
Sid: Oh, my guest Kynan Bridges is red hot for the Messiah. You would be red hot for the Messiah if you woke up one evening and you see Jesus at the foot of your bed calling your name. Kynan, tell me what occurred.

Kynan: The amazing thing I’m sitting there and I hear Jesus calling me. Now I’ve been praying for these kind of experiences but I don’t think I was prepared for it Sid. And He’s calling my name and I look up and I see a man standing there in white. Now I know by the Holy Ghost this is the Lord Jesus Himself. And He reaches into His chest and He pulls out His heart and He extends it towards me. And I see it beating, it begins to beat (bump, bump), it’s beating. And He says to me “This is My heart for the nations.” Now when He extended His heart to me Sid this was almost like there was a connection in the Spirit realm and I knew what was on His heart. I knew what was in His heart supernaturally. And He begins to tell me His heart is broken over the condition of His Body. Because many in the body believe that He is responsible for their sickness and for their oppression. He’s crying and He’s saying “Son, tell them they don’t know I paid a tremendous price for their healing and for their deliverance, if they only knew.” And Sid I just began to weep because it was such a convicting moment, it was the most miraculous thing I’ve ever experienced.

Sid: You know what I find interesting because I’m a fairly logical type of thinker. First, the first visitation if you will you had was to correct your heart and then you were able to see God’s heart when He was at the foot of your bed. Well there is so many people that are doing exactly what Jesus said this breaking His heart. They’re saying “God I know you heal but why aren’t you healing me, what’s wrong with me?” What would you say to those people?

Kynan: Well one of the biggest deceptions in the Body of Christ is the belief not that God can’t heal, but that He won’t heal, that He will not heal me.” It is a belief that has been perpetuated throughout ages; it has been perpetuated across denominations. I have seen people tormented by this belief. I’ve seen people die prematurely because of this belief and it is an insidious attack from the enemy that must be exposed. And the only way to expose this is by the revelation from God’s word. You know Sid people need to understand something, and I want to talk to someone out there listening now. Nothing in your life will change ever until you receive revelation. Revelation changes everything; it is the catalyst for manifestation. Without revelation there is no manifestation. So many people can know intellectually that God can heal, but until they have revelation that it is His will and His desire unconditionally they’ll never find salvation.

Sid: So how do you get from intellectual knowledge to revelation? (Laughing) How do you make the jump?

Kynan: Well the Bible says first of all in Roman’s 10 it says “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word.” And so first of all we know that it’s a faith thing, but secondly Jesus said “And they shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Now that knowing there is not just talking about intellect, now we know that. But it’s talking about intimacy, we’re going to have to pray, we’re going to have to open our heart to the Holy Spirit through the word. Until a person really gets into the word and allow the Holy Spirit to give them revelation they’re not going to know what’s available to them. Then the first step is to release their faith, you have to trust God. And secondly we have to get into the word because the word is going to reveal to us what has been freely given to us.

Sid: Yeah but Kynan that okay, but what about a Christian that has heard and heard and heard the word but they happen to be in an American church where they don’t see anything going on. And they intellectually assent to it but it never happens in their life. How do they get from someone… they’re actually in unbelief and don’t even realize it. How do they get out of it?

Kynan: Well first of all they have to change their environment. The Bible talks about in
Roman’s chapter 12 it says “Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Now that word anakinosis is so powerful yet very simple. You know when you think about a renovation of the home, like your home. The first thing that they have to do many times is tear down old parts of the infrastructure and build new ones. That’s what renovation is all about, that’s what my renewal is all about. We have to allow God to challenge our paradigm. You know the first thing that began to happen in my life Sid when it comes to healing is that I had to look at myself, my own situation and I had to begin to ask God the hard questions. Most people don’t do that, most people say “Well because it’s not happening for me it can’t happen.” That’s like saying “Man has never flown to the moon it can’t happen.” Well duh… it can happen.

Sid: Hm.

Kynan: But you have to be willing to make the investment in the word, they have to be willing to break those barriers in their mind and heart to push through to the next level of experience. So it’s going to take audacity, it’s going to take you changing your environment. It’s going to take you getting around people who are flowing in the things that you know God says are available to you. So we have to make some changes in our lives.

Sid: …tell me why [your book] will help someone.

Kynan: Well the first thing that it’s going to do is it’s going to challenge your mentality. Almost everything that we experience in our lives is a result in the way that we think. So if we want to change our lives we have to change our mindset. And Sid this cannot be underestimated this is one of the most powerful things. I have experienced in my own life the power of a transformed mind. It literally… your mind being transformed can be the catalyst for God releasing God’s supernatural power in your life. I had to do that, I wasn’t raised in a church where we saw miracles all the time. I saw them occasionally but I didn’t see them all the time. So I had to develop a new normal, I had to develop a new standard. And that came from making up in my mind Sid that God’s word is true no matter what. Let God be true and every man a liar. You know I quote from John G. Lake one of the most healing evangelists of our time. He said that when he read this scripture and I want to read it out to our listener Acts 10:38 how “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and went about doing good healing of all that were oppressed of the devil.” John G. Lakes said that when he saw that scripture he knew almost intrinsically that it was the absolute will of God to heal. And when he realized Sid that it was the will of God to heal he said these words “Everything in my being began to fight the devil” and that’s what has to happen. Everything in our being every fiber in our being has to fight against the will of the devil in our lives.

Sid: You know that is so strong and so important. I think that most Christians are passive and although they wouldn’t admit it it’s a “Que sera, sera.” Well if God does it find but He doesn’t fine and that’s not a militant approach is it?

Kynan: Not only is it not a militant approach but you have to understand something about the devil. Satan is a terrorist, he is a hardened criminal, he is a madman Sid. Jesus called him a thief, a murderer from the beginning. I mean we’re not talking about someone who’s coming to sell you Girl Scout cookies.

Sid: Hm.

Kynan: He’s talking about someone that’s trying to kill, steal and destroy according to John 10:10. So we cannot deal with him passively. The only thing he will respond to is brute power and force. And that power comes when we have a conviction in our heart that God’s word is absolutely true and that God… what God said in His word about model Christ. I must receive, I can’t live without it. Until you get there you won’t fight.

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