Sid:  This week I’m talking with Craig Hill and Craig is Founder of “Family Foundations International” from Littleton, Colorado.  And I had the privilege of speaking for several meetings that Craig has had. I found out about his series that he’s a God ordained teacher; anything he teaches is wonderful.  But there is such a need coming in the world; in the financial arena.  Why?  Scriptures says, “Yet once more I’m going to shake this earth and those that are not on a firm foundation they’re going to fall.”  Well, when this shaking occurs there’s going to be a transfer of wealth, and this wealth is to fund the greatest move of God’s Spirit in history. I want you involved, better than me you want yourself involved.  Better than you, God wants you involved; Craig tell us a bit about this transfer of wealth.

Craig:  You know I got a revelation a couple of years ago Sid from a very simple scripture in Mathew 5:5 what we call the Beatitudes.  And here Yeshua said, “Blessed at the meek for they shall inherit the land.”  And I began thinking about that what would that mean and I looked up the word meek in my Vines Bible dictionary, and a couple of other sources and I found a very interesting definition.  Meekness was defined this way it’s not weakness, but it’s power or strength but it said, “Having great power or resource and using a percentage of it.”  So in other words a meek person is a person that doesn’t run their life all the way to the margins of the page, or in finances meekness would be not using 100% of available resource.

Sid:  Rather than what most people today use 120% or 150% of what is available.

Craig:  What you just defined is the opposite of meekness, right?

Sid:  Correct.

Craig:  So if meekness is living on 60, 70, 80% of your income and the opposite of meekness would be living on 140, 150, 180% of your income we call that debt.

Sid:  I know, actually listening to your description I could call it pride and arrogance.

Craig:  Well, that would be true, and the interesting thing is the opposite of that then if we just look at the scripture, “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the land.”  Well, what would be the opposite then, what about the indebted who are the opposite of the meek?  Well, two things would be true, they would apparently not be blessed and if the meek will inherit the land then the indebted will lose the land.  And you know when I looked up that often times we say, “For they shall inherit the earth.”  It’s actually the world “land.” I began thinking back to things that I heard people say who went through the great depression in the 30’s in the United States here and people would say “You know my grandfather lost his farm or my uncle lost his house or my friend’s uncle lost his business.”  And I thought and “What do you mean lose?”  It wasn’t like they came home one day and they couldn’t find it; it wasn’t that it was gone, what they lost was possession of it.  So if a person in the 30’s lost the possession of a farm that means a person on the other end of the equation gained possession of a farm.  So I began thinking, who lost land, houses, businesses, farms in the depression of the 30’s?  And the answer is it was people that were indebted.  The reason that they lost that property was they couldn’t pay for it; couldn’t make the payments and who got it?  The interesting thing is usually the bank repossessed it held an auction and sold it to somebody who had a little bit of extra cash.  And often times those properties were purchased for 10, 20, 30 cents on a dollar.

Sid:  You know at times like that you hear the expression cash is king.

Craig:  Exactly. I suddenly got a revelation from the scripture that you know often times we think “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.”  And we think that something in the sweet by and by in the future in heaven somewhere and I suddenly realized “No, this actually happened in 1930’s“.  What happened the meek people, those that had some extra cash, those people were able to purchase for 10, 20, 30 cents on a dollar property, land, houses, businesses, farms, and they purchased them from the people who were indebted.

Sid:  Why is it when we get raises we seem to be spending everything that’s in our raise in just a short while yet we got a long just fine spending what we had and living just fine before that raise.  What would happen if someone was to bank, or invest their raise rather than squander it.

Craig:  Well, that’s exactly right and we live unfortunately in a culture of debt where everybody around us is doing that.  And I suddenly realized back in the 30’s the meek did inherit the land, and the indebted or non-meek lost it.  And I saw a principal; whenever economics and political shaking comes to a nation there will be a transfer of wealth, and scripture tells us there will be.  And but that transfer will go from the indebted to the meek and I think the reason the Spirit of God has been telling us probably in the body of Messiah for over ten years get out of debt is because we need to be the meek so that when the shaking comes we’re the people that are in a position to be able to help others.  To be able to purchase things that indebted people are losing possession of.  We need to not be the people that are ourselves are in trouble and losing possession of those things.

