Sid:  I want that full dwelling place for God, “What about you?”  I’m talking to Bobby Connor who moves in the most marvelous gifts of prophecy.  And Bobby, you said that God is in processes now of restoring mantles of people like A.A. Allen, and William Branham, and Coe, and Kathryn Kuhlman and many others.  Tell me what the Lord is showing you.

Bobby:  Sid, the Lord showed me that He’s going to restore these mantles, but then He showed me something so exciting and it so stirred my heart.  He said “I’m going to restore them not to where they were when they departed, but where they should have been had there been no delay.”  And then He asked me a question, He said, “Do you know why I’m going to do that?”  So instantly I knew I didn’t, and so He said, “Because the hour is so crucial and we’re so needy, so we desperate need this double grace that God wants to offer us.”

Sid:  I feel like if I asked you to push your gift that God has some prophecies for people that are praying to God right now to hear from him.

Bobby:  Yeah, I really do; one of the things I want to do right now Sid is want to prophecy over the business sector.  The Lord has great favor right now on people that have businesses that intend to establish the kingdom of God.  God says I’m going to bring favor that will open doors it’ll be much like what rested on Esther.  Remember when Esther came in before the king and he tipped his scepter and said, “I’ll give you up to half of my kingdom.”  There is some kind of a real favor now for businesses that intend to see the kingdom of God established.  And so doors that prior to this time have not opened, now they’re going to open.  For you didn’t have favor, now you are going to have favor, so I want to encourage the business sector, this is a time of turnaround.  I know people are talking about the economy looks gloomy, this looks bad, but not for the kingdom of God, Deuteronomy 8:18 is still in the Word of God.  It said “That is God that gives you power to get wealth that He may establish His covenants.”  And so I believe that we really release a time of great financial prosperity over the businesses that intend to see the Kingdom of God established.

Sid:  Do that right now.

Bobby:  Yes Lord, I want to thank You, I thank You that you named Yourself El Shaddai the God that’s able to do for us what we’re incapable of doing for ourself.  God I want to thank you that You’re more than enough and I release right now through a prophetic declaration that you will prosper all of those that have it in their heart to see Your Kingdom advance.  And Lord I thank You that You’re going to put such an anointing upon the people of God, it’ll be as the glory of God that rested upon Solomon when the Queen of Sheba said, “I heard about it, but now I’ve seen it and it’s bigger and better than I was ever told.”  So Lord we thank You for that, thank You for that kind of favor upon the people of God.  Lord I want to thank You that make a way where it seems like there’s no way and Lord, I thank You that You said, “When we come through the water and through the flood that You’ll bring us into a wealthy place, a place of Your provision.”  So we bless You God, thank you for hungry desperate hearts, we look to You, You’re more than enough.”  I tell you one of my favorite verses right now Sid is Naham 1:7,  “The Lord is good, and is a very present help in the time of trouble and He know those that are trusting Him.”  Another thing I’d like to really say right now is “I believe there’s a guy name Thomas.”  And Thomas I believe you’re in the Pittsburgh area. I want to tell you something, God is going to put all the missing pieces together for you, and I don’t know what all’s been rearranged in your life but it seems like you got a lot of loose ends and you’ve been trying to put all this together and nothing’s coming together for you.  But I believe God is going to reach out His hand and touch your situation and put this thing together for His glory.  Remember when it says, “All the king’s horses and all the kings men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again?”  But I tell you the King’s men can’t, if I’m expecting God to be very very gracious to you and restore some things.

Sid:  Bobby, in your ministry do you see many people physical healed?

Bobby:  Yes, thank the Lord we really do, we see that’s one of the gifts that God has us to operate in is the gift of healing and I’m telling you we’re in a time great displays of healing right now.

Sid:  Can you tell me one particular healing that comes to mind?

Bobby:  People ask me that, they go “What do you think is one of the greatest miracles you’ve seen?”  The one that stirred me more than anything Sid was down in Mexico City, we were in the civic center. I think that there was just thousands of people, some people estimated 70,000 people, I don’t know how many were in there, just a sea of people.  But any way in that service a man brings a little baby girl, I suspect the baby girl was maybe a year and a half old, couldn’t speak English, I sure couldn’t speak Spanish and she was beautiful and she turned and she was in her father’s arms and one side of her face didn’t grow, it didn’t have any skin there, you could see the inside of her mouth, her cheek didn’t develop.  You could see her tongue, there was spittle that drooled out the side of her mouth.  And my heart just sank when I saw this and the dad was praying with his eyes, he was pleading for help.  And so the next thing I said, “Lord what would you do?”  And the next thing happened, I see the little girl, she’s no longer a two year old little girl in her daddy’s arms, she looks like she’s maybe five or six now, but she’s old enough to know that she’s deformed and she’s in a corner in her room.  And then the next time I see her in a trance, she looks like she’s maybe eight to ten and she’s very withdrawn, then I see her when she looks like she’s thirteen or fourteen and she steps out in front of a bus and takes her life.  I said, “Oh God and then the next thing I know I’m back in the civic center and there the little girl is and He says, “Stick your thumb in her face.”   So I took my thumb and I stuck it in the hole where her face didn’t develop and I ran my thumb across her face and Sid God grew that little baby a face right there.  Skin grew right where my thumb ran and then the Lord asked me said, “Do you know why I heal this baby?”  I said, “No, I don’t, He said, “Because I’m a good God.”

