Lance Wallnau

Sid: The ancient Jewish anointing and the Christian anointing have merged together to form the full body of Messiah. That’s what Jesus was talking about in John 17:21 He said “I pray that these 2 people groups would be one.” There were only 2 people groups not Catholics and Baptist they didn’t exist. Jews and Gentiles, and what will happen when these 2 anointing’s merge together the world will believe. My guest Dr. Lance Wallnau, we’re talking about his 4 CD teaching series must, it is a must teaching. It’s title is “In a Heartbeat.” Explain how you got that title Lance.

Lance: On 911 I happened to be in a management seminar Sid in Hawaii where the subject was “Emotional Mastery,” can you imagine that as an irony. We had people from all over the world that were venting their feelings. Palestinian’s who were actually applauding the terrorists, and Israeli’s who were there on the stage talking about how frustrated they were that this is the world they have to live in in the Middle East. It was an incredibly intense experience. As I prayed through the day and observed and was working with various people the Lord started speaking to me that “The state that we must be in in order to be able to access the kingdom of God is a state of resourcefulness, a state of creativity, a state of access and openness to the voice of God and the anointing of God.” At that moment I realized that the believer to be the peacemaker, to be the solution to the problem, to be the person that can shift the spiritual climate. Has first got to be able to shift their own state, they have to be able to go from fear or anxiety, or defeat in a fraction of a moment they have to move intentionally into the realm of the supernatural. To many of us put this off to something God does as opposed to training our self to operate in the realm that were designed to once we become a new Christian, or a new believer. So while I was working this through I realized that there are 3 elements that determine your state:

  1. What gets your attention?
  2. What you say to yourself.
  3. How you allow your body or your nervous system, or your emotions to anchor or ground what’s getting your attention and what you are saying to yourself.

Sid: You know I don’t want to digress too much but you said that one of the popular teachings of the day has been what’s known as “Word of Faith Teaching” and they didn’t allow for the emotions. Would you just comment a little bit there?

Lance: Absolutely. The kingdom of God said “It’s two-thirds century.” It’s righteousness which comes by faith, and then peace and joy. You tell me somebody who comes in… I consider myself a word of faith. I come into your house and you see me with a long face and I look depressed and it looks like I need Prozac, then I’m coming to you talking to you about overcoming life. Immediately you can the kingdom isn’t resonating in my life because joy and peace are sensory dimensions. You feel those states, they are states not just emotions. So the kingdom of God is two-thirds an overcoming state or mode of existence.

Sid: Many people feel “No you just hang on to the word and everything will take care of itself.”

Lance: There you have the problem because if all you’re doing is hanging onto the word you have one part of you in agreement which is cognizant, you’re cognate in part. Your emotive part which is where your passion your feelings are they also have got to line up or you become a house divided. We’ve all been around believers who say that they’ve forgiven and their past is past, and when you’re around them you know there’s still a bitterness and unresolved aspect and you pick up on it because their feelings have not yet really released the issue. You’re absolutely right, so this teaching is recognizing the fact that states is… you know the Jewish concept it’s very Greek when you talk body, soul, and spirit you’re talking Paul writing to the Thessalonians to the Greek culture. Jesus when He talked He talked with a Jewish context. He said “Though shall love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart the soul and the mind, and thy strength.” He wasn’t as nice and tidy as spirit, soul, body He had mind and heart. What did He do? He has a mind and a heart. How did He dichotomize that? Well the reality is to the Jewish mind they all overlap you can’t cut Sid Roth in half without cutting all of him. You can’t just separate your spirit, soul, and body so nice and neatly. So I think what I’m teaching is state is the overlap of the mind, heart, soul, spirit and body. It’s the combined mailing address of where your dominant state is right now which determines to a great degree whether or not you’re able to access everything God has for you. In a heartbeat means in a moment you can shift your focus, shift your attention, shift what you’re saying and actually by doing so you move from a disempowered condition to one that’s open and receptive to the anointing.

Sid: As you pointed out it’s almost a built in warning system to let you know you’re not in the anointing when you pay attention to your feelings.

