
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here with Linda Josef, and we’re talking about the best miracles of the people I’ve interviewed in over 30 years of investigative reporting of miracles. And Linda, an example of just the most tenacious, pressing faith are the Raatzs. Tell me about it.

LINDA: That would have to be Dale Raatz. His wife had a devastating stroke, and the doctor said she’s gonna die. She’s not gonna make it. He did not believe it was God’s will for her to die. He began to press in, in faith for her healing and he just proclaiming healing scriptures. And the wife didn’t die, as the doctors projected, so they moved her to another long-term hospital. He continued to proclaim healing over her. He brought in tapes and praise music. He just didn’t give up.

SID: And he was doing it, you know, and that’s so important, 24 hours, seven days a week playing praise music. And he had to have supernatural favor because the hospital really didn’t want it. But God gave him favor.

LINDA: And also told him that faith works through love and not to despair with the doctors’ attitudes or the nurses, but to requite with love. And eventually, his wife woke up and came back to all of her faculties, and today she’s working in the ministry with him. And I think Dale would not have been able to persist like that if he didn’t believe the passage in Isaiah 53:5, which ends with saying that, “He has borne our grief and carried our sorrows, and by his stripes we are healed,” meaning that we are healed of our sins and our sicknesses, which are both works of the devil. You really see this coming together in communion, because communion draws our attention directly to the work that Jesus did on the cross, which to many people seems strange. Why should the Son of God have to die? But he died to take our pains and our guilt, and our sorrows that we could be healed.

SID: Well now you’re talking about Dr. John Miller and he had revelation on communion. You see, he recognized that from the Jewish perspective, and you got to recognize, you have to look at everything in the Bible through Jewish eyes, and he recognized that it was a Jewish Passover Seder that was the Last Supper. And I want you to partake with us right now. But what are some of the things you learned about communion from doing the research?

LINDA: One of the things Dr. Miller found was that in 2 Corinthians:11, Paul says that, “You have failed to discern the body, and for that reason many of you are sick and some have died prematurely.” And John, one of the few people to ever have this insight, that discerning the bodiment to understand what it is you’re taking when you take the bread, and so he would encourage people to take the bread of communion like a medicine, and when you chew the bread to meditate on the punishment that Jesus took on our behalf so that his beating was the punishment that I deserve for my sin. And as you enter into that mystery, healing comes.

SID: You know what’s so wonderful, Linda, is he also points out meditate on the lamb, because there wasn’t one feeble among them that when they went out from Egypt, not one feeble in millions of slaves with no doctors, no medicine, nothing but God. Let’s take a look at John talking about this with a race driver that had a problem with his vision.

JOHN: There’s always a physical and a spiritual significance and meaning to everything that God does. When they ate the brain of that lamb their brains were to be healed, but they were also to take on the mind of Christ. When they ate the eyes of that lamb they were not only to have their eyes healed but see things the way Jesus sees them. When they ate the heart of that lamb their heart was to be healed, but they were to take the heart of Christ, too. I have a friend that was a very famous race driver, drove Indy twice that wrecked on the Sacramento Mile, lost the peripheral vision of his right eye. Two o’clock in the morning in my living room, we broke the bread and he imaged that bread as that lamb, and when he ate the eye of that lamb his eye was instantly healed.

SID: How about you? Are you ready for your miracle? I know I’m ready. Linda, are you ready for your miracle? I mean, I am so ready. Are you ready for Jewish communion? It was a Passover Seder the Messiah took the matzo, he broke off a piece, and he said, “This represents my body, which was broken for you. And then he prayed a Hebrew prayer, which we know what that prayer is today, [chanting] [Hebrew]. You may eat. Then he held up the grape juice and he said, “This represents the blood, the blood of the New Covenant.” And Leviticus 17:11 says, “The life of the flesh is in the blood.” The life of Messiah is in His blood, which He shed for us. And Jeremiah 31:31 says, “A new covenant is coming,” and 31:34 says, “This covenant will accomplish two things. God will remember our sins no more and you will know Him.” Now imagine this represents the blood of Yeshua. Imagine the blood of Yeshua is running through your entire body, Linda. And I do this often. I do this daily. And we have a paper cup. Anyone can do this. You don’t have to go into a church service. And the early Jewish believers did this early. That’s why it’s so exciting. This was their form of Divine health. What’s better than a healing or a miracle, walking in Divine health? This is like taking medicine everyday, but see it as either a miracle or a progressive healing. He took the grape juice and he said [chanting] [Hebrew]. Linda, one nugget that you learned about communion from working on the research.

LINDA: That you can take it like a medicine and that your meditation should be directed by the Holy Spirit, that every time you take it will be different. Let the Holy Spirit direct you in a meditation.

SID: So it shouldn’t be religious ritual. I’m doing it because I have to do it. That’s called religion. “Religion stinketh,” quoting King James, that is. But it becomes the most vital. It becomes the highlight of your day. And you wrote a quote that I had about the difference between a miracle and a healing. Explain that quickly.

LINDA: Well it was a quote from your Introduction, and it said that, “A healing is a gradual, progressive process. A miracle is a sudden all at once thing.” And your line that I really like is, “Don’t miss your healing because you’re waiting for a miracle.”

SID: I’d like that line to end with also, “Don’t miss your healing because you’re waiting for a miracle. You have begun your healing right now. Rejoice and thank God for it in Yeshua’s name.”

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Posted in: Sid Roth.
Last Modified: December 28, 2009