Sid:  My guest is red hot for the Messiah. She’s been red hot for the Messiah every since she heard the audible voice of God call her by name three times and God said to you “Barbie Breathitt…”

Barbie:  He said that “If I would only believe that the same anointing that flowed through the apostles of old would flow through me and I believe that wasn’t just for me.”  Sid, I believe that was for everyone whose heart would believe what the word of God says. And they would say, “Lord hear am I I’m a candidate let the anointing flow through me that flowed through the apostles of old.”

Sid:  Barbie you’ve had visitations from angels, and one of the things that I believe most people are not familiar with is you can have a visitation from an angel in a dream. Most people think in terms of an angel walking up to them you know in their natural environment and don’t think in the terms of angel visitation in dreams, but it is Biblical.

Barbie:  Very Biblical and happens very often.  A lot of times when I’m interpreting people’s dreams I will tell them that was an angel that came into your dream.  Because a lot of times they’ll remember somebody walking along side of them, but they don’t remember the facial features. That’s a lot of times how angels will appear in the dream, not in all of their heavenly glory, but they’ll come as dressed as a man or dressed as a woman in the dream.

Sid:  Tell me about the angelic visitation you had in my favorite country Israel.

Barbie:  Israel is our favorite, we go, we just took a tour group called “Returning to Your First Love” to Israel and we’re going back next year in February as well.  But when we were there we were staying at David’s Citadel Hotel; into my dream,

Sid:  Well, you stay at nice places, I’ve been there.

Barbie:  We tried to do top of the line tours for the people, you know it’s a wonderful experience to go to the Holy Land and everyone should go at least once, but when you go your life is changed.  And every time I’ve gone to the Holy Land I have had angelic visitations and encounters.

Sid:  Well, I’m beginning to think I might have had some that I didn’t know about because I just wasn’t alert to angels coming in dreams even though it’s Biblical.

Barbie:  Hmm, hmm.  They came to Joseph that way, they came to Mary that way. So angels appear in dreams and in Solomon’s dream they came to him in a dream.

Sid:  So tell me about this dream when these angels came to you and our favorite country.

Barbie:  I had been asking the Lord for the healing anointing and that was one of the things I wanted Him to give me when I went to Israel because Israel’s the largest portal, most angelic activity in the world is there in Israel.  So in my dream this beautiful blond very handsome person was in my dream and the Lord said, “I want you to go, I want to introduce you.”  So I walked up to the person and He said, “Read his name tag.”  And he was dressed as if he was operating in the hotel industry as one of the waiters and he had a name tag on and the name tag said, “Raphael.”  And with him were two other angels, and those two were there to support him, but this is the healing angel and I’m answering your prayers through a visitation of you being introduced to Raphael and he’s going to begin to move in your ministry from this time forward.  You will see the increase and the healing anointing that I’ve had that you have asked me for.  And it’s been true Sid, we’ve had outstanding supernatural signs and wonders.

Sid:  I love specific examples tell me one.

Barbie:  Let’s talk about a lady in a wheelchair because people that’s just off the charts if God will heal someone in a wheelchair.  This woman had her hips crushed, diabetes, emotional trauma and pain in her life as well.  She came to a Supernatural Conference at Bobby Connors that Erin Evans and I were doing in Saginaw, Michigan. In her heart she said, “If these healing testimonies that Barbie is saying are true have, her command me to come out of my wheelchair.”

Sid:  That’s some fleece!  But go ahead.

Barbie:  That was it, that was what her heart desire was, “Okay God, if this is real heal me out of this wheelchair and have Barbie tell me.”  So I’m going down the line with words of knowledge and I came to the wheelchair and the Lord said, “I want you to command her to get out of that wheelchair.”  And so I said, “I command you to in the name of Jesus to be healed and come out of that wheelchair.”  And I reached down and grabbed her hand she started saying, ”No, no, no,” and I said, “No, don’t tell me no the Lord wants to heal you,” she said, “No, wait a minute, I have to lock down the wheels.” Because I had already started to grab her to pull her out of the wheelchair, but her wheelchair was rolling forward.  So her “no, no, no” wasn’t a refusal it was “let me lock this wheelchair down so my chair doesn’t follow you as you pull me out of the chair.” Sid she stood and the doctors had told her she would never be able to stand because her hips would never hold her weight.  But the Lord said, “I want to heal her diabetes and I want to heal the emotional problems as well.”  So I held her in my arms and began to prophesy the complete healing.  She came to church that Sunday after the conference no cane, no walker, no wheelchair, she was totally healed by God. That’s what God wants to do is release His supernatural healing power.  And a lot of times angels come to minister with us to bring an increase in the level of anointing, they will take the level of gifting that we have, the level of faith, the level of belief that we have, but then they bring the Kingdom of heaven to earth and they connect heaven and earth.  And that’s what God says, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;” so the angelic realm brings that to earth and so there’s greater signs, wonders and miracles that are being performed.