Lance: Oh you absolutely got it Sid! Listen this I teach kids… I had an interesting experience last night. I’m on the road a lot, I come home to my local church because I’ve got a family. My wife has a degree in film so she was out doing a video project. My daughter is 10 years old and her… so my wife was going to teach the class for the children last night and she was late. The Lord told me “Take your daughter’s class.” I like that because I like the fact that I could be talking to businessmen, or personalities one day, then I’m with the 9 year olds the next day, keeps it real. So Sid I’m with the 9 year olds and the Lord said “I want you to teach them how to access the sound of my voice in a heartbeat.” I said “9 year olds, this’ll be interesting.” The Lord said “Get paper” I handed out paper and water colors. I had them all pair up in teams of 2 and join hands with their girlfriends or their friends. I said “Now here we’re gonna learn how God doesn’t have a little Holy Spirit or a big Holy Spirit. He only has one Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in you is big enough to talk to you if you can get comfortable He’s going to help you minister to your friends today.” So I had them hold each other’s hands and ask the Lord to give them a picture, or an idea, or an image, or an impression that they would be able to draw that would be a prophetic, a love letter from God to the other person. Right away they were uptight they were tense they were a little nervous they had never done this before. So I had them all make fist with their left hand and I said “Take your right index finger and try to pry it into your fist. None of them could do it. I said “Alright now I want you to relax your fist so it’s really loose, now stick your index finger in between your fingers in your left hand, and they all could stick their fingers through.” I said “You know when were really uptight God wants to speak to us but He can’t, but when we learn to walk in peace and rest in Him, even in a place where were stressful or upset God will talk to us. So let’s do it again.” I had them all worship a little bit and let me pray for them. Now they relaxed and asked God for picture. Sid it was phenomenal I had about 20 kids all getting scriptures, or prophetic pictures that drew in row to their friends and gave them to them last night. Proving to me that your state in a heartbeat is not something which is just a territory of an adult, or a consultant, or a businessman it’s every one of us can learn how to adjust our self to hear God. Your program is being broadcast right now on an invisible wavelength. If someone has a receiver they can hear what Sid Roth wants to say, and we’re all designed the same way. Our state determines our reception.

Sid: Hmm. Well, let me ask you this how do you get your emotions to line up, if you will, with your spirit and the word?

Lance: Well that’s a very powerful, very powerful point it’s going to be difficult to do it quickly but I’ll give you an example right now. I’m flying in Chicago in the airport we have a blizzard. I have a conference in New England I’ve got to speak at, I’ve got people coming in and I cancel flights in Chicago. I hate O’Hare Airport at times because of this. So I’m standing there with my wife and 3 children, and my state is obviously one of frustration, agitation, irritation, I’m not in a peak state right now, right now I’m in a frustrated state. I’m thinking of my own teaching, I’m thinking “You know Lance you teach this what would you say to yourself if you were coaching yourself?” I said “First thing I’d do is shift my focus. What am I focused on? I’m focused on not getting out of the airport, so I’m not going to focus on that I’m gonna focus on God’s creativity.” What am I saying to myself? I’m saying “Look how long that line is I’m never gonna get out of here I’m going to be humiliated. People are showing up for a conference and I’m not even there. What am I going to say? My self-talk is going to change and here’s what I’m going to say ‘I serve a creative God, therefore God gives me the ability to be creative.’” At that moment a thought came to me my state started shifting I started realizing “I’m going to start to focus on God’s creative ability right now to give me a solution.” So I see a woman with a clipboard walking around from United and see that she has some authority, and I don’t know exactly what she is doing but my spirit tells me there’s the key. So with hundreds of people… now I don’t even know if I should confess this on the radio. I’m just going to tell you what I did, I started kvetch’ing, I started complaining. I said “Oh I don’t know what I’m gonna do with this blizzard I have a baby right here.” She’s like 5 years old, I said “What are we going to do for milk, what are we going to do for diapers…” and my wife hits me in the ribs and she says “What’s the matter with you you never talk like this.” I said “Stop it! I’m being creative. I don’t know what I’m gonna do I’ve got the kids, I’ve got the…” the woman comes up to me and says “Sir is this your family?” I said “Yes.” She said “Is that your little girl” and I said “Yes. I don’t know what I’m gonna do I’m stuck here overnight.” She said “You follow me.” Sid she put me on a special flight for handicapped people, she must of thought I was mental or something.

Sid: [Laughing]

Lance: A flight for handicapped people. We flew out in 45 minutes and I arrived for the conference. I’m telling you this is what I learned state is everything. God at any moment can bubble up a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom, a way to handle the situation if we can take responsibility for keeping our feelings in alignment with a new focus because let’s face it your feelings follow your focus. If your focus shifts your feelings have to shift. So you shift your focus and your feelings begin to move with it.

Sid: Now I’m going to ask you a personal question. Do you ever look angry, do you ever look I mean physically look grumpy? Do you ever physically look worried?

Lance: [Laughing] You know this is funny. My answer is quite honestly, I used to drive to church and my son who is 7 years old looked at me and said “Dad how come you’re angry.” I looked at him and I said “Son I’m not angry” I said “You know there are serious problems in the world and I’m merely thinking about them.” I’m giving him an answer and he looks at and he says “Dad that went right over my head.” [Laughing]

Sid: Hmm.

Lance: I realized I trying to justify and explain my problem. I looked at the mirror and I thought “My 7 year old can see that I’m not a happy preacher. This is not a good testimony for a preacher’s kid.” So from that moment I began to study the relationship between my expression and my state. I believe personally my feeling is this your state is the combination of your focus, what you say to yourself and how you command your physiology. My body on purpose is conditioned to be resourceful.

Sid: So that’s why when it says in the New Testament your spirit, soul and body it lumps all 3 together.

Lance: All 3 together.

Sid: Oh we’re out of time.

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