Sid:  This is the wrap up, and we’re getting ready to see what Jesus prophesied, we’re going to see everyone become normal that wants to.  What is normal?  Doing the same works that Jesus did and even greater.  Why is that normal?  It’s in the Bible, that’s why it’s normal. You have based your entire life believing that Jesus died for your sins, and believing that you are the righteousness of God, and believing when you die you are going to go to heaven.  Now if you can believe that the same book that old you that tells you “Those who believe will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.”  My guest Pastor Shane Warren, pastor of the First Assembly of God in West Monroe, Louisiana, had a revelation; he was caught up into the Heavenlies and he’s been commissioned to teach this so that you can live literally in the throne zone, live in the secret place 24-7 and tell you the truth it doesn’t matter what happens in the world; it doesn’t matter what happens to the economic system; it doesn’t matter what happens to any system if you can live in that secret place of God and he says you can 24-7 as you get the revelation he received from the Lord.  What is worship, and what kind of worship is God looking for Shane?

Shane:  Well, I think the best way to define what worship is to say what it’s not.  In my book I teach that when Jesus sat down with the woman at the well whose life was in a mess and she needed a touch, He gave her the most profound revelation on worship in that setting.  And He discusses with her some of the issues that all of us deal with when it comes to worship.  First of all she says to Him, “You Jews worship in this mountain and we Samaritans worship in this mountain,”  they worshipped in mount Gerazim at another temple and they said, “But where’s the place where men ought to worship?”  And here’s the first fallacy when it comes to worship is not a place, any time you relegate this is what the Lord showed me, any time you relegate worship to a place it becomes idolatry.”  Some of the greatest sins of idolatry are being committed on Sundays and Wednesdays, or whenever churches meet across the country because the only time people ever worship God is when they to that place, they have relegated their worship to a place.  Worship has nothing to do with a place it has everything to do with a person of Jesus and giving Him the praise that He desires.  But when we make it about a place we make it idolatry and we might as well erect a false god when we don’t worship Jesus any other time but the time that we go to church.  And that’s something that really burdens my heart, and that was one of the things that Jesus taught this woman at the well is that worship isn’t about a place at all, it’s not about whether you’re in Jerusalem and it’s not about whether you know in Samaria, you can worship God anywhere that you are.  Some of the most glorious experiences some of the most beautiful spiritual experiences I’ve ever had have happened to me when I wasn’t at church.  When I was alone with God and all of sudden God caught me up and I was shown things that I had never seen before and so it’s very important that we don’t relegate worship to a place.  Another thing that He said to her is you know she said she thought it was about a place and then she said, “You Samaritans worship like this and you Jews worship like this.”  And basically what she was saying is there is a certain style to worship, worship has nothing to do with a place, and worship has nothing to do with a style.  It doesn’t matter if you, I’ve been in the far areas of Africa Sid where they worship God on pots and pans, but the glory of God; in fact I was in Lagos, Nigeria preaching a crusade and they started worshipping God.  And basically it was just on drums and as they started worshipping God all of a sudden demon spirits began to manifest in people and I’m talking about 40 and 50 at a time in groups were falling in the floor manifesting demon spirits as the presence of God invaded the place.  And the people were dramatically set free, and it had nothing to do with the style.  So it’s not whether you do it contemporary, whether you do it old school, worship is about the heart that’s what it is; it’s not about the song you bring, it’s about the heart that you bring.  It’s not about the song you sing it’s about the heart that you bring; worship is about a heart. Sid Roth 2010

Sid:  I don’t understand why every Christian in the world would not spend their entire life worshipping God because they’re so grateful for what He’s done for us.

Shane:  Absolutely it ought to be, worship ought to be the most natural reflex to the believer and I want to say that again; it ought to be the most natural reflex to the believer.  When something goes on in our life bad or good, the natural reflex for us should be worship. The reason it’s not Sid is because we have relegated worship to an act.  And it’s not about a state of being.  We have made worship an action, it’s something we do, but it’s not who we are and when a person learns how to be a worshipper, not just come and worship.  You know in Psalms 50 there’s a statement that God made he said, “I’m not going to rebuke you for your sacrifices you’re bringing but I want to tell you (and I’m summing up here I’m paraphrasing) He said “If I were hungry I wouldn’t tell you, the silvers mine, the gold is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills are mine.”  Here’s what God said, “If I wanted to steak I wouldn’t tell you, I don’t need you to give me a steak.”  Because what they were doing is they were brining the sacrifices of worship, but they weren’t heart with the sacrifice.  God is not interested in us just lifting our hands or clapping our hands or singing a song or dancing even though all of that is pleasing to Him, but it’s only pleasing to Him if there is the Spirit behind it because the main thing that Jesus told that women is “That they that worship God must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth”  There has to be the spiritual essence of it for it to be true worship, it’s not an act, it’s not something we do it’s who we are as a spiritual being.  It’s spirit connecting with Spirit.  It is the building of an altar in our life to God, so I’ve learned how to worship Him 24 hours a day 7 days a week and stay in the holy presence of God. Articles Sid Roth

Sid:  What worship pleases God? I mean you said “From the heart.”  But how can I be a God pleaser, you know it’s good to be in his presence 24-7, how can I be a worshipper of God 24-7?

Shane:  Well, I think first of all is to get a concept of how much God loves each and every one of us.  You know in the book of Daniel the Bible talks about I believe it’s Daniel 7 the scripture talks about some angels coming and bringing the son unto the Father the ancient of days and it says these angels and it says “They brought Him near in Daniel 7 and it says “And they brought Him near.”  And I believe that this is the resurrection and they’re bringing Jesus near to the Father in heaven.  So if we read that correctly then Daniel 7 says, “That Jesus had an angelic escort into the throne room.”  But when you go to the book of Hebrews, when Jesus got to the throne room and He put his blood on the mercy seat, now believers don’t have an angelic escort into the throne room, now we have a blood escort.  The Bible says “We can draw near by the blood.”  And we can come boldly to the throne room by the blood because we’ve been washed in the blood of Jesus.  And as believers we have access to the throne.  But here’s the thing it says in Hebrews there, it says that you have access…  It says that we have access to the holiest of all. Well in heaven there’s angels in the throne room, it will we could do is as a believer is worship God and get into the throne room, then we would be no different than the angels.  But because we’re believer and because of the blood of Jesus Christ we have a more wonderful access there, we have access to go to the holiest place in the entire universe when we worship.  Well, what is the holiest place in the universe?  John chapter 1 the Bible says that “Jesus dwelt in the bosom of the Father, the lap of God, the lap of Abba.”  Do you realize Sid that a believer you and I as children of God because of the blood of Jesus can any moment any time, any place, in any style make our way into the throne room of God and there will be the angels worshipping, and we can go even deeper than the angels.  We have an invitation to sit in the very lap, the bosom of Abba Father; this is what the Apostle Paul meant when he said, “That we are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus; or in Christ Jesus” because of that we have a special position in the throne itself to come and obtain grace in time of need.

Sid:  Are you feeling the presence of God that I’m feeling?  Are you getting witness by the Spirit that this a realm that God wants you to have access to?

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