
Sid: We want everyone everywhere to have godly children and godly grandchildren and godly great-grandchildren because were coming into such a separation between light and darkness that our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren they’re not going to stand a chance unless you learn how to pray appropriately.  Now my guest Mike Shreve has been a guest several times on Messianic Vision. Mike is a prophetic evangelist for over 42 years a teacher; he’s written many books, but this one is going to be his most fruitful book ever.  Why do I say this, because I see what’s happening to this generation of young people, I see them not honoring parents, I see them walking away from the faith in droves; I see them getting involved in sorts of sin and this cannot be.  I had a dream in my dream Jesus said “He’s coming back soon” and that’s why the devils operating so furiously on our children and grandchild and that’s why this book “Sixty-five Promises From God for Your Child” just off the press you’ll be able to take a promise from God’s word; you’ll be able to have a revelation of that promises and then a prayer with a place that you insert the name of your children or grandchildren.  You can end up getting one book for each child and each grandchild and even great-grandchild and it won’t take you a lot of time they’re short prayers, but it will change their destiny.  And then the four CD’s your faith level you will not be just begging God to do something you will know it and you will say it and you’re going to have such confidence in your heart.  Now Mike when I interviewed you several years ago you told me something’s about President Obama even before he was President I believe tell me what God showed you about him.

Mike: Well, first of all God showed me that during his presidency there would be an increase of nuclear proliferation.  And the ironic thing about that is that his platform has been quite the opposite or at least that’s what he has…    

Sid: No he wants the US to totally get rid of our large military, have a small military to get rid of all of our armaments and nuclear weapons.  I mean that’s what he stands for and you heard the opposite.

Mike: Well, I heard that during his presidency that there would be an increase of the development of nuclear weapons…

Sid: And by the way we’re saying look at North Korea, look at Iran I mean look at all of the Muslim countries that Russia is supplying this technology to.  We’re definitely I mean  it’s so neat when someone said, and I’m sorry that this came true, but when someone gives a word before the fact and now we’re seeing it happen before our very eyes.

Mike: And it’s going to push the nations of the world on to a final stage of an ominous cloud of destruction and hovering over our planet.  But at the same time I believe God is going to raise up His final generation of believers out of the generation that we’re responsible for our children our sons and our daughters.  And I claim Psalm 112 verses 1 and 2 over my children that says “Blessed is the man who fears the Lord who delights greatly in his commandments his descendants will be mighty on the earth.”  Listen there’s a spiritual battle going on as well as the necessary parts coming into place for that final natural battle called Armageddon.  The world is in the throes of a terrible change right now and this generation of all generations has got to have a spiritual awakening. It will come not only for the adults but through children that are awakened to their spiritual potential. And God said our seed will be mighty upon the earth; I claim that I claim that for every parent that’s listening that’s concerned about their children right now.

Sid: Well, I have to tell you that when I find a prophet that prophesies in their dreams and their words come true I want to know what they see for the future.  Tell me about the dream you had in reference to the civil unrest.

Mike: Well, that was very simple God just woke me up and he spoke two words to me audibly and I heard the words “Civil unrest.” I knew that there would be great upheavals in our society and in our world.  He did not just confine it to the United States of America.

Sid: You know I’ve never seen such division in every arena of life as there is in the United States right now.

Mike:  And I believe it’s going to get far worse especially as the government tries to enforce oppressive rules on the people such as going too far with the limitation of guns.  I don’t believe our populous would stand for that because gun control preceded every major dictator that ever took hold of a society or a nation.  And then the gun control issue is always on the front burner and then following that is a horrible rising of a dictator to power.

Sid: Tell me about the dream you had involving New York City and even Japan.

Mike:  Well, that was a very disturbing dream; it came about a month after that terrible disaster that happened recently in Japan where there was an earthquake, a Tsunami and the nuclear incident.  And about a month later I received this dream where I saw New York City lift up above the ground and become translucent and then it rushed westward and hovered over the nation of Japan and then it came right down into the very area that was hit by that earthquake and merged with that area.  And I saw New York City devastated with the same level of devastation that took place there.  And I will prophecy that that will come to past thus saith the Lord, that will come to past; how far in the future I don’t know.

Sid: But you also saw some good things a spiritual awakening.

Mike:  Ah yes God’s also shown me that our nation will have a spiritual awakening and I would tend to believe that some of these destructive things may in the end work together for good because they’ll trigger that spiritual awakening.  Years ago when I was minded toward becoming a missionary in India the rest of my life, God gave me a dream where I saw the outline of the United States of America and I saw a little red dot in the heart of America explode into two blood red words that like liquid soaked into the whole map of America and there wasn’t one city or town that was untouched.  And those two words, one superimposed on the other, were Jesus Saves. And so I know bad things are happening and our culture looks like it’s descending into a cesspool but I also believe that God’s going to have that last word on this and God is going to bring us around and there will be another third great awakening in our nation.  And part of what will usher that in is prayer-fullness and intercession. And certainly a key aspect of that is interceding over our children.

Sid: The ones that are going to be affected are the ones that have had been totally bathed in prayer. I must say that you have made it so easy I have your brand new book literally just off the press, it’s titled “Sixty-five Promises From God for Your Child”  and the 4 powerful CD’s and you’ve made it so easy.  You’ve done the research of the promises; you then have written a teaching so that someone’s faith can explode with these promises.  And on the tapes you really expound on these things, then you’ve written a prayer that the parent or grandparent or great-grandparent will read out loud and you put a space where you can write that child, or grandchild, or great-grandchild’s name.  And what I picture is any parent, any grandparent, any great-great- grandparent that will get this book and start and just read.  It’s not going to take a lot of time, just say take three promises a day for each member of the children.  I mean right now what the Bible prophesied would happen is happening.  There’s children are being estranged from their parents, they’re going their own way, they’re not following God they’re going into perversion of all kinds.  And they’re not going to have a chance with what’s coming on planet earth unless you do your part and you know something, it’s so easy it would be a tragedy for you not to do this.  Mike how in the world this is so simple yet so brilliant, how did you develop this?

Mike: Well, God just awakened it within me when I was searching through His word to find promises I could pray over my children I began to notice these specific ones that dealt specifically with my offspring.  One I have not mentioned yet is Isaiah 43 verses 5-7 where God said “Fear not for I am with you I will bring your descendants from the east and gather you from the west I will say to the north give them up and to the south do not keep them back.”  And then God said “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.”  And what really hit me when I read that verse first God says, “I will bring your descendants out, I’ll call them forth from all points of the globe.”  But then He said “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth.”  So God’s is saying “Whatever belongs to you belongs to me and if they’re your sons I consider them my sons, and if they’re your daughters I consider them my daughters.”  And then verse 7 he said “Everyone who is called by my Name whom I have created for my glory.”  And I confess that one over my children that they are not created for the world’s glory so that the world can use their talents and their gifts but they are created by God for His glory.  And that he is speaking over their lives.

Sid: Oops we’re out of time.

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