
Sid:Jesus is coming back sooner than most of you think and that’s why I have Bill Salus on the telephone because he has spent 11 years researching and he has literally discovered the missing piece of end-time Bible prophecy.  We have his brand new book just off the press and three DVD’s teaching on this.  Bill while you were studying the revelation and it was revelation it wasn’t natural.  The revelation of Psalm 83 which perfectly describes the next Middle East war they discovered something that has been dubbed the Irish Dead Sea Scrolls.  Explain that.

Bill:   Well, yes absolutely in the summer of 2006 Sid was a very prophetic year we had a discovery of an ancient parchment in Irish bogswell, bogswell is muddy soil.What it was it was, there were several Psalms but it was very dilapidated and scarcely salvageable and they were in a museum, but one Psalm was salvageable.  It was unblemished and it was open in place; it had been buried Sid we believe for about a 1000 to 1200 hundred years in this Irish bogs well.  And what it was…

Sid:But wait a second a piece of scroll buried over a 1000 years in this type of environment; it shouldn’t have even been paper anymore.

Bill:  Well, that’s true and this was not an archeological dig with tooth brushes this was a construction worker with bulldozers.That in itself should have destroyed anything in its tracks.  But this was an amazing situation and you had headlines coming out of the Washington Post going “Israel mourns Hezbollah exalts.”  And so all of a sudden I’m thinking what is that they’re finding this bog.  Associated Press said “It’s an ancient book of Psalms found in an Irish bog,” and at the same time there’s newspapers coming around about Israel and this war with Hezbollah headlines because they were involved in a 34 day conflict. And right in the middle of the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah here comes this Psalm discovery and what’s amazing about that Sid is that it’s the only place in over 31,000 verses in the Bible where you can find Hezbollah and Israel involved in a war and that’s in Psalm 83…

Sid:And you’re just getting the revelation of Psalm 83 when all this explosive Irish Dead Sea Scrolls occur.

Bill:  Well, that’s the other thing too is that Psalm 83 as far as finding commentaries that were written about the prophetic aspects of Psalm 83 were pretty much nonexistent they were hard to find that’s why it took me eleven years of research to really get the this book that you’re offering right now.  And so what was amazing to me is that the Lord put it on my heart to write about Psalm 83 that I believe was an imminent prophesy for our time probably the next Mid East news headline and at the same time there’s a war going on and Psalm 83 shows up miraculously in Irish bogswell.  It couldn’t be the worst kind of soil in the world to find it show up it may as well just showed up in the middle of the…

Sid:And it mentioned all of the key players that are it looks to me like are ready to implement this.  Give me a brief synopsis of the scenario of Psalm 83; and by the way when you talking about Hezbollah when Psalm 83 talks about the inhabitance of Tyre who is that?

Bill:  Well, that’s the key here Sid is understanding who these players are, who these participants are that would really more than likely be Hezbollah.  What I think I’ll do is I’ll take the liberty of it’s as if Asaph who wrote the Psalm 3000 years ago was with us today in this interview.  I’m going to take the liberty and the vernacular of telling you who I think he would be describing in this prophesy which is clearly not found fulfillment yet and I found out why in the book you’re offering.  Who he was talking about at the very lead position and he goes through and gives us an order of who these populations are in verses 6-8 of Psalm 83.  We also have to start “Well, whose he saying is first?”  Because some of this of first a population listed first is sort of the star of the show like the credits of a movie at the end always list the top actor.  And he’s starting with the Palestinian refugees.He’s talking about their plight, he actually calls them a tents of Edom that’s a refugee position.  So he has Palestinian refugees very distinct, he’s got the Saudi Arabians in here.  He’s got the Southern Jordanians he has both the southern and central and north Jordanians so Jordan’s involved.  He’s got Egyptians involved, so Egypt.  I’m going to keep going with who it is but we should begin to notice here Sid is that I’m talking about the Arab populations that are all predominately Muslim that share common borders with Israel.  I’m talking about the Arab states and their terrorist organizations within those Arab states.  You have the Hamas, you have the Hezbollah, you have the Lebanese, you have the Muslim Brotherhood.  So in review Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Northern Iraq should be involved, Egypt Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas Lebanon, I mean the Hezbollah.So I believe is involved in this war and I’ve done some real serious research and on the maps when you look at the Old Testament maps and the ancient maps this is where they end up today.

