
SID: My guest Bruce Malone is a scientist. He was with Dow Chemical for 30 years. He was one of the top 100 inventors. He had 18 inventions that raised millions of dollars. But taking you back when you were in college, you told me God was irrelevant to you. But you had a deadly virus and because of this deadly virus you came to your senses and became a believer in Messiah. But what I want him to tell you, as a scientist that could not possibly believe in creationism, that could not possibly believe that there was a worldwide flood, he goes to church shortly thereafter and he hears a lecture by a creationist. What effect did it have on you?

BRUCE: Well it shook my entire view of reality. I mean, everything I had been taught is this earth is billions of years old. And yet, this speaker was showing how fossils could not possibly billions of years old. And the more I studied, the more I realized that’s true. I mean, if you think about a fossil, it’s a dead animal caught in a rock layer. And yet, a fish that dies in your aquarium, it doesn’t turn into a fossil. It doesn’t fossilize. It’s just eaten up and deteriorates, and turns into food for other animals.

SID: So what makes a fossil?

BRUCE: In order to make a fossil, you have to have something die and be buried very deeply and very rapidly, and then lots of water flush through the rock layers as the sediment is turned into rock. And yet, there are billions of dead things turned into fossils in rock layers covering this entire planet. It’s testimony that this entire globe has been deluged by an incredible flood in the fairly recent past.

SID: And what effect did that have on you?

BRUCE: Well I realize what I had been told about world history couldn’t possibly be true because the very rocks themselves don’t match the characteristics of these huge time periods.

SID: But you also found out that this whole thing you believe, this theory of evolution, was false. Tell me one of the major reasons.

BRUCE: Well I’ll give you two major reasons. When you go to the bottom of these rock layers that were laid down under water, they were all laid down under water, you find enormous gaps between every very different kind of creature. You’ll find single cell organisms and starfish with nothing in between. How do you do that? How do you go from a single cell to a starfish and leave nothing in between? It’s like it was created. There are starfish and lobsters, and coral, and different kinds of animals, very different from each other with enormous gaps. Second, we have very recently been discovering dinosaur bones that have totally unfossilized soft, stretchy tissue inside the bones. Now Sid, think about this. If your grandfather’s dog died and he buried it in his backyard and you came back 50 years later and dug in that spot, would you find any bones left, any soft tissue left? No, you wouldn’t.

SID: It would all be decayed.

BRUCE: All things that used to be alive totally decay. They turn back into molecules that totally disappear. No fossils are tissue that have turned into rock. But inside of that rock we find soft tissue. It can’t be there unless those bones were buried very recently. And we have found dozens of these dinosaur bones with soft tissue in Montana, in Siberia, over in Europe, around the world still with soft tissue inside of them.

SID: So where did we get the earth is a million, a billion years old, or whatever?

BRUCE: Well you have to realize what’s going on in science. There are only two possibilities to explain everything. I mean, pretend the entire earth is represented by this puzzle, this box.

SID: Okay.

BRUCE: Either the puzzle made itself—either all the pieces, which are like the animals we find all over the earth, made themselves—or something outside of this box made the box. Science has been defined as only allowing natural processes.

SID: So what you’re saying to me is, you’re telling me over a billion years that I could throw these pieces like this and they’ll all make themselves into a puzzle. You got more faith than I got.

BRUCE: Exactly. That’s the way science operates. Let’s just pretend it made itself. But I’m telling you, the laws of science show us it couldn’t have made itself. And the evidence from the rock layers say they were laid down rapidly.

SID: I’m going to tell you something. The evidence that he has, it’s irrefutable. I want you to think for yourself. We’re going to come back and you’re going to find out something that is as ridiculous as these pieces of a puzzle making themselves.

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