Sid: Well my guest his name is James Goll, and James has had more supernatural encounters, visits to heaven, angelic visitations; miracles, healings, all the gifts of the Spirit. But there’s a reason; he is grounded in the word of God and his heart’s desire is because he knows that there’s such and in fact God told you what is about ready to happen supernaturally on planet earth. Tell me the good that you see.
James: (laughing) That’s awesome Sid; you know one of the… there’s lots of things but one of the things right now is that the Holy Spirit has spoken so clear to me is that the door of the harvest is opened. And one of the… and so actually I was in a service in a church and the door to the church (I’m speaking) and the door to the church literally blows open. A wind comes through the door and I look at this and I go “Lord, what is this, what are you saying?” And He speaks to me and says “The door to the harvest has now been opened.” And then just as a little way of like confirming that then I was in another church and I’m ministering and the Holy Spirit says to me “I want you to like lay hands upon people that Sunday morning that are of a different background different ethnic call or background.” And I’m like “Well God this is kind of like this isn’t going to take very long because I was in the church in another state and there was like another class like church. And so that assignment won’t take long; well it ended up that Sunday morning I guess the Holy Spirit sent out a memo and a bunch of people came that were from many different backgrounds. And so there was a man from Nigeria, a man from Ethiopia, and some from Bosnia and some other different places. And so there was this little brown couple and so I’m just going doing what the Holy Spirit said. So I laid my hands upon them and I’m just blessing people. I then turned around and I twirled in the Spirit and I pronounced over this couple “By the way there’s only one God and His Name is Jesus and He is the holy Man of God and He wants you to know that He loves you.” They raised their hands and they throw their hands in the air and they say “We want this Jesus.” Holy Spirit fell on them and they got saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit in that one moment. This is only one story and I have a bunch of stories; the background to this is the door of the harvest is open. And I want you right now; I want you to believe for your loved ones or you’re believing for backslidden people. I want you to be believing for all of your relatives to have visitations and to get saved and their names written in the Lambs book of life. So the background is that this little couple that I know they were from India and they were Hindu’s and they had never ever attended a church service in their life time. So they come that week they met a believer from this particular church. They tell them “We want to meet the holy man; we want to meet your most holy man. So this person says “Hey, come to church; here at this church and come on Sunday morning and you’ll meet this most holy man. Well I didn’t have a clue that this was going on if I’d known that Sid I’d probably would have fasted for 48 hours and I might have even shown up in a white robe or something okay. I don’t know, any way so…
Sid: (Laughing)
James: There they come to meet the holy man; I’m up there and see what I prophesied I laid my hands on these guys I didn’t know that they weren’t even believers. I didn’t know that they never attended church. I laid my hands on them and I said “By the way, there’s only one God,” because these Hindu’s worship many gods. I said “There’s only one God and Jesus is His Name; He’s the most holy man.” And in that day they met the most holy man and His Name is Jesus. Right now where ever you’re listening you can meet the most Holy Man and I’m just going to exercise faith with you for visitation of whole families. Because the door of the harvest is open. So I just speak right now; I pray according to the book of Luke and the book of Matthew we pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He sends forth labors. I want you to name your family members, and your neighbors and the people that you work with to the Lord right now. And we just say the word of the Lord goes forth and labors are being released right now and we just declare that hearts of stone are being turned into hearts of flesh. Why? Because God loves and “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever would believe in Jesus will be saved.” And so we speak the door of the harvest is open. That’s only one of the things that I see and I believe.
Sid: What do you see from the viewpoint of the miraculous?
James: Oh, there’s increase, there’s huge increase. I had the voice of the Lord come to me in December in my bedroom. And I’m not talking in my heart I talking about the external voice of the Lord and He said “The seeds that the seerers and the Prophets planted in a younger generation decades ago are now coming into fruition, therefore they will be now an increase of the word of knowledge and the gifts of the Spirit will be on the increase creating an atmosphere of the fear of the Lord and signs and wonders.” And so I’m seeing this already myself, I’m seeing this in the lives of others and this where we’re at right now. It’s another outpouring of the Holy Spirit and it’s going to be growing, growing and increase in Jesus Name.
Sid: Help me out you shared on yesterday’s broadcast about 9 straight weeks of angelic visitations. By the way, how does an angel look; does it have wings, how does angels normally look to you during those 9 straight weeks?
James: You know that’s fascinating because I’ve had many different angelic visitations. Some angels do appear like in the Book of Isaiah with wings. And in Isaiah the Seraphim they have like a hand that comes out from under the wings, I’ve seen angels like that. But also the Book of Hebrews says that be careful how you entertain strangers because you could entertain angels unaware. Now in this package there going to get this amazing inspirational new message on angels aware that I’m going to be teaching and praying prayers of impartation. So this is just awesome.
Sid: Have you found that when you pray prayers of impartation people report back to you they start having a touch or they feel or they see angels?
James: Oh absolutely, there’s definitely you see why you have experienced you have authority to give away. When you’ve gotten healed of something you have faith to release healing to others. When you’re forgiven you have faith to help other people get cleansed. When you’ve been delivered you have faith to release deliverance to others. When you’ve had angelic visitations that realm is so real to you that you have authority to give away what you have received.
Sid: Okay you had the 9 straight weeks of angelic visitations; pull out one experience during that time, just one.
James: Yeah one of the nights there was fireballs, okay it sounds a little crazy but it’s true.
Sid: It sounds wonderful to me; go ahead.
James: It does doesn’t it 29 of them circulating around in the ceiling of the bedroom and they were just soaring around and we would pray “Press upon us; hit us with the fire of your presence.” And then this fireball would just come down and hit us on the body and then it would like we’d be sanctified or just the fire cleansing or the fire healing or the fire empowering when it hit us. And we would just say “Send another one.” And then it would just crash in upon us and it might just like give us more fire of His love. Then we would say “Come on Lord, we want more.” So right now where you’re at right now I just speak, “You can have more, you can have more the depth of your hunger is the length of your reach to God. So I just speak “More fire on you right now. (Laughing) the fire of His love, the fire of His power; the fire of His presence; the fire of the angelic hosts.” And we just speak upon you right now, boy I tell you this is happening right now; I can sense it in my own body; I can sense it in my heart; I can just sense it in this very room that I’m speaking from right now. The fire of the Holy Spirit, the fire of angelic activity. Why do I say fire and angels? Because in Hebrew chapter 1 verse 7:14 it says “Aren’t the angels and ministering spirits flames of fire?”
Sid: Right.
James: “Ministering to those that inherit salvation.” So I just speak forth fire even as we had the fire in just increase of fire on the day of Pentecost something like tongues of fire had rested upon their heads. So this is all totally difficult so I just speak forth right now and fire upon all of these people here listening and they’re just going to have increase visitations, increased angelic activity, increase of healings. There’s fire right now that’s going to burn in someone’s intestines that’s going to burn colitis and burn Crohn’s disease. And that’s just a word of knowledge but I see that right now and fire is going into people’s hearts right now. And someone’s getting healed of a heart murmur right now and the finger of God the Holy Spirit is going into someone who has a hole in their heart and He’s touching them right now. Just as even we were experiencing these balls of fire I just come on it’s going to be great, just balls of fire okay. So more of the fire of God’s holy presence be released and as we’ve been experience 9 straight weeks of angelic visitations I just release upon you right now visitations from heaven. Because Jesus taught is to pray Kingdom come will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Sid: James, our time has slipped away but the devil wants you to be ignorant of the spiritual gifts; this is God’s moment for you….