple #1 how can you preach the signs of the times the Lord’s coming when there’s no signs being fulfilled?  If you’ll think about it something like the 15, 16, 17, 1800’s you know there’s a civil war in America; there’s the American Revolution but as far as to have Biblical signs that you could point to and say “The Lord’s coming based on this Israel was not even a nation. The Jews were scattered around the earth; they were comfortable in Europe, America or where ever they were living it wasn’t the time for them to understand.  And only when the Biblical prophecies of the Biblical prophets begin to come to pass can the people who read the prophecy know this is happening now. And this is why in 1948 when Israel was reestablished as a nation suddenly there is this surge during the great healing revival, and thereafter from 1948 onward especially the 50’s there was this resurgence “Jesus is coming, Jesus is coming.” There were books written on the subject. The reason why a lot of the western ministers were so emphasized that greatly. And Sid I could tell you from studying it there were a lot of ministers who taught that Israel would never be a nation again until the Messiah Christ returned back to earth and then He would gather the tribes from the 4 corners of the world and they were teaching that. I mean denomination after denomination, minister after minister but ’48 that one day “What a message One Day in 1948.” In May 14 – 15th when Israel is restored it shifted everything. And then went back to the prophet and said “Wait a minute Isaiah said a nation would be born at once.” Wait a minute Israel has to be a nation before the Messiah can set up His Kingdom because it is a nation when Messiah comes not after He comes when He comes.  This tied the timing of events began to trigger the men and women that studied the prophecy to begin to say “Something is up.” And when they took Jerusalem in ’67 and tore the concrete wall down with the barbwire and the country of Jordan, they annexed what was called east Jerusalem and united the Capital. And you’ve been there, I’ve been there and you can take tour buses in east Jerusalem, west Jerusalem, south Jerusalem, north Jerusalem, tourist all over the place people from all over the world coming. When that began to happen that was a second wave of understanding. And I would have to say that when about ’88, ’89 and 90 when in Russia the Jews began to come back from the north country and given the freedom to return that was the third wave that people said “Wait a minute we cannot interpret this to mean that all of these great things happen when Messiah steps foot on the Mount Olives, when Messiah rules for a thousand years according to Revelation 20 it’s happening now!  If it’s happening now what does it mean?  These become the signs of the time of the end.  And you can now disconnect it is impossible.  I get real amused at letters I receive from people or they’re email or something and they want to disconnect my preaching of Israel and my preaching of Jerusalem and the Jewish people and the blossoming of that they want to separate that from Biblical prophecy and make it an allegory, or say that the church is Israel, or the church are now the Jews, or you know kind of replacement theology.  But prophecies for Israel are for Israel, prophecy for the believer are for believers, prophecies for the nations are for the nations, prophecy for New Covenant believers and that’s where people have to rightly divide the word of God and say “Wait a minute yes you can look at this verse and apply it to us, but the primary meaning is the nation of Israel.”

Sid: You know Perry you talk about things I’ve never heard before even; you talk about I mean so many revelations. You talk about that we are in “Prophetic Crunch Time” I never heard that phrase before.  And you say that some of the most significant things are ready to happen. What does it mean when we’re in prophetic crunch time and how does that play out to us?

Perry: Okay I’m glad you asked that. In Ephesians 1: 9 and 10 it says “In the dispensation of the fullness of times God will gather together in one all things spoken in Christ both of things which are in heaven and which are in earth even unto Him.” Now there’s a phrase called the fullness of time or the fullness of times which is used in the New Testament. Now the first thing that we have to understand, I’m going to give you the abbreviated version here because on the offer you’ve got there’s a whole CD on this so I’m going to give a highlight point here 1 or 2.  There’s 3 ways that time is counted in the eyes of God number 1 is sabbatical cycles, every seventh day, every seventh year, every 7 times 7 years.  Then there is the Jubilee cycles every 50 years Leviticus 25, time can be counted on Jubilee cycles. We talked about the Rabbi who wrote about the 9 Jubilee cycles; then there’s something called covenant cycles and here’s what a covenant cycle is it’s Matthew 1:17 “So all of the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations and from David to the carrying away to Babylon are 14 generations from the carrying away into Babylon and to Christ are 14 generations.  Now that’s a pattern 14, 14, and 14.  Point being that there was a set time for prophecy to actually happen, normally when a prophecy begins to happen it happens within a 24 to 48 hour period. You can say that… it’s like Israel becoming a nation when it happened it happened.  Jerusalem the third day of the war 10:00 in the morning they officially had Jerusalem so there’s a moment you know. But the closer you get to the moment time begins to get reduced or shortened that’s prophetic crunch time.  Galatians 4:4 and 5 “When the fullness of time has come God sent forth His Son born of a woman made under a law to redeem those who were under the law that we might receive adoption as sons.” Now here’s the key “When the fullness of time had come.” So here’s where we’re at we’re at times where prophecies are beginning to be fulfilled, milestones leading into stepping stones; stepping stones leading into major prophetic fulfillment. As we move closer the time of it being fulfilled is going to be reduced. Time is going to be shortened; the work will have to be done faster. The work will have to be done quicker that’s why Sid you are like a wild man on a mission. I am like a wild man on a mission.  We don’t waste a day, we don’t waste a week, we don’t waste a month, we’re every day looking for every day how we reach, how do we reach out, how do we win people; how do we touch lives?  Why are we doing it? Because there is a crunch coming in which you and I can sense we are around the corner to the big things the Messiah is making preparations for big things.  We have to get the job done in order to accommodate what He’s about to do.

Sid: Okay let me put this in my word and tell me if this is what you’re saying. We are in a set time where all prophecy is speeding up as has occurred in the past. It’s called prophetic crunch time, but things are speeding up to such a point that if we don’t redeem the time in this set season we may miss it.

Perry: That’s exactly…you hit it on the head I couldn’t have said it any better, that’s exactly what I’m saying with this, it’s exactly what the revelation of crunch time is exactly.  You know because God only gives all of us a certain time in our lifetime to complete everything He’s told us to do and there will be a generation you and I know Sid that will not die in the sense of natural death they will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye and I hope that you and I both are in that generation of course.  But when we see the prophecies beginning to come to past the closer we get to for example the revelation of the anti-Christ the final 7 years of tribulation, the closer we get to some of these major, major prophecies we’re going to discover things start happening faster. You know Jesus said this “Wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes in diverse places.” And then He said “When all of these things begin to come to past.” We’ve always had war, famine, pestilence, earthquake that’s always gone on we’ve always had those things. However when all of these things start happening at the SAME TIME that’s how you know you’re entering into the birth pains and you’re entering into the time of the end.  And that’s why you’re seeing so many wars, so many rumors or wars, so many up risings.

Sid: Perry we’re going to break right now but when we come back I want to know because we’re right in between these very prominent blood moon patterns on feast days I want to know why this is so important and why people are making such a big deal of it. And I also want to know something they’ve all left out that you’re going to tell us when we return.

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