Sid:  Well, there are people that desperately want to be healed right now that are listening to us and they are saying “I want my good God to do this for me too.”  Would you pray for them, and maybe even kick into the prophetic as you’re praying.

Bobby:  Yes, we sure will.  “Lord Jesus I want to thank You that You want everyone well, You said “Don’t forget all Your benefits, You forgive all Your iniquities and You heal all of our diseases.”  Lord you said in your word, “Is anything too difficult for Me?”  Lord there’s nothing too hard for You, I want to thank You that You raise up the paralytic, You healed those that are crippled and blind.  Lord what You did then You do now and we thank You Jesus because You’re the same yesterday, today and forever. We’re calling out to You today and Lord I pray for people that have kind of a crippling disease, I rebuke crippling in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Lord and we just release healing now, we command people to bet up out of wheelchairs, I bind arthritis, and all things that come to crippled people. Lord I’m asking You to raise up the paraplegic Lord, those that have broken necks, Lord those that have been diagnosed, “You’ll never get out of this wheelchair,” Lord send Your word, raise them up, give them strength now, may their feet, their ankle bones receive strength, they’re not as far gone as the guy out of the book of Acts.  He as forty years old, never taken a step from his mother’s womb and you came and great miracles happened.  So Lord we’re asking You to do that today, Lord touch the people, I pray for blind eyes, to open, Lord I pray for a girl named Linda.  I command blindness to go off of you.  I command your eyes to function, I rebuke every disease off of your eyes and we command your eyes to see clearly now.  Lord I ask for Linda that she would see clearly right now.  I bind up blinding spirit, I bind a deaf and dumb spirit off of people, Lord open their ears, open their mouth that they might speak boldly your Word, have Your way King Jesus.  Let Your Kingdom come swiftly to this earth, Lord I pray that You would receive the glory due Your name, I pray that You receive all that You paid for Jesus.  Touch the people now, Lord we thank You that You can do anything, nothing is too hard for you.  I pray for arms to grow out, for legs to grow out, for creative body parts to happen Lord.  I ask for this now, I’m asking You to restore, Lord I hold You to Your promise in Joel 25, You said, “I will restore, so Lord restore back everything that the enemy has tried to steal now in Jesus mighty name.”

Sid:  What about Israel, has God shown you anything about Israel?

Bobby:  Well, I’ll tell you what, I went to Israel to do a prophetic conference last year, a year ago, and an angel came back with me.  Came back it was the strangest thing, listen God’s got great plans for Israel and I’ll tell you what He’s doing right now, I believe He’s stirring up the Body of Christ to get us to the place that were supposed to be so we can actually provoke Israel to Godly jealousy.  But I’m telling you that there’s a marvelous move of God.  There’s a hunger in these Israeli people for the prophetic. I’ll tell you about what happened to me in the airport.  I’m there in Israel and we’d just done a prophetic conference and we’re about to fly out.  I’m probably seventy people in a line and the Holy Spirit said, “Prepare yourself.”  And about an Israeli officer came walking down the line of people and came to me and said, “Could I see your papers?”  I gave him my papers and he said, “Come go with me”  We go all the way up to the front of the line, there’s some more maybe five or six other military people, they said, “Come go with us.”  We go down a hall into a room and in that room there’s maybe seven others so there’s maybe twelve Israeli military people in there and there’s what I think is a supervisor standing over against the corner, he’s about almost 6’5” and very handsome looking fellow so I thought to myself, he must be supervising these people.  So I go over there and they’re interviewing me, the first question to me was this, these are military people in Israel inside the airport.  They said, “So, you’re a prophet?”  That’s what they said to me, and I said, “I’ve never identified myself to you guys as that. They turned the computer monitor around there was my picture and it had in red letters prophet and the next question was this, so God talks to you?  And I said, “Yes, He does.”  They said, “Why haven’t you told our rabbis” I said “because they’re not ready to listen yet.”  And then they asked me, for about an hour and forty minutes questions concerning end times, questions concerning what the Bible has to say about different things and then finally at the end of this time, I though man I’m going to miss my plane, that’s what I thought and they man who I thought was their supervisor walked away from the wall, walked over to me and said, with a very confident smile, “Job well done,” talking to me.  And when he said that the guys folded up my papers, gave them to me and said, “Come on will get you on the plane.”  And I thought boy now, that is something and so then I flew all the way back and I don’t fly into Charlotte I fly into Toronto and did a meeting in Toronto and then I stayed over with my wife and I to Hamilton Ontario to do a meeting.  And so after the meeting on Sunday they drive me to a place to eat and so help me when they were paying the bill at this place to eat, and I look over there in the corner and there was the same man that I’d seen in the Israeli airport.  So I get in the van, and I thought man, that’s going on I know that’s the same person so my wife said “Bobby, what wrong?”  I said, “Pull the van back up, so they pull the van up and I get out of the van, walk into this Italian eating place that we just came out of, I walk right up to the man and he said to me when I walked up to him, and he said to me, “Do you know my name?”  And I said “No, I don’t.”  And he said it in Hebrew now I wish I could pronounce it, but he said it in a very thick Hebrew word, and then he said to me, “Do you know that that mean?  And I said, “No I don’t and he said, “Watcher.”  That’s what he said, and then he disappeared.”

Sid:  Before your eyes he disappeared?

Bobby: Just like that!

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