Sid:  Would you speculate, a sanctified speculation, as to when the shaking might come.

Craig:  I think it’s already started, we just read the newspapers and we see all kinds of problems with mortgages, all kinds of problems with banks and people that have incredible amounts of debt that they can’t pay and it’s already starting to unravel.  We’re already starting to see the housing market decline in many cities in the United States and I think we’ll see a lot more of it in 2008 and probably 2009.  So I think now would be a great time for people really to take some serious steps at eliminating debt in their own lives.

Sid:  You have a saying and I love it; most people say “They’re working to make a living,” but they should be saying “Their working to make a giving.”  Comment on that.

Craig:  Well, I think that’s a paradigm shift where we need to first of all understand; what is my purpose on the earth? Because really when you look at finances coming to a person, finances are provision and there are two words, two parts to that word.  Pro and vision; pro means for and vision; so pro-vision comes to me for the vision.  So if I don’t have a vision, the Bible also says I will perish, but if I don’t have a vision why do I need pro-vision?  So if my vision is to fund the kingdom, my vision is to be an obedient steward to what God is wanting to do on the earth then that changes everything for me.  Instead of me working for money, I’m working to accomplish kingdom purpose. So now my purpose in spending time and energy is not just to make a living. Because I have in my heart a revelation that that comes to me supernaturally by God because I’m His son or I’m like one of the birds how we talked about sparrow faith, having at least as much faith as the birds.  So now my purpose in generating income is so that I can give into the Kingdom of God; so that I can invest and accomplish Kingdom purpose not just accomplish or accumulate something for myself.

Sid:  Help me out; I don’t want to be judgmental because the Bible talks about not being judgmental but as I said to you before I went on the air I’m really troubled that the same people are on all the different Christian telethons using the same methods to raise money and it seems as though the middle word of everything that’s being done is greed.  What am I going to get out it even though it’s not said that’s the implication.

Craig:  I think what actually happens if the truth were known the way that you sell anything is identify a need and then propose a solution to meet the need.  So if you tap into the huge need that people have in the United States, Christians and many people that need is “I don’t have enough money, I’m strapped, I’m in trouble financially.  I have a lot of debt and then if you propose the solution “We’re going to use God and His principals to fix that.”  Then what’s really end up doing is again making God a means to an end.  We’re going to use God to fix your problem. I think really the paradigm shift that needs to occur is “I’m not here to use God to do anything.”  This whole show on planet earth is His; I’m here to serve Him for Him to use me; not for me to use Him to accomplish my goals; but for Him to use me to accomplish His goals.  And I think when that paradigm shift occurs that’s life changing for people.  So when we hear those kind of things coming out of the television I think really bottom line it’s a marketing strategy that’s probably developed and works pretty well if you can tap into that need.  But I think as you said, “We’re not to judge what others are doing what we need to do is just make sure in our own hearts that our purpose is not to use God to accomplish our purpose but that our goal is to find out His purpose for our life and make ourselves available to Him to accomplish His vision.”  And I found that pro-vision follows vision.

Sid:  Craig, why did you want me to make available to our listeners your book “Wealth, Riches and Money,” subtitled “God’s Biblical Principals to Finance,” and your CD “Sparrow Faith.”

Craig:  I think Sid what people will gain from that is an understanding of finding what God’s vision for them is and actually making that paradyne shift from instead of trying to use God to accomplish my goals, finding out what His purpose is for me.  And as I plug into the vision God has for me pro-vision is a natural byproduct for that and that eliminates so much stress, fear, worry that people have over finances.

Sid:  And Craig there’s so many testimonies of people whose lives have been changed by getting a hold of this teaching, but the thing that I love is part of the teaching is relying on the supernatural, not just formulas, but the supernatural. It seems as though God has supernaturally given an explosion of wisdom to people when they sit under your seminars or read your books.

Craig:  I think that what you said is true that God never intended for us to live as natural people, He always intended for us to live as supernatural.

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