Sid:Now how in the world can these Arab nations that seem to never get along seem to fight everyone else, seem to fight themselves, seem to fight one another; how could they ever do what Psalm 83 says, unify?

Bill: Well, we’ve already seen that inkling toward that since Israel became a nation in 1948.  It’s amazing to me Sid that after 1878 years in thediaspora when in 70 AD the Jewish dispersion started; and then in May 14, 1948 when Israel becomes rebirthed as a nation especially after coming out of a Holocaust attempt by Hitler.The Jews coming back into the land should have been given banners and balloons.  But what did they get, they got bullets and bombs and this ancient Arab hatred was alive and well and most of these populations that I just listed to you even though some of those terrorist organizations came on the scene subsequently they were involved.  That attitude was there they did not want the Jews back in that land over there.  Now they all got there statehood after World War I and World War II, but no we don’t want Israel to have a statehood in the midst of that Mid East land. And so we and you know what do we see right now, we see that your right the Arabs used to fight against the Arabs more than the Arabs use to fight against the Jews.  And the Persians used to fight against the Arabs; and there’s all this history that goes back and forth with all of these wars, but Islam came a long in the 7th century AD and it united, it started to unite those populations with similar common holy practices and holy days and so they’re united.  And a matter fact they’ve never been more united, the President of Egypt Mohammed Morsi, and his Muslim Brotherhood they want to form a United States of the Arabs.  You saw recently that just before the elections when our presidential elections you saw our embassies across North Africa and the Middle East being attacked, I mean all the way from Libya Egypt to Tunisia by Iran, Yemen, Qatar twenty different countries all upset about some video or whatever you want to put it on.  They were Islamically driven united countries that used to war against each other and they’re attacking the America Embassies.What does that tell you Sid coming into the next four years that we got ahead of us?

Sid:It does not look good, now let me ask you this I noticed a pattern.  When there are wars in the Middle East Israel never starts it the Arabs’ start it.  Israel always finishes it, Israel always wins it, and Israel always ends up with more land than before it started.  It’s an amazing pattern.

Bill:  Well it is and you know Sid I point out in the book, and some of the DVDs your offering, that today’s Israeli Defense Forces actually exist in fulfillment of Bible prophesy; and I pinpoint why.  Because when we study end times Bible prophesy we don’t see the Israeli Defense Force as showing up in a lot of different places.  We see the Lord for instance stopping a massive invasion of Russia and a coalition in Ezekiel 38.  We don’t necessarily see the Israeli Defense Forces there.  And I can go through a whole list of things and I do in the book.  But what we do see is the Israeli Defense Forces fighting off these Arab countries in the end times and that’s the point I make and Ezekiel 37: 10 says “Israel will have an exceedingly great army.”  And I point out the numerous passages where they show up in defending the nation and your right they’ve even made a commitment that’s their policy they won’t be the first one to launch a weapon of mass destruction in the Middle East but they do have a Samson option.  In other words their military thinking at this point is we are not going to have a Masada complex we are going to have a Samson option and I don’t feel we know what that mean but it’s a strong response option is what it is.  It’s a matter of survival for them.

Sid:Yes, but what if they’re going to be number two in response then what happens if Iran nukes them, they won’t be able to respond.

Bill:  Well, I think Israel is on the precipice of having to do something about Iran’s nuclear program which I believe is possibly another prophecy I mean this is how detailed Bible prophecy can be I pointed it out in the book.  Iran has a double jeopardy in the end times; a lot of people recognize Iran under the banner of Persia, ancient Persia is involved in that Ezekiel 38 war with Russia and Iran and Turkey and Libya and there’s9 populations that he speaks.  But they also show up under..

Sid:Woops I tell you I’m so intrigued by what you’re saying time has just slipped away Bill.

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