Sid:  Okay that’s the fruit of their visitation, but out of curiosity do you see them, do you feel them, do you sense them, how do you know that the angels are there?

Barbie:  Sometimes the Lord will open my eyes to see them, he did that when I was in Dallas doing a conference there, there were angels lined up along the wall and they had a banner across their chest, they had the seven colors of the rainbow rotating through the sash that they were wearing.  And they gave me a word of knowledge that was for chronic pain in people to come that the Lord was going to heal them.  And the angels rushed off the back wall and created such a wind at the altar area that I was blown up onto one foot and had to struggle to keep my balance because heaven wants to move into the realm when people exercise faith, when they will release the prophetic gifts with words of knowledge, when they’ll flow in the ministry gifts of healing and the gift of faith.  Angels are so excited because they have waited for this to time to come. There was another lady healed of three disks in her back, got out of wheelchair danced with a friend of mine and so God moved with chronic pain, people with back conditions, arthritis, and they were healed because the angelic realm was also there.

Sid:  Barbie paint me a picture because you’re a prophetess of what God is showing you will happen next in the United States or even the world; you were telling me about the healing revival.

Barbie:  I believe that the healing revival has already started, Rick Joyner, the Lord told him that if he would honor the fathers that he would send revival and there’s a revival going on in Lakeland, Florida with Todd Bentley.  I believe this is the beginnings of that.  When the Lord had translated me to heaven years ago He caught me up in a vision and showed me stadiums that were going to be filled with believers and nonbelievers for the dead were going to be raised. He showed me the glory cloud of God that would rest above the top of stadium.  And there was a person on a microphone that would say, “Step into the anointing now because He is moving to bring healing for cancer,” and the glory cloud of God would come from the top of the stadium and it would move across the whole audience in that stadium and it would rest at the top of the other side.  And everyone that was in that glory cloud was completely healed and I believe that what’s been released now is the beginnings of that last days end time healing revival where those who go, those who say I will believe, Lord here am I send me, that we will be carriers.  And it’s not just for inside the church, it is for outside the church, it’s for those that don’t believe.

Sid:  Listen, I’m an evangelist and I am looking forward to the day were we don’t do this deal where we say let’s bring this unsaved person into our four walls so that the paid professional can lead them to the Lord.  That is so far removed from the truth book the Bible.

Barbie:  That is so true and God wants everyone moving in it, I went to Lowe’s hardware store, there was a little lady complaining there of severe pain in her back and that she was going to have surgery the next day.  I said, “You don’t need to have surgery I said, God has given me a healing gift let me pray for you.”  When I did, five minutes before she was cussing and carrying on then when I’m praying for her tears come upon her, the Holy Spirit touches her from the top of her head to the tip of her toes removes the pain, heals the bulging disc in her back, right there in a Lowe’s department store.  So God’s calling is not just to stay within the four walls, but He wants us to go to Reissuance fairs, he wants us to go to New Age fairs, out into the market place and the businesses and take the gifts of the Spirit there.

Sid:    I know a lot of people who have Wal-Mart ministries, they just walk around that store looking for people that are walking on crutches or in wheelchairs, or obviously physical problems and pray for them right on the spot.

Barbie:  And they are finding I’m sure that God is meeting them right there because they’re putting a demand on the Spirit.

Sid:  I think there’s a stronger anointing for people to be healed outside the church at this moment than even in the church.

Barbie:  Yes, absolutely because they don’t have the unbelief; they’re not steeped in tradition. They’re unbelievers sometimes that are being healed and they’re getting saved because of the goodness of the Lord.

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